He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 40 God’s Domain!The shock of all worlds, the perfect immortal body, 6 levels of strength! (2

Chapter 40 God’s Domain!The shock of all worlds, the perfect immortal body, the six-level strength! ([-]-in-[-])

The dead Uchiha Madara! ?

Seeing this complete name, the brains of everyone in the entire ninja world went blank.

That means Uchiha Madara is indeed dead.


Uchiha Madara answered the question on the gold medal list correctly, what's going on?

A dead person can still answer questions! ?
Since Uchiha Madara is dead, why will the Fourth Ninja War start again?How could Uchiha Madara defeat the Five Kages?
Everyone feels like their CPU is about to burn out.

above the sky,

The answer gold list is still shining with light, and the writing has not yet been completed.

Everyone in the ninja world could only put aside the doubts in their minds for the time being and continue to stare at the handwriting that appeared on the gold medal list.

[In the future, the five shadows that Uchiha Madara will beat against each other are: Naruto·Tsunade, Kazekage·Gaara, Raikage·Ai, Mizukage·Terumi Mei, Tsuchikage·Onoki]


Konoha Ninja Village…

The moment I saw this problem.

boom! ! !
The bodies of Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo, Koharu Koharu, and Mito Kadeni all trembled, and chakra surged out of their bodies uncontrollably.

at the same time…

The entire Konoha Village also heard the sounds of one after another.

"The Godaime is Tsunade-sama?"

"The future Hokage is Tsunade-sama, one of the three ninjas?"

"Great, Tsunade-sama is definitely qualified to become Hokage. She is also the medical master of the ninja world. Under her leadership, our casualty rate in Konoha will definitely be reduced to the minimum in the future."


Seeing this familiar name, Danzo looked a little dazed, and at the same time, his expression was shrouded in gloom.

Considering his state of affairs, his face actually showed a bit of ferocity.

The next Hokage of Konohagakure is not me?
Damn Sarutobi Hiruzen,
After you, old bastard, abdicated, why didn't you pass the position of Hokage to me?
The same goes for the teacher, and so does you, why are you all so partial! !
Danzo roared hysterically in his heart, almost going crazy.

He and Sarutobi Hiruzen's teacher is the second generation Hokage of Konoha Village and the younger brother of Senju Hashirama, the god of the ninja world.

——A room of thousands of hands.

From the beginning, Danzo believed that his teacher would pass on the position of Hokage to him.

But what he didn't expect was that before his teacher died, he actually passed the position of Hokage to Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was weaker than him in every aspect!
Forget it, since it was the teacher's decision, he couldn't refute it.

But now, Danzo originally thought that after Sarutobi Hiruzen abdicated.

Whether it is determined by qualifications, strength, or background, the position of the Fourth Hokage should be inherited by himself.

But in the end... Sarutobi Hiruzen chose Tsunade! ! !
Just because she is your disciple?

Hiruzen, it's true that you still can't let go of the Hokage's rights.

That's right, otherwise it wouldn't be the case. The fourth generation of Hokage Feng Minato has been dead for a year. You, an old guy who has abdicated, have no intention of reopening the election for the fifth generation of Hokage in order to be able to sit on the position of Hokage for a longer time. the meaning of.

There was an imperceptible coldness in Danzo's eyes, but this was a scene from the future...

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Tsunade... I will let you know that I, Danzo, am the most suitable Hokage for the village! !

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not know what Danzo was thinking.

He focused on the name of the Fourth Hokage, Tsunade, and smiled happily.

Tsunade is not only his direct disciple, but also the granddaughter of the first Hokage.

From all aspects, it is completely normal for him to choose her in the future.

As long as the position of Hokage is still passed down to him, his status will not be much lower.

After Hiruzen Sarutobi touched his beard with satisfaction, he felt a little emotional.

Unexpectedly, apart from the Tsuchikage Ohnoki and Raikage Ai, the 'shadows' of the five great ninja villages, the other two old rivals including himself, had all been replaced.

It seems that many unexpected things will happen in the future.

Terumi Mei was somewhat impressed, a jounin.

As for Gaara, he remembered that he was the one-tailed jinchūriki of Suna Ninja Village!

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head imperceptibly. The Sand Ninja Village was too weak, and in the future a Jinchuriki would become the Kazekage.


At the same time...the Kingdom of Wind a few minutes ago.

The yellow sand Gobi is filled with wind and sand, and the Sand Ninja Village is located in this desert.

Because of the lack of trees, houses in the village were built with sand and mud.

At the same time, on the main road of Sand Ninja Village.

The atmosphere is a little weird.

A child, who was about a year old and carrying a small gourd, with red hair on his head and the word 'love' on his forehead, was dragging a desert wolf that was bigger than him in his hands towards the center of the village. go.

The giant wolf in his hand was dead, and blood flowed from the wound, staining the sand along the way red.

The child's body was also covered with wounds, but he turned a blind eye to them, with a cold face, as if he had been used to all this.

