He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 48 Opening up a passage to the pirate world!Groudon the Breaking Ball VS the strange world i

Chapter 48 Opening up a passage to the pirate world!Groudon the Breaking Ball VS the strange world invader! !

Look at the ball floating in the air, the size of a basketball.

Groudon was unsure:
"Little broken ball?"

"I can't fly?"

One beast and one ball stared at the big eyes and the small ones.

There is an inexplicable sense of novelty and excitement in my heart.

Although they have been chatting in the group, they also know what other people look like through their respective avatars.

But when I actually met, I had a different feeling.

Not to mention that this is still in another world, meeting members of another world.

"With your body type and appearance...you do look more domineering than the group avatars."

The little broken ball spun back and forth around Groudon, which was as big as a mountain, looking at it carefully.

At the same time, it could clearly feel the surging power in the opponent's body and the laws as thick as the earth.

Even if Groudon is deliberately restraining the influence of his own laws on the world, there are still continuous landmasses forming at the soles of his feet.

Counting Groudon, this was the second time it saw a top creature from all over the world.

The first thing he saw was naturally the grand prize that he personally drew with [-] points: the cub of the three-legged Golden Crow.

Personification of the sun.

Little Broken Ball sighed in his heart. Groudon is indeed a creature in the world, and he is also the God of the Earth. He is indeed extremely powerful!

The Small Thousand Worlds are absolutely incapable of giving birth to creatures with this kind of control law.

at the same time…

He was also looking at the world where "Birdman" lived. It was also a small thousand world, but the world where Birdman lived was no different from his own "Wandering Earth" world.

He raised his head and glanced at the sky. The gold medal list for answering questions stretched across the sky, condensing its light.

He couldn't help but take a second look. This was the first time he had seen the gold medal list. The gold medal list did not exist in the world he was in.

"Now that we have met in reality, I am a member of the group "I Can't Fly", and my real name is Groudon. "

"But Little Broken Ball, your body... doesn't look as shocking as the planet in the group portrait."

On the half-red and half-blue sphere, a face with the same facial features as a human showed a humanized eye-rolling expression:

"My group avatar is a real planet. I can't just bring the planet here, right? Let's not talk about what to do with the humans on the planet. This world will be bombed first."

"As for my real name... before I entered the chat group of all realms, I had no name. I was just an existence of will. I couldn't even communicate with others."

Xiao Poqiu smiled calmly: "You can just call me by the nickname in the group chat. Xiao Poqiu is also a pretty good name."

After chatting for a while...

The two of them did not forget the serious purpose of their visit.

Looking around, I couldn't see anyone saying "I am a phoenix, not a birdman".

Logically speaking, he should be teleported near the "Birdman".

In the Wanjie chat group...

[Little Broken Ball]: We have arrived at our destination, @「I am a phoenix, not a birdman」, where are you now?

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Look up!I've seen you!

chi chi~
There was a sound in the sky above the sea.

"Little broken ball, I can't fly, where am I?"

As dots of green flames fell, Marco in human-animal form slowly fell from the sky.

He was also extremely excited to see the two of them.

The first offline meeting of group friends.

At the same time, I was relieved inside.

In the past two days, the pressure he had experienced when facing these world invaders was too great.

Little Broken Ball asked: "How is the situation now?"

"Let's talk while we walk, it's not convenient here."

Marco scratched his head and continued: "By the way, I won't bother you with the historical text of the road sign. I have already found the last piece of the historical text of the road sign and sold it to the chat group."

Gulardo: "???"

Little Breaking Ball: "???"

When I typed the question mark, have you ever thought that it’s not me who has the problem, but your problem?

Marco blushed and spoke without a beat: "I had planned to find the last road sign and historical text, but I was suddenly attacked by a world invader, which made me forget about it. The group leader reminded me in the group I just remembered."

"That's [-] points! I've sold everything that can be sold for points in my world, so don't grab it! And if you complete the group task, you can also get [-] points."

Feeling the resentment in their eyes, Marco quickly changed the topic and said: "Let's go, my pirate ship is nearby, and it has prepared unique delicacies in my world!"


Marco looked at Groudon's huge body: "I can't fly, you are too big and too eye-catching...and...the ship is a little far away from here, and you can't fly..."

This also seemed to step on Groudon's painful foot.

"Bullshit! Who said I can't fly!"


Countless seawater shook, and Groudon's body slowly floated in the air.

Marco: "..."

"Isn't your group name incapable of flying?"

Groudon proudly raised his head at a 45-degree angle: "Now I know how to do it. As for body shape, it doesn't matter."

The voice fell...

Groudon's body, as huge as a mountain, was rapidly shrinking, finally reaching a height of nearly one meter.

"Let's go!"


Soon, Broken Ball and Groudon also knew the specific details.

"You mean, the world invaders have unknowingly taken control of all the navies in the world!?"

