He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 62: The world is gradually dying, and the natural disaster of the undead appears in the ninj

Chapter 62: The world is gradually dying, and the natural disaster of the undead appears in the ninja world! !
Standing facing each other in four different directions, vaguely surrounded by them.

Feel their terrifying aura and chakra that is the same as before.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's body gradually became cold, as if the blood in his veins was frozen.

Ka Ka ~!

Then, something happened that made him even more unbelievable!
The bodies of the villagers who had been killed by the resurrected dead stood up directly at strange angles and movements, and their bones creaked.

Their eyes lost the pupils that humans should have and were replaced by a burning green flame. They joined the army of the dead and continued to slaughter the living creatures around them.

An unprecedented fear appeared in the heart of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

This unreasonable and incomprehensible sight is countless times more terrifying than when Uchiha Madara was resurrected!
This situation is not the reincarnation of filth! !

What happened, what is all this about! !

On Hokage Rock…

On this extremely solemn building for Konoha Village, at this moment, stood a man shrouded in black robes.

In his left hand he held a dark book with a horrifying head on the cover.

The right hand holds a staff inlaid with purple-black gems, and black energy constantly appears from it, surrounding this person's body.

In front of the black-robed man, a round bead floated in mid-air. Every time someone died in Konoha Village, a certain solution at the bottom of the bead would increase.

Looking at the beads, the man in black robe let out a sly laugh: "It is indeed the strongest village in the world. Many strong people have died here, and they have gained a lot!"

"But in this world, there are two stronger dead people... Otsutsuki Hamura and Hagoromo."

"Good! Let me see where these two died."


the other side……

A few hours later... Dagu and Kurosaki Ichigo were ready, and soon they were teleported to the Naruto world.

After coming back to his senses, Dagu found himself on a grassy field.

This is the world of Naruto where Madara Uchiha lives!

He was extremely excited at this time. This was his first time in another world!

Then, on the grass not far from where Dagu was, the air rippled.

An orange-haired boy wearing a black death-defying uniform appeared out of thin air.

He is none other than Kurosaki Ichigo, who came directly to the Naruto world in the form of a god of death just in case there was an enemy attack.

"Mr. Big Bones!"

After seeing Dagu, Kurosaki Ichigo used Shunpo and was in front of him instantly.

"You are even more handsome than you look in your profile picture! My real name is Kurosaki Ichigo. Please give me some advice."

"Ichigo...my name is Endaiko, please give me some advice!"

Looking at Ichigo Kurosaki in front of him, who was even half a head taller than him, Dagu was a little surprised: "Are you really just a high school student?"

Kurosaki Ichigo said helplessly: "My dad is about the same height. It's hereditary. This orange hair is also inherited from my mom. I'm not a bad boy."

The two of them chatted for a while.

A powerful breath came quickly.

After Uchiha Madara landed: "You are finally here."

Feeling the vague fluctuations of terrifying aura emanating from the former, a family was slightly startled. Is this the ceiling of Xiaoqian World?

"You also remembered - no, it should be Mr. Uchiha."

"How is the situation now?"

After Uchiha Madara was silent for half a second, he said in a low voice: "While you were preparing, many things happened."

"Once the resurrected dead are killed by them, no matter what kind of creature they are, they will be resurrected and become walking zombies! The original friendly forces have directly turned into enemies!"

"Even...even the sealing technique has failed."

Speaking of this, Uchiha Madara's face became very ugly, and the current situation was really too difficult.

Not only can't they be killed, but they can't be sealed.

You know, even the reincarnation of dirty land can be sealed with the sealing technique.

After resurrection, the dead will still use the skills they had in life, and their various abilities will be exactly the same as before they were alive. After being killed by them, they will be transformed into enemies.

For this world, it is simply an unbreakable dead end!

Listening to Uchiha Madara's narration, Kurosaki Ichigo and Dagu looked at each other.

They are all humans from modern society. How come the more they listen to these characteristics mentioned by Uchiha Madara, the more they feel that they are a combination of the undead and zombies?
Suddenly, the three of them felt a strange aura approaching.

In the woods not far away...

A black figure walked out of it and slowly approached the three of them.

Seeing this person, Uchiha Madara's pupils suddenly contracted violently.

The person who came was wearing a fluffy black combat uniform with lavender laminated armor on the outside, a samurai sword, and had black hair that was very similar to Uchiha Madara.

