He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 47 Cross-border, the first meeting of the group members! !The essence of world invaders and

Chapter 47 Crossover, the first meeting of the group members! !The essence of world invaders and quizzes! ?

Ultra World…

blue star.

It is different from the situation where other group members rush to enter the chat group immediately.

Because only ordinary group members were forced to disconnect.

Annan, the group leader, has always been able to enter and leave the chat group, and he noticed that messages in the group were flooding the screen like crazy.

He suddenly realized that the Wanjie chat group had been upgraded?
Then he entered the chat group unhurriedly.

Just, after he entered the chat group.

Look at the group pop-up window that pops up.

He was a little dazed, blinking his eyes.

group task?
New feature of chat group...?
The world of pirates has suffered a crisis, and two group members are needed to help save the world where "I am a phoenix, not a birdman"?

Save the pirate world...two group members...?
Annan frowned, something was wrong.

Except for myself and Da Gu, the members in the group are not from the same world at all.

How can they save the pirate world when they are a world apart?
Use keys?
Suddenly, Annan seemed to realize something...

wait wait wait…

Could it be that…

His consciousness sank into the chat group of all realms, and he carefully checked the specific content of the upgraded chat group.

After a few minutes...

Annan felt a little surprised and a rare joy.

Sure enough...it's a crossover! !
The biggest change in this upgrade of the Wanjie Chat Group is...

Cross-border transmission!
The upgraded chat group actually has the ability to allow group members to temporarily cross borders.

Since the Ten Thousand Realms Chat Group can now teleport group members, wouldn't it be possible for me to use its cross-border function to capture the coordinates of other worlds and directly open a world channel? ?
Calm your mind and study the cross-border functions carefully.

After a long time, he sighed melancholy.

No, this cross-border function has limitations.

Its ability to cross the world is not transmitted through world coordinates.

Instead, each group member's own 'chat interface' is used as the medium of transmission.

In itself, the Wanjie chat group does not know the world coordinates of the group members.

The 'chat interface' of all group members is similar to a clone of the chat group.

Essentially, cross-border teleportation is to teleport one 'clone' to the vicinity of 'another avatar'.

After understanding the principle, Annan suddenly felt a little pity.

If the Creation God System wants to create a world passage, it must have accurate world coordinates.

The principle of cross-border teleportation is similar to the teleportation array in the game.

On a map full of fog of war, if you teleport from point A to point B, although you have successfully reached your destination, you have not walked any road or passed anywhere in the middle.

In this case, it would be impossible for you to walk from point B back to point A without relying on the teleportation array.

Because, if you don’t even know the specific directions of the most basic points a and b, how can you open up a road connecting the two points?
Annan sighed softly and opened the world channel. Only then could he let the breath of the Ultra Universe flow into the world and transform it into his own 'subordinate world'.

One more thing is...

He also cannot travel to other worlds through cross-border teleportation in chat groups.

It's the same reason why you go to the world of the small broken ball and can only be transformed with a breath.

Without him...

It is too strong.

As the top creator god of the world, if he did not separate his power and descend directly in full glory, the pirate world would probably be destroyed by him before it was destroyed by the invaders.

The chat group couldn't do anything but send his aura clone across borders.

The cross-border transmission function is carried out through the 'respective chat interface of the group members' as the medium, but my aura clone does not have a chat group interface at all, so it cannot be transmitted.


Annan was not disappointed. The changes after the upgrade of the Wanjie chat group brought him a big surprise.

As the number of group members increases, the functions and capabilities of the chat group will continue to be enhanced.

At that time, it might be possible to directly lock the world coordinates of group members.

Anyway, I can afford to wait. Countless trillions of years have passed, and time is nothing.

Annan put aside the matter of cross-border teleportation for the time being.
Refocus attention on group tasks…

Are there world invaders in Marco's world?
How is this going?

Are you talking about the gold medal list?
Is it possible that after being answered correctly for many questions in a row, I became so angry that I lost my temper and decided to invade the world myself?

That's not right. Most people in the group have a gold medal list in their world.

Why are there only group missions in One Piece World?

What's more, the question-answering gold list has absorbed a wave of luck in the Naruto World. No matter how you look at it, you should go to "Naruto World" to start first.

If it is really a gold medal for answering questions, there is no point in releasing this group of tasks.

Annan didn't think that the people in the group had the ability to get rid of the golden list of answer questions.


at the same time.

