He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 37: The giant of light from across the world, Ultraman Zero, join in! !

Chapter 37: The giant of light from across the world, Ultraman Zero, join in! !
Naruto World...

Konoha Hidden Village…

Naruto Office...

"Hokage-sama, the casualties have been counted. The death toll is 1011 in total. Most of them are disabled, seriously ill, or civilians working as scavengers in the village."

"Where are the ninjas?"

"No Ninja casualties."

"That's good." Konoha's third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen breathed a sigh of relief and stood in front of the window looking at the gold medal list in the sky.

The sun is shining brightly and the golden sun is shining all over the place, but this gold medal list makes people feel chilled from the bottom of their hearts.

Being deprived of your luck by this gold medal list, you will actually die!
Although the dead people now are all moths and scum that have made no contribution to the village, but... if no one answers the question correctly next time and their luck is taken away, the consequences...

"Fortunately, only those at the bottom of society died, and none of the ninja combat power was lost..."


Suddenly, Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed to remember something and used the teleportation technique to leave.

next second...

He appeared in a dilapidated house, with an ANBU guard watching the door.

After opening the door and walking in, a room that could be described as bare walls appeared in front of him.

In the corner, a little kid with blond hair, about one year old, was hugging his legs, with his head buried between his knees.

Hearing the movement behind him, the child raised his head and his eyes were red: "Grandpa Third Generation, why? People in the village said it was me. They said it was me, the demon fox, who brought disaster and caused so many deaths in the village. Scavengers.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the child was okay.

A year ago, the demon fox wreaked havoc in the village, and both the Fourth Hokage and his wife died.

Their child, the little kid in front of them, became the new generation of Jinchuuriki who sealed the Nine-Tails.

Speaking of which, he is worthy of being the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki. He can speak fluently and walk and run at the age of one.

"Naruto, this is a misunderstanding everyone has about you. Don't take it to heart. You have to try to understand the villagers and the village. Do you remember what I told you about the will of fire?"

"Let's go, I'll take you to eat ramen."

Hearing these words, little Naruto's eyes suddenly lit up like gems: "Really? Today is not my birthday, can I still go and eat ramen?!"


Sarutobi Hiruzen walked out with little Naruto.


At this moment, the golden question answering list in the sky once again bloomed with visions.

Another person appeared on the gold list of answering questions.

[Second question: In the Fourth Ninja War, who were the five Kage who were defeated by Uchiha Madara? 】

Seeing this topic, Sarutobi Hiruzen was stunned for a moment. This time, it was actually a topic related to the taboo of Konoha Village, Uchiha Madara.

However, Uchiha Madara has been dead for decades...

and many more……

boom! !

His mind exploded, and he looked at the top answer list in disbelief.

The Fourth Ninja War! ?

The Third Ninja War has only just ended a few years ago, so why is this the Fourth Ninja War! ?

His pupils were wide open, and the question on the gold medal list revealed a lot of information.

There will be a fourth ninja war in the future! !
Uchiha Madara will also appear, he is not dead yet! ! !

Moreover, Uchiha Madara will fight against five and crush five Kages. It is very likely that in the future, the entire ninja world will unite to fight against Uchiha Madara!

To everyone, the news came as a bolt from the blue.

Uchiha Madara, together with Senju Hashirama, is known as the twin gods of the ninja world. During the Warring States Period, before the ninja village system was established, they oppressed the entire world.

In front of him, the tailed beasts were just toys for him to play with.

But how could Madara Uchiha be... still alive?

In the Valley of the Ultimate, he should have been killed by the First Hokage Senju Hashirama!

This question on the gold medal list caused the entire ninja world to fall into a huge panic, especially the elderly in the major ninja villages.

Almost all of them have experienced the Uchiha Madara period, that feeling of powerlessness in the face of an absolutely powerful person, that was... a monster! !
……at the same time……

World Chat Group.

[The richest man in the world]: Huh? ? ?Damn it, Uchiha Madara is your name?Is this what’s wrong with your world?

【Do you want to dance too? 】: That’s right.

After Uchiha Madara saw the question, he was extremely excited.

As the title says, during the Fourth Ninja War, he appeared and fought against the Five Great Shadows.

Sure enough, in the future, I will rule the ninja world again and complete the Eye of the Moon plan! !
It seems that in the coming days, Black Zetsu and Obito will fulfill their instructions well.

Soon, he will be resurrected by reincarnation!

[Apprentice Shinigami]: I didn’t expect it to be the world you live in. We were just glad that it wasn’t the world in our group.

[Big Bones Made into Soup]: That’s right, if you don’t answer the questions correctly, the gold medal list will steal the origin of your world!

Upon hearing this news, Uchiha Madara was slightly stunned.

【Do you want to dance too】: Steal the origin of the world?

[Apprentice Death]: Yes, once the origin of the world is stolen, the entire world will be destroyed.

! ! ! ?
Uchiha Madara was a little confused. Will the gold medallist steal the origin of the world?If the origin of the world is stolen, will the world be destroyed?So you have to answer the question correctly?
But this is something in the future, and he has no idea when the four battles will take place and the five shadows will be defeated.

In addition, no one knows when the major ninja villages will replace the next generation of Kage...

Uchiha Madara, who turned from joy to sorrow, was numb all over. If the world was destroyed, it would be useless even if he knew that he would be resurrected in the future!

The world has been destroyed, but the Eye of the Moon plan still has a hammer to use.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: If you don’t want the world to be destroyed, then use exchange points to buy the history of your world.

【Do you want to dance too】: Points?

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: You will know it by looking at the group points function, it is very simple.

Just when Uchiha Madara was studying the group function.

Ultra World, Blue Star.

Annan is about to clear Cry of the Kingdom and fight the final boss "Demon King Ganondorf".

Suddenly, he raised his eyes.

In Annan's induction, someone else came across the world.

Oh, no, it's not traveling across the world, I should say, it's coming from another parallel universe.

His identity is still a giant of light, a giant of light who came from another universe in the Ultra World.

The Ultra Universe created by Annan is a multidimensional Ultra Universe, not just one world.

Viewed from the perspective of the God of Creation.

The entire world is a huge sphere surrounded by world barriers.

And this huge ball is filled with many small balls.

These small balls are different Ultra Dimension universes.

In other words, Ultra Parallel Universe.

In the Ultra Dimension universe where Annan is currently located, there are only two giants of light.



It can be considered a universe with a weak power system.


The sky above the blue star.

Suddenly, the space rippled.

The next second, a figure appeared out of thin air.

His lower body is red and his upper body is blue, with a pair of silver armor attached to his chest and a pair of extremely sharp eyes that set off his extremely handsome face.

And this giant of light has extremely distinctive characteristics.

Its name is:

(End of this chapter)

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