He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 52: The shock of seeing the group leader take action with his own eyes, the second subordina

Chapter 52: The shock of seeing the group leader take action with his own eyes, the second subordinate world!
Pirate World…

Whether they are ordinary people, top experts, four emperors, or great pirates...

At this time, everyone fell into a strange dead silence. Everyone's eyes were lifeless and they looked up at the sky with dull eyes.

don't say it's them

Even Marco and Groudon, who had seen the big scene, opened their mouths in shock, and their jaws almost dropped to the ground.


Just less than 1 minute ago.

Above the sky, an arm that could not be described in all human words stretched out from outside the world, encompassing the universe and covering the sky.

The countless strong men who were unable to shake half of the gold medal list by all means trembled under this giant hand, and were easily captured by it and ran away.

I don't know how long after...

Countless powerful men who commanded the sea came back to their senses, their heads were a little dizzy.
Previously, a bird in the sky turned into a sun, and now a terrifying giant hand reached in and tore away the gold medal list.

They feel that the world has never been more strange.

Holy Land Marie Gioia…

Marco and the others also regained their composure, pointing to the sky, their mouths still trembling and unable to obey: "This...that...this..."

Groudon isn't much better.


Groudon took a deep breath to calm down, but the shock in his eyes could not go away for a long time.

As a divine beast that controls the laws of the earth in the vast world, when it saw that giant hand, it felt more profoundly than everyone present.

The moment the giant hand appeared, endless laws lingered, accompanied by the divine chain of order, and all the laws were intertwined and intertwined to form a long river.

Among the thousands of laws, it also felt the 'law of the earth'. The laws of the earth it mastered were simply incomparable.

Its power makes it feel suffocated!

One's own is a small stream, while the other's is a vast sea of ​​stars. The difference is countless orders of magnitude.

Looking at the performance of the two, the only one who remained calm was Little Broken Ball. It said disdainfully: "What a fuss, it was the group leader who took action just now. Didn't I tell you before? The group leader's aura has arrived, now Did it scare you? This slap is not that big. Remember, the leader of the group sent Jupiter flying with one slap."

The two suddenly realized.

Although I once heard from Little Broken Ball that the group leader once slapped Jupiter away in their world.

But... how can words come close to the shock of witnessing it with your own eyes?
But when I thought about it, this seemed normal, after all, that was the group leader!

The growth of Groudon's own strength still relies on the 'law of the earth' drawn from the points lottery of the Ten Thousand Realms chat group.

The three-legged Golden Crow hovering above his head, the top creature in the world, was also something that Xiao Poqiu used his points to extract from the chat group of all worlds.

The Wanjie chat group is so awesome.

As for the group leader, he is a person that even the Ten Thousand Realms Chat Group would kneel down.


Boom! ! !

Suddenly, a strong momentum shot into the sky.

Whitebeard and the others trembled in fright. They had been frightened enough today. What...what happened again?


They found out it was Marco.

A ripple of air visible to the naked eye centered on Marco and spread out in all directions, like a strong wind sweeping through, blowing away countless ruins.

The three-color domineering energy and fruit ability were released involuntarily, and the cyan flame and black domineering energy wrapped around his body at the same time, spreading and growing like a whirlpool.

The blue shadow of a phoenix was faintly revealed in the sky.At the same time, along with the overwhelming pressure of domineering, the entire space became hot and heavy.

Marco's breath became extremely powerful every time he breathed in, and it even gave people the illusion that they were really facing the Phoenix.

But this change comes and goes just as quickly.

After the power dissipated, Marco looked at his hands in astonishment.

His fruit power and domineering power have actually awakened and broken through to a stronger level! ?He had a vague feeling before that after absorbing the ray of light given by the group leader, his strength had reached its limit and there was no way to improve it through normal means.

After learning about the divisions of the world, Marco guessed that his strength had reached the limit that the small world could accommodate.

What's going on now?

The suppression of world boundaries is broken?
Moreover, he vaguely felt that the air around him seemed to have an indescribable change.

And at this time Groudon...

He felt something deeper than Marco.

It raised its head and looked around, and the feeling of this world began to feel different to him.

Both the order and laws of the world's operation and the concentration of energy particles are quietly changing.

Groudon's expression suddenly became astonished: "Did I feel wrong? This world is being promoted to the Middle Thousand World!?"

"Your feeling is correct." Little Broken Ball looked at Marco with some envy: "Congratulations, your world is changing from a small world to a medium world."

Groudon asked, "Do you know what this is about?"

"Could it be that the group leader removed the gold medal list and brought about changes?"

"Hee hee, guess what!" Little Broken Ball did not directly answer Groudon's question and sent a message to Marco alone.

The voice of the little breaking ball sounded in Marco's mind: "Your world should be the same as mine, becoming a subordinate world of the group leader."

"The breath of the world where the group leader is located has begun to flow into your world, causing a qualitative change in your world. The status of the world has also been improved, and it is transforming towards the Middle Thousand World step by step."

Marco: (O_O)?
Marco: (⊙⊙)
Marco: Σ(дlll)! ! ! ! ! ! ?
Marco was stunned, and almost lost control of his facial expression management. His facial muscles were moving in different ways, making the whole face become a little distorted and funny.

Group...the subordinate world of the group leader! ?
Has your own world become the subordinate world of the group leader?That is, the direct descendant of the group leader! ! ?
"Heh...hehehehe..." Marco was giggling like a retard.

Groudon looked at the expressions of the two: (;¬_¬)Ding!
"It's not right, it's very wrong!"

"You two have a big secret you're hiding from me."

Little Broken Ball chuckled: "I can't say now that this matter is of great importance to Marco. Unless the group leader announces it himself, or you join the ranks among us, you will know."

Groudon: "Σ(っ°Д°;)っ!?"

Sure enough... it really has something to do with the group leader.

That's right, the only one who can bring about such terrifying changes in a world is the group leader.

【Ding!After the group mission is completed, you will automatically return to the original world after half an hour, or you can choose to return immediately.Yes/No Return immediately? 】

Neither of them chose to stay, because Wulaoxing and Yimu, who were controlled by the Samsara Eye, recovered their consciousness one after another with the death of the three intruders.

Next, Marco and the others still have a lot of funeral matters to deal with.

"You should be able to handle it yourself. You don't need us to stay and help, right?" Little Broken Ball asked.

"Of course." Marco grinned.

After another improvement in strength, he had already far surpassed the level of the Four Emperors and became the only one in the world.

With his current strength, many things will be much easier to deal with.

"Then let's go and talk in the chat group again."

After saying that, Groudon and the little broken ball slowly disappeared from this world.


Ultra Universe, Blue Star.

Annan looked down at the Ultra World he created from the perspective of the Creator God.

Outside the huge barrier of Ultra World, there are two small balls that are constantly rotating around Ultra World like satellites.

In addition to the previous Wandering Earth, the Pirate World has also successfully made its mark and turned into the second subordinate world under its command.

His strength also jumped up a bit visibly to the naked eye.


(End of this chapter)

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