He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 53 The monster selling soba noodles!Open the channel between the world of pirates and the wo

Chapter 53 The monster selling soba noodles!Open the channel between the world of pirates and the world of wandering earth!

Annan stretched. His goal was accomplished, and it was time to continue playing the game. He was almost finished.

A few hours later, Annan finished the last game at home. Only then did he realize that all the games at home had been played.


After thinking about it, it seemed that I hadn't bought anything for a long time, and I was almost out of snacks.

It seems like it’s time to go out and buy some goods and walk around.

Annan rarely walked on the street,

The city without monster attacks is bustling with hustle and bustle. On the streets, pedestrians and couples are coming and going, shuttling back and forth among the busy traffic.

The solicitations of shop assistants and the roar of car engines gave Annan a real sense of existing in human society.

Looking at the bustling streets and the smiling faces of pedestrians, Annan couldn't help but sigh.

This is human life. Unfortunately, it is too far away from me and I can never go back.

Even if he downplays and seals the irrelevant memories of countless years and suppresses his own divinity, the God of Creation is still the God of Creation, and his identity and mentality cannot return to the past.

It is worth mentioning that because of his overly perfect handsome appearance, it also caused some minor episodes.

After meeting Annan, some girls who were fashionably dressed and had a somewhat unrestrained personality came forward with great enthusiasm to strike up a conversation and want to add friends on social software.

Because they were so annoying, Annan had no choice but to reduce his presence.

while walking…

A simple and clean small vendor attracted Annan's attention.

It was a stall converted from a pushcart, with the three characters "Buckwheat Noodles" written on the banner.

From time to time, customers sit down on the seats in front of the stall.

Working behind the stall was a middle-aged male boss, with a bright face, soliciting customers.

Although the stall is small, the business is surprisingly good.

It can be seen from his expression that this man likes this job very much, and the movements in his hands never stop.

Looking at the man, Annan felt quite interesting.

Interesting...a monster has wandered into a human settlement and is selling soba noodles...

Out of curiosity, he walked over and sat on the bench and said to the boss: "Boss, let's have some noodles."


The boss spoke enthusiastically. After wiping the table clean, he skillfully prepared a new portion of soba noodles and brought it to him.

"Guests please use slowly!"

Picking up the chopsticks, Annan took a bite.

I found that it was surprisingly delicious, and there were no added messy things that would harm the human body.

It is indeed a serving of soba noodles.

A law-abiding man who supports himself by selling noodles at a stall... a monster? ?
It's really strange, the monsters don't destroy the city anymore.

After eating, Annan picked up his things, paid the bill, and left.

The boss said loudly: "Welcome to come again next time!"

As he walked on the road, he was still thinking about the new and strange beast selling soba noodles, and he always felt a little familiar.

and many more……

Annan remembered that in the world of Tiga, there was indeed such a strange monster selling soba noodles-Obik.

Obik, a rare monster in the Tiga world that has no malice towards humans, is also very tragic.

Because he could not accept the rapid changes in the village that was transformed by development projects, he chose to disrupt the humans in the village and prevent the projects, and finally chose to die at the hands of Tiga.Unexpectedly, even though it was no longer the Tiga world in the original work, Obik would still appear.

I haven't heard of any accidents here.

Forget it...

Shaking his head, Annan was too lazy to continue thinking about these trivial matters. He could just let the world run on its own.

Whether it is light or dark, it makes no difference to him, the Creator God.

They are all beings conceived by him.


The next day, the Wanjie chat group.

The group members were chatting and bragging in the group as always, Little Broken Ball and I Can’t Fly, talking about their various heroic deeds in the pirate world.

[I can’t fly]: Too weak, too weak!The Little Thousand World is really too weak. Even the top experts in the Birdman World cannot hold my breath.

[Little Breaking Ball]: I released my cub, and everyone in the pirate world was scared to death. Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, out of sight, after seeing me and Groudon, then The expressions were so wonderful, I guess they didn't expect that in a small world, there would be two creatures from the big world, me and "I can't fly".

[I can’t fly]: Okay, okay, stop gilding yourself, you are also a small world!The three-legged golden crow is the creature of the world!

[Little Broken Ball]: Isn’t my cub equal to me?

[I can’t fly]: But of course the most awesome one is the group leader!The group leader's hand came down and crushed the gold medal list immediately!
[Apprentice Death]: The leader of the group appears! ?hateful!I should have accepted the mission shamelessly!

The other group members are extremely envious. Not only did Broken Ball and Groudon go to other worlds to show off, but they also earned so many points.

You can even see the group leader take action!None of them had seen the group leader take action with their own eyes!

[Do you want to dance too?]: ...If it weren’t for my bad condition, I would also want to go. Damn it, the points lottery hasn’t opened yet, and I’m dead in the underworld again!
[The richest man in the world]: Stop talking, stop talking!My teeth are about to break! !
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Phew... I'm exhausted. It's better for you. You pretended to be cool and got points.I was the one cleaning up the mess, and it took me a whole day to finally get it all done.

[Little Breaking Ball]:? ?So fast?Didn't Wulaoxing and Imu fight with you?

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Haha, they didn’t know what was going on at the time. They wanted to take action as soon as they met, and then I beat them down.

[Ghost Slaying Expert]: Can Mr. Phoenix crush Im and the Five Old Stars?The strength has grown so fast. Wasn't it still the strength of the top four emperors before?

[I Can’t Fly]: Humph, this guy’s world is improving, he and Little Broken Ball have a big secret they’re hiding from us! !
【Do you want to dance too】: World promotion! ! ?

[Apprentice Death]: Hey, big secret! ?

[The richest man in the world]: Say it quickly!Damn it, you guys are all hiding this?

[Little Broken Ball]: It’s hard for both of us to talk about this, unless the group leader takes the initiative to reveal it himself.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this sentence.

This actually has something to do with the group leader! ?
Once you establish a relationship with the group leader, it will definitely be a good thing!

[Light of All Things]: It’s not a big deal. It doesn’t matter whether you talk about it or not. It’s probably that the wandering earth world of “Little Broken Ball” and the pirate world of “Birdman” have become subordinate worlds of my world.

[The richest man in the world]:! ? ? ?
[Apprentice Death]:! ! ! !
【Do you want to dance too】:! ! !

[Ghost Slayer Expert]:! ! !

Everyone's eyes widened when they saw the group leader's message.

The worlds of Phoenix and Little Broken Ball have become a world subordinate to the group leader! ?

This is how the same thing?

Then, the pupils of all the group members shrank again.

[Light of All Things]: After becoming a subordinate world, I am going to open up a channel between your two worlds so that people in your two worlds can communicate with each other; the integration of the laws of the two different worlds will be conducive to the improvement of your worlds.

At this moment, everyone in the group once again felt an unprecedented shock.


(End of this chapter)

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