He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 38 Dagu: Help, I am being held hostage by a pervert named Sero! !

Chapter 38 Dagu: Help, I’m being held hostage by a pervert named Sero! !
The space ripples.

With a ray of light, Zero appeared out of thin air in the space above the Blue Star.

"Is this the universe where the invaders are?"

Not long ago, the Kingdom of Light encountered an invasion of mysterious enemies, some kind of robots.

The robot looked somewhat similar to himself, which made him very concerned.

The Kingdom of Light defeated the invaders.

It was discovered that the energy cores in these robots were not ores from the universe where the Kingdom of Light was located.

These robots, or the people behind them, come from another universe.

So, with the guidance of the invader's energy core and the light of the entire Kingdom of Light's Ultra Warriors.

In order to find the mastermind behind the scenes, Zero went on a space travel.

He looked at the blue planet at his feet and was a little confused: "Is the culprit who invaded the Kingdom of Light the same planet in this universe?"

However, Zero always felt that something was not right. This universe and planet were too peaceful, and it did not seem like a world capable of invading the Kingdom of Light.

To confirm, he raised the energy ore in his hand that was unique to the invader's universe.

The next moment, a coordinate line formed by dark red light lit up, pointing to a place outside this universe.

For a moment, Zero was dumbfounded, and his whole body was stunned.

Point...to other universes?
The enemy who invaded the Kingdom of Light is not in this universe?
"Hiss...that means...I went to the wrong universe!?"

Ruined! ! !
Zero felt crazy in his heart. He had gathered the light energy of the entire Kingdom of Light Ultra Warriors to be able to travel across the universe and come here.

As a result, he is now in the wrong place! !

If this continues, let alone completing the mission, he will have no shame in returning to the Kingdom of Light!
At this moment, Zero's eyes suddenly widened and he noticed something was wrong.

After staying in this universe for so long, he didn't even feel the loss of light energy in his body at all!
Logically speaking, after coming to another universe, without the supplement of the plasma spark tower, his energy will slowly decay.

After feeling it carefully, Zero discovered that the light energy of this universe was so rich!
Even, it has far exceeded the level of the Kingdom of Light universe!
The energy of light is the basic energy needed by the Ultra Warriors of the Kingdom of Light to maintain their operations, and it is also the basis of the Ultra Warriors' strength.

Zero looked at Blue Star with some shock. Even the Kingdom of Light, which has a plasma spark tower, does not have such rich light energy.

The energy level of the Kingdom of Light cannot even compare to about half of the level here!

The three plasma spark energy crystals that his father gave him not only were not consumed, but the energy became more abundant.

After Zero turned his head to look into the universe, he frowned and then looked at Blue Star seriously.

wrong!It's not that this universe is too extraordinary. The source of light energy he feels is the blue planet in front of him!
Only the light particles on this planet were so dense that they even spread into nearby space, causing Zero to misunderstand.

And the light energy in other places outside this blue star simply cannot maintain the energy necessary for his actions.

So to say……

Is it possible that this planet is the center of the universe?Is it an existence similar to the Kingdom of Light?
Thinking of this, Sero felt a burst of joy and expectation in his heart.

If this is the case, then the life on this planet must be very powerful!

Moreover, this planet is so beautiful, and the people on this planet are probably not evil beings.

Maybe we can use the power of this civilization to go to the hyperspace outside the universe again and reach the universe where the invaders are.

Soon, Zero immediately closed his eyes and sensed the situation of the entire Blue Star.

Then, he opened his eyes in shock, feeling unbelievable.

The situation on this blue star was completely different from what he imagined!
The people living on this planet are all ordinary humans who are too weak!
Their technological level is far from being able to utilize the energy of light.

Zero was dumbfounded. This...there was no way to travel through the universe.


Zero's eyes lit up and he looked in a certain direction.

He sensed the existence of another giant of light on this planet!


Neon Province.

Because today is a rare holiday for the Victory Team.

Taking this opportunity, Dagu dedicated a floor of his house as a special training room.

Special training is being carried out according to the training method given by Mr. "Birdman" to the crew of One Piece World.

Suddenly, a figure floated outside the second-floor window, startling Dagu.

When he calmed down and looked carefully at the specific appearance of the existence outside the window.

His eyes widened.

Is this costume a giant of light? !

World Chat Group.

[Do you want to dance too (1500 points)]: The points have been redeemed, what next is to redeem the history of your own world?
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Yes, it starts with 500 points.

[The richest man in the world (0 points)]: Woohoo, I live in Bengbu, 1500 points... Why can you, a dead person, have 1500 points!Where is the law of heaven! !

【Do you want to dance too】: Points?Pretty easy to get?If I weren't already dead, with my strength, I would probably be able to get a lot of things that can be exchanged for points.Now that I'm dead, I have no choice but to sell the ninjutsu and reincarnation power I possess.

[The richest man in the world]: I don’t want to live anymore!I can't even compare to a dead man! !

[Little Broken Ball]: It’s too tragic. Didn’t the group leader say that there are powerful people from Broken Star in your world? Haven’t you found anything that can be sold to the chat group?
[The richest man of the century]: Woo hoo, no.

