He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 51 (Must read, don’t skip) Another existence beyond the big world!Confirmation in Annan’s he

Chapter 51 (must read but not skip) Another existence beyond the world!Confirmation in Annan’s heart!

Above the nine heavens, there is a place that humans cannot reach.

Annan's figure emerged among them, and under his feet was a ball wrapped in transparent bubbles.

- Pirate World.

When Annan is located here, it seems to be the center of the entire world.

The world is trembling.

Now, he is located outside the world barrier, to be precise, he is located in the world passage.

It took Marco and others exactly ten hours to set out from the Whitebeard Territory to the Holy Land Marie Joa.

The passage between the Ultra World and the Pirate World has just reached full progress, and the passage between the two worlds has been successfully opened.


In front of Annan, three figures floated, none other than Hao Jie and the others.

"Let me see what's going on with you intruders."

"Why do you have the Samsara Eye, and why do you appear in the world of pirates?"

He was checking the memories of the three of them.

An Nan was surprised, there was a mark in the minds of these three people that blocked his investigation.

This imprint was deeply imprinted on the soul consciousness of the three of them.

When someone wants to forcefully invade their mind and obtain memories through external forces, it will actively stop them.

At the same time, if these three people want to say certain taboo words, this mark will also appear and they will remain silent, preventing them from saying the relevant words.

"Interesting, some kind of contract?"

But to him, the mark was as if it didn't exist at all, and it broke open with a light poke.

As Annan's thoughts moved,

All the memories of the three people, including even the secrets hidden deep in their hearts, things they have forgotten...

Even the memories from the fetal period were presented in front of him in every detail.

Memory acquisition completed.

The bodies of these three people were then turned into ashes and disappeared completely.

next moment...

Annan's figure disappeared from the spot for about a second.

When he reappeared, there was already a golden piece of paper in his hand.

This piece of paper is the gold medal list of the pirate world. I just went out and captured it.

"Last time I couldn't analyze your existence..."

"Ever since I learned that there is still a way beyond the vast world, and after I had my first subordinate world, my strength has increased and I have completed a breakthrough from zero to one."

'This time, I want to see what you are. '

The suppressed divinity is completely released.

His eyes opened and closed, and the dazzling divinity surged out. There was neither joy nor sorrow, and everything in front of him was the most essential existence.

The stars tremble, the sun, the moon, ice and fire, the thunder and the wind, and countless laws of the great road are lingering around the body. The vastness of the heaven and earth, the vastness of the universe, and the eternal chaos are all crawling under the feet.

Although I have not entered the pirate world, the entire world barrier of the pirate world as a small world is trembling, as if it is about to shatter.

The three people in the world of pirates, Xiao Poqiu, felt an early warning in their hearts, as if there was a life and death crisis.

Good thing…

Annan took the initiative to restrain his aura, and the situation ended.

He stared at the gold medal list, his eyes flashing with countless rules and runes, looking straight into the source.

long time...

The terrifying divinity is restrained and suppressed again.

"I see."

"The main god's space...and the question answering gold list..."

Ever since he realized that there was still a way to reach the highest realm of the world.

He had a vague suspicion about the gold medal list in his mind.

Since there are gold-answer lists in so many worlds, I am afraid that like myself, it has transcended the highest realm of the world and glimpsed the existence of a higher level.

After exploring the answers list and the memories of the three people, his guesses can be said to be right or wrong.

Unexpectedly, this golden list of answers to the many worlds of the Manifestation of Saints is closely related to the main god space.

In other words, they are one.

Like him, the Lord God Space is the most powerful person who controls a top-level world, and is a 'Hongmeng-level' existence that transcends the world!
It has also touched the realm above the vast world, and wants to become the supreme existence and make its own world the central and supreme world.

However, the path it takes is different from Annan's.

Annan's road is a passage that opens up the worlds, allowing countless small worlds, middle worlds, and large worlds to become their own subordinate worlds, guarding themselves like the sands of the Ganges, and thus becoming the central world.

But the choice of the Lord God Space - is to plunder!
It turns the natives in its own world into invaders, invading all the worlds and plundering the origin of the world in countless dimensions.

Gather the original power of thousands of worlds into one body, use it to support your own body, and use it to transcend the ranks of the thousands of worlds and become the supreme master of the central world.

Intruders in the main god space are mainly divided into three major levels.

1~3 stars: The lowest level, Xiaoqian World-level intruders, can only invade Xiaoqian World and have low strength.

4~6 stars: It is the Zhongqian World level, and the world invaded is the Zhongqian World.

Stars 7~9: They are intruders at the level of the world, spying on and stealing the origin of the world.

When the Xiaoqian World Invaders invade the world, they are directly launched into the world to invade.

When the invaders of the Thousand Worlds invade the world, they use their souls to occupy the body of a native of this world.

When an invader invades a world, he must be born in that world and grow from his mother's womb.

Unlike the weak world barrier of the Small Thousand World, the Middle Thousand World and the Great Thousand World themselves are extremely resistant to external existence.

If an invader comes directly to the Zhongqian or Daqian world in his true form, he will be judged as an outsider by the world itself, and it will obliterate the outsider at all costs.

Therefore, if you want to invade the Middle Thousand World, you must occupy the body of the dead natives and hide it from the outside world.

And almost all the worlds have given birth to the will of the world, and even soul penetration cannot hide it.

