He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 56 (Must-see, don’t skip) Da Gu: Damn, what the hell is it that I drew the first ray of ligh

Chapter 56 (Must-see, don’t skip) Da Gu: Damn, what the hell is it that I drew the first ray of light at the beginning of the universe?

Marco and others couldn't wait to click into the group lottery interface.

Page optimization has not been enabled in the past few days, which has frustrated them, and the group points they have accumulated have no way to use them.

click in...

The page jumps, and the entire group point lottery interface has undergone tremendous changes.

Is this a detailed division?
Previously there was only one interface.

In the Group Points Mall, it seems that there are more items that can be purchased directly with points. Before, there was only "World History Video"

Click to enter the group points mall...

Sure enough, there were more.

No longer limited to "world history videos".

There is also an option below to “redeem group points for strength”.

His thoughts were slightly focused on it, and the corresponding detailed instructions automatically emerged.

As the name suggests, this function allows group members to use group points to directly convert them into experience points to improve their strength level, skill level or proficiency in certain abilities.

[Little Breaking Ball]: We can directly use group points to strengthen our own strength! ?This function is great!
[Apprentice Death]: Just right!I've been worrying recently about how to master swastika. I just give you a pillow when I feel sleepy.

Although the group points lottery was good in the past, most of the things drawn out were auxiliary things.

Even if you draw something that can improve your strength, such as exercises, you still need to practice independently to master it.

But now, you can directly use group points to improve your hard power.

As long as you have enough points, you can become stronger while lying down! !
Then, everyone continued to look at another column - [Points Lottery].

The moment they clicked in, they had the illusion that they were in the endless starry sky.

In the starry sky, four nebula vortexes of different sizes appeared in front of the group members' eyes.

White, blue, gold... and colorful, four huge nebula vortexes, their colorful vortexes occupy most of the field of view.

Everyone was stunned, staring at the mysterious and brilliant "Seven Colorful Nebula Vortex".

There is one more prize pool! ?

The white prize pool is the former primary lottery.

The blue prize pool was the previous ultimate draw.

The golden prize pool is the former high-level prize pool.


Now there is an additional colorful prize pool, called the Supreme Prize Pool.

With a thought, everyone began to check the descriptions of each prize pool.
First of all, the points required to draw the primary prize pool have changed, from the original 100 points to 200 points.

The intermediate and advanced prize pools maintain the original points, which are 1000 points and 1 points respectively.

After focusing their attention on the newly added "Supreme Prize Pool", Marco and others were stunned.

[Little Breaking Ball]: Hiss, 5 points? ?This supreme prize pool actually draws 5 points once?
[The richest man in the world]: Rub! ! 5w? How many lifetimes do I have to save if I have 0 points?
[Big bones made into soup]: Wait... are you sure it's 5w?It is recommended to count 0 carefully.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: one, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand...

He wiped his eyes in disbelief.

The highest prize pool: 50 points are drawn once!
50w! ! ?

You must know that the total points earned by everyone in the group is only about [-]!

What the hell is this 50 yuan?What can you get? !You won’t draw a world directly! ?
Then, they found out.

In the description of each prize pool, there is an explanation about the burst rate and the prizes in the prize pool.

There are three levels of prizes in the prize pool, divided into white, blue and gold.Junior prize pool: 100% of the drawn prizes are white prizes.

Intermediate prize pool: There is a 70% probability of drawing white and a 30% probability of drawing blue.

Advanced Prize Pool: There is a 50% chance of a white prize, a 49% chance of a blue prize, and a 1% chance of a gold prize. (Note: 1% of the golden items drawn are all inferior or low-grade items in the gold level)

As for the supreme prize pool: there is a 100% chance of drawing golden prizes, also known as colorful items, and they are all top-notch items in countless worlds!

Seeing this, everyone in the group took a breath of cold air at the same time.

No wonder, the points required directly become 50w.

