He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 63 Instant Kill! !Sacrifice the entire ninja world!Fruit of the sacred tree!

Chapter 63 Instant Kill! !Sacrifice the entire ninja world!Fruit of the sacred tree!
The sudden appearance of the black-robed man in front of him, and the endless questioning.

Uchiha Madara and the other two people instantly realized that the man in black robes in front of them was probably the world invader in the mission!
Da Gu, who was behind the two of them, secretly took a screenshot and sent it to the chat group.

Wanjie chat group…

[The richest man in the world]: Hiss, is this the world invader this time? It seems that the sense of oppression is indeed much stronger than that ugly girl in the pirate world!

[I can’t fly]: Oh, this kind of thing will be instantly killed as soon as I fire the Cliff Sword.

[Little Broken Ball]: That’s right, if my kid takes a bite of the Golden Crow Flame, his ashes won’t even be left!
Having no time to deal with the news in the group, Kurosaki Ichigo stared at the man in black robe: "Are you the one who created so many dead people and killed so many people!"

After hearing his words, Sarutobi Hiruzen and others also looked at the man in black robes.

The man in front of me is the culprit that caused all this tragedy! ?
However, when the man in black robe faced Kurosaki Ichigo's question, he smiled ferociously: "Although the undead creatures you killed are all garbage, are my things something that you from the lower world can touch?"

"Today, all of you will die here!"

The moment the words fell, the man in black robe raised the staff in his hand, and the gems inlaid in it emitted an evil purple-black light.

"Let my new collection take you on your way!!"

The next moment, two figures emerged from the ground and stood in front of Morse.


After seeing their faces clearly, Uchiha Madara frowned in disbelief.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others were even more frightened and backed away, as if they had seen something impossible.

"Impossible, impossible..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen shouted in despair: "The Sage of Six Paths was actually resurrected!?"

They had all seen the scroll passed down by the Ninja sect, which depicted the Sage of Six Paths and his younger brother.

The being summoned by the man in black robe in front of them was exactly the same as the Immortal of Six Paths on the scroll. It was impossible for them to admit his mistake!
The strongest ninja in the world, the Sage of Six Paths who is also the origin of ninjutsu, and his younger brother who are almost equal to him, have now been resurrected and become the men of the man in black!
I saw a glimmer of light, but fell into the abyss again.

At this moment, all ninjas felt desperate.

This world is over, even the Immortal of Six Paths has become the puppet of the man in black robe.

Even Uchiha Madara, who is known as the God of Ninjas, in the eyes of Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others, is simply not an opponent of the Sage of Six Paths.

Facing the powerful aura exuded by Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo and Ōtsutsuki Hamura, there was no sign of panic on Uchiha Madara's face.

He took one step forward, and the Nine Magatama Samsara Eyes in his pupils slowly rotated.

Suddenly, the reincarnation power of both Sage of Six Paths and Madara Uchiha exploded at the same time.

The figures of the three disappeared from the spot in an instant.

Boom boom boom! ! !
In less than a second, the ground for several miles around collapsed instantly, and huge cracks appeared that spread like spider webs.

In the unbelievable eyes of Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo and others, when Uchiha Madara and Six Paths Sage appeared again.

Those who fell to the ground, suppressed and unable to move, turned out to be the Sage of Six Paths and the others!

"How, how is it possible!?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was dumbfounded, and Uchiha Madara suppressed the Sage of Six Paths in an instant! ?

Something the ninjas believed in collapsed at this moment.

Six Paths Sage lost to Uchiha Madara in a two-on-one situation!

They were not the only ones who were shocked, the man in black robe could not believe his eyes at this time.

Aren't the Six Paths Immortal and his younger brother the two strongest men in the world? ?
How could it be possible that he was easily suppressed by this guy in front of him now! ! !

After careful perception, the man in black robe discovered it.

