He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 50 Why does Groudon appear in the pirate world?The arrival of the Golden Crow brings shock t

Chapter 50 Why does Groudon appear in the pirate world?The arrival of the Golden Crow brings shock to the pirate world! !

Among the rubble and rubble...

Hao Jie shook off the rubble and dirt that was weighing on him and stood up again.

She narrowed her narrow eyes and stared at Marco: "Indigenous person of the Little Thousand World... you have successfully angered me! How can you break through the defense of the Black God suit?"

"Li Rui, stand down, I'm going to take action myself!" She smiled ferociously: "I'm going to crush his bones inch by inch, and then let him die tens of thousands of times in the Tsukuyomi Space!"

Boom! !An extremely terrifying momentum rose from Hao Jie's body, condensing into a nearly 400-meter-tall Susanoo!
The red and black armor that was originally wrapped around her body was now like liquid, covering the entire Susanoo.

Like a demon crawling out of hell, Susanoo's empty pupils were burning with black flames.

"Amaterasu, burn everything!"


The black flames that filled the sky turned into a black flame dragon, opened its big mouth, and engulfed the Moby Dick.

Just then...

In front of the Moby Dick, the flames condensed, and a "big" character made entirely of flames appeared.

Li Rui looked contemptuous: "Is it Fire Fist Ace's move? You are really overestimating your capabilities."

There is an insurmountable chasm between the Small Thousand World and the Middle Thousand World, let alone the gap between the Small Thousand World and the Great Thousand World.

No matter what moves Marco and the others use now, they can never break through the defense of the Black God suit.

Li Rui felt envious in his heart. It was great to have a good father and someone to protect him at the beginning.

Soon, the "big" character of flames swayed towards the Amaterasu dragon.

Look at the large flaming characters that can be blown away by a gust of wind, light and without any lethality.

Compared with the Amaterasu dragon, it is like a small toothpick, not at the same level.


The two touched,

Li Rui's pupils suddenly widened. The moment he touched, no, he didn't even touch.

Amaterasu, who claimed to be able to burn everything, seemed to have encountered a flame king who was countless levels above him, and was immediately extinguished and collapsed.

The speed of the big character flame suddenly accelerated.

In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Susanoo and bumped into him hard.

There was no huge movement or terrifying explosion.

There is only peace.

A calm like melting snow.

Susanoo and the "Black God Suit" from the vast world melted directly... and turned into nothingness.

As for his captain, he and Susanoo were turned into ashes and completely disappeared from this world.

At this moment, Li Rui felt unbelievable panic and shock in his heart!

The captain who owned the Black God suit was burned to death! ?How can this be! !

The intact Hao Jie reappeared in mid-air, looking extremely embarrassed and no longer as arrogant as before.

Just as death was approaching, Hao Jie, who noticed something was wrong, used the life-saving equipment his father gave him - a scapegoat.

Only then did she escape.

At this time, Hao Jie's fear and confusion were only greater than those of Li Rui and Li Rui.

Why!Will the Black God suit from the world be destroyed?No, it was not destroyed, it was completely destroyed!
"It's just rubbish equipment from the Big Thousand World. Are you just pretending to be cool in the Small Thousand World? You can't even catch my big blast. Rubbish is just rubbish."

A faint voice came.

In the sky, a red figure appeared at some point. It was wrapped in red scales and looked very ferocious.

I don't know why, but looking at the existence in front of me, Hao Jie felt vaguely familiar.

Just as she was searching for the answer in her mind...


With a low roar, this crimson creature suddenly grew in size under everyone's disbelieving gaze.

Finally, it turned into a giant beast the size of a mountain, standing on the ground.

The moment they saw him, everyone felt as if they were looking at a continent and felt a heavy rush towards them.

At this moment, Hao Jie opened her mouth wide, a stream of cold air rushed from the soles of her feet to the sky, and she let out an ear-piercing scream of terror:


Groudon's eyes froze for a moment.