He looked at the surrounding villagers with a pair of extremely cold and emotionless eyes, piercing them like a sharp sword.

Who could have imagined that this frightening look actually appeared from a child.

The villagers immediately dispersed like a tiger and a scorpion, making way for this extremely weird child.

It wasn't until the children gradually moved away from the sight of the villagers that they stood together and whispered to each other.

"Sure enough, he is a monster! I'm afraid he has even lost his humanity!"

"Gaara is not a human in the first place, and the Kazekage-sama hates him. To the village, he is just a Jinchuriki tool used to seal the One-Tail."

"Tsk, why don't such a monster die soon? I get annoyed when I see him!"

"...Is this tool really not going to hurt us? I'm a little scared, what if one day he runs rampant in the village..."

"Don't worry, Lord Kazekage will definitely take action when the time comes!"

Suddenly, the answer sheet in the sky burst into light, revealing a line of writing.

"Answer... The gold medal list for answering questions has been moved! Did anyone answer the question correctly!?"

Amid the exclamations, everyone looked up at the writing appearing in the sky.

The next moment, the pupils of all the villagers in Sand Ninja Village were shocked, and their eyes widened in disbelief.

Because, among the five shadow names that appeared on the answer list, there was an existence that they were extremely familiar with.

Kazekage Gaara! ?

The Jinchuuriki will become the Kazekage in the future! ?
They looked at the long blood stains that were dragged out on the ground, and stared blankly in the direction Gaara left.

"I...Gaara, this...this monster, will become the Kazekage?"

"Is the village crazy?"

"Can this damn monster really protect the village?"

For a while, it was difficult for them to accept this reality.


There was a trembling sound, and the golden list moved again, interrupting everyone's thoughts.

The answers displayed on the scroll spread out like ink and then filled the entire scroll.

It turned into a black curtain.

Everyone knows that according to the last process, the next step is to play the picture of Uchiha Madara VS Gokage on the gold medal list.

Everyone stared at it, eager to know what the Fourth Ninja War was about.


Boom boom boom! ! !
Before seeing the picture, a terrifying explosion was heard coming from it.

After the scene appeared, an unknown number of ninjas were thrown into the air like dumplings, all over the sky, and then fell towards the ground screaming.

Kicked up tons of dust.

As the explosion smoke dissipated, a god-like figure stood on top of the mountains in the Gobi Desert.

This man's eyes were filled with ripples of water, which were extremely strange, as if they could suck people into them.

"The Ninja Alliance? What a bunch of ants."

As he spoke, the picture of the gold medallist quickly zoomed in, clearly showing his face. …

At this moment, all the elderly people in the Naruto world held their breaths, their eyes showing fear: "U... Uchiha Madara! It's really him!"

Their thoughts seemed to be drawn back to their youth.

The man in front of him is Uchiha Madara, one of the two ninja gods.

On screen…

Uchiha Madara's terror was suffocating. Facing thousands of troops, he killed thousands of them instantly with just one touch.

The Ninja Alliance is like a dandelion on the roadside that breaks into pieces when touched.

["You are no match for him. Hurry up and help others. It will be up to the five of us to hold him back!"]

On the curtain, five figures soon appeared, blocking an attack from Uchiha Madara.

All the viewers who answered the questions on the gold list know that these should be the five actors.


On screen…

Looking at the five people standing in front of him, Uchiha Madara put his hands in his hands and said with an extremely indifferent expression: "Do you also want to dance?"

Wanjie chat group…

Hearing this, it exploded immediately.

[The richest man in the world]: Damn it, damn it, this is so cool! ?It turns out that this is how your ID comes from.

[Apprentice Death]: Your ID is indeed awesome. Our IDs are all based on our profession or social status, but your ID is based on the dirty words you said.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: These words... are a bit... social... In a fierce battle environment, why can you say such rude words?
[Do you also want to dance?]:...

Uchiha Madara is a little confused, is he actually the person who can say such rude things?
At the same time, the battle between Uchiha Madara and the Five Kages in the picture is about to break out.

The next second, an extremely terrifying battle scene broke out in an instant.

The next screen...

It is the battle of the top strong men.

Ninjutsu with different attributes collided in the air, rendering the sky colorful.

Terrible explosions were heard endlessly, and the scene was hot and terrifying.

The mountains were shattered into pieces, and gravel the size of millstones flew everywhere.

The entire earth was shattered into shapeless pieces due to the fierce battle.

In particular, Madara Uchiha in the picture used a move called "Tianzhi Zhenxing" to summon an extremely huge meteorite to hit the ground.

This scene caused the breathing of many strong men in the world to stop.

Pirate World…

The Navy Headquarters, Sengoku and other high-ranking navy officials felt their scalps numb when they saw this.

If this meteorite fell, it would be enough to level the entire navy headquarters.

No one in the entire navy was selected as a question answerer, and the characters and power system in the picture have never been seen before.

They already knew that the world shown in the picture was not the world they were in, but it was still hard to believe it for a while.