It is necessary to connect the imprint of the soul with the world itself, seal the memory, grow again from the mother's womb, and unlock the sealed memory after adulthood.


As for the question-answering list that is part of the Lord God’s space.

It has the ability to directly read the time course of a world!

This is how it knows the past and future of the entire world and issues questions.Naturally, what it releases will only happen in the future, so almost no one can answer these questions correctly.

If no one answers the question correctly, it will reveal its true purpose, extract the destiny of mankind in the entire world, and condense the origin of the world.

The main god space then directly generates an identical simulated world based on the 'origin of the world' and the 'past and future of the world'. '

This simulated world is not the real world... A thought from the Lord God Space can start the simulated world over.

It allows the invaders to become familiar with the power of 'this world', become familiar with various characters of 'this world', and complete various tasks.

Of course, the main god space pursues cultivating gu.

In the simulated world, invaders will also suffer high casualty rates when completing various tasks.

It's okay to be injured, even if your hands and feet are broken, or your chest is broken, as long as the mission is over and you still have breath when you return to the main god space, you can pay the price to repair the injury.

But when you die, you really die.

There will be 'reincarnation points' when you complete the mission.

The reincarnation eyes possessed by the three-person team are the 'reincarnation points' obtained by completing simulation tasks.

Then use the reincarnation point in the main god space to exchange for powerful abilities like the reincarnation eye.

Seeing this, Annan looked very calm.

For a creation god of their level, creating the so-called Sharingan and Rinnegan does not require any effort at all, as long as you know the existence of this thing.

Using your own creative power, you can create anything and power at will.

In addition to the tasks of simulating the world.

There is also a mission called "Star Rising Mission".

In other words, he was promoted from an invader of the Small Thousand Worlds to an invader of the Middle Thousand Worlds.

Or as an invader of the Middle Thousand Worlds, to be promoted to an invader of the Great Thousand Worlds, you need to go through the tasks.

Hao Jie and the others are on this kind of star-raising mission.

Invaders will be dropped into the real world to invade.

The goal is to destroy the world and obtain the origin of the world.

Basically, there is no life and death, and it is not as easy to succeed as the 'Simulated World', because although the Small Thousand World does not have the will of the world, it has instincts. When it senses that the source has been extracted, it will save itself, and various things often happen in the end.


As for how the main god space releases the invaders, it also relies on the gold medal list.

For example, its function is similar to the red envelope function of the Wanjie chat group.

Every intruder is treated as a red envelope by the main god space, and is sent directly to the intruder, and then comes through the gold list of answering questions.

However, not all worlds can be cast.

There are two prerequisites for placement:

1. Have read the world’s time sequence and know everything that will happen in the world in the future.

2. Start answering questions, and someone answers incorrectly or no one answers, absorbing the luck of the world.

If the above two points are met, the main god space can release invaders into the world.

Of course, it is not that simple to invade the long river of time and peek into the past and future of a world.

The world river in the Small Thousand World is easier to read, but the Middle Thousand World is a little more difficult...

The Great World is even more difficult and requires an immeasurable amount of time.

In the more powerful Daqian World, the question-answering list does not even dare to be revealed. Instead, it will change into other forms to hide, secretly invading the long river of time.

Invading the world will also use other means, and it is not limited to letting others 'answer questions'.


Annan suddenly thought of the Wanjie chat group.

Tony Stark's Marvel world and Groudon's Pokémon world are both big worlds.

But they all have a gold medal list in the world.

He touched his chin.

"In this way, the Marvel and Pokémon worlds are relatively weak in the world, and they dare to reveal the gold medal list directly."


Why do invaders from the reincarnation space appear in the pirate world?

That has something to do with the gold medal list for the first two questions.

Although Marco answered the question correctly, in the pirate world, there are also people who have nothing to do, or who do not believe in evil, tried to answer the question, but got the answer wrong.

There are quite a few such people, and some of them are important players in the world.

It is estimated that Kaido, Shichibukai, red-haired Shanks and other important characters in the world also got the answer wrong.

As a result, he was extracted from the gold medal list and his luck condensed a trace of the origin of the pirate world.

If the above two conditions are met, the Lord God Space can send intruders.


I sorted through the information I got.

Annan finally got the general idea.

It is estimated that many small thousand worlds and many middle thousand worlds have been poisoned.

In the wide world, there should not be one yet.

The top powerhouses in the world are probably not even able to be defeated by invaders. If they want to steal the origin of the world, they can only become a 'native' of the world by reincarnating and smuggling away.

Then secretly invade Chencang, eating away at the world bit by bit, and transporting the origin of the world.

Although there are still many doubts in my heart.

But there’s more to figuring out.

Unless you capture a gold medal list for answering questions from the Zhongqian World, or a gold medal list for answering questions from the Great Thousand Worlds.

A smile appeared on his lips. It was good to have an opponent.

Moreover, it seems that this opponent cannot come to other worlds like himself, and must rely on invaders to obtain the origin of the world.



ps: The first volume is completed, and the outline of the second volume will be improved.

No one is perfect, and a person’s brain power is limited. Many things may be overlooked when considering them. Even if a great master writes a book, there will always be some small problems, let alone a small author like me.

When you see trivial issues that have nothing to do with elegance, just stop looking at them with your head in mind.

(End of this chapter)

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