He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 67 A weird world that can destroy the universe, but there are no laws!

Chapter 67 A weird world that can destroy the universe, but there are no laws!
Is there a new person joining the group chat?
Recently, the frequency of inviting new people to chat groups has been a bit high.

In the Wanjie chat group...

[The richest man in the world]: Is there another newcomer after the Gu Body Saint Boy? Welcome!Hahaha, in this case, there will be one more person at the bottom without points!Wow hahaha, since Big Bones turned into soup and betrayed me, someone is finally at the bottom with me.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Let me go, is this the first thing that comes to your mind... Ahem, newcomers are welcome to join our group chat. No need to be restricted. If you have any questions, we can answer them.

[Ghost Slayer Expert]: Welcome newcomers!Eh……?Why does the newcomer's avatar look a little strange, as if he looks a bit like Mr. I Can't Fly?
【Big bones boiled into soup】: What?Let me see...I'll go!This time the newcomer is no more human than I can't fly!
The new group members are not human! ?
Seeing this news, everyone clicked on the newcomer's profile picture out of curiosity.

What appeared in front of him was a giant monster that was wrapped in golden armor and looked very similar to a dinosaur.

Its four are extremely strong and full of explosive power. Just from its appearance, it can be seen that it is an extremely powerful existence.

[The richest man in the world]: Indeed...this style of painting does look very similar to I Can't Fly.

Groudon looked at it carefully and became confused.

Judging from the appearance and style, it does look very similar to the style of Pokémon.

Could it be said that it is really a Pokémon in its own world?
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: This seems to be the first time that two group members appear in one world, right?Is this a historic scene?
[I can’t fly]: @I think you are a dragon. What kind of Pokémon are you?I don't think I've ever seen you before, new breed?
[I think you are a dragon]:! ?This is where? ?who are you!When did I have such a thing in my mind!
[I think you are a dragon]: What kind of Digimon are you?What ability is this?Could it be that you have hacked into my data? !
Seeing the word Digimon, everyone in the group immediately understood.

The newcomer is not a Pokémon...not a character from the "I can't fly" world.

[I can’t fly]: Digimon?It turns out it's not a Pokémon... Let me just say, how could it happen to be in my world, but you look too similar to a Pokémon.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: It seems that we have misunderstood, @I think you are a dragon, don’t worry, we don’t mean any harm.

[Ghost Slayer Expert]: This is Mr. Long. We are not Digimon. This is the Ten Thousand Realms Chat Group, a place where many beings from other worlds gather.

[I think you are a dragon]:? ? ? !
【大古瀹成肉】: Haha, the newcomers this time seem to be confused, so let me, a senior, teach you!

[The World's Richest Man]: Indeed, last time I was convinced by the new Gu Saint Boy, and I haven't even finished the manuscript I prepared yet.

When it was the usual time to take care of newcomers, a group of group members began to explain science.

for a long time……

"I think you are a dragon." He looked at the group avatars of himself and others, browsed the group files, and saw those group file videos, and finally accepted this reality with great difficulty.

I was not invaded, but I came to a place where I could communicate with beings from other worlds.

This chat group that appeared inexplicably in my mind is the place that connects the existences of these worlds.

Moreover, what makes it even more incredible is that in addition to the digital world and the real world, there are so many different worlds! !

Just these people in the group, there are ten different worlds!
[I think you are a dragon]: I actually came to such an incredible place...

【Big Bones Boiled into Soup】: It’s always like this in the beginning. Just get used to it, newbie.


Ultra Universe,

Blue Star…

Looking at the new group members, Annan looked at their information with interest.

This time, the person who joined the group chat was actually a being from a special world.It is a Digimon from the Digimon world - BattleGreymon!

And judging from the opponent's name, "I think you are a dragon" is not even an ordinary BattleGreymon.

Instead, there is an existence called——God of WarGreymon!
In the Digimon world, the claws of ordinary BattleGreymon have a very special ability [Greymon Bane].

And as long as you use these claws to attack the Dragonmon Digimon, real damage will be dealt directly!Crush your opponent directly!

And this God of War Greymon has an invincible passive on this basis.

No matter what Digimon it is, in its eyes it is all Dragonmon Digimon!

Combined with [Dragon Beast Nemesis], as long as the invincible God of War Greymon takes action, every battle will be crushed!
However, the digital world itself, from Annan's perspective as the Creator God, is actually a very low-level world.

Of course, although Digimon's combat power and performance are extremely amazing.

World destruction, broken stars, black holes, and even the existence of various terrifying Digimon that can restart the universe...

But the power of laws controlled by the Digital World itself...is basically zero.

Because the entire digital world exists out of the online world of the human world.

After countless years have passed in the digital world, only one or two years have passed in the real world.

Strictly speaking, Digimon itself is not a living body, but an existence formed by a bunch of data.

Digimon must evolve by collecting data, and BattleGreymon evolved from Agumon.

The entire digital world is actually not a real world.

Rather, it is similar to a server that stores Digimon and other data. When too much data accumulates, the world will collapse.

The God of the Digital World (Yggdrasil), that is, the server itself, in order to reduce the pressure on the world, will send 12 Royal Knights to slaughter Digimon to reduce data.

in short……

The digital world is actually the online world, and the so-called Digimon are more like special artificial intelligence.

That's why Annan was a little surprised. He didn't expect that non-physical data life form Digimon could also join the group chat.

While everyone was discussing the Digital World and the chat group function with BattleGreymon.

Death World.

Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly discovered that Rukia had disappeared without knowing when.

In the end, only a note left by her was found in the room.

[Apprentice Death]: Bastard!Rukia was taken away by those Shinigami! ! !



(End of this chapter)

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