The aura coming from the man named Uchiha Madara in front of him has vaguely reached the limit of Xiaoqian World!The limit is almost exceeded! !
After learning this, Morse's unhappiness immediately dissipated and he suddenly became excited.

He did not expect that this world not only possesses the magical skill of reincarnation, but also extremely rare beings who have reached the limit of Xiaoqian World's strength!

If he could be turned into his own undead soldier, it would be of great use even in some middle-aged worlds!

At the same time, Ichigo Kurosaki purified the Sage of Six Paths and Hamura Otsutsuki and sent them back to the underworld.

Madara Uchiha moved and took Ichigo Kurosaki away from where he was.

A ball of terrifying black energy hit the place where Kurosaki Ichigo was standing in the next second, corroding the ground into a very deep hole.

"Jie Jie! I changed my mind!"

The man in black robe waved his staff and said with a sinister smile: "You will become my undead warrior and be used by me for the rest of your life!"

"Go together!"

Uchiha Madara spoke decisively, and Kurosaki Ichigo surrounded him, launching attacks from two directions at the same time.

He had already tried it, but the pupil power of the Samsara Eye had no effect on the black-robed man, and he could only knock him down with a strong attack.

However, the black-robed man's own strength far exceeded their imagination.

The black energy wafting out of the staff held by the man in black robe can corrode even Uchiha Madara's complete Susanoo!

After some tentative attacks, Uchiha Madara and Ichigo were sure that they were no match for the black-robed man.

Kurosaki Ichigo shouted: "Mr. Ogu! It's your turn to take action!"

After hearing these words, Morse, who forced the two men back, laughed sarcastically: "No matter who comes, no matter who comes, it is impossible for the creatures in this small world to be of any use! Just obediently become my undead warriors!"

Dagu, who had not made any move until now, finally stood up, took out the divine light stick from his pocket, and raised it high in the air.

In an instant, an extremely dazzling light emitted from the divine light rod, and the sacred light enveloped Dagu's whole body.

At this moment, time in the entire world seemed to have stopped.

The light of the entire world is like a thread, gathering towards Dagu.

Even the sun was eclipsed by the brilliance of the entire world in front of him.

In the dull eyes of the ninjas, a giant over 50 meters tall appeared from the light and stood on the earth.

After seeing the giant in front of me and feeling its aura.

The man in black robe, who had always been arrogant and seemed to have a winning chance, sat down on the ground in fear, his body trembling uncontrollably.

"Wide world!?"

"Impossible. The level of this world is obviously the Small Thousand World. How can it be possible for creatures from the Great Thousand World to be born!"


With the appearance of the Giant of Light Tiga, his huge body and the terrifying energy contained in his body brought unprecedented pressure, which made Morse's legs tremble and he almost became incontinent on the spot.

"You, you don't want to come over!!!"

He is just a four-star world invader.

The strong man in front of him is definitely the top one in the ranks of the world.

Only the Eight Star World invaders can deal with this kind of person.

He is definitely no match! !
He raised his staff tremblingly and used all his strength to use his secret trick.

Howl! ! !
A large amount of gray mist emerged from Morse's scepter, and along with the mist were a large number of gray-white souls.

From the mouths and noses of countless terrifying innocent souls, bright red liquid flowed out, and at the same time, they made extremely harsh screams and rushed towards Diga.

Undead impact!

Facing the impact of countless innocent souls, Diga placed his hands on the crystal above his head, shining red.

Switch the form of power!
In an instant, Diga's body surface bloomed with red light.

A dazzling light shone on the earth, and in an instant, all the innocent souls screamed and disappeared from the sky under the light.

And Morse, who was shrouded in light, was like a dark rat in the sewer. His whole body was burned and white smoke came out, and he was rolling on the ground in pain.

The Giant of Light itself possesses extreme light attribute power and is the natural nemesis of the undead and evil creatures.

Just the light escaping from Diga's body had already killed him.

Diga, who was all red, punched Morse.

