He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 66 I think you are a dragon. Join the chat group!

Chapter 66 "I think you are a dragon" Join the chat group!

Death world...

As the answer gold list blooms in the sky.

Aizen pushed up the flat eyes on the bridge of his nose and looked at the answer list with some anticipation.

There is another strange phenomenon on the gold list of answering questions.

I just don’t know what kind of power system will be displayed this time, and what kind of world it will be.

In Soul Society, some Shinigami and officials also looked up at the sky, looking at the sudden arrival of the magical gold list, wondering what kind of title and picture would be shown next.

But at this point, no one knows.

In the shadows of the entire Seireitei, there are countless pairs of hazy eyes, staring at the gold medal list and the Shinigami.

Inside the house of the first team captain.

Captain Yamamoto, who was calm and composed, looked at the sky with his deputy captain, Takubujiro.

Recently, Soul Society has been very quiet.

Therefore, he also turned a blind eye to the fishing behavior within each team.

Moreover, Captain Yamamoto himself is also very concerned about intelligence from outside the world.

There are other worlds, does that mean that one day in the future there will be an intersection with the other worlds?

at this time.

Om-! !

The handwriting on the answer sheet began to change.

However, after seeing the handwriting appearing on the answer gold list.

Takube's expression changed drastically in an instant, and he looked at Captain Yamamoto next to him in panic.

[Question: By whose hands will Yamamoto Genryu Shigekuni, the commander-in-chief of the Gotei [-], die in the future? 】

[All selected respondents can answer questions]

【Limited to 60 minutes】

[Those who answer incorrectly will be randomly selected to have something they own]

[If no one among the selected ones answers the question correctly, then...extract a ray of luck from all the answerers! 】

But after seeing the problem, the entire Seireitei, and even the Shinigami in the entire Soul Society, almost stared blankly at the problem in the sky, their eyes widening in disbelief.

The captains of the Gotei [-] all had their pupils trembling and stood up subconsciously.

Kyōraku Shunsui, who admired Captain Yamamoto the most, stopped in mid-air with his arms stiff and his face became extremely pale.

Clap! !
The next moment, the wine glass in his hand fell to the ground and shattered into pieces.

"How is it possible that the old man...will be killed!!?"

No one can imagine that the question answering question that the gold medal list will be about this time is not from another world.

It's the problem of their world.

I never expected that with this kind of problem, the captain... would die in the future? !

The strongest Shinigami in the Soul Society for thousands of years, Captain Yamamoto, whom they most admire.

Will be... killed in the future! ! !
Even Aizen shrank his pupils after seeing the question on the gold list, his face full of disbelief.

That monster-like captain, the strongest god of death in thousands of years.

He not only represents the entire Gotei [-], but is also the anchor of the entire Soul Society.

In the entire Three Realms, no one dares to say that they can defeat him.

Even if I have been planning for many years and using all my means, I still feel intimidated when facing the commander-in-chief.

Such a monster will actually be defeated... and die in the future.

Aizen fell into deep thought.

Could it be said that not only did his plan succeed in the future, but he also successfully killed the commander-in-chief outside of the plan?
at the same time.

Captain Yamamoto, who was at the center of the topic, remained calm on the surface and narrowed his eyes slightly under Takube's worried gaze.

"I...will die in the future?"


Wanjie chat group…

[Apprentice Shinigami]: Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni...wait, isn't this a problem in my world! ?And such a heavyweight was killed! ?
[The richest man in the world]: Heavyweight?Is this person with a very long name awesome?

[Apprentice Death]: Not only is he awesome! !Rukia told me that the most powerful Shinigami in the entire Soul Society is Captain Yamamoto!If he is killed, Soul Society will be no different than being destroyed!
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Such an exaggeration! ?If such people are killed in the future, doesn't it mean that the future of your world will become very bad?

[Ghost Slayer Expert]: That’s right!Mr. Death, didn’t we buy the history of our own world together?Taking advantage of this opportunity, let’s quickly watch the historical video!Then you will know the answer.

[I Can’t Fly]: Indeed, even after watching the video, the real world has only passed for one second, which is plenty of time.

As a result, everyone entered the group file where time was paused and began to watch the historical video of "Death".

As the video played bit by bit, everyone also learned what kind of world view the God of Death had.

[Little Broken Ball]: I see, that’s how your ID came about. Because you accidentally became the God of Death, you are a trainee instead of a formal one.

The Shinigami world where Kurosaki Ichigo lives is divided into three parts.

This world, Soul Society, Hueco Mundo.

This world is where humans live.

Soul Society is the place where human souls go after death. It is the world of surviving souls.

Hollows are monsters turned into after the fall of human souls. They will devour human souls. Most Hollows live in Hueco Mundo.

The God of Death is a being with particularly outstanding spiritual power in Soul Society. He is responsible for guiding and protecting souls and fighting against Hollows.

The existence of the three worlds of humans, Shinigami, and Hollows maintains the balance and circulation of the world.

