He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 49: The intruder’s CPU is dry-burned, Marco will get to know Kaguya Otsutsuki! ! ?

Chapter 49: The intruder’s CPU is dry-burned, Marco will get to know Kaguya Otsutsuki! ! ?

Over the holy land of Mariejoia, a huge whale-like ship floated over Pangu City.

On the deck of the Moby Dick…

Whitebeard, Marco, Groudon, and Broken Ball stood at the front of the deck, overlooking the buildings below.

"Tsk tsk, that's okay. As the God of the Earth, I can actually make the whole ship fly."

Groudon rolled his eyes: "Didn't you take out the three-legged Golden Crow cub yourself? Do you look down on the creatures in the world?"

Behind them, the captains including Fire Fist Ace, Diamond Jozi and Thatch stood silently.

This battle can be said to be the battle that determines the survival of the world.

In this battle, only captains like them are qualified to play.

The other members were left stationed on the sea, waiting for their triumphant return.

But now Fire Fist Ace and other division captains are staring at Broken Ball and Groudon, and the turmoil deep in their hearts has not yet completely calmed down.

Not long ago, they learned the true identity of this beast from Marco's mouth.

Existences from other worlds! !

Originally, they thought it was a joke Marco used to liven up the atmosphere.

But when even the white-bearded father nodded and admitted their identities in person.

They stayed there for a long time before finally accepting the reality with difficulty.

Then under Marco's explanation, they learned the inside story.

The people who control the navy now are not the Celestial Dragons, but like these two helpers, invaders from other worlds!
At this moment, the captains' already dizzy heads suffered another heavy blow, and their worldview completely collapsed.

Little Broken Ball and Groudon naturally didn't know what was going on in these people's minds. They were chatting in the chat group.


Wanjie chat group...

[Little Breaking Ball]: "Photo", we have arrived at the holy land of Mariejoia, and the world invaders should be here.

[Apprentice Death]: Is this the real Holy Land Marie Gioia? It looks more shocking than the one in the historical video!

[Do you want to dance, too?]: @「小爆球」@「I can’t fly」. After seeing the world invaders, remember to take a photo for me to see. I want to know what’s going on with their eyes.

[Little Breaking Ball]: OK!Let’s not talk about it for now, there seems to be some movement here.


At the same time, bursts of piercing alarm sounds came from the ears of the little broken ball.

The entire Holy Land of Mariejoia fell into a huge panic because of the appearance of this ship.

At the same time, powerful domineering and powerful auras rose into the sky and rushed towards Pangu City at extremely fast speeds.

Because of the appearance of Marco and others, the entire Pangu City ran at high speed like a precise machine.

"It's actually a flying ship!!! That's awesome! You guys hurry up and shoot it down for me. I want to collect it!"

In addition to the strong men who started to act, there were also fat ones who looked like pigs. Tianlong, who was wearing a bubble mask, looked at the Monidick with gleaming eyes.

What these Tianlong people like most is to collect all kinds of rare and strange props and items.

This was the first time they had seen such a large ship that could fly in the sky!
The Tianlong people were very confident in the power of Pangu City's guards. They stood blatantly on the street and pointed at the Moby Dick in the sky without any intention of avoiding it.

On the deck, Marco frowned and looked at these Dracos with great disgust.

What descendants of gods are just a group of disgusting garbage that hogs the entire world’s resources!

Marco looked down at the Tianlong people below indifferently: "The Overlord Haki just now was just saying hello to those world invaders who were hiding."

"Starting now, it's clearing time."

boom! ! !
In an instant, earth-shaking overlord-colored domineering energy poured out, almost covering the entire Pangu City.

Under the absolute pressure of Marco's top-notch overlord color, most of the residents or guards in Pangu City were stunned in less than a second.

Only a few people managed to stay awake under this terrifying overlord's domineering aura.

But even so, their heads seemed to have been hit hard by a heavy hammer, and their strength was greatly weakened.

After Marco finished clearing the area, suddenly, a familiar roar came from below.

"Whitebeard, Marco!! How dare you invade the Holy Land!!?"

Everyone looked at the distance and saw that it was the former naval marshal of the Warring States Period!

Not only that, but behind him were three navy admirals, rushing towards the Moby Dick at full speed.

Originally, the group of them came to the Holy Land to report their work to Wulaoxing and make suggestions to Wulaoxing.

The navy's recent steps have been too big. It needs to slow down and not push these pirates to death, lest they jump over the wall and break the net.

But they didn't expect that as soon as they arrived at the Holy Land, they saw this scene before them. The Whitebeard Pirates actually invaded the Holy Land of Mariejoia.

Boom! ! !
Sengoku smashed the ground with his foot, jumped into the air, used the moon step to walk in the air, and transformed into the form of a giant Buddha in mid-air, and punched the Moby Dick hard.

