He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 41 Dagu: Thanks to Boss Beria for the points! ! !

Chapter 41 Dagu: Thanks to Boss Beria for the points! ! !

Six-level strength! ?
The perfect immortal body! ?

Seeing these words, ordinary ninjas and villagers just felt a little confused. They didn't know what these two words meant.

But the moment the top experts in the ninja world saw this reward, they were so horrified that they couldn't breathe. Their pupils shrank instantly like pinholes, their mouths opened wide, and their throats spasmed silently.

According to the ratings of today's ninja system, the currently known pinnacle of ninjas is the Kage level!

The 'shadows' of the major ninja villages, as well as the top combat power comparable to them, are at this level.

To the ninja world, every Kage level is a strategic weapon that can change the situation of a battle.

But what few people know is that there is another level above the shadow level, which is the super shadow level!

Throughout the past and present, there are only two recognized super-kage-level existences in the entire ninja world!

Uchiha Madara!

Thousands of Hands!

The two of them, as super shadow-level beings, are the founders of Konoha Ninja Village.

At the same time...the two of them ended the chaos of the Warring States Period and are the founders of the current Ninja Village system.

From the perspective of today's ninjas, the strength of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara can only be described in four words: 'terrible' and 'invincible'.

With the power of two people, they conquered the whole world! !

No, to be precise, one person is enough!
Once upon a time, Uchiha Madara used the power of the Sharingan to control all tailed beasts, suppress all ninja villages, and violently ended the Warring States Period in the ninja world.

The entire ninja world is crawling at the feet of Uchiha Madara. Today's Tsuchikage Onoki once couldn't go two rounds under Uchiha Madara.

In fact, even the tailed beasts in each village are now distributed to each shinobi village by Senju Hashirama.

The appearance of these two people directly ended the chaotic war era for thousands of years. Without them, there would be no Ninja Village today.

Moreover, while the two of them were alive, all the major countries were in peace, and no one dared to cause trouble under their noses.

Even after their deaths, the remnant power they left behind frightened the entire world for more than ten years.

A glimpse of a leopard is enough to reveal the horror of 'Super Shadow Level'!
As for the Six Paths level... this is beyond the Super Shadow level, a terrifying existence that only exists in legends!
The founder of the entire ninjutsu system and the ancestor of ninja, the Sage of Six Paths - Otsutsuki Hagoromo.

He is a 'Six Paths Level' strong man!
According to legend, the Six Paths level master has mastered the origin of chakra, and every move he makes is a magical technique that transcends ninjutsu!
The Six Paths level is already like a Six Paths Immortal and can establish a sect!
As for the other reward, the body of an immortal.

The powerful ones in the ninja world are also familiar with it, and they all know the Sage Mode, which can use natural energy, which is the so-called senjutsu.

The body of a sage is that of the legendary sage of six paths, and the chakra energy used in every move is celestial chakra. !

All the powerful men in the ninja world lost their voices.

The gold medal list for answering questions actually gave Uchiha Madara six levels of strength!

In the picture of the gold medal list, it is shown that even the super-kage-level Madara Uchiha will need the entire ninja world to fight against him in the Fourth Ninja War.

None of the five shadow-level experts could fight back in front of him!

If Madara Uchiha becomes a six-level being...

By then, the entire ninja world will be unstoppable!No one who can resist Uchiha Madara will be enslaved by him!When thinking of that kind of scene, the top brass of the major ninja villages turned pale.

Almost at the same time, the 'shadows' of each village issued the same order: "Contact other villages and hold a five-shadow meeting!!"

At this moment, everyone has a consensus in their hearts.

Now Uchiha Madara is still in a state of death and in the underworld.

His resurrection will take place during the Fourth Ninja War in the future, and there will still be plenty of time for the major ninja villages!

During this time, they must do their best to prevent Uchiha Madara's resurrection.


The world of Naruto, the underworld.

A ray of golden light fell on Uchiha Madara's body, and he felt warm all over, as if he was in his mother's womb.

Feeling the terrifying power integrated into his body, Uchiha Madara even felt that his soul had reached another higher level.

Originally, after death, he could only be aware of his own existence and could not perceive external things.

But now after he was promoted in the underworld, he found that he could already sense the existence of the outside world.

He can even observe every move in the ninja world through his remaining chakra floating in the ninja world. (The Sage of Six Paths in the original work is in this state, observing the outside world through the remaining chakra)
At this moment, even Uchiha Madara couldn't help but sigh in shock.

What a powerful force, is this the Sixth Path level...

He has a feeling that even if he is a super shadow-level ninja, he can easily kill him!
However, all this is due to the chat group, which actually allows me to know the future of the ninja world.

Then, Uchiha Madara's consciousness entered the chat group.

[Apprentice Shinigami]: Sixth level? @Do you also want to dance? What does the six levels mean?Is it awesome?

[Do you also want to dance?]: It is indeed powerful. The top strong man in our world created the existence of the nindo system. He is the Six Paths level.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Oh, this is the reward for answering questions on the rubbish gold list.To actually only reward things that exist in your world itself is really ridiculous!If it rewards those with strength above the Sixth Level, then it will be considered as not being stingy.

[The richest man in the world]: Tsk tsk, look, the gold medal list has shrunk again and no longer shines. It’s really useless, coward! !

[Apprentice Death]: That’s right!If you have the ability, ask another question.

[Do you want to dance too?]: Thank you all for this time. I will leave for a while. I have to watch the video of the history of the world where I am.Understand what happened in the future and why I was reincarnated in the dirt.

[The Richest Man in the World]: It’s time to catch up on the drama, and I’m also very interested in the history of your world.

[Little Breaking Ball]: +1, me too, Blue Star doesn’t need my care, mankind has begun to get on the right track, and everything is developing for the better.

[Apprentice Death]: Okay, start the drama mode again!
Suddenly, Dagu, who was captured by the giant, appeared in the chat group.

[Big bones made into soup (900 points)]: Everyone, I have arrived in another universe!What are you doing now?

After Dagu appeared, other group members suddenly discovered that he had only zero points, but now he had 900 points.

[The richest man in the world]: Am I super? ? ? 900 points! ? @大 Bone Boiled into Soup, where the hell did you get the points?Aren’t you the same as me who also has 0 points? ! !
[Big Bones Made into Soup]: I am in another universe with the abnormal giant Zero, which is ruled by an evil force called the Belial Empire. I discovered that his robot uses an energy stone called Emerana Ore. , the robot made using this kind of ore as energy, after I defeat it, I can sell it directly to the chat group and get 50 points back! !
【Big bones made into soup】: Hahaha, finally, I finally found a source of points!Thanks to Boss Beria for the points! !
[The richest man in the world]:? ? ? ?Your mentality is broken, but you actually found a stable source of points income?We agreed to have zero points until death, but you secretly gained it? ? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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