He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 36 The world of Naruto is like facing a formidable enemy, Madara Uchiha in the underworld!

Chapter 36 The world of Naruto is like facing a formidable enemy, Madara Uchiha in the underworld!

In the Wanjie chat group…

[The richest man in the world]: Hey, no one really answered the question correctly. The origin of that world is about to be stolen. After looking at the major news in our world, there is no report that someone was selected as the answerer. Fortunately, it is not where I am. world.

[Apprentice Death]: It’s not my world either. I’ve asked people around me, but no one has been chosen.

[Apprentice Death]: According to what the great group leader said before, only people from 'this world' can answer the questions of 'this world'.

[Apprentice Shinigami]: Just like the previous question-answering list, the origin of the world to be stolen is the pirate world where 'Birdman' is located, so only people from the 'Birdman World' will be selected as answerers. The question-answering list cannot cross worlds. Choose people from other worlds as answerers.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Indeed, the group leader also said that the answer gold list cannot select answerers from across the world.

[Ghost Slaying Expert]: I also asked people around me, but no one was selected as the answerer, nor was it from our world.

[I can’t fly]: It’s not the world I’m in either.

[The richest man in the world]: Look at it this way... there is no golden list for answering questions when a small broken ball and a big bone make soup. In other words, this is not the world of someone in our group, and we are all fine!


[No selected person answered the question correctly...]

[A ray of luck will be drawn from all the selected ones...]

Naruto World.

After the handwriting on the gold list for answering the questions appeared, Hei Zetsu, who was rushing to Kirigakure Village, suddenly stopped.

On his forehead, a white ball of light the size of a fist suddenly appeared and stopped in front of him.

And it's not just him...

Soon, waves of exclamations came from the villages near Hei Jue.

The same white ball of light that appeared on Hei Jue's body emerged from his body and floated in the air.

At this moment, if you look down from the sky, the whole world seems to be filled with this white ball of light, and white light is shining everywhere.

And these white balls of light are what the Q&A Gold List calls the 'luck' extracted from people!
If someone does statistics.

You will find that everyone in the entire Naruto world has been selected as a question answerer!
The next moment, these light balls turned into thousands of streams of light and flew towards the gold medal list in the sky.

Submerged in it, greedily absorbed by it.

The moment the light ball left, Hei Jue felt lost and subconsciously reached out his hand.

It feels like something important is leaving you, and you can't get it back.

Not long after, all the white light balls flew into the sky and merged into the gold medal list...

The light of the gold medal list became more dazzling, and the bright golden light continued to fill the air, covering the blue sky.

Suddenly, shrill cries came from the distant village, which made Hei Jue frown.

Then, his figure disappeared.

He saw many people lying on the ground in various corners and dilapidated houses in the village, losing their voices.

Reminiscent of the scene where the white ball of light left and was absorbed by the gold medal list.

Obviously, these people all died after losing this ball of light.

Hei Jue felt awe-inspiring in his heart. He had some speculations that his life would be in danger if he lost the ball of light! ?
As time goes by…

Continuous screams and cries resounded throughout the entire Naruto world.

This unusual and abnormal situation naturally attracted the attention of all major ninja villages.
Most of these people who died suddenly had one characteristic.

They all live at the bottom of the class, living an extremely unsatisfactory life without enough food and clothing.

At this time, the answer gold list, which had absorbed all the luck, became even brighter visible to the naked eye, as if it was showing off to the whole world.

Countless powerful people in the Hokage world looked at the gold medal list in the sky and felt cold all over.


Ultra Universe, Blue Star…

Annan glanced at the glowing answer list, which was a bit embarrassing.

No one can answer the question correctly this time, and many people should die in the world of Naruto.The so-called luck is something randomly distributed and given by the world after a human being is born into the world.

The more luck you carry, the stronger your luck will be, and the more loved you will be by the world, which is the so-called son of destiny.

But how can there be so many children of destiny in the world?
Most of us are busy beings.

There are also people who come to this world with only a ray of luck.

This kind of people are basically at the bottom of the world, and their lives will be extremely unsatisfactory and unsatisfactory.