"This... this world in the picture is too scary, isn't it? Why are they able to use elemental moves even though they are not Devil Fruit users?" A certain lieutenant general muttered in confusion.

"Not only that, but some can also use a ninjutsu called Water Release to directly turn the earth into an ocean. This is simply a powerful way to defeat those with Devil Fruit abilities."

"Moreover, there are other variations of Ninjutsu, the number of which is so numerous that it is simply impossible to fathom!"

Akainu and others looked a bit ugly, and they couldn't help but put themselves in the scene.

What would happen if he faced Madara Uchiha?

Come to a conclusion: - Complete defeat!
There is no chance of winning.


world of assassins.

Wu Liuqi's jaw dropped to the ground in shock as he looked at the battle scenes on the winning list.

"Damn it! Dabao, this is too awesome!"

"This is the strength that an assassin should have!"

"Dabao, do you know any ninjas? I have decided not to cut my hair, and I will learn ninjutsu!"


Before he finished speaking, Ji Dabao slapped him on the back of the head.

"Hey Aqi, sell offal to me properly! This is a scene from another world, are you looking stupid!"


But unlike other worlds, the most shocking and frightening thing is the world of Naruto itself.

But rather than being shocked, I would say:
The senior officials of the major ninja villages are not fools. The amount of information revealed in this picture made them guess something.

In the future, the entire ninja world will unite to fight against Uchiha Madara.

However, even though the five shadow-level experts in the picture tried their best, they were still hung up and beaten by Uchiha Madara, unable to even injure them at all...

When they saw the battle on the screen, it was over.

The Kage-level experts from the five great ninja villages all fell to the ground, severely injured and without the ability to fight.

At this moment, the entire ninja world was completely in despair!
Not only are the five Kage-level characters no match for Uchiha Madara, he is also immortal and will recover no matter how he attacks.

How to fight this shit! ?

Konoha Ninja Village…

Seeing that Uchiha Madara's body was pierced through the chest under the combined attack of the Five Shadows.

It recovered automatically after a while, Sarutobi Hiruzen's lips trembled, and cold sweat flowed down his pale face.

The characteristics of the resurrection of the dead and immortality are obviously the forbidden technique created by his teacher Senju Tobirama - Reincarnation in the Dirty Land!
The reason why this technique is called a forbidden technique is precisely because it can recall the dead from the underworld, and unless the caster removes the technique himself, the existence reincarnated by the dirty earth will be immortal!
But... the forbidden book of the Reincarnation of the Earth should be sealed in the Leaf Village now.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes widened. Could it be that the source of the disaster of resurrecting Uchiha Madara was related to the people in the village! ?

Wanjie chat group...

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ, why are you immortal!So fierce?I thought the recovery power of my Phoenix Fruit was terrifying enough.

[The richest man in the world]: Damn it, your world is so fucked up, damn, the more I look at it, the more disgusting it becomes, please!Can you teach me ninjutsu? !
[The richest man in the world]: Woohoo, the group leader said that my world is no weaker than "I can't fly". However, I have been looking for a long time, but I haven't found any supernatural power. They are all weaklings.

[Do you want to dance too?]: There is no chakra in your world, so I can’t teach you.

[Do you also want to dance?]: Moreover, this is not immortality, but the characteristic of the reincarnation of dirty earth.There was a problem with my plan. Originally, I should have been completely resurrected by the art of reincarnation.

[Ghost Slaying Expert]: What are the characteristics of the reincarnation of dirty soil?
[Do you want to dance too?]: The Reincarnation of the Earth is a forbidden technique that can summon the dead from the underworld. As long as the caster does not interrupt the ninjutsu, the summoned person will be immortal unless it is sealed.

[The richest man in the world]: Hiss...this sounds much more awesome than the necromancers in movies and games who summon the undead!And you can still retain your sense of self!

The picture of the gold medal list also slowly dimmed after the five Kages were defeated by Uchiha Madara.


The answer sheet in the sky glowed with light, and new handwriting appeared with a grinding sound.

[The deceased person who answered the question, Uchiha Madara, answered correctly...]


Wanjie chat group…

It was the first time for Xiao Poqun to see the gold medal list for answering questions, and he was a little confused.

[Little Broken Ball]: Why is this question-answering list stuck?Why do you seem to be grinding for rewards?It's like... you don't want to give it?
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Haha, just calm down. The answer list is some kind of evil existence, in order to steal the origin of the world. If someone answers the question correctly, it has to use its own origin to create something. Of course I don’t want to give rewards to those who answer questions.

[Apprentice Shinigami]: Indeed, it’s good to get used to it!

Finally, after grinding for several minutes.

The person who answered the question will reveal the subsequent handwriting like squeezing toothpaste.

[Award...award, reward Uchiha Madara: the perfect immortal body, six-level strength! 】



ps: In the two-in-one chapter, for fear of being criticized, I have tried my best to speed up the game and reduce the description of the gold list screen, without describing the content of the screen in detail.

The big plot is about to begin!

(End of this chapter)

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