To this, Marco could only answer with a wry smile: "Yes, and I'm afraid it's not just the navy. The current navy no longer has a marshal, and is directly commanded by Holy Land Mariejoia. Those world invaders, I'm afraid even Holy Land Mariejoia It’s already in hand.”

"Big Mom and Kaido, two of the four emperors, were also arrested yesterday."

"As for the Shichibukai recognized by the navy, almost all of them were arrested."

Groudon thought: "If you control Im, the leader of the Celestial Dragons, you can indeed indirectly control the entire world government and navy."

They have all read the history of the "Birdman" world and know that the person behind the Celestial Dragons is a person named - "Im".

We also know that the so-called world government and the so-called navy in this world are just lackeys of the Celestial Dragons.

Little Broken Ball nodded: "Indeed, if it is the Samsara Eye, it can indeed control others."

They also watched the history video of the Naruto world.

He is very familiar with the various heaven-defying abilities possessed by the Samsara Eye.

As the God of Ninja, Madara Uchiha not only relies on his pupil power to control all tailed beasts, he can even hypnotize and control the third generation Mizukage.

The little broken ball nodded: "Since the invaders have mastered the reincarnation eye, it is not surprising that Kaido and Big Mom were captured by the navy. It is completely normal for the invaders to be able to escape through water. The Devil Fruit users in your world When it comes to water escape, it's a natural defeat, it's even hard to win!"

Marco continued: "However, judging from the words of these invaders, their target seems to be the destiny child of this world."

Speaking of Destiny's Child, Broken Ball and Groudon naturally thought of Luffy, the rubber boy wearing a straw hat.

World history is also told from the perspective of Straw Hat Luffy.

Groudon asked: "In other words, we are going to protect Luffy from being caught by intruders?"

However, Marco shook his head: "I originally thought so too, but they said at the time... that the current child of destiny has become me."

"Becoming you?"

The two were taken aback for a moment.

Little Broken Ball then suddenly realized: "That's it, I understand!"

"Because you joined the chat group and received the favor of the group leader, you became more powerful. In addition, you changed the original history and exchanged various treasures for points."

"Because of this series of chain reactions, the destiny child of this world has already become you!"

As a subordinate world of the group leader, Xiao Poqiu knows how terrifying the group leader really is.With the aura of the group leader and the opportunity of the chat group, it was only natural for Marco to replace the ungrown Luffy as the new Son of Destiny.


In their field of vision, the waters where the main ship of the Whitebeard Pirates, the Moby Dick, appeared.

At this time, Whitebeard, who had already heard the news from Marco, had already prepared a banquet and was waiting for the three of them to arrive here.

The three landed on the deck of the Moby-Dick.

The crew members were only slightly surprised when they saw the appearance of Breaking Ball and Groudon.

But I don't think it's too strange. After all, there are various races in this world, including the fur tribe.

There are also all kinds of weird devil fruit abilities.

Bigmom even used his ability to create a talking sun and talking clouds.

The only insider, Whitebeard, saw horror in his eyes when he saw Broken Ball and Groudon.

Are these two people Marco said, friends from the chat group and from another world...

"Sons, in order to welcome Marco's friends, the Whitebeard Pirates, the banquet begins!!!"

"Then get ready to fight!!"



After some wine and food.

Marco looked at the two people walking aside and asked in a low voice: "What should we do next?"

Groudon curled his lips and said: "What else can we do? It's just a small world. Let's fight quickly. Complete the group mission early and go straight to the opponent's lair. Then go directly to the Holy Land Marie Joa."

Just a small world?

The corners of Broken Ball and Marco's mouths twitched slightly.

I feel offended!

Ultra World, Blue Star.

Because Marco sold the last historical text of the road sign to the chat group, it also means that the aura progress bar of the system's Pirate World has reached its full value!
[The aura of the Pirate World has been collected and the coordinates are being determined...]

[The coordinates of the pirate world are determined...the world is anchored...the anchoring is successful...]

[The channel is being established... it is expected to take 10 hours...]

Annan was slightly surprised to see that it only took ten hours.

The length of construction time also represents the length of the distance between the two worlds.

It seems that the world of One Piece is closer to the Ultra Universe than the world of Broken Balls.

You must know that it took a full 7 days to open the channel to the world of small broken balls.

Annan spoke: "System, open up a passage to the pirate world."

[Opening the channel...remaining time...9:59:59]

Looking at the time that started to decrease, Annan's mouth curved slightly.

Soon, he will be able to descend into the world of pirates and seize another page of the gold medal list to confirm the conjecture in his heart.


Pirate World…

Holy Land Mary Joa, Temple of God.

A huge woman with a body like a bucket sat on the Void Throne, with an extremely uncomfortable and disgusting smile on her face like a pie.

The facial features on the entire face seem to have different features and are not a whole at all.

In her narrow eyes, there was a faint pattern of water ripples - the samsara eye!

