He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 55: The 2nd World Military Parade shocked Whitebeard and Liu Peiqiang to numbness!Big upgrad

Chapter 55 The military parade between the two worlds shocked Whitebeard and Liu Peiqiang to numbness!Big upgrade in the lottery, Dagu is back!
Wandering around the earth world...

The World Passage appeared in the venue of the Human Federation General Administration that took a day to build.

Behind many national representatives, there were many Blue Star humans who were accomplished in martial arts, lining up on both sides.

Among them, there is Liu Peiqiang's figure.

As the son of destiny who wanders around the earth, after the crisis on Jupiter is resolved, he naturally does not need to sacrifice himself.

And since he switched to martial arts training, his realm has also improved by leaps and bounds, and now he has become the top martial artist in the entire China.

After the light gate appeared, Liu Peiqiang and others widened their eyes and shouted in surprise: "Leader...leader, this...is this!?"

Zhou Zhe said: "This is the passage to another world. We will welcome guests from another world."


Different world! ?

Such ridiculous words actually came from the mouth of the leader. Liu Peiqiang and other warriors felt in a trance. It was simply a fantasy. The world was really becoming more and more magical.

Seeing their expressions, Zhou Zhe laughed: "Don't worry, there won't be any old-fashioned incident of invasion from another world. This matter... is dominated by the will of the world."

Ripples appeared on the pure white door, like a lake with falling stones.

Under everyone's nervous and eager gazes, ten different figures walked out of the door.

Some were more than ten meters tall, holding a big knife in their hands, and some were tall and tall. They looked like old men, but they looked like they could beat a bear.


In front of the world passage.

After taking a deep breath, Warring States stepped into the door.

Then, his eyes blurred.

The next moment, when he opened his eyes, he found that he had arrived in a completely different place from the pirate world, another world.

He was shocked beyond words by what he saw.

There are high-rise buildings that are much taller than those in the Pirate World. They are neat and uniform, but very beautiful buildings. A lot of steel and incomprehensible materials are used everywhere.

In the sky, there was even a steel-like bird roaring across the sky!

Except for Marco, Whitebeard, Sengoku, Garp, the three generals, Ace and other division captains all stared at the world in shock...

As members of the Four Emperors and top leaders of the Navy, they thought they had seen many technological creations.

But now that they came to this world, they realized how arrogant they were.

Not to mention those strange steel tools, even the high-rise buildings in front of them,
The level of luxury and grandeur has far surpassed that of the Holy Land Marie Gioia!
"Welcome to all of you who have come from afar."

"In order to understand our world better and faster, we have prepared a military parade, a grand military parade jointly held by the Earth Federation countries."

Zhou Zhe took the initiative and said, "Please get on the fighter plane."

Soon, Warring States and others got on the cabin in a strange way.

They recognized it. Isn't this the giant steel bird flying in the sky just now?Unexpectedly, it turned out to be their means of transportation!
Om-! !

With the roar of the engine, the fuselage lifted up and accelerated into the sky in the shortest possible time.

Feeling the strong force pulling on his back, Baibeard looked dumbfounded at the white clouds that were quickly leaving the window.

What a fast speed, this is actually what a manned machine can do! ?
It didn't take long for them to arrive at the venue of the military parade.

After landing, looking at the countless steel behemoths sitting on the runway and everywhere, an inexplicable sense of oppression hit my face.

And these are also technological creations.

After Whitebeard and others sat down, the Earth Federation military parade officially began.

As one technological product after another, a variety of terrifying weapons appeared on the field, and some that were inconvenient to display on site were presented to them on the big screen.

Spaceships, space stations, satellites, intercontinental missiles, planetary thrusters, space ladders...

As objects beyond their imagination appeared one after another, the mouths of Whitebeard and the others began to close tightly, then became wider and wider, and finally opened completely, and they were so shocked that they couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear.

Looking at their appearance, Marco grinned.

When I first saw the history of the world of small breaking balls in the group, I was just as shocked as they were.

Now, they can finally experience this feeling.

In this way, Whitebeard and the others stayed in the Wandering Earth world for two days.

During these two days, they experienced various high-tech products in the world.

Cell phones, one-person vehicles, computers, even self-flushing toilets...

Even, a group of people experienced taking a rocket to the universe.

After all, with their physiques, they were hundreds of miles ahead of the astronauts, so there was no need to worry at all.

Looking down at the earth from space and looking at the vast universe... they were so shocked that they were numb.

It turns out...the world is round?Looking at the level of development in this world, Whitebeard and the others felt inferior. Then thinking about their own world... In comparison, they were simply savages.

After sailing for so long, they don't even know that the world is round.


two days later...

Marco, Whitebeard and others returned to the pirate world, bringing with them representatives from various countries wandering around the earth.

Liu Peiqiang and other human meritorious heroes are also among them.