————Ding, the group member "Do you want to dance too?" uploaded the video file "Naruto"——

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: It turns out that the name of the historical video file of your world is Naruto.Generally speaking, the file names are the same as the history of your world and are closely related to Naruto.Just like Minecraft is called One Piece, the entire history is centered on One Piece. [Do you want to dance too?]: Naruto...I see, I probably understand.

[Little Broken Ball]: You can see the history of another world again!I really want to see what your world is like.

Soon, less than a few seconds after everyone clicked on the group file, they looked at each other with wide eyes.

Just like One Piece, this time the Naruto file is also extremely long!

[I Can’t Fly]: Damn it, I just finished Ten Thousand Minutes of One Piece, and now I’m playing Ten Thousand Minutes of Naruto! ? ?

[Apprentice Shinigami]: Heh...it’s a bit difficult now. There are only 55 minutes left in the countdown to the gold medal list. By the time we finish watching, the world where "Do You Want to Dance" will have been destroyed long ago? ?
[Little Breaking Ball]: Don’t panic yet, you can pull up the progress bar and jump to see it.

[The Richest Man in the World]: However, even if you can pull up the progress bar and watch it, the duration is too long, and it is difficult to find the specific scene where Uchiha Madara beats the Five Kages.

[Do you want to dance too?]: I took a look and found the son of the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato. He was about ten years old. After pulling up half of the progress bar, he was probably only two years older. At that time, I was not yet die.

[Ghost Slayer Expert]: After the progress bar is halfway through, right?Then let's divide the work and help "Do you also want to dance" to search together? It's rare for everyone to get together and help each other.

[Apprentice Death]: No problem, look at my Death’s super dynamic vision!
While the members in the chat group were rummaging through the screen.

naruto world...

After the second question on the gold medal list appeared, the major ninja villages became noisy again.

The appearance of the gold medal list made them feel stuck in their throats.

When no one on the quiz list answers a question correctly, their luck will be sucked away.

But think about it from another angle

If you answer the question correctly, you will receive a reward from the question answering gold list!
There is such an extraordinary existence on the gold list for answering questions, and the rewards given must also be extremely amazing!

The senior officials of the major ninja villages couldn't help themselves. If the people in their own village answered the questions correctly and received rewards...

Wouldn't it be possible to become stronger and directly ahead of other ninja villages? !
The major ninja villages began to organize people to answer questions. Of course... the ones who answered the questions were definitely not the 'shadows' of each ninja village.

Konoha Hidden Village is no exception...

In a room in Konoha Hidden Village.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo, Koharu Koharu, and Mito Kadenen, the four top leaders of Konoha gathered together.

"Uchiha Madara vs Five Kages, we need to answer which five Kages it is."

"The known Kages of the major ninja villages are: Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi, Kazekage Rasa, Mizukage Gotachibana Yagura, Raikage Ai, and Tsuchikage Onoki."

Danzo had one eye covered with gauze. He raised his eyes and looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen: "There will be punishment for wrong answers. How about letting my root members try?"

Hiruzen Sarutobi wore the Hokage hat and took a sip from his pipe: "Let's leave it to the ANBU, Danzo."

Danzo has been plotting to become the Hokage overtly and covertly all this time.

And the root of his leadership is basically his words.

If the members of the root group answer the question correctly, it is equivalent to Danzo winning the gold medal award for answering the question.

Based on the opponent's temperament, after receiving the reward and becoming stronger, the first thing he will do is to attack the position of Hokage.

Sarutobi Hiruzen could not let this happen. The reward of the gold list must be in his hands.

"Lynx, it's up to you to answer."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said to the ANBU wearing a cat mask behind him.


After the other party answered, he immediately submitted the answer to the answer gold list.

The next moment, the lynx let out a scream in front of everyone, and then a ray of light shot out of his body and was absorbed by Jin Bang.

Then, he fell directly to the ground and lost his breath.

The answer is incorrect, and the meaning of this is very clear to the four people present.

Their expressions were a bit ugly. If an individual answered a question incorrectly, the answerer might have his luck or vitality sucked out of him and die! ?

It took a long time...

Danzo's voice came from the conference room:
"Tsk, tsk, it seems that in the Fourth Ninja War, some of the current kage will step down."

"I just don't know if you are among the people who have stepped down, Hiruzen."

"The position of Hokage is held by a capable person, and I will never miss it." Under the Hokage hat, Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression was a little gloomy.


In the Wanjie chat group...

The group members who were watching the history of the world of Naruto were amazed.

After watching the video, they probably also understood the power system of the "Do You Want to Dance Too" world.

This is a so-called ninjutsu that uses chakra to cause various supernatural phenomena.

[Little Broken Ball]: This ninjutsu has something to do with a country called Japan hundreds of years ago in my world. Unfortunately, extraordinary power does not exist in my world.

[The richest man in the world]: This country also exists in my world. It is almost the same garbage and has no power at all.

[Apprentice Shinigami]: This system feels so complicated. In addition to ninjutsu, there are also pupil techniques and blood succession boundaries... Well, it's a bit awesome!
【Big bones boiled into soup】: Help!Don't discuss it anymore, I've been kidnapped by a perverted giant named Zero! !



(End of this chapter)

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