The red fist was wrapped in light energy, and it crashed down with unparalleled power at the speed of light.

Boom! ! !
The moment the fist collided with the ground, the hit part shattered. As the earth continued to tremble, huge cracks continued to spread into the distance.

bang bang! !
The entire ground of Konoha Village collapsed layer by layer under this punch.

As for Morse's body, under this punch, it had already been shattered to ashes, and no ashes were left.

At the moment of his death, the bodies of the dead in the entire Naruto world also came to a standstill.


No one noticed that a small cross tombstone appeared inexplicably on the hillside in the distance.

Under the tombstone…

Morse's soul actually existed. While he was trembling, he was also yelling. "Asshole! Damn it, how could monsters from all over the world come to such a remote place!!!"

"How did he come to this world!?"

"However, the powerful natives of the world have never traveled across the world."

"Damn it, could it be the work of some high-level world invader?"

The only good thing is that he has already prepared a life-saving one-time prop - a cross tombstone.

When it dies, it will form a cross tombstone 1000 meters away, drawing the soul of the deceased there, where it can be resurrected at any time.

Now Morse doesn't dare to be resurrected at all. Once he is resurrected, he is very likely to be discovered by the creatures in the world.

Therefore, he planned to stay in the soul state directly until the powerful people in the world left, and then resurrected.

When Dagu was about to transform back into his human form, the little silver Ultraman in his body suddenly moved, opened his eyes, and looked in the direction of the cross tombstone.

In an instant...

Dagu seemed to share the field of view with this Ultra cub.

He saw a cross tomb quilt in the distance. Under the tomb quilt, there was actually a transparent soul body lurking inside.

And the appearance of this soul is exactly the same as that of Morse who just died!
He actually has such a back-up plan! ?

"You almost escaped disaster."

Diga took up his stance, and Zaipelli Ao's light began to accumulate power.

The next moment, brilliant rays of destruction gathered and shot out.

The world is quiet!
The hilltop where the tomb quilt was located turned into nothingness.

After the crisis in the Naruto world was completely resolved, Dagu returned to human form.

At the same time, the chat group also sent out message reminders.

[The group mission is completed and you will automatically return to the original world after six hours. You can also choose to return immediately]

[Yes/No Return immediately? 】

Dagu suddenly realized that whether the enemy had been eliminated or not, he only needed to look at the group mission prompts!

Uchiha Madara also saw the group message at this time. He looked at the two people who were about to go back with some hesitation and said.

"You two... I want to ask you a favor."

Seeing his appearance, Dagu and Kurosaki Ichigo lowered their fingers to confirm.

Ichigo Kurosaki was thoughtful and asked: "The thing you want to entrust us with...could it be the fruit of the sacred tree?"

Uchiha Spot nodded: "After condensing the fruit of the sacred tree, I will lose the power of chakra. For safety reasons, I need your help."

Faced with Uchiha Madara's request, Dagu and Kurosaki Ichigo naturally agreed.

If you want to bear the fruit of the sacred tree, the first step is to resurrect the Ten-Tails.

In the three days before his resurrection, Uchiha Madara had gathered all the tailed beasts and sealed them with ninjutsu.

What is needed now is to bring it together.

After finding a deserted wilderness, Uchiha Madara summoned the Heretic Demon.

Channel all tailed beasts.

The heretic demon, the body of the sacred tree, felt the power of being separated and began to absorb the chakra of the nine tailed beasts.

Om-! ! !
At this moment, the wind howled, and the sky and the earth changed color.

The origin of chakra, the sacred tree Ten-Tails, has revived again!
Accompanied by a terrifying howl, the resurrected Ten-Tails began to run rampant in its huge alien monster body, wreaking havoc on the earth.

Dagu and Kurosaki Ichigo, who had seen the appearance of the Ten-Tails in the history of the Naruto world, were not surprised by it.

Uchiha Madara stepped forward, and the power of the Nine Magatama Samsara Eyes poured out.