Even if there is no catastrophic disaster, he is destined to be unable to rise in his life. He will either be in poverty or suffer from illness and mutilated limbs.

And after this kind of person is deprived of his only luck by the gold medal list, he no longer has the "brand of Naruto World".

They will become rootless people in this world, and they will die suddenly or within a day or two at the earliest.

In the Wanjie chat group...

Tony Stark, Marco and the others were still chatting, feeling a moment of silence for the world whose origins were extracted from the question-answering list.

chatting chatting...

Suddenly, an unexpected piece of news came out.

【Do you want to dance too? ]: Where is this?Illusion?No, I should be dead. Is this in the underworld?Why is there such a thing in my mind?
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]:! ! !

[The richest man in the world]:! ! ! !
[Ghost Slayer Expert]:! !
[Apprentice Death]:! ! ?

[Big bones boiled into soup]: Damn it?Newcomer! ! ?No, there is no group notification saying that a new person has joined the group!

[Little Broken Ball]: A newcomer who is newer than me?
[The richest man in the world]: Damn it, a new hammer! !What a miracle, @"Do you want to dance too?", you actually showed up! ?
[The richest man in the world]: This is not a new member. This is the fifth member to join the group. Unfortunately, he has never been a member of the group... Wait, why did your avatar change from an old man to a black and white old man?
All the members were shocked when they heard this.

The group avatar is the current state of the group members and will not change casually. Only when the big bones are boiled into soup and become a giant, there will be a brief change. How did this "Do you want to dance too?" change from color to color? black and white.

[Apprentice Death]: Black and white?We only have dead people with black and white avatars here, hiss... wait, didn't he just say that he is dead and in the underworld?
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]:! ! !

【Big bones made into soup】:!?(_;?
【Ghost Slaying Expert】:⊙﹏⊙|||
[The richest man in the world]: The dead...dead person is...chatting with us?But... this is a chat group from all realms, and it seems like... it's normal for dead people to chat with us.

[Apprentice Shinigami]: It's indeed normal. Is it strange that dead people can chat? Not all Shinigami are mostly dead people, and they can't mess around in the real world and Soul Society.

[Ghost-killing Expert]: Actually, I wanted to ask you a long time ago... Are you a dancer?

[Do you want to dance too?]: What on earth are you talking about!Wait, what a strange name!Could it be said that this is the underworld?Are you all dead like me? !

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: It cannot be changed, this is the name of the group.Moreover, we are not dead. This is the chat group of all worlds, not the underworld you mentioned. We are all beings from different worlds.

After spending more than ten minutes,
Uchiha Madara struggled to accept this fact, because he was indeed dead and his soul entered the underworld.

As for illusion?

Hum, when Uchiha Madara was playing genjutsu, the entire ninja world was still drinking milk. No one's genjutsu could break through the power of the reincarnation eye that he was proud of.

[The richest man in the world]: But the timing of your appearance is just right, so you can watch a good show with us.There is an unlucky world that was selected on the question answering gold list, and no one has answered the correct question correctly, and the origin of the world was stolen.

[Do you also want to dance?]: Question-answering list, what is this?
[The richest man in the world]: Doesn’t it exist in your world?Basically, he appears in the world of other members of our group. He is a bastard who wants to steal the origin of the world.

[Do you also want to dance?]: ...I don’t know the situation in the outside world. Before I died, I slept for about a year.

[Apprentice Death]: So that’s it, no wonder you’ve been diving.It just so happens that the second question on the golden list of answers is coming. Come to the group meeting and watch it with us. It just so happens that you can also take this opportunity to learn about the golden list of answers.

The world of Naruto, in the underworld...

Uchiha Madara, who was already dead, was in darkness, but his consciousness was still running clearly.

Now he cannot sense the situation in the outside world, but in his mind, there is a so-called chat group of all worlds.

Uchiha Madara entered the group meeting.

At this time, the second question was gradually appearing on the answer list.

[Second question: In the Fourth Ninja War, who were the five Kage who were defeated by Uchiha Madara? 】




(End of this chapter)

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