In the Wanjie chat group, under the mad @ of everyone, Marco, who had been calling for a long time, finally appeared in the group.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Stop @!Damn it!The situation here is still a mess, please wait for me!
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Well, okay, let me explain the situation briefly. Starting yesterday, for some reason, my world has undergone tremendous changes. I am very busy now!

[The richest man in the world]:? ? !What has become of your world?Here, a group mission just popped up in the chat group, saying that there are world invaders appearing in your world, and let us help you.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: World invader?asshole!I just said these people are monsters who came from nowhere! @Do you want to dance too? Since yesterday, many powerful guys have appeared out of thin air in my world, and among the guys I dealt with, there is a man whose eyes are exactly the same as your samsara eyes! !

【Do you want to dance too】:! ! ! ? ? ?
[Apprentice Shinigami]: Samsara Eye?Isn’t that the exclusive line of inheritance in the world of “Do you want to dance too?”! ?How could it appear in your world?
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: It is definitely the samsara eye!I couldn't be wrong about what I saw, but I didn't know exactly what was going on... During the fight, the opponent revealed his Samsara Eye, which shocked me!

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Wait... bastard! ! !Why hasn’t the group points lottery opened yet?I’ve saved [-] points but it’s no use. I thought I’d save more points and smoke them together to increase my strength! !
[Ghost-killing Expert]: It's okay, Mr. Phoenix, there is a group of missions here now, we can go over and help you right now!
[The richest man in the world]: Then who will sign up?It seems that signing up for a group mission requires 1000 points, plus it requires fighting, right?That...excuse me!

[Do you want to dance too?]: Does the Samsara Eye appear in your world?Let me pass this task, I care about it very much.

[Apprentice Shinigami]: You'd better forget it, don't you only have one day left in your life?Even he felt that the situation in the birdman's world was difficult, and he would definitely not be able to solve the problem in just one day.What if you run out of Yangshou and die in that world?
[Do you also want to dance?]:...

[Apprentice Shinigami]: And do you know that after you die, will you go directly back to the underworld of your original world, or will you stay in the underworld of the birdman world?Not to mention that it is not certain whether there is an underworld in the birdman world.

[Do you also want to dance?]: ...Yes...that makes sense.

[Apprentice Shinigami]: Alas... neither can I. The power system of the "Birdman" world is very strong, but my strength is still too weak.

[Ghost Slaying Expert]: Sorry, Mr. Birdman... I can't help you, my strength is too weak...

[The richest man in the world]: Try to arrange for stronger people to come over, @「I can’t fly」, aren’t you the God of the Earth?

[I can't fly]: Let me see...it seems to be possible. The chat group shows that I can sign up, and the world of Birdman can accommodate my arrival.

[The richest man in the world]: @大 Bone makes soup, then you can go over to the second one?Your strength should be pretty good in the group, I almost forgot that you are also from the whole world! 【Big bones boiled into soup】:? ? ? ?Hiss, the chat group has been reopened?I was so engrossed in fighting monsters that I almost forgot. What’s wrong, suddenly you are targeting me?What am I going to do next?
[Big Bones Made into Soup]: I don’t understand. Wait... I was fighting monsters just now. You asked me to climb downstairs and read the information you gave me before. I don’t even know what happened!
After a few minutes...

【Big bones made into soup】:! ! ! ?Damn it, there are world invaders in the Birdman world. The group's mission is to cross the border to save the Birdman world?

[Big bones made into soup]: I can't do it. During this time, I learned a lot of common sense from the abnormal giant "Zero". My actions must rely on the energy of light. If the energy is insufficient, I will turn back to a human being. Body, the birdman world doesn't know if there is light energy that allows me to maintain my giant posture. If it doesn't exist, I will just be an ordinary human being in the past, and I can't be of any help.

[Ghost Slaying Expert]: What...what should we do?Who else in the group is stronger?
[Little Broken Ball]: Have you forgotten me? ?I am a planetary will after all, right?

[The richest man in the world]:? ? !Aren't you a planet?If we go over there, we will collide with the pirate world! ?Do you also want to destroy the world?

[Little Broken Ball]: You are stupid, I am a spiritual will-like existence!The ontology is not the planet but the consciousness of the planet!Why can't you go through?Now I can possess anything as long as I want!

Soon, after everyone's discussion, the candidate was finalized.

In this first group mission, "I Can't Fly" and "Little Breaking Ball" will carry out the mission.