[Little Breaking Ball]: Hiss... It turns out that the advanced prize pool uses 1 points, and the probability of drawing a golden prize is only [-]%! ?Then the Golden Crow I pulled out for the first time was a golden item!My luck is too good! ! !
[Apprentice Death God]: You can’t say that. Didn’t you see the remarks at the end? 1% of the golden items drawn in the advanced lottery are all weaker ones at the same level.

[Ghost-killing Expert]: So, it’s for this reason that the little breaking ball only pulled out the Golden Crow cub?I don’t know how many years it will take to reach adulthood; and the one drawn from the “Supreme Prize Pool” is also a Golden Crow, maybe it is the most powerful Golden Crow in the Golden Crow population?
[Apprentice Death]: According to the explanation of the prize pool, it should be like this.It is also a golden item, and what is drawn from the high-level prize pool is only a castrated and inferior version.

[I Can’t Fly]: I remember that the last one I pulled out was the Law of the Earth... It seemed to be blue at the time, right?So... this represents a medium level of application of the law, or it may also represent the 'Mid Thousand Worlds'! ?

Thinking of this, Groudon suddenly became a little depressed.

After all, it is also a god from the world!As a result, the power of laws from thousands of worlds in the world caused changes in his own strength.

[The richest man in the world]: If you put it this way... white, blue, and gold may represent the small world, the middle world, and the great world?
[Do you want to dance too?]: Right?I used 1000 points to draw a lottery, and got a blue-level underworld fruit. This should be something from the pirate world. According to you, it should be the lowest-level white fruit.

[Light of All Things]: The level of the prize has a certain relationship with the world itself, but it is not necessarily certain.For example, the underworld fruit you drew is indeed an item from Xiaoqianshiji.But... essentially, it is generated by the chat group, without any side effects, and after the fruit awakens, it can freely travel between the underworld and reality.Therefore, its grade is rated blue.

[Light of All Things]: Only the things drawn from the "Supreme Lottery" are unique. As long as you draw it, it is impossible for others to draw the same thing as you.

[Light of All Things]: As for the other three prize pools, take the Underworld Fruit as an example. It is directly generated in batches from the source I gave to the chat group. It is not unique. Others may also draw the Underworld Fruit.

Seeing the group leader's explanation, everyone suddenly understood.

At the same time, I was shocked inside!
wipe!It turns out that these items in the prize pool are all things created by the group owner who gave the Wanjie chat group the origin of the world! ! !

What more can you say!
All I can say is... he is indeed a great group leader, and the group leader is awesome! ! (Breaking sound)

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: It makes my hands itchy. What should I say, do you want to come and draw a lottery?
[I can’t fly]: Of course, why don’t you come one by one? If anyone wants to draw the advanced prize pool, send the picture to the group after drawing, so that everyone can see it!
[Big bones boiled into soup]: Well... then let me do it this time!Fortunately, I also have more than 1 points.


Ultra World, Blue Star.

At the same time, inside the Victory Team’s base dormitory.

Dagu had just finished taking a bath and was lying on the bed. He was really exhausted from this week. Not only was he kidnapped by the abnormal giant Zero and sent to another universe to fight, but he also had to find excuses to deal with Captain Megumi when he came back.

However, if you pay hard, you will get something. This time, the journey to the universe was very fruitful. After defeating Beria, a large amount of Emmenar ore was collected.

Now, he already has tens of thousands of points.

Dagu looked at the ultimate prize pool with some eagerness, but after seeing the required points, he sighed a little.

The ultimate lottery with 50 points... I don’t know when he will be able to accumulate enough points for the draw.

Dagu nervously clicked on the advanced prize pool and took a deep breath.


The golden nebula cluster was constantly rotating, and then a star flew out from the nebula cluster.

It kept magnifying in front of Dagu, and finally shattered into pieces.

"The first ray of light at the birth of the universe": the first ray of light that appeared in the world when the universe was born.

The prize appeared, but Dagu looked at the words in front of him in confusion, and his whole person became? ? ?shape.

The first ray of light when the universe was born?What the hell is this! ?


(End of this chapter)

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