There is only one person in the world who can react so violently like Uchiha Madara.

"I asked why there is a familiar Chakara. It turns out to be you, brother. No wonder Hashirama said he met you."

Uchiha Izuna, Uchiha Madara's only younger brother.

With a gentle smile, he walked closer to Uchiha Madara.

"Brother, I'm back, and we can fight side by side again. Come, join us, just like before..."

Looking at Uchiha Izuna approaching him step by step, Uchiha Madara said nothing, raised his steps, and walked towards him.

Seeing this scene, Kurosaki Ichigo and Dagu immediately shouted: "Don't mess around! The other party is the enemy!!"

They have all watched "Naruto" and know that the Uchiha clan has the attribute of being a disciple.

Knowing how important Uchiha Izuna is to Uchiha Madara!

In the past, it was the death of his younger brother that caused a rift between Uchiha Madara and the Senju clan.

boom! !

However, what Dagu and the others didn't expect was.

After Uchiha Madara approached, he suddenly beat his brother's head into powder.

No one could react to this reversal.

After crushing Uchiha Izuna's head, Uchiha Madara's eyes were filled with burning fire of anger.

"How dare you... dare to disturb Quan Nai's eternal sleep!"

"Ichigo, try your power." Madara Uchiha said in a low voice.

Kurosaki Ichigo nodded, and before Uchiha Izuna's body recovered, he pressed the hilt of the Zanpakutō onto his body.


According to how Rukia purified her soul in reality, Kurosaki Ichigo also performed the same operation on Uchiha Izuna.

Then, his body turned into sand and dissipated in the air.

"Phew, it worked!" Kurosaki Ichigo wiped the nervous sweat from his face.

Then he turned around and said:
"I didn't expect you to be so cruel as to send him back to the underworld...even if it's a lie."

Uchiha Madara said: "You don't really think that I will be deceived and go there to die, do you?"

"With the chat group here, one day, I will definitely revive Quan Na in a normal state!"

"I will never spare the world invaders who dare to blaspheme Quan Nai!"


After returning Uchiha Izumi to dust, Kurosaki Ichigo was sure that the power of the Shinigami could also work in this world.

Even between souls from two different worlds, there seem to be some similarities.

"Go to Konoha Village first."

The undead aura in Konoha Village is the strongest, and the terror is also severe.

Madara's spiritual power surged out, wrapped around the two of them, and took them flying.

Since becoming the ceiling of the ninja world, his own abilities have derived many wonderful uses.The three of them cut through the sky.

On the way, Uchiha Madara seemed to have thought of something and said, "Okuru, as the strongest person here, don't take action yet and conserve your energy."

"Leave it to me and Kurosaki Ichigo to resolve the matter of the deceased."

"no problem."

Dagu nodded. There is indeed no light energy in this world. Once the energy is consumed, it cannot be replenished. Although he can maintain the Tiga form for a long time, it is not such a waste.


The other side…

Konoha Village, if anyone looked down from the sky at this time, Konoha Village would have been completely reduced to ruins.

Undead creatures were raging, and only a few people escaped.

Most of the people were besieged in the Konoha Village by the dense army of undead.

A fight between trapped beasts.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Surrounded by the dead, Sarutobi Hiruzen kept coughing up blood and his body was covered with scars.

Looking at the ninjas around him who were still desperately resisting, he couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in his heart.

At the critical moment of life and death, even Danzo, who had always wanted to compete with him for the position of Hokage, gave up everything just to protect the fire of Konoha Village.

Could it be said that I, Sarutobi Hiruzen, and the future of Konoha Village will be buried here...

Is this... the end of our ninjas!
What kind of monster is this? It has endless chakra and is immortal.

"Don't be afraid, become one of us."

Looking at his disciple, Senju Tobirama's eyes were flashing with strange flames, he smiled, and kept approaching with a kunai in his hand.

"Life and death are just illusions. Come on, Hiruzen."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was trembling all over. He was no longer able to resist, all his chakra had been consumed.

He closed his eyes in pain, Konoha... was gone!
The ninja world... I'm afraid there will be a huge disaster.

Swish—boom! ! !

Just when Senju Tobirama was about to take action, a huge blade came from the sky and penetrated deeply into the ground with an extremely terrifying impact, blasting the bodies of Senju Tobirama and others far away.