In an instant, the huge Ten-Tails was controlled by Uchiha Madara's eye power and crawled on the ground.

After the Ten-Tails are resolved, the next target of the three is Kaguya Otsutsuki who is sealed in the moon.

If you want to re-condensate the fruit of the sacred tree, you need to recover the power of Kaguya Otsutsuki.

Dagu transformed into Tiga and took the two of them to the moon in the shortest time, and transformed into a human form Tiga.

Kaguya Otsutsuki is extremely powerful, surpassing the Sage of Six Paths.

After the seal was unsealed, only Dagu transformed into Tiga, who could suppress it in the shortest time.

Coming to the seal, Uchiha Madara formed a seal with his hands: "Seal, release!"

Boom! ! !

The moment the seal was released, a pure white figure appeared from the moon.

Kaguya Otsutsuki, the mastermind behind everything in the ninja world, slowly opened her three eyes.

"I, finally revived!"

However.After seeing the three people in front of her but not finding Hei Jue, her expression froze for a moment.

"Who are you? Did Hei Jue ask you to come? Why is he not here?"

Byakuya opened, Kaguya looked around the moon, but no Black Zetsu was seen anywhere.

"Heijue has been sealed by me."

Madara Uchiha faced Kaguya indifferently, not even wanting to say a word: "Outsider, you stole the forbidden fruit of the sacred tree in our world, and you should pay back."


Hearing the word "Sacred Tree", Kaguya's expression instantly became extremely angry, and she understood the plans of the three people in front of her.

"You alone want to gain the power of the sacred tree!?"

Boom! ! !
Just before Kaguya takes action, Tiga, who has transformed into speed form, comes to Kaguya.

At this moment, the light from countless stars in the universe gathered in the palm of his hand, gathering extremely terrifying energy, causing ripples in the universe.

Feeling this terrifying energy, Kaguya's eyes widened: "Such power... this is not chakra at all! Who on earth are you!!!"

There was no answer, only a silent energy shock greeted Kaguya.

Rampart light bomb! !
shhhhhh! ! !
In an instant, several huge blue-purple light bombs hit Kaguya's body at the same time, blasting her onto the surface of the moon, causing the entire planet to tremble and splashing countless lunar dust.

If Dagu hadn't controlled the power, the entire moon would have been completely shattered by this blow.

But with this little power, it was enough to shatter Kaguya into pieces and temporarily lose her ability to move.

It's now!

Madara Uchiha formed a seal with his hands, temporarily imprisoning Kaguya Otsutsuki's body, and brought him to the Ten-Tails.

Seeing the bloody mouth of the Ten-Tails, Kaguya's expression finally turned panicked, and she already understood the fate she was about to face.

Countless chakra was withdrawn from Otsutsuki Kaguya.

Boom! ! !

In an instant, the Ten-Tails absorbed Kaguya Otsutsuki and grew into an extremely weird giant tree in the sky in a very short period of time.

Having regained most of his power, the Ten-Tails has absolute control over other chakras scattered in the outside world.

It opened its mouth and roared, the air rippled.


Throughout the ninja world, the chakra in the bodies of all ninjas is disappearing and converging in one direction.

At the same time, Uchiha Madara also felt that the chakra in his body was passing away little by little and flowing into the sacred tree.

But after Uchiha Madara's strength dropped to the Six Paths level, the Divine Tree stopped absorbing his chakra.

"This is……"

He looked at the sacred tree in great surprise, and then looked at the chat group interface, and he suddenly understood.

I'm afraid, this is because these powers are redeemed by points and do not belong to this world, so the sacred tree cannot absorb them.

After counting 10 minutes...

After absorbing all the chakra in the world, the sacred tree became stronger and became a complete body.

In Uchiha Madara's expectant eyes, a huge purple fruit appeared on the top of the sacred tree.

This is the fruit of the sacred tree!


(End of this chapter)

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