He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 39: The true face of the multidimensional universe, the group members were shocked! !

Chapter 39: The true face of the multidimensional universe, the group members were shocked! !

Ultra Universe, Blue Star.

Annan yawned and glanced at the two figures that turned into meteors and disappeared in the sky.

He already knew the ins and outs of Zero's journey across the universe.

"It's interesting. I didn't expect that the world I created would be the same as the original plot, with Beria attacking the Kingdom of Light."


Wanjie chat group…

The sudden appearance of Da Gu and his words immediately attracted the attention of others.

[Ghost Slayer Expert]:! ! ?

[The richest man in the world]: Huh?Have you been kidnapped by giants?Aren't you a giant yourself?
[Big bones made into soup]: It’s another giant! !

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: The dark giant you mentioned last time?
[Big bones made into soup]: That was Dark Diga. That happened last time, and this time someone came to visit us again!
[I Can’t Fly]: I seem to remember that you got your power from a pyramid, right?Could it be that after you inherited the Giant, the Giant's former partners came to visit?
[Big bones boiled into soup]: Woohoo, who knows what’s going on!Now I'm numb. This giant named Zero said he wanted to use my power as soon as he came. He kidnapped me without saying a word. Now, he has taken me out of the barrier of the universe and into hyperspace. .

[Big bones boil into soup]: However, it turns out that if you look at it from a macro perspective of the multidimensional universe, it actually looks like this. (photo)

In the picture, there is an extremely vast hyperspace.

In this infinite hyperspace, there are countless universes with different shapes, floating like round bubbles.

If you look carefully, you can even see that there are immeasurable galaxy clusters in each of these large or small universes, emitting light.

Seeing this scene, all the members opened their mouths in shock.

This is the first time they have seen countless universes outside the universe, existing independently in such a state, floating in hyperspace, like a dreamy bubble.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: I am a bit numb... The whole universe is just such a small foam ball?Then, our planet is just an inconspicuous dust in the universe?

【Ghost Slayer Expert】: (+﹏+)
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: I... I'm a little dizzy, you guys talk, I... I'll take it easy first...

[The richest man in the world]: Multiverse!Your world turns out to be a multiverse structure! !The multiverse theory actually exists! ?
[Little Broken Ball]: If you want to have a multiverse of this scale, it must be at least a world on the level of a thousand worlds!There is no such multiverse in the Middle Thousand and Small Thousand worlds.The world I live in is a small world.

Since becoming the group leader's subordinate world, Xiao Poqiu also vaguely knows about the classification of the world.

The big thousand worlds, the middle thousand worlds, and the small thousand worlds.

Although the size and intensity of each world are different, there is a standard for differentiation.

[Do you want to dance too?]: Is this... is this the nature of the world... The ninja world I live in is just a speck of dust in the so-called universe?
[The richest man in the world]: To be precise, your place should be called Ninja Planet. The planet is in the universe and is no different from dust.

[Apprentice Death]: What are you talking about?Shit...fuck, this is the multiverse! ?I didn’t see what happened in the group for a while!Wait...let's get down to business first, @"Do you want to dance too?" I found the source of you vs. Wuying, it's at the 10th minute.

Uchiha Madara's eyes lit up, and he immediately returned to the video file, clicked on it and pulled it to the time mentioned by the trainee Shinigami.

Sure enough, he saw the scene where he appeared, and a battle broke out with the ninja coalition.

However, seeing his appearance after resurrection, Uchiha Madara frowned.

In the picture of his resurrected self, the skin in some places is as dry and cracked as soil.

Resurrection born from reincarnation should not have such characteristics...

Suddenly, Uchiha Madara thought of another resurrection technique, filthy earth reincarnation.

Could it be that he was not resurrected by reincarnation in the future, but was reincarnated by the dirty earth?

Will my plan go wrong in the future...

Holding back the many distracting thoughts in his mind, Uchiha Madara continued to read patiently.

The key point now is to find the names of the five shadows who are fighting against him. If there are any mistakes in the plan, he can find ways to make up for them later.

Then, after all the five shadows appeared, their appearance was very different from the characters in Uchiha Madara's impression.

Apart from the familiar face Ohnoki, there was only a woman named Tsunade who felt somewhat familiar to him.

Tsunade...Hashirama's granddaughter.After continuing to read, Uchiha Madara learned the names of the five Kages through the names they called each other.

Then, with a thought, he filled in the correct answer on the answer list.


Naruto World.

Konoha Ninja Village, in the room where the four top executives are.

With a loud noise, another bottom member of the Roots fell to the ground, completely losing the breath of life.

"Hiruzhan, this answer is still wrong! The number of people who have fallen to my roots is already No. 30!"

Danzo put on a cold face and spoke in an extremely unhappy tone.

The death of so many of his subordinates, even if they were just at the bottom, was an extremely serious loss to him.

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression was not looking any better.

Several of them discussed possible candidates for the Five Shadows, and had already answered the gold medal question no less than fifty times.

Even several members of the ANBU were lost. Every member of the ANBU was an elite. Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was in great pain, had no choice but to let Danzo's root staff try.

But the result still ended in death.

They have no clue at this moment which five shadows the future five shadows will be.

Danzo said coldly: "There is no need to try. We have already tried everyone who may become a Kage. If we can't answer it, other ninja villages will certainly not be able to answer it!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen also nodded. They answered the questions because they originally wanted to be ahead of the other ninja villages.

If everyone can't answer it, it won't be a loss to their Konoha Ninja Village.

at this time!

Suddenly, the gold medal list for answering questions shone brightly.

Like an incandescent lamp with unstable voltage, it flickers on and off, flickering.

[Little Broken Ball]: What...what's going on?
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Quack, quack, someone probably answered the question correctly, and the list of answerrs was confused again.

[Apprentice Shinigami]: Hahaha, the famous scene has reappeared. The winner of the answer list must have doubted life: I have changed the world, how come there are still people who answer correctly! !

[I can’t fly]: Very happy.

After flickering for more than half a minute, the answer list slowly stabilized.

Handwriting appeared slowly and reluctantly...

[The deceased Madara Uchiha answered correctly]

As the handwriting of the gold medal list appeared, the ninjas in the entire Naruto world widened their eyes and were extremely shocked. Some old men were even trembling with fear.

Madara Uchiha answered the question correctly! ?

He really isn't dead yet! !

This news instantly enveloped all the ninjas like a dark cloud.

and many more…

The dead Uchiha Madara! ?

Everyone in the ninja world felt that their brains were a little down:? ? ? ? ?


(End of this chapter)

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