Annan was also secretly observing with interest.

Among those beings called world invaders, are there people with the Samsara Eye...

His eyes narrowed...

"The gold medal list for answering questions, and the world invaders... things are getting more and more interesting..."

Annan was thinking, and he had some thoughts in his mind that he wanted to confirm. As long as he saw the so-called world invader, or captured another page of the "Golden Answer List", he could confirm whether what he was thinking was true or false.

"Unfortunately, now I have no way to go to the Pirate World."

He glanced at the world breath collection progress of the "Creation God System".

[One Piece World Breath Collection Progress: 90%]

Before that, Marco had successively found three pieces of the historical text of road signs and sold them to the chat group. Now only the last piece, the last ten percent of the progress bar, is left.

As long as you get the last historical text of the road sign, you can completely determine the coordinates of the pirate world and open the passage between the two worlds.

Thinking of this, Annan edited and sent a message in the group.

[Light of All Things]: After you two have passed, remember to find the last historical text of the road sign.

【Little Breaking Ball】:! !Good group leader!I'll definitely be the first to find it!
[I can’t fly]: Fart!I will definitely be the first one to find it! !
Both of them were a little flattered. This was the first time that the group leader took the initiative to ask them to do something, and it was something as trivial as finding the historical text of a road sign.


Wandering around the earth world...

Of course, it is impossible for the little broken ball to transport the entire Blue Star to the pirate world with itself.

The Blue Star itself is just its body, and only its will is its true body. When it grows later, its will can rely on the barriers of the entire world and become the will of the world.

At this time, Blue Star, after getting rid of the krypton flash crisis, and with the joint efforts of all mankind, the entire world is prosperous, and everything is moving in a good direction.

Looking at all this, Xiao Poqiu sighed and nodded. All these are opportunities and changes brought about by the chat group and the great group leader.

"Let's go, it's time to complete the group mission."

【Do you want to participate in this group task? 】

[Please pay one thousand points]

[Group member Xiao Poqiu has obtained a quota for this group task]

[Enable cross-border transmission, yes/no]

After making preparations, Little Broken Ball was a little nervous about going to other worlds for the first time, so he confirmed the teleportation with his mind.

The body of Little Broken Ball's consciousness disappeared instantly from where it was.


Pokémon world.

Groudon grinned in the lava volcano.

I am really looking forward to going to other worlds.

Paid the points required to participate in group tasks.

Confirm transmission!
Groudon's huge body disappeared instantly from the volcanic lava.


Pirate World, a certain sea area in the new world.

On the originally calm ocean, the air rippled like water ripples.

Without any reason, the air trembled like thunder.

A huge red figure appeared out of thin air and then landed on the sea.

Like a piece of land falling, the entire sea area was shaken by huge waves, and countless sea kings, fish and shrimp were blown into the sky.

The sea water boiled, and the air was distorted by burning.

At the same time, the boiling hot magma fell, turning the sea surface into pieces of charred land.

"Is this the world of Birdman?"

After Groudon felt the energy contained in this world, he waved his paw in disgust: "It's really weak. This is the Small Thousand World. I'm really not used to it."

The only advantage of coming here is probably that there is no law power of that smelly fish here.

Groudon's claws stroked the water. Without that smelly fish, even the sea became more fun.

But there was still business to do now. Groudon raised his head and looked around suspiciously.

In his field of vision, he did not see the existence of the small breaking ball.

chat group
[I can’t fly]: @小波杯 Where are you?Why didn't I see you?

[Little Breaking Ball]: I'm already here, right next to you.

[The richest man in the world]: Are you here so soon?

[I can’t fly]: Who are you lying to?I didn't see you at all!

[Little Broken Ball]: I've seen you, okay, stop playing with water, there are still serious things to do.

[I can’t fly]:…

On the sea, Groudon became more confused.

Now that the little breaking ball has arrived, where are the people?Why didn't you see it?
At this moment, Groudon suddenly felt a mental fluctuation similar to that of a super-powered Pokémon.

Then, in its surprised gaze.

I saw the magma flowing down from me and some sea water rising into the sky, gathering together.

Then it turned into a sphere that was half red and half blue.

On this sphere, human-like facial features appeared.



ps: Two in one. For the sake of continuity, I won’t break it into chapters. The plot has been laid out. In the last chapter, there should be three in the world. There was a typo. Groudon, Stark, and Dagu, these three.

(End of this chapter)

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