He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 43 The evolved chat group of all worlds!Annan's expectations are about to undergo a qua

Chapter 43 The evolved chat group of all worlds!Annan's expectations are about to undergo a qualitative change! !

Annan was slightly startled when he saw the prompt from the group system.

'If you find someone who is suitable for joining the chat group, do you want to turn on the radar to find it accurately? '

Active search radar?


This Ten Thousand Realms chat group seems to be gradually improving its functions as the number of group members increases.

But it doesn't do any harm to myself.

Since he became the leader of the Ten Thousand Realms Chat Group, he has put his life in his own hands.

"Turn on radar and search."

And, vaguely…

Annan had a vague illusion that there were now a total of nine people in the Wanjie chat group including himself.

When the number of group members exceeds 10.

The Ten Thousand Realms chat group will usher in some kind of qualitative change.


at the same time,

In the Wanjie chat group…

In the past few days, all the members have basically been doing nothing, almost finishing the first half of "Naruto".

The second half seems to be called "Boruto".

But at this time, the atmosphere in the group seemed a little strange.

Because they have seen the end of the first half of Naruto, the scene where Uchiha Madara, who is about to realize his ideal, is stabbed in the back by Black Zetsu.

Only then did they know that behind all the conspiracies that happened in the Naruto world, it seemed that it was Uchiha Madara's plan, but in fact it was Black Zetsu who was causing trouble.

Black Zetsu is not Uchiha Madara's servant, but a back-up to unblock and resurrect his mother Kaguya Otsutsuki!
Madara Uchiha had been planning for half his life, and he was so ambitious, but in the end, he was just someone else's puppet! ?

Even the "Uchiha Obito" he supported was a young boy, and he didn't even care about Uchiha Madara's body.

In the end, the corpse was obtained by Kabuto Yakushi, and he was reincarnated by the dirty soil.

Nagato, who was transplanted with the Rinnegan Eye, was even scolded by Naruto and used the Rinnegan Tensei directly...

This...Uchiha Madara's life is too tragic! ?

What a miserable man.

Through historical videos, they also learned that "Do You Want to Dance Too?" was an extremely conceited and proud person.

He has no plans left in his life. In order to realize his ideal world, he uses all means to carry out the Eye of the Moon plan.

In the end, even the Eye of the Moon plan itself was false and a conspiracy of Black Zetsu!

From such a long plot, other group members also understood Uchiha Madara's nature. He is not actually a bad person, but is too middle-aged and extreme.

That's why he was used and stabbed in the back under the inducement of Hei Zetsu.

After watching this episode, they all comforted Uchiha Madara in the group.

[The richest man in the world]: @Do you also want to dance?Brother... I'm sorry, things are unpredictable.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: This is too miserable for you...be strong!
[Apprentice Shinigami]: I spent my whole life planning, but it turned out to be someone else’s conspiracy. This... I would have just blown up...

[I Can’t Fly]: You humans are so scary!There are so many twists and turns in my heart that I feel dizzy just looking at them.

[Little Broken Ball]: ...Indeed... the history of human development in my world has also been spent in various conspiracies and various internal struggles.

[Ghost Slayer Expert]: Mr. Qiwu... No!Mr. Uchiha, please cheer up!

Facing the poor comfort from the members, Uchiha Madara was silent for a long time before finally holding back a few words.

[Do you want to dance too?]:..., I feel like you are rubbing salt into my heart...


The world of Naruto, the underworld.

boom! ! !
After possessing Six Paths level strength, Uchiha Madara has been able to move briefly in the underworld.

At this time, a terrifying aura erupted from him.

Even in his undead state, his eyes were breathing fire, and terrifying veins were running on the surface of his skin.

Uchiha Madara was so angry that the three corpses jumped, and the anger in his heart accumulated to the point where it could no longer be added.

He never thought that all this was Hei Jue's conspiracy!

I am just a pawn of Hei Jue, and even my life experience is under Hei Jue's control!
The stone monument of the Uchiha ancestral land has also been tampered with long ago, and the Eye of the Moon plan is also fake!
"Kaguya Otsutsuki!!!"


"With soil!!"

"very good!!"

He gritted his teeth and almost squeezed out these words from between his teeth.

There is only pure murderous intention in Uchiha Madara's heart now!
He's going to kill Obito!Kill Black Zetsu!Kill that Otsutsuki Kaguya! ! !
After venting his anger, Uchiha Madara re-entered the group chat and turned on the group points function.

Then, he took a look at his remaining points - 400 points.

I originally had 1500 points, but now I only have this much left because I spent 900 on World History.

resurrection!He must be resurrected!
Uchiha Madara knew that the only thing that could possibly resurrect him now was the lottery of this group of points.

According to several people in the group, everything in the points lottery is full of good stuff.

Even Xiao Poqiu, a group member, directly used [-] points to draw a sun!
I can't fly and I have drawn out the legendary power of law!

Unfortunately, his current points can only draw low-level prize pools.

Although the probability is very low, this is my only chance now!
Hoping to be able to pull out something to get out of my own predicament!

After the huge lottery roulette pattern changed, it slowly paused.

"Limb Repair Solution": After taking it, the limbs can be regenerated]

No, keep smoking!

"Potion of Life": As long as you have a breath, you can heal any injury after drinking it!NOTE: Physical integrity must be maintained.

continue! ! !