Before the people arrive, the knife arrives first.

The incomparably powerful power made the entire Konoha Village tremble.

Boom! ! !
In the eyes of Sarutobi Hiruzen in disbelief, a young man in black robes and a young man in strange clothes fell from the sky at this moment.

The young man waved the blade, and with extremely strong wrist strength, he easily knocked back the undead.

And in front of the boy, a familiar figure made Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes widen.

That is the recently resurrected ninja god—Madara Uchiha! ! !
Under the horrified looks of Hiruzen Sarutobi and all the ninjas, Madara Uchiha slowly stepped forward, and the Nine Magatama Samsara Eyes opened.

boom! ! !
In an instant, the huge amount of eye skills he released caused the color of the world to change.

It made the entire atmosphere become extremely heavy, causing all the ninjas on the battlefield to look over in horror.

In an instant, Uchiha Madara moved.

Boom! ! !

In just the blink of an eye, the limbs of the undead monsters they had fought hard for a long time were blown into powder in an instant and fell to the ground.

They couldn't even see clearly what Uchiha Madara had done in this short period of time.

"It's useless…"

Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to say that these monsters were just like the reincarnations of the dirt, they could not be killed at all, and their bodies would recover after being crushed.

But... the next second his pupils shrank, and he saw... all the bodies that were turned into powder were recovering.

Next to Uchiha Madara, the boy wearing strange black clothes and orange hair moved.

He grabbed the giant knife and rushed towards the army of the dead who could not move.

After coming into contact with the boy's giant sword, the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama turned into dust and disappeared!
The boy swung at the other dead people again at extremely fast speeds.

The blade seemed to have some kind of magic power, and Sarutobi Hiruzen vaguely seemed to see countless souls being ferried back to the underworld by this blade.

In less than a few seconds, all the deceased who had fallen before disappeared.

Watching this scene...

All the surviving ninjas in Konoha Village were stunned.

They opened their mouths wide and stared blankly at the scene in front of them, as if they were in a dream.

They were helpless and tried every method to defeat the undead monster to no avail.

It was actually solved so easily.


above the moon.

The strange man in black robes with black energy lingering all over his body is above the moon.

He took off his mask, revealing an extremely dark face.

The man in black robe is a four-star world invader who has the blood of necromancer and can use necromancy.

Originally, a four-star invader like him had disdained to come to such a small world.

But he has always been troubled by the shortcomings of the Necromancer.

It can only resurrect skeletons, and after resurrection, it is just a waste with no physical constitution and no skills and abilities during life.

Moreover, only complete skeletons can be resurrected by necromancy. If the deceased's bones turn into dust, he will not be able to use necromancy.

This is one of the great shortcomings of the Necromancer.

However, by chance, he got a one-time high-level prop that can grant wishes.

So he proposed to solve the shortcomings of the Necromancer itself.

I just didn’t expect that this prop pointed to the solution.

It turned out to be in such a small world that had just appeared in the main god space.

Thinking of this, the man in black robe couldn't help but sigh.

"It is indeed a one-time high-level prop. Combining undead magic and earth reincarnation, my undead army will become extremely terrifying!"

"Besides, I didn't expect there would be an unexpected gain."

He looked at Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura standing in front of him, with very excited expressions on their faces.

"We have gained two more top experts from the Small Thousand Worlds, and their mothers are actually beings from other worlds."

“This time I came to Xiaoqian World, I really made a lot of money!!!”

He looked behind him at Otsutsuki Hamura, who had just been resurrected by his own undead: "Moreover, there are actually people living on this moon. Judging from their bloodline, they seem to have the same origin as one of the people behind me."

Suddenly, his face froze.

what happened.

In his induction, his undead army was disappearing one after another!
But how is this possible?

How could there be someone in this world who could destroy the undead army!
Not only are his undead immune to magic, but the physical skills in this world are rubbish and it is impossible to eliminate them!
"What happened?!"

He chanted a spell, and a huge magic circle appeared under his feet.

The moment he finished singing, his figure appeared in the Konoha Ninja Village.

The undead army that had left before was all gone.

His face was gloomy and ugly.

He looked at the three Uchiha people not far away.

Ichito is sending the last of the undead creatures back to the underworld.

The man in black robe stared at them with an ugly expression: "It was you who destroyed my undead army!?"


(End of this chapter)

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