He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 54: Visiting two different worlds for the first time, the subordinate worlds are interconnec

Chapter 54: Visiting two different worlds for the first time, the subordinate worlds are interconnected and resources are exchanged!

Wandering around the earth world…

Since solving the world crisis,
Scientists on Earth have also detected an additional energy particle in the air, which is of great benefit to living things.

Not long after that, the will of the earth gave him the "Martial Arts Practice" to absorb and utilize these energy particles.

The entire world changed in an instant, and martial arts and technology developed together with human efforts.

While other countries have not successfully embarked on the road to martial arts, the Chinese Kingdom has already thoroughly understood the "martial arts practice method" and has successfully cultivated a large number of its own warriors in the military.

Without him...

Because many terms in this "Martial Arts Practice Method", such as meridians, acupoints, Rendu Meridian, Dantian, Niwan Palace, etc... are all familiar things in Chinese Taoism and cultural heritage.

In China, there are many professional counterparts, such as Taoism, which has been passed down to this day, and traditional Chinese medicine, which is gradually declining.

These existences, which were gradually abandoned by the times, instantly became of great use.

People in these professions can start practicing immediately after receiving the practice method.

When senior officials and people in other countries received the practice method, they looked at the various professional terms on it, and their eyes darkened, and they couldn't understand it at all.

It's not...

All countries cannot sit still.

Earth Federation General Administration.

Representatives from various countries gathered together at this time.

The purpose of their coming here is to obtain information and practice help so that they can embark on the path of martial arts practice together as soon as possible.

Zhou Zhe couldn't help but feel happy when he looked at the people in Lighthouse Country, who were also begging him in a low voice.

He said: "If you want us to share our experiences, that's fine. After all, the cultivation method is a treasure given to us humans by the will of the earth. I will help practitioners from all over the world complete the most basic cultivation, as well as popularize various acupoints and meridians."

Although he wanted to reject all countries,...he couldn't do this, because this was a method of practice given by the will of the earth.

The purpose is for all people to practice cultivation. If it is exclusive, it may also offend the will of the earth, and then the gain outweighs the loss.

However, it cannot be granted for free.

Zhou Zhe continued: "We can teach for free, and even let the warriors call you hand in hand."

Although they were very reluctant, people had to bow their heads under the roof, and representatives from various countries could only agree.


Just then...

Suddenly, the energy particles in the conference room fluctuated.

The expressions of the representatives from various countries in the room changed instantly.

He seemed to have heard something unbelievable and looked shocked.

The entire conference room was so silent that you could hear a pin drop.

After being stunned for a long time, one representative said in disbelief: "Lian, connect to other worlds!?"

"It's not an illusion...I...I heard it too."

Just now, the voice of the earth's will sounded in their minds.

Blue Star, or this world, is about to establish a world channel with another world.

The two worlds are interconnected.

Soon humans from other worlds will come to visit Blue Star.

At the same time, they will also go to another world to experience the customs and customs.

This information made representatives from various countries feel dizzy...

Not long has passed since the time when the Golden Crow appeared to replace the sun.

Now, there is another different world.

This is too shameful and shocking.

Representatives from various countries quickly accepted this reality.

After all, after experiencing so many incredible things, they have become more or less immune and accepting of it.

After they calmed down, their mood suddenly became excited.

This is the first time in Blue Star’s history that it has traveled to a different world!It is a big event worthy of being recorded in history! !

No matter who conducted the exchange in the past, they will leave a mark in the history books.


at the same time…

Pirate World…

Now, the Whitebeard Pirates have defeated the Five Old Stars and Im, and the world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The Whitebeard Pirates were at the height of their power, suppressing the holy land of Mariejoia, and annihilating the Navy Marshal and other high-level officials... The giant hand and the second sun that appeared in the sky before were also suspected to be related to the Whitebeard Pirates.

This news has already spread like a storm to all parts of the world, and the Whitebeard Pirates are already recognized as the uncrowned kings.

Everyone thinks that the Whitebeard Pirates will replace the Celestial Dragons and become the new king of the world.

However, Whitebeard and Marco didn't care about it, and even found it ridiculous.

King of the world?Instead of the Celestial Dragons?Establish your own political power?

Ever since they saw Groudon and the Golden Crow, as well as the group leader's incredible strength, they had long been disinterested in the name One Piece.

Now in the dungeon of Holy Land Mariejoia.

The Tianlongs, Five Old Stars, and Im were all imprisoned, and now the Whitebeard Pirates occupy the Holy Land.

During this period, some crew members began to act erratically and act recklessly in the Holy Land after occupying it.

As a result, after being caught by Marco, he was brutally executed in public, which also used this to knock all the crew members not to bloat.

In the cells on the other floor, a group of senior navy officials were imprisoned.

At this time, Sengoku, who was standing in the cell, widened his pupils after hearing Marco's words.

He opened his mouth slightly and said in disbelief: "Before... going to another world?? Are you kidding me!?"

Marco said calmly: "You are already a prisoner. Now that you are in this situation, do I still need to lie to you?"

Warring States smiled bitterly: "That's right..."

The white beard on the side laughed loudly: "Gu la la la! I was also shocked when I heard Marco's words, but Sengoku, what he said is true!"

"I still remember the arrival of the Golden Crow, the giant hand in the sky, the golden answer list, and the three guys we killed. They were all beings from another world."

At this point, his tone became heavy: "Sengoku, our world is too weak in all aspects. This is no longer the era of the Pirate King or the Navy."

"It's easy for us to dominate the world today, but we don't have the slightest interest in bringing you with me because you have justice in your heart. If I take you to see other worlds, you will know how ridiculous our world is... and how full of lies it is. .”

Although these words of Marco are somewhat self-deprecating, they are indisputable facts.

At least he didn't know before that the earth under their feet was round and that technology could reach such a developed level.

It wasn't until he joined the chat group that he realized how weak he and the world really were.


Wanjie chat group…

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Everything is ready, just waiting for you @「小肖了」.

[Little Breaking Ball]: I’m done here, humans are all ready.

[Apprentice Death]: Hurry up, hurry up, remember to take screenshots to show us when the time comes!
[The richest man in the world]: Damn it, you actually ran away together and became the group leader’s subordinate world!I'm not willing to give in! ! !

[Ghost-killing Expert]: From then on, wouldn’t the world of Little Broken Ball and the world of Mr. Phoenix be able to complement each other and develop together?

[The richest man in the world]: Woohoo!Group leader, please make my world your subordinate world!Please! !I want points! ! !

All group members are very envious of it, becoming a subordinate world that can connect with other group members and complement each other's resources.

Not to mention that the breath of the group leader's world pours into his own world, which has huge benefits for the entire world, not to mention other hidden benefits.

[Light of All Things]: The time is not yet ripe, you will always have a chance in the future. @I am a phoenix, not a birdman. Now that I am ready, I will open the channel between your two worlds.


Pirate world, holy land.

Among the flowers, in the room of Im, the former owner of the Void Throne.

Several squad captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, as well as Sengoku and Garp from the navy, stood here together.

As they watched nervously, suddenly, waves of fluctuations came from the void.

The space in front of him was visibly distorted into an extremely dark vortex-like shape, as if everything was being sucked into it.

The next moment, a blazing light burst out from the vortex, illuminating the entire room into a white light, forcing everyone to squint their eyes.

After the light gradually dimmed, a pure white portal stood in front of everyone.


At the same time, the wandering earth world.

Earth Federation Headquarters.

The space in front of the representatives of various countries was distorted in a way that cannot be explained by science.

Then, after the strong light flashed, a huge white light door stood in front of them.



(End of this chapter)

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