"Life Essence": After taking it, it can directly increase your life span by 50 years without any side effects.

Seeing this reward, even Uchiha Madara couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

This is actually a divine item that can directly increase lifespan! ?If this were placed in the ninja world, it would be like a treasure!
Lifespan has always been an unsolvable thing.Even as strong as the Immortal of Six Paths, there is no way to live forever.

In the group points, you can actually draw it with only 100 points.

However, this is not what I need... these can only be used while I am alive.

Uchiha Madara gritted his teeth and continued to pump for the last time!
Please, give me something I can use now!
"Resurrection of the Dead": It can briefly resurrect the dead for three days.Note: The body must be intact and free of decay.

This is it! ! !

Uchiha Madara's pupils suddenly widened, and his face was wrapped in huge joy.

"Black Zetsu! Obito! You are dead!!!"

Without any hesitation, he immediately used Resurrection of the Dead.


The Country of Fire, in an underground cave.

This place is deep underground, claustrophobic and dark. It is a hidden place that is difficult for ordinary people to discover.

And Uchiha Madara's hiding place is here.

Do not…

In other words, it was a former hiding place.

In the darkness, Hei Jue slowly walked to a flat ground and stretched out his right hand.

The next moment, the ground opened and a wooden coffin rose from it.

After Hei Jue opened the lid, his eyes widened slightly with a shocked expression.

What was inside the coffin was Uchiha Madara's body.

But unlike the old and ugly state before death, Uchiha Madara now seems to be asleep. Not only has his body returned to his youthful state, but his whole body is even filled with rich natural energy.

Black Zetsu looked at Madara's young and energetic body, his breathing quickening slightly.

"Sure enough, this is the perfect immortal body!!"

He was extremely excited.

Uchiha Madara's perfect body is of great use to him!

This is the body of an immortal at its peak! !

Suddenly, he saw Uchiha Madara's fingers moving slightly.

The next second, the closed eyes suddenly opened.

...At this moment, Hei Jue's body retreated wildly, until he was at a safe distance, and then he said in a deep voice: "Who are you!?"

He didn't think that Uchiha Madara had been resurrected. In this world, there was no ability to resurrect the dead.

As powerful as the Sage of Six Paths, Otsutsuki Hagoromo and his younger brother Otsutsuki Hamura died at the end of their lives!

He immediately thought that someone, like him, was eyeing Madara Uchiha's body that had become a sage.

After all, the allure of this body is too great.

In an instant, a name popped into his mind: "Orochimaru?!"

During the many years of investigating Konoha, he had long discovered that Orochimaru had been secretly conducting human experiments, studying forbidden techniques to seize and occupy other people's bodies, so that he could gain a long life!

If it were him, it would be possible for him to put his thoughts on Uchiha Madara's body.


At this time, a hand was placed on the edge of the coffin and squeezed slightly.

boom! !

Suddenly, with a loud noise, the entire coffin exploded, causing the entire cave to tremble.

After the smoke and dust dissipated, Uchiha Madara stood on the ground and took a step slowly. The dust around him was pushed out of his side without any wind.

At this moment, even the atmosphere seemed to become heavier, so heavy that Hei Jue could hardly breathe.

On Uchiha Madara's cold face, he looked at Black Zetsu with indifferent eyes, as if he was observing a corpse.

"Orochimaru? In your opinion, my body is something that ants like Orochimaru can get their hands on?"

A huge amount of chakra was released, and the terrifying pressure filled the cave, making Hei Jue's face covered with cold sweat.

This gesture...this tone, and this look that looks at everything.

It's Madara, he is definitely Madara Uchiha.

But how is this possible! ?
Hei Jue's heart stirred up huge waves, this was resurrection from the dead!
Madara is really resurrected!

The next second, the hairs all over his body stood up, and an instinctive sense of crisis arose in his heart.

There was almost no time to react. When Black Zetsu came to his senses, his neck was already tightly strangled by Uchiha Madara's big hands.

In the face of the absolutely crushing pressure and power, he couldn't even move a finger.

Uchiha Madara's most terrifying eye power seemed to freeze his soul.

"Madara...Madara-sama, I...I am Black...Black Zetsu...you...the incarnation of your will, you...can't you recognize me?"


Hei Jue was let go and sat down on the ground, breathing heavily.

His whole body was already soaked with sweat, and he almost thought he was going to be killed just now.

Is this the strength Uchiha Madara possesses now that he has been promoted to the Sixth Level?

Since Yuyi's death, he hasn't felt the horror of the Six Paths level for a long time.

After calming down, Hei Zeze soon became excited.

Whether for him or the entire plan, the stronger Uchiha Madara is, the better.

Now Uchiha Madara has become a six-level existence, and he has restored his youthful body.

Nagato and Obito, the chess pieces in the original plan, are no longer needed.

In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy and tricks are superfluous!
Uchiha Madara can now coerce the entire ninja world by himself and directly implement the Eye of the Moon plan.

Hei Jue couldn't help but become even more excited. Soon, his mother would be resurrected and return to this world!
But at this moment, the words that came from Uchiha Madara's mouth made him feel like he had fallen into an ice cellar, and the expression on his face was unprecedentedly horrified!
"Black Zetsu...?"

"Of course I know you, Otsutsuki Kaguya's... third son!"



(End of this chapter)

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