Akainu, Aoki, and Kizaru also followed Sengoku, and the elemental energy all over their bodies was fluctuating violently.

At a glance, you can tell that he is condensing some big killing move.

Looking at the four people attacking fiercely, Marco said: "Want to play?"

Groudon shook his head: "Now we focus on group tasks. Since they are not our target, just let them lie down!"

In an instant, Groudon's red pupils condensed, and there were vague law fluctuations on his body.

Hum-boom! ! !

In an instant, an indescribable and powerful force suppressed from the sky, it was like a red earth continent falling from the sky!
The four members of the Warring States Period were immediately distracted and unable to move, let alone use the fruit's abilities.

Boom! ! !

The bodies of the four people hit the ground, and countless mud bricks shattered in the air.

The gravity controlled by Groudon made their bodies deeply embedded in the soil. Not even a finger could move, and the bones all over their bodies seemed to be shattered.

Seeing Sengoku and the general being crushed to the ground by Groudon without any chance of fighting back.

Ace and other captains' mouths opened in an O-shape, completely frozen in place, not knowing how to speak to this scene.

Even Whitebeard was in a trance, as if he was in a dream.

You know, the generals and emperors are at the same level, and there is not much difference in strength between the three generals and the four emperors.

But now, this being from another world has solved the three generals and the former Marshal Warring States Period without even moving a finger, just with a look? ?

Doesn't that mean that if the other party wants to defeat you, it's just a matter of looks?
"It seems that the real owner has arrived."

Little Broken Ball seemed to have noticed something and reminded him.

The voice just fell.

Two men and one woman, three figures appeared in the air directly in front of the Moby Dick without any warning.

Marco said in a deep voice: "The man on the right was one of the people who sniped at the invaders of my world. His eyes were the same as "Do you also want to dance?" "

Broken Ball and Groudon looked at it, and it was indeed the case.

The man on the right has samsara eyes in his pupils, and even the woman in the middle has samsara eyes.

Another man's eyes were filled with another pupil technique from the Naruto world, Byakugan.It can be seen from their positions and postures that the three people are headed by the woman in the middle.

With a thought, Xiao Poqiu sent the screenshot to the group chat.

[Little Breaking Ball]: Did you see it?These three are world invaders, and there are even two owners of the Samsara!The other person also has the pupil technique of the Naruto world, Byakugan.

[Little Broken Ball]: @"Do you also want to dance?" These are all abilities in your world. Could they have come from your world?

[Do you want to dance too?]: Impossible!The samsara eye is no big deal!I have no impression of these faces at all. If they had the Samsara Eye and were people in my world, they would never be unknown and would definitely occupy a place in world history, but we have not seen such existences.

[Little Broken Ball]: That's right...and their purpose is to make the world collapse. How could people in the Naruto world know such a thing.

[The richest man in the world]: Wow, I vomited in this photo. This woman is so ugly, she can hardly see with her eyes.

[The richest man in the world]: Huh?Wait, these eyes... I'm super!Please zoom in!
[Apprentice Death]: Zoom in? ? ?Are you saying you want to harm our eyes? !You are so vicious, richest man!Or are you, those stinking capitalists, tired of playing and like something with a strong taste?
[The richest man in the world]: convex (_) convex, Fake!I'm talking about serious things!Please zoom in and take a look.

Struggling to endure the discomfort, everyone simultaneously dilated the woman's eyes. In an instant, they understood why Tony Stark had such a strong reaction.

[Ghost Slaying Expert]: This...this is the Nine Magatama Reincarnation Eye! !Otsutsuki Kaguya's eyes? !
[Apprentice Shinigami]: The Nine Magatama Samsara Eyes...are higher than the eyes of "Do you want to dance too?", only Kaguya Otsutsuki has this kind of eyes.

[The richest man in the world]: Could it be that... these three people are all from the Otsutsuki clan?According to world history, Otsutsuki Kaguya also came from another world and came to the world of Naruto later.

[Little Breaking Ball]: Impossible. The world where Otsutsuki Kaguya is located can only be another parallel world in the Naruto world, similar to the multiverse, but different from the multiverse.

[I can’t fly]: Indeed, without relying on chat groups, I, a god in the big world, can’t cross the world. How can there be characters who can travel across the world in the small world.


Pirate World…

After seeing the information in the group, the three Marcos also enlarged the photo.

Sure enough, what was in the woman's eyes was none other than the Nine Magatama Reincarnation Eyes!

Looking at Marco and others, Li Rui said: "Captain, let me catch Marco for you and complete this star-raising mission immediately!"

"Very good." Hao Jie nodded with satisfaction: "I hope I don't need to take action so that I can conserve my energy and reward you with a good reward tonight~"

After hearing these words, Li Rui's legs trembled and he didn't dare to answer the question at all.

However, the battle still has to be fought.

