He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 42 The progress bar is about to be full, special world origin items!New feature of chat grou

Chapter 42 The progress bar is about to be full, special world origin items!New feature of chat group, radar search!
While Tony Stark was wailing in the crowd.

Altec universe...

blue star.

Seeing the gold answer list dimming in the live broadcast screen, Annan curled his lips and closed the live broadcast of the group meeting.

This question answering gold list is really getting more and more cowardly. I only gave the reward once and then ran away.

It seems that it will have to pretend to be dead for a while after this, so fish for more, its mental endurance is too poor.

Annan turned his palm over, and a piece of white paper appeared in his palm. The three corners were flat and only one side had jagged tear marks.

This is the same person who invaded the Ultra Universe and had his breath forcibly erased.

Since developing the world of Wandering Earth into his own subordinate world, Annan's strength has improved.

At this time, he looked at the remaining pages of the gold medal list again, and he had some guesses about it.

Annan's eyes flickered. Although he had some ideas, he only had a broken page of the gold medal list in his hand, which was not enough.

At least, I have to find an opportunity to get one or two more...

At that time, you will be able to confirm whether it is really what you think.

at this time……

[Group reminder: Dear group leader, the group member "I am a phoenix, not a birdman" sells special items: the world's original item - a piece of red historical text. 】

After putting away the remaining pages of the gold medal list, Annan was slightly startled. Marco sold the original item of the world—the red historical text?
With a thought, he extracted it from the chat group.

The next moment, a huge red stone tablet about ten meters long and wide floated in the air. On its surface, there were written words that normal people could not read.

And this is the special historical text of the pirate world.

To be precise: the text of road sign history.

In the world of pirates, there are a total of four road signs and historical texts.

Everyone who wants to become the Pirate King must collect all four road signs and historical texts.

As long as the four historical texts of the road signs can be successfully assembled, the coordinates of the 'Final Island' Larulaf can be deciphered.

The final island of Lalulav is the end of the great channel reached by Roger, the Pirate King!

[Ding, a large number of world origins in the One Piece world have been detected, and the breath collection progress of the One Piece world is: 60%]

But what Annan didn't expect was that the historical text of this road sign actually contained a lot of the origin of the world!
Just one piece directly increased the aura collection progress in the Pirate World by ten percent.

Generally speaking, it is not easy to have items with a large number of world origins.

For example, various innate spiritual treasures, river pictures, Luoshu, Bagua pictures and so on in the prehistoric world.

Or it may be some acquired treasure that contains great merit and good fortune.

Or it may be a divine thing raised by nature, and a treasure condensed by the fate of a family the day after tomorrow.

The stone slabs Groudon sells are part of the creation god Arceus.

But how can this historical text of a road sign become something that contains a lot of the origin of the world?

Annan thought for a moment and soon thought of the reason.

The historical text of the road sign records the coordinates of the final island that is extremely important to the entire pirate world.

It can be said that the historical text of these four road signs runs through the entire history of One Piece.A pirate wants to become the Pirate King, so he needs to find the text of the road signs and reach Larulaf.

In order to prevent anyone from knowing the blank 100-year history, the World Government destroyed O'Hara, the island of scholars who could interpret the text of history.

The historical text of these four road signs is closely related to the entire world. It runs through the history of the entire pirate world and has attracted countless heroes to submit.

Whether it is the navy, pirates, or the world government, they are all fighting for these four things.

Therefore, it is normal that the historical text of this road sign contains a lot of the origin of the world.

At the same time, it is precisely because this thing contains a lot of world origin that no one can destroy it.

Annan said to himself: "It seems that it won't be long before the coordinates of the pirate world can be determined."


Wanjie chat group...

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman (12000 points)]: Take off from Wuhu, brothers!I finally broke through the [-] points mark!
Seeing the eye-catching numerical value next to Marco's nickname, Tony Stark had question marks on his face.

[The richest man in the world]:? ? ?When I typed the question mark, have you ever thought that it’s not me who has the problem, but you?

[The richest man in the world]: Didn’t you just use 1.2 points before?Why did it suddenly become [-]w now?What did you sell? ! ?

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: It’s nothing. I went to Zuowu and saw the historical text of the road sign. I tried to see if I could sell it, but I actually sold it. But I didn’t expect that this thing was actually worth ten thousand. integral! !

[I can’t fly]: Σ(дllll), one, a road sign’s historical text is actually worth [-] points? !Isn’t this the same price as that adult’s slate?Why! ?
[Apprentice Death]: Let me go, the historical text of road signs is actually sold so expensive!

The group members have all seen the history video of the Birdman World, and are also familiar with the Pirate World. They know what the historical text of the road sign is, and they also know that there are four historical texts of the road sign.

[The richest man in the world]: Hiss... with four pieces of historical text, wouldn't you be able to get a guaranteed [-] points?And after reading world history, you also know the specific location of the historical text of the road signs!

[Small breaking ball]: 4...4w! ?This adds up to more than if I helped sell a world? ?
[The richest man in the world]: Damn it!Stop showing off your points!When will the points transfer function be enabled? Please give me some points!

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Don’t think too much. You are going to watch the world history video Do You Want to Dance Later, right?During this period of time, I went to get the remaining pieces of the historical text of road signs and sell them.

[The richest man in the world]: Bastard!Stop making money! Stop making money!Can you understand my feelings of having zero points?Seeing you earn so many points feels more uncomfortable than me losing money!

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: @ the richest man in the world, 0-point group members remember to come to the group to inspect more!Always pay attention to changes in group members’ points!

[The richest man in the world]: (╯°□°)╯︵(.o.)!!!


Soon, five days flew by.

During this period of time, nothing happened to the gold medal list, and everything was fine.

Annan is checking the progress of collecting the breath of each world.


A group prompt pops up.

----Ding!Dear group owner, if you find a character suitable to join the chat group, would you like to turn on the radar to search accurately? ————



(End of this chapter)

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