[Do you want to dance too?]: In other words, Soul Society is equivalent to the underworld... There are people in the underworld who manage it, but there are no people in my world.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Hiss... wait, have you noticed that this whole process is history from the perspective of the trainee Shinigami!What the heck, you are actually the child of luck! ! !
[The richest man in the world]: Doesn’t that mean that the trainee Death is the first real son of luck in our group! !
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]:? ? ?Hack me, right?Although I am the second son of luck, I am also the real one, okay!

Kurosaki Ichigo himself was a little confused. He didn't expect that he, a trainee of Shinigami and accidentally became a Shinigami, could actually be a child of destiny in one world.

The historical video of "Death" continues to play...

Aizen, the deepest hidden villain in Soul Society, has surfaced.

His wisdom and calculations sent shivers down the spines of everyone in the group.

Even the rise of Kurosaki Ichigo is part of his calculations!
But in the end, in Kurosaki Ichigo's moonless form, Aizen's conspiracy was shattered and sealed.

Seeing this, everyone in the group was deeply shocked by the power of Aizen and Kurosaki Ichigo.

[The richest man in the world]: Damn it, God of Death, are you so awesome! !With this expressiveness, you are even more powerful than Birdman and You Want to Dance!Dry!I always thought you were the third weakest from the bottom, only stronger than me and Demon Slayer!

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: But wait, the last crescent moon clashes in the sky... Doesn't that mean that you will become an ordinary person in the future? ?
Everyone looked at each other and lost all their strength... This was like falling from the clouds to the bottom of the valley.

[Apprentice Shinigami]: It's okay, that's in the future, and there is a chat group, so even if I lose all my power, I can always get it back.

And because of the chat group, his future has become different.

However, other group members are still curious about what will happen in the future. Can Ichigo Kurosaki from the original world line regain his strength?

After reading on, it turned out that Kurosaki Ichigo had regained his spiritual power with the help of the captains.

But at the same time, a more powerful enemy, the Quincy King Yhwach, also appeared on the screen.

Originally, they all thought that Kurosaki Ichigo and Soul Society had become so powerful, how could they not be able to defeat these guys.

However, when the Quincy took out the item that sealed the swastika, he showed extremely terrifying abilities and strength.

Everyone opened their mouths in silence, in disbelief.

Swastika is the lifeblood of the God of Death!After being captured, how the hell can we fight!
And everyone also knows the answer to the question about the gold medal list...

The invincible captain was actually killed by Yhwach.

Everyone watched all the way, and finally came to the last scene.

Kurosaki Ichigo swung his last sword, unleashed his true swastika, and killed Yhwach with the help of everyone.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but feel that this victory was too difficult to come by.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Oh my god...the abilities of these Quincys are so terrifying!It’s just like cheating!

[The richest man in the world]: Indeed, especially Yhwach’s omniscience and omnipotence, he can tamper with the future and even change the fact of his own death. It’s too exaggerated!
[Ghost Slayer Expert]: Damn it!If he hadn't taken away the swastika and fought head-on, Captain Yamamoto would not have lost! !

[I Can’t Fly]: Alas, I think so too. This guy Yamamoto’s fire can even burn the world, which makes me feel a little scary!Unfortunately, the omniscient and omnipotent Yhwach is too powerful.

[Do you want to dance too?]: However, the most powerful one is the trainee Shinigami... In the future, he is so powerful that he can kill monsters like Yhwach with one blow.

[Apprentice Shinigami]: I didn't expect it either... It turns out that Zangetsu is not my real Zanpakutō, but a mixture of Quincy and Hollow power...

[Apprentice Death God]: Just thinking about it makes me angry. Who told that Xu Bai to scare me all day long?Made me think he was a bad guy!

[Apprentice Death]: Forget it, let’s not talk about this for now, I will submit the answer.


The world of Death, now... After Ichigo Kurosaki submitted his answer, the answer sheet suddenly flashed, and he fell into silence and deep doubt.

what happened?Is it dreaming?

People from three consecutive worlds all answered the questions correctly? ?

This day is simply unbearable! ! !

But even if it was unwilling in every possible way, under the power of rules, new writings appeared on the answer list.

[Ichigo Kurosaki answered correctly]

[The captain of the Gotei [-], Shigekuni Yamamoto Genryanagi, will die in the hands of Yhwach in the future]

The moment the answer appeared, the spiritual pressure all over Captain Yamamoto exploded instantly, and the extreme high temperature burned the air to an extremely dry state.

The heavy spiritual pressure, as heavy as a mountain or a sea, made the atmosphere tremble. All the Shinigami in Soul Society felt the anger of the Captain, and it made them breathless.

"Yhwach! You are still alive!!!"

Yhwach - King of the Quincy!

The man who almost destroyed Soul Society a thousand years ago! ! !
At the same time, in the shadow of Seireitei.

A man with black hair and black robes sat on the throne, smiling.

"Sure enough, in the future I will succeed, and this world will return to chaos!"

The writing on the gold list for answering questions disappeared, and the picture emerged.

In the picture, there is a dark night.

A one-armed old man stood in front of the man in black, raising a sword that seemed slender and vulnerable to attack.

["Swastika-Remnant Fire Sword."]

boom! ! !
The moment the words fell, the extreme high temperature burned the entire world into pure white in an instant.