Why does she... know my name again?
Could it be that there are world invaders in my world too! ?


Hao Jie's pupils were shrinking violently, and she was so shocked that she even forgot to breathe.

Some time ago, she went to her father's place. She heard from her father that this time there were some more information about the world.

She took a sneak peek and happened to see a new world called Pokémon.

What I saw was the information about Groudon, the God of Earth.How can this be! ! !

Isn't Groudon a creature from the "Pokémon" world, one of the latest worlds to appear in the "Lord God Space"! ! ?
Why does it appear in a small world like One Piece! ?

"It's me, it's me!"

The little broken ball floated up: "Baby, it's your turn!"

Beep~——! !

A bird's song that could pierce the soul resounded throughout the pirate world, and a bright little bird rushed out of the body of Xiao Deqiu.

It went straight into the sky, and finally turned into a big sun, spanning the heaven and earth!

Everyone in the pirate world heard this crisp bird song that seemed to resound deep in their souls.

Look up at the sky...

I saw the most unforgettable scene in my life...

In the sky, a sacred firebird was flying, and then turned into a big sun.


At this time, two suns appeared! !

The brilliant divine flower illuminates the world, and the brightness of the whole world is like incandescence.

Vast divine power envelopes the world.

Whether it was ordinary people or the top experts on the sea, their minds suddenly went blank.

All beasts, including the gigantic sea kings that are [-] meters long...

At this moment, they were all trembling, prostrate themselves towards the golden crow in the sky, expressing their surrender.

Holy Land Marie Gioia…

Ace and others' eyes were already empty and dull, and they had lost their ability to think.

Marco was even more breathless. The suppressive force from his bloodline prevented him from even using his abilities.

"Damn it, Little Broken Ball, you actually brought the Golden Crow? Aren't only group members allowed to bring it?"

"The Golden Crow was originally drawn from the chat group. This is just the spirit of the Golden Crow, and the body is still in my world."

At this time, Hao Jie had also lost her ability to think, and felt the pressure brought by the Golden Crow, which was even more terrifying than her father.

Again...another top creature in the world.

"Ahahahahaha!!! Fake, this must be fake!!"

Groudon clicked his tongue: "It seems crazy, and the endurance is too bad."

Xiao Poqiu said: "Then let's destroy them directly? How about sinking the Holy Land Mariejoia? I also hate the Celestial Dragons."

"No, I want to know why she knows my name, so be disabled."

"Okay, cub, let's do it." Little Broken Ball said to the Golden Crow cub.

Beep~! !
The Golden Crow crows again, and a sunbeam shoots down from the sky.

Just then...

Om~! ! !

A vast will that cannot be described in words came, the space seemed to be imprisoned, and time pressed the pause button.

In the colorful world, it seems that only black and white are left.

The bodies of Little Broken Ball and others seemed to be exiled, but their eyes could still see things, but they could not control their bodies.

They saw it, and as the world trembled, a vague figure that could not be observed with the naked eye and could not be looked at directly with the spirit appeared.

With a wave of his hand, the sunbeam falling from the Golden Crow flew back.


Another wave of the hand.

The figures of the three world invaders disappeared, and the majestic figure that could not be seen directly also disappeared.

The black and white world in the eyes of Little Poqiu and others began to return to colorful colors.

The stagnant time and confined space began to return to normal.

"Then... what is that!?"

"The world invader has been rescued!?" Groudon's scalp was numb, his heart was still frightened, and he was breathing heavily.

Even it felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

"Don't... don't be afraid, it's... the leader of the group." Little Broken Ball explained. As Annan's subordinate world, and having experienced it once from a distance, it recognized that it was the aura of the group leader.



ps: Some settings and doubts will be solved in the next chapter. There are 7000+ words today, so it’s not too much to ask for the free 'Compare Your Hearts (Recommendation Votes)'! !

(End of this chapter)

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