After mustering up his energy, Li Rui opened his eyes, and powerful pupil power surged out of his Samsara Eyes.

Whoosh! !
The next moment, a terrifying skeletal giant appeared out of thin air, with gray flames burning all over its body, standing on the ground of Pangu City like a demon god.

Seeing the giant in front of them, Zeng Guo and others lying on the ground, his pupils shrank into a small dot.

This giant...this posture, they had seen it on the quiz screen!

Yes, this is exactly the move used by Uchiha Madara in the question of Uchiha Madara vs. the Five Kages - Susanoo!
But isn't Madara Uchiha a strong man from other worlds?Why did his moves appear in the Holy Land! ?

The skeletal giant wrapped around Li Rui, and a steady stream of powerful pupil power poured out of his eyes.

"Marco, since you came to the door yourself, don't blame me for being rude."

"We have already set up a barrier here in advance - the Four Red Sun Formation. You can't escape!"

In an instant, the entire Pangu City sky was dyed crimson.

Four fireballs like the scorching sun rose into the sky, and countless red lights fell, covering the entire Pangu City in the formation.

"Run? Why run? Our target is you!"

Marco was not afraid at all and continued: "Also, why do you have the Samsara Eye and the Nine Magatama Samsara Eye of Princess Kaguya Otsutsuki?"

Hearing this, the expressions of Li Rui and the others became extremely shocked.

Confused, confused.

The CPU is smoking and burning out.

What did they hear?
Why does Marco know about the Nine Magatama Samsara Eye?Do you still know Kaguya Otsutsuki?
and many more……

Could it be that the picture of Uchiha Madara VS the Five Kages appeared on the question-answering list, and he learned from the picture at that time...?
It’s so wrong!

There is nothing about Kaguya Otsutsuki at all in the scene of Uchiha Madara VS Five Kage, and there will be no Nine Magatama Samsara Eye!
Even if Marco knew the future of this world, how could he still know the characters and abilities of the Naruto world?

Even the final boss of the Naruto world, Otsutsuki Kaguya, knows? ?
The three of them were messy in the wind. What happened to this world?
Hao Jie gritted his teeth: "Don't worry about him, just grab Marco and check his memory, then you can find out what happened!"

"Li Rui, do it!"

boom! ! !
Li Rui moved in response, and the power in his eyes gushed out crazily: "Heavenly Obstacle Zhenxing!!"

Boom! ! !

In an instant, the sky darkened, and two huge meteorites tore through the clouds, dyeing the clouds red with fiery sparks as they swooped down towards Moby Dick.

"Let me come, Immortal Huang Yan!"

Marco then transformed into a half-animal form, waving his wings, setting off a whirlpool of green flames that shot straight into the sky.

Unlike Qingyan, who can heal the body, what Marco uses now is a terrifying power that can destroy everything!
Boom! ! !
The cyan flame collided with the meteorite, and the result was known in an instant.

The meteorite was completely shattered and turned into countless rubbles falling everywhere on the ground.

"Careful, Captain! He's behind you!!"

The young man with white eyes in the intruder team warned loudly.


"Phoenix Seal!"

Marco's legs turned into bird claws, glowing with cyan immortal flames, carrying immense power, and stamped hard on Hao Jie's body.

Hao Jie was like a meteor falling to the ground, hitting the ground hard and turning into a big pit, with spider web-like cracks spreading outward.

But Marco's own body also flew upside down at the same time, and it took a lot of effort to stabilize himself. Feeling the swollen and painful soles of his feet, he couldn't believe it.

Just now, he wanted to test the strength of the leader of the intruders, but he didn't expect that after kicking the opponent, a counterattack force that was several times more powerful than his own attack was transmitted.

"What's going on!?" Marco was a little surprised.

Groudon looked at the opponent's armor and narrowed his eyes: "Her armor does not belong to the Small Thousand World. The power of laws contained in it... comes from the Great Thousand World. Of course you, a Small Thousand World, cannot break the defense. .”

"However, in my opinion, it is just rubbish. It is probably a relatively low-end thing in the big world. People in the middle world can break it, so it can only bully the people in your small world."

Marco: "..."

It hurts my heart, I feel offended.

However, he finally understood how big the gap was between the small world and the big world.

Just a piece of garbage defensive equipment in the world can make him, the top powerhouse in the pirate world, unable to break through his defense.

However, Marco was not discouraged. You have the equipment in the world, and so can I!And it can be stronger than you!

As long as there is a points lottery, sooner or later he will be able to draw something from the world!


ps: Two in one, 4500 words, there will be another chapter later, today I have a total of 7000 words, I don’t like to drag out the climax, you will enjoy reading it!
As for some doubts, settings, and directions of the Invader Team, they will be explained clearly in tomorrow’s chapter.

This setting was finalized before the book started.

Don't worry about settings crashing.

(End of this chapter)

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