He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 35: Extraction of the origin of the world, the first time the answer failed!

Chapter 35: Extraction of the origin of the world, the first time the answer failed!

Ultra Universe…

Blue Star, inside the luxury hotel…

After Annan started the meeting, he continued to play the handheld game "Cry of the Kingdom" that he had not yet finished, and was about to complete the mission of the four sages.

He also took the time to take a look at the situation in the group and felt that the situation was getting interesting.

Pain, and the Akatsuki organization?


This question-answering gold medal has been languishing in the world of pirates for more than ten days. Marco answered the questions correctly in seconds and was beaten into a shadow.

So you decided to go to Naruto World?

Speaking of Naruto World.

There is actually a group member from the Naruto world in the group.

It's a pity that it never bubbled up.

Annan glanced at the group member list and found "Do you want to dance too?" It was Uchiha Madara.

His avatar has turned into black and white.

Annan was a little surprised and went offline! ?
The Ten Thousand Realms chat group is not an ordinary chat group. As long as it is alive, it will always be online.

There is only one possibility for it to become a gray offline state.

"Is it already dead?"

"Forget it, let's continue playing my game."


naruto world...

Seeing the question on the gold medal list, Hei Jue's pupils trembled instantly,

Xiao organization! ?

Is this name a coincidence?

Not long ago, Obito sent back a message saying that he had arrived at the Hidden Rain Village and met 'Nagato', the person chosen by Uchiha Madara.

In order to implement the Eye of the Moon plan, Madara Uchiha transplanted his Samsara Eye to the only orphan in the world who could withstand the power of the Samsara Eye when he was very young...

——Uzumaki Nagato!
In the news brought back by Obito, he informed that the three of Black Zetsu and Nagato had formed an organization called Akatsuki.

And he also has quite a reputation in the entire Yuyin Village.

And this time the question on the gold medal list turned out to be about the true name of the leader who established the Akatsuki organization.

Thinking of this, the eyes in Hei Jue's pupils flickered,

Is it a coincidence... or...

【Ding!All selected respondents can answer the question]

【Limited to 60 minutes】

[Those who answer incorrectly will be randomly selected to have something they own]

[If no one among the selected people answers the question correctly, then...extract a ray of luck from all the selected people]

After the handwriting appeared, Hei Jue felt a little surprised that he could input answers and submit questions with just a thought.

I have been selected as the question answerer! ?
Just when Black Zetsu was stunned, in Konoha Village, there were also exclamations one after another.

"I've been chosen as the answerer!"

"Me, me too!"

"What kind of stupid question is this? Have you never heard of the Akatsuki organization or Pain? I used to be an ANBU employee, so I didn't collect this information."

"I don't know either. No, it must be reported to the Hokage immediately!"

Looking at the chaotic Konoha Village, Black Zetsu looked a little solemn.

I didn't expect so many people to be selected as answerers. I'm afraid the situation is similar in other villages.

Hei Jue felt vaguely uneasy...

No, I have to go to Yuyin Village in person.

Nagato is related to the plan he has prepared for thousands of years, and it is also related to his mother's recovery. He must be cautious and cautious!The next moment, Hei Jue's figure blended into the tree trunk and disappeared.


at the same time,

Yuyin Village, where the Akatsuki organization is located.

At this time, Yahiko is not dead yet, and Nagato does not have the power to awaken the Samsara Eye.

The current Akatsuki organization is still an organization that simply works for world peace.

Inside the Akatsuki organization base, the sunshine is warm.

And Yahiko, Nagato, and Xiaonan stood together and found out at the same time that they were selected as answerers by the gold list.

Faced with this sudden situation, the three of them looked at each other.

Yahiko looked serious and was the first to speak: "I heard from people in the major ninja villages that there is something wrong with the picture shown on the gold medal list. It does not belong to this world at all. It comes from outside the world."

"And the abilities they use do not fall within the boundaries of ninjutsu or blood succession."

Nagato nodded slightly: "Similar to the information I heard, I couldn't believe it at the time. There were other worlds outside this world."

"But there is an organization called 'Akatsuki' in other worlds, which is very close to us!"

"Indeed, and we have never heard of the name Payne. Our leader is Yahiko. Could it be that... Yahiko, you will change your name to 'Payne' in the future?" Xiaonan joked with a smile.

Yahiko shook his head: "How is that possible! Our Akatsuki organization is aboveboard, and it is impossible for me, Yahiko, to change my name and surname, so I cannot change my name to Payne!"

All three of them believed that the so-called 'Akatsuki Organization' was a force from another world, and it just happened to have the same name.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain that the three of them are weaklings, and together they may not even be able to beat a special jounin. How can He De become a gold medal answerer?


Then, time passed by minute by minute.

The question on the golden answer list hanging high in the air still exists, and no one can answer it.

Seeing this situation, many people in various worlds frowned and felt very confused.

It's been almost half an hour, why hasn't anyone answered the question correctly?

You know, for the two questions last time, someone answered them correctly within a minute or two.

In the Wanjie chat group...

[Apprentice Shinigami]: So, Phoenix, have you found the answer?

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻Only the devil knows this question!! I have already gone through all my world history videos, and also checked the ones I compiled myself The notes contain no words about the Akatsuki Organization and Payne!

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Damn it!Could it be that this gold list deliberately found a little-known person from a small organization established in a nook and corner?

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: It’s over, the time is coming!If we fail to answer the question correctly, our luck will be taken away!

[Light of All Things]: Don’t worry, this is not a question about your world. It’s normal not to know the answer.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: (O_O)
No...isn't it a problem in the world you live in?

After learning the news, Marco was relieved.

But in contrast, other members of the group watching the show immediately became panicked.

[The richest man in the world]:! ! ?Damn it, isn’t it a problem in the birdman world?This question answering gold list does not follow the routine!Damn it, this problem can’t be from my world, right?I haven’t purchased the history of our world yet!

[Apprentice Death]: It’s over!I didn’t buy it either!I’ve been compiling historical videos of the Phoenix world for a while now, but it’s too late!

【Big bones boiled into soup】: Oh...oh, there is no gold medal list for answering questions in Minecraft, so that's okay.

[The richest man in the world]:...Climb for me! ! !
Soon, the countdown reached zero.

In an instant, the golden answer list was filled with golden light, and the question writing also disappeared.

[No selected person answered the question correctly]

[A ray of luck will be drawn from all the selected ones]



(End of this chapter)

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