After arriving at the Holy Land of Mariejoia, the Navy Headquarters and the Whitebeard Pirates also held a grand military parade to show off the level of their own world.

Liu Peiqiang was a little surprised to find that the guns in this world were still old flintlock guns.

The original couldn't be more original.

Although it can't be seen on the surface, they are a little contemptuous in their hearts. The world's technology is so backward. Isn't it too weak?


In the grand military parade's performance of strength, it was the turn of the leaders of the wandering earth world to open their mouths in shock.

A seemingly ordinary soldier walked out, his arm wrapped in a black substance, and punched out.

Boom! ! !
An entire huge mountain peak was shattered into pieces by the blast, countless rocks fell to the ground, and the entire ground shook.

This is not the end yet. Immediately afterwards, the navy and the pirates showed off various magical devil fruit abilities, the six styles of the navy.

A superhuman devil fruit that transforms oneself, an animal fruit that can transform into various monsters, a natural fruit that transforms one's body into elements...

Each fruit ability caused the leaders' worldview to collapse.

Then, the Whitebeard Pirates took them to visit the entire pirate world.

An island floating in the sky...a mermaid kingdom tens of thousands of meters under the sea...a super-large sea king species tens of thousands of meters in size.

The more they looked, the more confused they became.

Isn't this something that only exists in mythology?Why does this world even exist? ?

All in all, after people from the two worlds visited each other, they were both shocked and speechless by what the other had. Even after they returned, they were still dizzy.


Wanjie chat group…

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: The tour is finally over, phew...I am exhausted from these five days.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Hahaha, every time I think of Sengoku’s doubtful eyes about life, I find it funny. He finally lost his temper and prepared to learn the ideological system of the world of small broken balls and build a world of pirates. Human Federation.

[Big bones boiled into soup]: Huh, I'm exhausted here too. I just came back to my original world. I climbed up the stairs and looked at the chat group records. Have you been so wonderful these days?
[Big bones boiled into soup]: But hey, I went to another universe this time and earned 1 blood points. Perverted Zero also said that he would invite me to the Kingdom of Light next time.

[Ghost Slayer Expert]: Damn it, the missing person is back! !

[The richest man in the world]: @大古, you finally show up again!You actually have [-] fucking points? ?We agreed to be poor together until old age, but you secretly became rich?You deserve to die! !

[Big bones made into soup]: Make a small profit, @「I am a phoenix, not a birdman」, what are you going to do next after you are connected to the world of the little broken ball?
[Little Broken Ball]: Simple, we have initially reached a resource exchange cooperation. Our world helps his world with infrastructure construction, and we have also tested it over there. The meat of the Neptune class is similar to the meat of monsters. After eating it, It is of great benefit to warriors.In addition, our world has not yet recovered and is short of food. The bird people's world is rich in materials, so it is up to them to provide food.

[Ghost Slayer Expert]: That’s great. The two worlds support each other and can solve many problems.

[Big bones made into soup]: Indeed... Can I also allow the resources of the two parallel worlds to communicate with each other in the future?The universe where Beria is located has more advanced technology than our Blue Star. Unfortunately, I am not yet capable of traveling through the universe.

[The richest man in the world]: Hiss! !Then you can also eat devil fruits in your world! ! ?hateful!Damn it!Why not connect to Minecraft so I can beg Birdman to give me a Devil Fruit!

[Little Broken Ball]: I want to do this too, but unfortunately I can't... We can't practice the Sixth Form of the Navy. Human beings are too weak, unless the warrior improves his cultivation level.We have also tried Devil Fruits, and the condemned prisoners exploded and died immediately after eating them. We don’t know whether it was because of the physical differences between humans in the two worlds, or for other reasons...

[Do you want to dance too?]: After eating it, your body exploded and died? !Oops, what should I do with this underworld fruit in my hand...

Annan, who was looking at the screen, saw it and replied casually.

[Light of All Things]: There is nothing wrong with the Devil Fruit drawn from the points lottery, and it can fit into any world.

[Light of All Things]: The devil fruit born from the pirate world, once eaten by people from other worlds, will explode and die due to the rules of the world and the subtle differences in origin. After all, you are not natives of the pirate world. Devil Fruit It was born from the origin of the pirate world.

[Do you also want to dance?]: Thank you to the group leader for your answer. I am relieved.

[I can’t fly]: Wait?Where did you get the Huangquan Fruit?
[Do you want to dance too?]: Naturally, the lottery is based on group points. The lottery is already open, and the changes are a bit big.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]:! ! ?

[Apprentice Death]:! ! !

【Little Breaking Ball】:! ! ? ?
Seeing the news about Uchiha Madara, other people in the group were instantly shocked.

[I can’t fly]: Damn it, the group points lottery is really open, then you didn’t tell me earlier! !

In an instant, everyone forgot about the little broken ball and Marco's world, and began to check the updated group lottery function.



(End of this chapter)

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