Even the dark night shines as bright as noon.

Sweat and blood evaporate under the extreme high temperature. If an ordinary person steps forward, they will be burned to ashes in an instant.

There is no flame, but there is flame everywhere.

The suffocating heat seems to pass through the picture and reach countless worlds.

Fairy Tail World.

Seeing this scene, Natsu suddenly swallowed and his body began to tremble unconsciously.

"Why...I can't see the flames, but I can feel how terrifying this fire is!!"

"Is this the highest state of flame!??"

As a fire mage, he understood the moment he saw Captain Yamamoto's swastika.

In front of this old man, his own flame was just a small flame!There is no comparison!
In Soul Society, the Shinigami who saw Captain Yamamoto showing his true strength were all amazed.

Such spiritual pressure, such temperature!
The rumors that the captain would destroy the entire Soul Society if he took action with all his strength turned out to be true! ! !

Alien world.

The flames and power in the picture made both the aliens and the senior leaders of major organizations completely dumbfounded and trembling.

This power, which is enough to destroy the world, is the top combat power in the world in the picture! ?

This is too scary, too exaggerated!
If temperatures as high as those on the surface of the sun were to appear directly in the real world, the entire planet would be destroyed!


on the screen.

[After taking the swastika, Captain Yamamoto slowly raised the blade: "Yhwach, today is the end of you!"]

In an instant, the two stepped forward at the same time, and an extremely terrifying battle broke out!

The blades collided, causing the entire Soul Society's air and earth to tremble!
Every time the two of them clashed, the air became even hotter. The moment the ground touched the residual fire sword, it was instantly burned to ashes by its terrifying temperature, and an extremely deep ravine exploded.

["Remnant Fire Taishou·North - The world is completely ashes!!!"]

hum! ! !
Captain Yamamoto gave the final blow, slashing out as fast as possible with flames that burned out everything.

This blow was as bright and hot as the sun.

With one blow, Yhwach's body was cut in half.

The whole world seemed to be split into two by this chop.

When Captain Yamamoto landed the final blow, Ji Taibao and Wu Liuqi from the Assassin World already had dull faces and were so shocked that they couldn't open their mouths from ear to ear.

This temperature, this power!Is this really something humans can do? ?
However, after Wu Liuqi saw Captain Yamamoto's sword skills, for some reason, he suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling of familiarity in his heart.

It was as if I had once picked up such a weapon to fight.

In the scene, Captain Yamamoto kills Yhwach.

All the Shinigami in the Seireitei raised their hands and cheered loudly.

While cheering, they were also very confused.

Obviously, the commander-in-chief instantly killed the rookie Yhwach.

Why is the question about the gold list asking who killed the captain?

This is not reasonable at all.

In the next second, the answer was revealed on the gold medal list.

in the screen.

Just when Captain Yamamoto put away his swastika, he was about to leave.

A familiar voice suddenly sounded behind him.

["You did a good job, delaying time for me."]

Then, under the shocked eyes of countless people, a man who looked exactly like Yhwach walked out.

In other words, he——is the true form of Yhwach! ! !
The 'Yhwach' whom Captain Yamamoto had just killed and fell to the ground now removed his disguise and turned into another person!
hum! ! !
The next moment, the real Yhwach in the picture raised the object in his hand, and a strong suction force appeared, taking away Captain Yamamoto's swastika.

The moment the swastika was taken away, the outcome was determined.

Yhwach raised the giant blue sword made of condensed souls, and the Shinigami of Seireitei opened their mouths, and roared with fear, unwillingness, and anger.

Slash the knife.

Blood spurted out.

Captain Yamamoto stood on the ground like this, his body cut in half by Yhwach.

Until death, it still stands.

The scene was frozen at this moment, and at this moment, the entire Soul Society was completely silent.

Kyoraku Shunsui immediately lost his calmness and subconsciously wanted to pull out his Zanpakutō.

They only felt dizzy, as if the sky was falling.

Quincy, has the ability to take away the swastika? ?

Yhwach took away the captain's swastika and killed him! ?
what is happening! ! !
Seeing his own death, Captain Yamamoto fell silent.

Being deprived of their swastika is no different from their second life being deprived of them by the God of Death.

Without the swastika, there is no way a Shinigami can be a match for these Quincy!
How did the future Yhwach do it...

At this time, Aizen's eyes also flashed with fear.


After the screen ended, the question-answering list appeared, extremely frustrating, with the handwriting flashing one by one.

He still looked like he was reluctant but had to do it.

[Ichigo Kurosaki answered correctly]

[Reward...the power of virtualization...]

At the same time, a golden light passed through the space and fell on Kurosaki Ichigo.

In an instant, Kurosaki Ichigo felt that part of the power in his body seemed to be released.

As he thought, a white mask appeared on his face, and then disappeared.

"The power of virtualization... virtualization."

Recalling his violent and terrifying appearance in the historical video, Kurosaki Ichigo swallowed.

This is the power gained through the gold medal list, so... he shouldn't go berserk, right?

At this moment, a prompt popped up on the chat group screen.

——Welcome newcomers, [I think you are a dragon] join the chat group——



(End of this chapter)

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