He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 65, Page 3, Gold List, Annan who resisted the invasion of the main god space!

Chapter 65: Three-page gold list, Annan who resisted the invasion of the main god’s space!
[The world of Naruto has been officially transformed into a subordinate world]

[Current number of subordinate worlds: 3]

The next moment, Annan's eyes opened, overlooking the entire Ultra Universe from the perspective of the Creator God.

Next to the largest Ultra Universe, there is now another small ball that is constantly rotating around.

The distance from him to becoming the supreme being has shortened a little.

After nodding with satisfaction, Annan exited the perspective and took out the page of the gold medal list intercepted from the world of Naruto.

One was captured in my own world, one in the Pirate World, and one in the Naruto World.

Now there are three gold medals for answering questions.


When he took it out, the three winning papers actually floated in the air.

Under Annan's surprised gaze, the three pieces of paper attracted each other and merged together, turning into a three-page booklet.

"Is this the instinctive fusion of the remaining pages of the answer sheet?"


Annan felt it: "There seems to be strange fluctuations similar to when the system opens the world channel?"

After picking up the booklet, Annan closed his eyes and put his mind into it.

A feeling different from the three worlds of Pirate Naruto and Wandering Earth comes from this booklet.

"This is……"

After careful perception, Annan actually felt the worlds invaded by the main god space from these three pages of the fused booklet.

Not only that, with the help of the connection between this booklet and the gold medal list, he could also vaguely feel that there were gold medal lists in other worlds.

And... what he felt seemed to be a world where the origin of the world had been extracted!

[Detecting the existence of other worlds, whether to open the channel]

The world coordinates were determined directly. Naturally, Annan had no need to refuse.

"The fusion of the three-page answer gold list anchors a world where the origin of the world has been plundered by the main god space."

"Are you going to fight back against the invasion of the origin of the world that was plundered by the Lord God's Space?"


【Ding!The breath of the world that is not actively collected by the host needs to be delayed...]

[Starting to open the world channel, estimated completion time: 24 hours]


Wanjie chat group…

After Dagu and Kurosaki Ichigo returned to their respective worlds.

Naturally, the group was all talking about what happened in the world of Naruto.

[Apprentice Death God]: That's probably what happened. Although my combat effectiveness is not high, I played the most critical role in this mission!
[Big Bones Made into Soup]: Yes, that world invader was restrained by me and the God of Death. It was effortless to defeat him.

[Do you want to dance too?]: I really want to thank you two. If it weren't for you, my world would have been completely destroyed, and my world would not be able to become a subordinate world of the group leader.

[Apprentice Shinigami]: Damn, I was scared to death. The leader of the group took action. Just the breath made me think the world was going to be destroyed.

[I can’t fly]:? ? ?Wait, you are also a subordinate world of the group leader!
[Little Broken Ball]: Congratulations, it seems I have another colleague.

[The richest man in the world]: Damn it!How on earth did you do that!How many points did you get! ! !

[Do you want to dance too?]: Not much, I just sold a fruit from the sacred tree for 50000 points.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: 5w? ? ?It’s more than my four coordinates and historical text combined! !
[I can’t fly]: Hiss... equivalent to five stone slabs of Arceus?
[The richest man in the world]: ┌伊┐I can’t stand it!It makes me sour! ! !
Seeing the news about Uchiha Madara, some group members who had not yet become the group leader's subordinate world became even more envious.

Tony Stark was so envious that he was almost twisted out of shape.

The Naruto world where Uchiha Madara is located has not only become the subordinate world of the group leader.Moreover, after selling the fruit of the sacred tree, I also received tens of thousands of points. How can I get such a good thing!
At this moment, Kurosaki Ichigo, who was in the world of death, suddenly discovered.

The question-answering list in the sky actually started to move!
[Apprentice Death God]: Everyone, the gold medal list is in action again!

[I can’t fly]: Me here too!It seems that the gold medal winner is about to attack a certain world again!
[I am a phoenix, not a bird]: There is no longer a gold medal list in Minecraft!Group leader, please start a live broadcast of the group meeting! !


At the same time, the world is under one person.

Everyone on the board of directors of Nadutong Company looked at the window, where the gold medal list slowly showed itself in the sky, and couldn't help but look solemn.

Until now, they have not been able to figure out the origin of this gold medal list.

The only thing that is clear is that this gold list comes from existences in other dimensional worlds.

And no matter what kind of stranger it is, or what abilities and attacks it has, it can't have any effect on it.

Even Zhang Zhiwei, the most powerful heavenly master in the alien world, almost fell.


world of assassins.

Wu Liuqi, who was selling beef offal as usual, immediately put down what he was doing after seeing the gold medal glowing from the exam list.

"Chicken Dabao! The gold medal list is out, there's a good show to watch!"

Boom! ! !
Ji Dabao's round body fell out of the barber shop with a bang.

"Have you finally responded to the question-answering list? The introduction is great, I don't have to be so boring at last."

During this period of time, there has been no response from the question-answering list, and they are so idle that they are almost bubbling over.

Wu Liuqi nodded helplessly: "But before watching the show, you have to help me sell offal."

Although watching a show is important, making money is even more important!


Fairy Tail World.

After seeing the winning list appear again, Natsu excitedly found Lucy and Gray.

"Hey, look, look! The gold medal list has appeared again!"

Lucy sighed as usual: "Why are you so excited? Aren't you used to the appearance of the gold medal list? It's something outside the world and has nothing to do with us."

"It's not a matter of getting used to it, it's about my self-esteem!!"

Natsu clenched his fists and shouted excitedly: "On the screen of the gold medal list for the first time, the man named Ace who has the power of fire lost to some dark fruit! I simply cannot accept this ending!"

On the side, Gray snorted coldly: "It is not natural for fire to lose to darkness, and my ice magic is the most powerful."

"What did you say!!!"

"Obviously the flames lost to the darkness, why are you not convinced?"

In the blink of an eye, the incompatible two almost started fighting again, leaving Lucy on the side covering her head helplessly.

It seemed that for a while, the two of them couldn't calm down.


boom! !

At this moment, the gold medal list in the live broadcast slowly unfolded, and a dazzling light enveloped the entire world.

A line of writing appeared on the scroll.

[The third round of answering questions starts now]


(End of this chapter)

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