He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 46 World Invader! !The establishment of the world's identity, the first cross-border mi

Chapter 46 World Invader! !The establishment of world identity, the first cross-border mission!
Pirate World…

The sky is vast, the sea breeze is warm, and the waves are sparkling.

Somewhere on a wide sea area, a pirate ship carrying the Whitebeard Pirate Flag was moving forward on the sea.

The person in charge of this ship is Marco, whose consciousness has just been forcibly disconnected from the chat group of all worlds.

After being forcibly kicked out of the chat group, he subconsciously wanted to reconnect before he could react.

But in the next second, a prompt appeared on the screen of the chat group.

——The Wanjie chat group is being upgraded, the remaining time required...23:59:30——

Hiss... The chat group really cannot be accessed, and the upgrade cannot be completed until now tomorrow.

For a moment, Marco felt a little lost. He couldn't chat in the group. This was too torture...

He lay bored on the bow of the ship and looked up at the sky.

In the sky, the gold medal list no longer shines.

"Ah!! I can't join the chat group, and I haven't received any response from the question-answering list for several days. It's so boring!"

Marco's whole body suddenly became wilted.

After lying down for a long time, Marco didn't think about how to spend the rest of the time.

He stood up and dusted off: "Forget it, let's stick to the original plan and get the last historical text of the road sign now."

But at this moment, Marco suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked around the sea.

I don't know since when, his pirate ship has been surrounded by a large number of warships that suddenly appeared.

After using his knowledge and knowledge to sense Haki, Marco discovered that the warships nearby were just the tip of the iceberg.In places invisible to the naked eye, more densely packed warships have completely covered the entire sea area.

His eyes became extremely sharp, Navy?How dare they come to find me now?Do you want to seek death?

Then, a man in strange clothes appeared from the deck of the warship that surrounded Marco.

"I didn't expect that because of the gold medal for answering questions, after you knew the future, your own destiny also changed. Now you have replaced Straw Hat Luffy and become the destiny of this world."

"And it's because of you that our C-level mission became an A-level mission this time, making our mission so difficult!"

As he spoke, the man's expression became violent.

"Damn it! If it weren't for you, the original Son of Destiny would still be Straw Hat Luffy. At this time, Luffy has just gone to sea and is easy to deal with! It's all your fault Marco!"

Marco frowned upon hearing these completely incomprehensible words.

Task?replace?Deal with Luffy?

Destiny Child.

What inexplicable things is this guy talking about?



After the chat group was temporarily closed, not only Marco, but also all the group members who could not chat in the group felt a sense of sadness.

Fortunately, the upgrade time this time is only 24 hours, so it will pass after a while.

Ultra World, Blue Star.

Annan is looking forward to the changes after the upgrade of the Wanjie chat group.

But with nothing to do, he looked down at the world he belonged to from the perspective of a Creator God, and then focused his attention on his only subordinate world [Wandering Earth].

Because he became his subordinate world, he received feedback from the Ultra World.

The world of Wandering Earth is filled with a large amount of extraordinary energy, or aura particles.

In addition, Xiao Poqiu took out the martial arts system practice method and promoted it to the entire Blue Star.With the help of the government and the small broken ball, the entire wandering earth world has undergone tremendous reforms and changes, embarking on the road of combining technology and martial arts.

Not only does it focus on technological development and exploring the universe, it also practices martial arts and develops the ultimate in personal martial arts.

If this continues, humans in this world may find a unique path.

Mechanical immortality, martial arts and divine power.


Soon, 24 hours flew by.

[Dear group leader, the Wanjie chat group has been upgraded]

As the group prompt appears.

As if it was agreed, the dim portraits of all group members lit up at the same time.

[Apprentice Death]: Perfect stuck point! !Finally I can come in and talk!Great, life without a chat group is really boring.

[Ghost Slayer Expert]: Long time no see, everyone!I miss you so much!
[The richest man in the world]: It’s only been a day. Where have we not seen each other for a long time?Hey, what's going on?There is an additional label under our avatar, I am big... you are all small!Hahaha! ! !It seems even the chat group knows I'm big! @小波杯, why is yours so small?Gee, I didn’t expect that such a huge planet would be “small”. What a shame! !
[Apprentice Death]: What did you say! ?Watch me take it out and scare you to death!How could I be 'little'!
[I Can't Fly]: My label is also 'big'. The whole group seems to be 'small' except for us and "Big Bone Soup". Oh no, the new group member is "Gu Shen Saint Boy" It's 'medium'.

[The richest man in the world]: щ(゜ロ゜щ) Damn it, isn’t the newcomer a woman?What is 'medium'?It's so scary, it's bigger than the Shinigami trainees when you take it out! ?
[Little Broken Ball]: Convex (⊙▂⊙), are you only thinking about porn?The big, medium and small should refer to the personality of the world we live in.

[Small Broken Ball]: Small should be the small world; medium, the medium world; large, the big world.

[The richest man in the world]: According to you...what the hell?I am actually in the wide world! !
[Little Broken Ball]: Nonsense, didn’t the group leader say that there are strong people at the Broken Star level in your world? It’s a place where dragons and tigers are hidden.

[The richest man in the world]: Hahaha! !Sure enough, I am the most awesome!You weaklings!
[Apprentice Shinigami]: Oh, yes, yes, you are in the vast world, and you have zero points. You are so awesome!

[Little Breaking Ball]: You are so awesome!

[Ghost-killing Expert]: You are so awesome!

[I can’t fly]: You are so awesome!

[The richest man in the world]: (⊙⊙)
【The richest man in the world】: (╯°□°)╯︵┻━┻
[Little Broken Ball]: Wait... Why is the lottery prize pool still not open after the group has been upgraded!When I checked it, it showed that the upgrade has not been completed yet.Damn it, I want to take another wave!

[Do you want to dance too?]: Huh? ?Too bad, I only have one day left to live!I originally wanted to draw rewards too!
[Ghost Slaying Expert]: Everyone, I seem to have discovered a new function after the group upgrade!In addition to displaying the world status of each group member's own world, there is also an additional column for group tasks.

Everyone was stunned, a group mission?
Soon, they found an additional group task option next to the group file.

But after clicking in, it shows no tasks and nothing can be operated.

But at this moment, a prompt popped up in front of all the group members.

[Group mission released: Group member "I am a phoenix, not a birdman" has been detected. There are intruders in the world, and the rules of the world are on the verge of being broken!Please ask other group members to immediately save the pirate world where "I am a phoenix, not a birdman" and kill the world invaders! 】

[Task reward: [-] points]

[Limited number of people: 2 people]

[Apprentice Death]:! ! ! !
[Ghost Slayer Expert]:! !
【Little Breaking Ball】:! ! !

【I can’t fly】:! ! ?

[The richest man in the world]:? ? !

After reacting, everyone immediately went crazy @"I am a phoenix, not a birdman".

They were all confused, world invaders! ?what is happening!


ps: Some people may be confused about the setting of the Pokémon world as a vast world. The Pokémon anime is an anime for children and young children, but according to the official description of the mythical beasts, all of them are fierce; Arceus is in the game In "The Legend of Arceus", the official has a brand new setting. Arceus is a multi-dimensional existence, and those who walk around the world are its clones.

Some handsome men may not agree with it, but they may be angry. Just read this book based on its settings.

(End of this chapter)

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