He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 64 The third subordinate world, the ship’s new power!

Chapter 64 The third subordinate world, the new power of the ship!
Ultra Universe…

Blue Star…

After Madara Uchiha of Naruto World sold the fruit of the sacred tree to the chat group, the progress bar of Naruto World on the Creation God System also changed accordingly.

[Naruto World Aura Collection Progress: 100%]

[Coordinates determined...world anchoring...anchoring successful! 】

Annan was a little surprised when he saw that the progress bar of Naruto World was full all of a sudden.

A divine tree fruit can actually have so much worldly flavor.

But if you think about it carefully, the fruit of the sacred tree contains the chakra of the entire world's life, which is equivalent to the source of mysterious power in the entire world.

In the Pokémon world, it is equivalent to a dream that possesses the genes of all Pokémon.

It is reasonable that the progress bar can be filled up at once.

[The channel is being established... Estimated time... 10 minutes]

This time, it only takes 10 minutes to open the channel.

It only takes 10 minutes to complete the positioning...could it be said that the location of Naruto World is much closer than that of One Piece World?
Or is it that as his strength increases, the time it takes to establish a world passage is also gradually reduced?

Opening up the passage to a mere thousand worlds no longer needs to take as long as it did when wandering to the earth world?

Annan's eyes moved, and he felt that it was both.

Above the Hongmeng level, every improvement is a qualitative leap.

To be honest, if he met himself who had just woken up from a deep sleep, he would almost win.

At the end of the road, every step forward is unprecedented and unprecedented.


In the world of Naruto…

The moment when Madara Uchiha sold the fruit of the sacred tree to the chat group.

Chakra completely disappeared from this world.

The sacred tree lost its fruit again. This time... it was a real loss. The huge body suddenly turned into ashes and disappeared.

After Kurosaki Ichigo closed his eyes and felt it, he shook his head.

"The feeling of being surrounded by some kind of energy has completely disappeared. The air is just ordinary air, without any extraordinary particles."

Da Gu also nodded, his face not very pretty.

As a giant of light in the vast world, he is most sensitive to the disappearance of extraordinary particles and chakra.

"I feel like I'm in a desert without water molecules. It's so uncomfortable. I'm almost suffocating... No, I have to sit down for a while."


After resting, Dagu and Kurosaki Ichigo did not leave immediately.

They asked curiously: "Mr. Uchiha, how many points did you get from selling the fruits of the sacred tree this time?"

Uchiha Madara didn't have any hidden intentions, and said slightly excitedly: "I sold the fruit of the sacred tree for 50000 points!"

! ! ?

After hearing this number, both of them were shocked.

"Aren't the worlds between you and the phoenix a thousand small worlds!? There are actually fifty thousand fruits from this sacred tree!!"

Dagu was surprised: "Is this thing so powerful?"

Ichigo Kurosaki was even more envious: "Mr. Uchiha, you have become rich overnight. With 5 points, you have already reached one-tenth of the highest lottery draw!"

At this moment, a sudden and huge sense of oppression enveloped the entire surface from the sky.

This world seems to be imprisoned, and the concepts of time and space are blurring.

The light and shadow in front of me seemed to turn into an abstract oil painting by Picasso.

The minds of the three of them were stretched infinitely.

On the contrary, the Ultra cub in Dagu's Sea of ​​Consciousness opened his eyes slightly at this time and let out a happy babbling sound.

Dagu was also able to recover from this strange state.

The next moment, his mouth opened wide and his eyes were dull.The sky above the world of Naruto.

A whirlpool-like light door appeared, and the entire world was illuminated by brilliant light.

A giant hand appeared from it, with indescribable majesty and power, and grabbed the gold medal list across the sky.

Like a frightened bird, the answer sheet put away the scroll in an instant and fled towards the outside world.

However, this is a useless move.

The moment the question-answering gold medal wanted to tear apart the space and escape, his giant hand grabbed it out of thin air.

The question-answering list, which was originally thousands of miles away, appeared in its palm, was taken away directly, returned to the light gate, and disappeared.

People in the entire ninja world looked at this scene with blank eyes, their brains almost turned into a ball of mush.

What on earth did they just see! ?

The gold medal in answering questions that no one could do anything about was snatched away by that giant hand so easily? ?
Uchiha Madara and the other two felt even more frightened in their hearts.

That giant hand just now was absolutely invincible!The kind that could kill them with just a sneeze!
"What...what is going on? There are world invaders!? Could it be that there are not one world invader, but two!?"

"Absolutely impossible. Even I feel that the power is as small as an ant, and how could a world invader be able to take away the gold medal list? If it is so powerful, your world will be shattered with one punch." Dagu gasped. Rough.

Recalling the vision of the Hiot cub just now, he said:

"Yes...that's right!! The Ultra cub inside me just now made a happy sound, as if seeing someone close to me."

"The things in the chat group's point pool are all made by the group leader!! The Ultra cubs were drawn from the group! So, it's... the group leader!?"

Hearing these words, Uchiha Madara and Black Energy Ichigo also recalled their previous chat in their minds.

Little Broken Ball, Birdman, and I Can't Fly all said that the group leader took away the gold medal list in the world of pirates with one hand.

Suddenly, the three of them relaxed.

What follows is endless excitement!
As expected of the group leader!

Awesome! (Breaking sound)
I was finally able to watch the group leader take action, and I was really scared to death.

Uchiha Madara is even more excited, because since the group leader appears in his world, it means that the world channel has been opened.

The world of Naruto is about to become the subordinate world of the group leader!
Just as he expected, less than a few seconds after the giant hand left, a special energy suddenly appeared and spread throughout the world.

Feeling this new energy, Uchiha Madara couldn't hide the shock on his face.

"This energy...is better than chakra, no! It is far beyond the magical chakra!"

After the energy returned, his aura also improved, and he returned directly to the highest level of the Nine Magatama Samsara Eye!
Kurosaki Ichigo also pulled out Zangetsu suddenly. After feeling the power, the surprise on his face was no less than that of Uchiha Madara.

"Hiss... I just absorbed some energy particles, and my spiritual pressure actually increased!? This is too scary!"

As for Dagu, there is an inexplicable nostalgia.

Although it was very thin, this energy actually gave him the feeling of returning to Blue Star.

You know, his world is a vast world, and the particles of extraordinary power are extremely dense.

After becoming the subordinate world of the group leader, the world of Naruto has improved so much!

Uchiha Madara and the others completely understood why Little Broken Ball and Birdman were so excited about this.

Becoming the subordinate world of the group leader is a matter of great benefit and no harm!
At this time...

Where the sacred tree dissipated, as new super particles poured in, a small sapling actually emerged from the ground.

Uchiha Madara looked at it strangely, not knowing what he was thinking in his eyes.

the other side…

Other ninjas in the ninja world also feel inexplicably that their power is returning, and a new power different from chakra is filling their bodies.

After using the ninjutsu, they were even more surprised to find out.

This brand new energy is many times richer than chakra, and even purer than magical chakra!

The destructive power of any ninjutsu they used at random has increased dramatically!



(End of this chapter)

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