He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 57 (must watch, don’t skip) The shock of Ultra Universe, Dagu: Damn, am I a father?Ultra cub

Chapter 57 (must watch, don’t skip) The shock of Ultra Universe, Dagu: Damn, am I a father?Ultra cub?
Wanjie chat group...

[Big bones made into soup]: Everyone... I seem to have picked up a weird thing, called the first ray of light in the universe...

[Apprentice Death]:? ? ?The first light in the universe?What the hell... Kangkang pictures.

Dagu passed the screenshot to the group.

"The first ray of light at the birth of the universe": the first ray of light that appeared in the world when the universe was born.

[The richest man in the world]: Can this kind of thing be drawn from the advanced prize pool?Your luck is too bad.

[Little Breaking Ball]: Wait!The text on this thing is golden, this is a golden item! !
[The richest man in the world]:? ? ?

【I can’t fly】:! ? ? ?
[Do you also want to dance?]: One shot into the soul?Directly draw a golden item with a 1% probability? ? ?But how is this really just a ray of light?
[Little Broken Ball]: Damn, what the hell is this? A ray of light is golden?Isn’t that the same level as my Golden Crow cub? ?

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. You must know that the three-legged golden crow is a creature in the world, the incarnation of the sun!
What is this ray of light for?

Only Marco was thoughtful, because he had also received a ray of light.

That's right, it was the group leader's red envelope that he grabbed for the first time after the red envelope function was turned on - a ray of light from the group leader.


blue star,

In a luxury hotel…

Annan was a little surprised when he saw the reward Da Gu had drawn.

The first light in the universe?


In the original Ultra Universe, the being born from the first ray of light in the universe was the Giant of Light, Ultraman Noah.

One of the four mysterious mysteries.

When he first traveled to this world, his initial form as a giant of light was that of Noah.

However, after Annan created the world, Noah naturally ceased to exist.

After the creation of the world, his body was no longer in the form of Noah, but in the form of his own Creator God.

Everything in the supreme prize pool was put in by him himself.

This ray of light is also his bad taste.

Unexpectedly, he was hit by Da Gu as soon as he entered the soul.

But Annan didn't care, since he was not Noah anyway, and the two were not at the same dimensional level.

He is the God of Creation who created the world, and Noah in the original Chronicles of Ultra is equivalent to the first batch of innate creatures from the Queen of Heaven if compared to the Great World.

At the same time, Dagu, who was in his room, clicked the extraction button.

It was as if the universe was roaring and time and space were reversed.

A ray of light appeared, as divine as a hair, and extremely bright.

The moment it appeared, it was as if the sun's rays had dimmed and it jumped directly into Dagu's body.

Everything seemed to stand still.

Dagu, who was washed by the light, felt an extremely comfortable feeling, as if his soul was sublimated.

His body turned into a brilliant beam of light and rushed towards the edge of the universe.

Opening his eyes, Dagu discovered that he had come to the endless hyperspace again. Under his feet, there were parallel universes of different shapes wrapped in thin films like grains of rice.

Not only that, he felt that his soul seemed to have become a pure white image.

Then, under his incredible gaze, in the countless parallel universes in hyperspace, rays of light that were countless times hotter than stars actually rose.

It bursts out from every universe and converges towards itself.

Under the illumination of the light, the hyperspace that was originally like the night sky was lit up as brightly as day, making it almost impossible to see the surrounding things clearly.

at the same time…

Kingdom of Light Universe,
country of light.

Zero, who returned to the Kingdom of Light, explained his experiences during this period to the father of Ultra, and told them that Beria was controlling everything behind the invaders.

After listening to Zero's story, Ultra's father looked serious: "I didn't expect that Beria is still alive and hiding in other universes trying to make a comeback. Fortunately, you are here to successfully stop his conspiracy." Zero Shaking his head: "This time, it was only thanks to the help of another Ultra Warrior that it went so smoothly."

The father of Ultra nodded. Zero had already told everyone once about accidentally breaking into another universe and meeting another giant of light.

"However, the Ultra warrior named Dagu you met, is the light energy of his planet really more intense than our Kingdom of Light?"

Zero nodded seriously and said, "It's absolutely true!"


Suddenly, the entire space of the Kingdom of Light—no, the entire universe was trembling slightly.

The King of Ultra and the Father of Ultra immediately turned their attention to the Plasma Spark Tower.

This energy core of the Kingdom of Light is also the foundation of existence for all people in the Kingdom of Light.

At this time, the light it formed actually rose into the sky and disappeared at the end of the universe after materializing.

Not only that, they were also surprised to find that all the luminous objects except the Spark Tower separated into a ray of light and disappeared at the end of the universe.

The Ultra brothers and other senior officials looked solemn. What on earth is going on?

Faintly, they seemed to feel that in the heaven and earth, there was a light that towered over countless 'lights'.

Although it is difficult to explain, they somehow feel this way.

Not just the Kingdom of Light universe...

Countless powerful men in the universe in the Ultra World looked up at the place outside the universe, feeling extremely horrified.

Because all the luminous things in their world also differentiated into a ray of 'light', gathered together, and shot straight out of the universe.


Dagu uncontrollably turned into the form of Tiga.

Countless radiances gathered in the indicator light on his chest, and the huge energy filled Diga's body with light. The energy contained in his body was even more powerful, as if he could break a planet with one punch!
Somewhere in the dark, Dagu could feel that Diga, who he had transformed into, had a brand new power.

Ultraman Tiga…

——Shining form!
However, only a small part of all the gathered light of the universe was absorbed by Dagu.

He could feel that Tiga had reached his limit and could no longer absorb the remaining energy.

But the gathering of light did not stop. At this moment, the first ray of light pulled out by Dagu flew out, pulling countless rays of light and merging with it.

Dagu stared at the scene in front of him with wide eyes.

I saw that after merging with the first ray of light, countless rays of light began to shrink and become smaller.

In the end, he turned into a mini-Ultraman! ?
It was silver-white in color, with a round body and short limbs that seemed difficult to support the body. It also had a pair of small wings on its back, making it look like a newborn Ultra cub.

Then, the little Ultraman merged into Dagu's body and disappeared.

Dagu: "..."

What the hell, how did the 'first ray of light in the universe' turn into a chubby Ultraman cub? ?

I'm not even married yet...I'm going to be a father? ?

After merging with this little Ultraman, he found that he seemed to be able to transform into another Ultraman besides Tiga?

Dagu closed his eyes, and with a thought, Tiga's form disappeared.


In the Wanjie chat group.

All the members were still waiting for Dagu to appear and tell them what happened after absorbing the first ray of light.

At this moment, Tony Stark saw Dagu's profile picture and spit out a sip of coffee.

[The richest man in the world]: Damn it, how come the avatar of "big bones boiled into soup" turned into a fat little kid wearing a leather suit? !


ps: For the image of the Ultraman cub, you can directly Baidu the Ultraman cub. It’s so cute. I don’t know how to upload pictures at the end of the chapter. I’ll figure it out.

(End of this chapter)

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