He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 61: Great changes in the ninja world, the dead who are immune to magic!Enter the Great Gudig

Chapter 61: Great changes in the ninja world, the dead who are immune to magic!Enter Dagu Tigaot!Crossover!
naruto world...

In the cave where the Heretic Golem is located.

Uchiha Madara's figure suddenly appeared, and it was clear that it had not been long since he was resurrected.

His clothes became a little tattered, and the aura on his body had not yet calmed down.

It was obvious that he had just experienced a battle.

He was in a daze. Didn't he just die for two or three days?

Haven't you paid attention to the ninja world for just two or three days?

Why did he feel as if he had been dead for hundreds of years? The world suddenly changed into something he couldn't understand.

Could it be that the butterfly effect caused by his early resurrection caused Otsutsuki Kaguya to be resurrected early?

Or maybe there are other Otsutsuki clans who came to the ninja world from Kaguya-sama's world?

His face was solemn, as he had previously sensed that Hashirama and Tobirama, as well as his old rivals from the Warring States Period, had all been resurrected.

He went out to look at the ninja world and found that the situation was even more serious.

What kind of power can resurrect all the strong men who have died! ?

And each one of them has become so powerful!
He followed Senju Hashirama's chakra and finally met Senju Hashirama, and the two fought.

I was already on the ceiling of the ninja world, but I couldn't beat Senju Hashirama! !

What the hell is this! ? !

At this moment, Uchiha Madara suddenly felt the chat group trembling crazily in his mind.

Apparently someone is constantly @himself.

With a thought, my consciousness sank into the chat group...

A task pop-up window pops up in the Wanjie chat group.

"Group mission?"

"Wait...the world of Naruto is invaded by invaders?!"

After looking at the content in the pop-up window, he was slightly stunned, and then suddenly realized that everything made sense!

[Do you want to dance too?]: Damn it!No wonder my world has become so weird!It turns out that just like Birdman, there are world invaders in my world!
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: What happened?Didn’t you go to improve your strength?
[Do you want to dance too?]: ...Not long after I improved my strength, I felt the chakra of the long-dead Hashirama and other former strong men.When I rushed over, I found that they had all resurrected and were killing all moving objects.

[Do you want to dance too?]: I wanted to stop them, but unexpectedly, I was no match for them...

[Do you also want to dance?]: And all the ninjutsu I have mastered are of no use to them, even the Yin-Yang Escape Technique.They seem to be immune to ninjutsu damage.

[Apprentice Death]: So terrifying! ?And he’s also immune to ninjutsu!

Everyone was stunned. In the historical video of "Naruto", the terror of Uchiha Madara was vividly displayed.

1V5 directly beat the five shadows, and all kinds of terrifying ninjutsu were at their fingertips, and the Tianzhen Zhenxing even pulled in meteorites.

Now...Uchiha Madara has used points to upgrade his strength, and he has already reached the ceiling of the ninja world.

The enemy is actually immune to his ninjutsu? !

[Do you also want to dance?]: I suspect it is some kind of magic similar to the reincarnation of the dirty land. They are also immortal and will be reorganized even if they are broken.

[The richest man in the world]: Let me think about it, ninjutsu is an energy attack, right?In the game terms of my world, it is magic damage. Is immunity to ninjutsu equivalent to magic immunity?
[Little Broken Ball]: If you are immune to magic, it will be difficult for you ninjas who use chakra as their main method.I'm not going to brag about it, but your extremely weak physical skills can only be considered a lieutenant general in the world of pirates.These guys are totally outclassed by you.

[The richest man in the world]: Are there any other characteristics?

[Do you want to dance too?]: By the way, there are flames in their eyes.

[The richest man in the world]: ...Undead! ?

[Do you want to dance too?]: What is this?
[The richest man in the world]: The eyes of undead creatures are filled with soul fire. Your description is a bit like the undead creatures in movies and television works.

[I can’t fly]: No matter what, just go and take a look and you’ll know. Then I’ll go on this mission!The power of my law directly crushes it!
[Little Breaking Ball]: I’m coming too, I’m coming too! !

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: I just drew the Law of Fire, so let me show it off, ahem, and get some points by the way...

[Big bones boiled into soup]: +1!

[Apprentice Death]: I want to go too!
[Ghost Slayer Expert]: My strength is no longer weak. I just used points to improve my strength.

They were all extremely jealous. They knew that after drawing the prizes, they were almost penniless now. How could they let go of these [-] points?

Looking at the chaotic news...the only person who remained silent was Tony Stark...Damn it! !I want to go too!

Looking at his little arms and legs, he was a little speechless.

Stark sighed.

[The richest man in the world]: Okay, stop arguing, let me be your adviser.First of all, energy attacks are not enough. If the opponent is also immune, it will be over. He will be suppressed to death. You don’t want your world to be destroyed, right?

[The richest man in the world]: And if you have been there before, don’t go this time. Give the opportunity to others and earn points for others.

[The richest man in the world]: As for the candidate... you also want to dance, so it’s up to you to choose.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Uchiha Madara thought for a while.

[Do you want to dance too?]: @大bone成狗, @修士神, then I’ll leave it to you two this time!Da Gu's current strength can already travel through time and space. As a person in the world, he must be strong.As for the trainee Shinigami, I remember you said that the Hollows killed by the Shinigami were all beings born from soul mutations.These dead people fall into this category, and I feel like you are a good fit.

【Big bones made into soup】: No problem!After absorbing the first ray of light from the universe, my transformation time can stay in Tiga form for a long time!
[Apprentice Death]: Leave it to me!As long as it's a soul, there's nothing that Death can't handle!


Naruto World, Konoha Village.

The originally prosperous and harmonious Konoha Village completely collapsed in less than a day.

Boom! ! !

The fiercely burning flames, like fire snakes, kept devouring everything on the ground and in the house. The beams and walls collapsed with a thud!Spread the fire to more places.

Countless 'people' with green flames in their eyes were wreaking havoc in the Leaf Village.

The whole village was in panic.

These people are not others, but the strong men who have died in the village, the relatives, parents, children, and lovers of countless ninjas...

They who were supposed to be dead retained the memories of their lives, crawled out of the underground of Konoha, and returned with evil flames burning in their eyes.

Both their gestures and words are exactly the same as before.

"Child, how could you show your weapon to me? Have you forgotten... I was stabbed to death by a bandit just to save you? I'm back now, don't you welcome me?"

"Come... come... let mom hug you... let me take a good look at you."

A jounin looked at his mother who was resurrected and slowly walking towards him.

Staring at the other party's gentle eyes, facing the relatives he thought about day and night, his pupils were diverging, especially when listening to the other party's words.

My mother was killed by bandits just to save herself.

next second...

The Jonin's body was penetrated, and his blood spilled on the ground.

This kind of thing keeps happening all over Konoha Village. These resurrected people are the existences that the living people have thought about day and night.

When they were really resurrected and appeared in front of everyone, they began to massacre each other indiscriminately.

The living people have no way to resist.

The third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, was even more unable to protect himself at this time.

"Hiruzen, you actually dare to fight against the teacher, why don't you come and accompany me?"

"Master, I am your disciple Feng Minato, do you want to do anything to me?"

"Son, what's the matter with you? Do you want to attack your father and me!? Come here quickly, you bastard!"

"Yes, Hiruzen, your father and I are back to see you."

Hiruzen trembled as he looked at his parents in front of him, his master Senju Tobirama, and his disciple Namikaze Minato.

What the hell is going on in this world.

Why are all the dead resurrected and returned to Konoha Village?



(End of this chapter)

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