Moreover, this is different from the ordinary samsara eye. Her samsara eye is dotted with nine magatama, which means that it is the nine magatama samsara eye!
At the same time, she was also wearing a red and black nanoscale close-fitting armor, which was rising and falling with the sound of breathing and fat.

The Five Old Stars and the original owner of the Void Throne, Im, were kneeling on the ground like zombies, with no movement in their eyes, like puppets on strings.


Without any warning, two young men instantly appeared next to the woman.

One of the,
Like women, they have the eyes of reincarnation.

It's just an ordinary reincarnation eye.

If Marco were here, he would definitely recognize this as the world invader who sniped at him before.

He stood up tremblingly and lowered his head slightly: "Captain, we haven't found any trace of Marco yet."

Upon hearing this, the woman became furious.

"Idiots!! Are all three of you idiots!? My dad finally got me a prop that reduces the difficulty of rising to a star, just so that we can advance from three-star invaders to four-star invaders!"

"My father also exchanged for you the top bloodline in Xiaoqian World, the "Samsara Eye" bloodline. "

"Four-star is the watershed between the Small Thousand World and the Middle Thousand World! Only those who have become a four-star team are qualified to take on the mission of the Middle Thousand World! Do you understand?"

Faced with the woman's shrew-like accusations, a large amount of spit sprayed all over their bodies, but the two of them did not dare to say anything back. They could only lower their heads and accept the insult in silence.

Without him.

This woman’s background is really untouchable!

The father she talks about is an eight-star powerhouse at the top!Also known as the powerful man in the world!
The armor on the woman is the black god suit from one of the worlds, "Swallowing Starry Sky".

As long as she was wearing this armor, even if she stood and let them attack with all their strength, she wouldn't even be able to break through her defense.

However, the reason for their irritability is not this woman, but Marco the Phoenix!

The star-raising missions mentioned by women are always death-level in difficulty. It can be said that every star-raising mission is a narrow escape for them.

This time, they relied on the props given by captain "Hao Jie"'s father to lower the difficulty to level C.

In addition, all of them have the ability to escape from water. In this world of pirates where Devil Fruit abilities are the mainstream, they are simply like a duck in water, reducing the dimensionality of the attack.

Their team's star-raising mission this time is to kill the Child of Destiny and cause the world to collapse, thereby extracting the origin of the world from the pirate world.

Originally, their mission was done well, but for some reason, the child of destiny suddenly turned into Marco!

And now Marco has a fighting power that surpasses the Yonko, and even eliminates the side effects of his own Devil Fruit!

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but have a headache. What the hell happened?
Why can Marco answer the questions on the gold medal list? !
You know, they also got the help of Hao Jie's father, and spent a lot of money to know all the future history of the pirate world.

Marco is just a native of a small world, how on earth does he know what will happen in his world in the future! ?
After Hao Jie finished scolding, she still looked extremely unhappy: "Get out of here now! Find Marco immediately and kill him!"

"If we can't kill him, our follow-up missions won't be possible at all! We won't be able to be promoted to a four-star team! Do you know!!!"


After answering in unison, the two of them were relieved and were about to leave...

At this moment, Hao Jie suddenly said: "Wait a minute, Li Rui, stay and follow me into the room inside. I have something to tell you."

The Li Rui she mentioned was the young man with the Samsara Eye. When he heard this, he felt his legs were a little weak and his waist on both sides ached a little.

The last steel ball experience was still vivid in his mind, and the shadow in his heart had not faded.

Just as Li Rui's legs were shaking, suddenly, a soldier ran in and half-knelt on the ground.

"Report! We discovered the Whitebeard Pirates!!!"

His tone suddenly turned frightened: "But, the main ship of the Whitebeard Pirates suddenly... suddenly appeared in the sky above the Holy Land Mariejoia!!"

The main ship of the Whitebeard Pirates appears in the sky above Mariejoia? ? ?
Hao Jie and the other three were stunned. Marie Joa was at the top of the Red Earth Continent, a full 5000 meters above the ground! !

And a pirate ship traveling in the sea appeared in the sky above the Holy Land Mariejoia? ?
They wanted to ask the soldier, do you want to hear what nonsense you are saying?
But right now...

boom! ! !
An extremely terrifying domineering aura instantly spread throughout the Holy Land of Mariejoia.

Li Rui stared at the ceiling, his eyes gushing out, and he sensed the scene outside.

In the sky above Pangu City, the main city of the Holy Land, a whale-like ship was floating in the sky.

That is the main ship of the Whitebeard Pirates!

"How brave!" A glint flashed in Li Rui's eyes: "Although I don't know how they did it, but since they dare to come to the door themselves, there is only one way to die!!"

At the same time, Li Rui flashed and disappeared from the spot.

After leaving the Temple of God, he breathed a huge sigh of relief, Marco, you really came in too time!
I will remember this kindness and let you die more happily later!


ps: easy to read, two-in-one...

(End of this chapter)

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