He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 69 The sudden birth of the new Ultra universe, Annan: I didn’t create a new universe! ! !

Chapter 69 The sudden birth of the new Ultra universe, Annan: I didn’t create a new universe! ! !
"A mere human being has such powerful spiritual pressure?!"

At this time, the spiritual pressure that Kurosaki Ichigo unleashed exceeded the imagination of all the captains present.

and many more……

Everyone present has lived for who knows how long, so naturally there is no fool.

Previously, the gold list answer screen was released.
Because the fact that the commander-in-chief would be killed by Yhwach was really shocking and frightened the Soul Society.

There's another thing they overlooked...

The person who answered the gold list question correctly seems... to be called "Kurosaki Ichigo".

It’s this young man in front of me! !

In this way, the "power of virtualization" rewarded for answering questions on the gold list actually allowed a young man who accidentally obtained the power of death to possess such terrifying spiritual pressure! ?
Their eyes flickered, then...if they caught the young man in front of them, could they reversely study the winning list? !
Even if you can't, you can still study the so-called virtual power in his body!

An inquisitor from Central Room 46 raised his eyes and looked at Kurosaki Ichigo: "If you think you can deal with the captain with this little spiritual pressure, are you underestimating our Soul Society?"

The voice of the judge in Central Room 46 echoed: "All captains, lift the ban on swords and capture alive the mortal who stole the power of the Death God - Kurosaki Ichigo!"

In an instant, the six captains burst out with terrifying spiritual pressure at the same time, as if some shackles in their bodies were being released.

Six captains attacked one person at the same time!Such a situation has never happened before, except for the battle with Yhwach a thousand years ago!

Now, in order to deal with a human being who was extremely humble to them, these captains unreservedly released all their power.

Facing the simultaneous attacks of several captains, Kurosaki Ichigo's eyes narrowed, and terrifying spiritual pressure rose into the sky along with jet-black flames.

His spiritual pressure increased sharply again.

It was like divine punishment, suppressing everyone.

Boom! ! !

Boom boom boom! ! !
In the face of this power, even the captain who lifted the sword ban felt like a small boat on the turbulent and violent sea.

He was instantly blown away, like a bird with broken wings, and fell hard to the ground.

Of course, Kurosaki Ichigo had some reservations, otherwise, it would not be as simple as being blown away and temporarily incapacitated.

Seeing this scene, the originally confident judge became sluggish.

The strongest captain among the Gotei [-] was defeated so easily...

They no longer know whether what is happening in front of them is an illusion or reality...

Aizen, who was standing behind the captain and observing, although his expression remained unchanged, his heart was already filled with turmoil.

Monster... This is a monster that has broken the limits of Death! !
The realm he had dreamed of! !
Seeing that the captains were instantly defeated, Captain Yamamoto's face flashed with an imperceptible twitching expression.

"...The future life is scary, but don't think about leaving just like that!"

As the strongest God of Death in history, as the only one in the entire God of Death world, and as the captain who once killed Yhwach!
He will not take action until the moment of life and death in Soul Society.

Unexpectedly, today he would actually take action against a human kid who had just gained the power of Death.

"Everything will turn into ashes. The blade flows like fire!!"

"Oh? The strongest god of death?"

Kurosaki Ichigo's expression was dull as he faced the strongest Shinigami in this millennium, Yamamoto Genryanagi Shigekuni.

There was no change in his face, as if he was facing an ordinary old man.

boom! ! !
The spiritual pressure on Kurosaki Ichigo's body began to skyrocket again under the disbelieving gazes of the captains!
"how is this possible!?"

Even Aizen subconsciously exclaimed: "The power he had just now was not at full strength???"

Unbelievable panic arose in the hearts of the other captains.

Even Captain Yamamoto was finally unable to remain calm. Even though he was surrounded by flames, he still shed a cold sweat.

In an instant, Kurosaki Ichigo raised Zangetsu, and after the spiritual pressure he released gathered on the blade, he swung the sword.

Under this suffocating golden spiritual pressure, all the flames were extinguished in this moment.

The captain's Zanpakutō was blown out of flames by this spiritual pressure attack, and the first element was released!

The other captains were even more unbearable. All their Zanpakutos were under the pressure of this golden spiritual pressure, and they hid in fear, not daring to answer their calls.


In the shadow of Seireitei, the invisible imperial throne.

Yhwach's eyes widened when he saw the scene just now.

what happened!

Old man Yamamoto, the strongest god of death in thousands of years, was actually crushed? !This is someone who he will have to use cunning and cunning skills to defeat in the future.

Was he defeated so easily?
Ichigo Kurosaki's strength has become so powerful because of the "power of virtualization" given to him by the gold medal list! ?

Even without using his swastika, he easily defeated Yamamoto Genryu Shigekuni and the entire Gotei [-] team.

But immediately, Yhwach's face showed great ecstasy.

He felt the blood of the Quincy! !

Kurosaki Ichigo has Quincy blood in his body!
He could clearly feel that the three powers of Quincy, Hollow, and Shinigami in Ichigo Kurosaki's body had been perfectly integrated together, regardless of each other.

Originally, the ability he seized could only absorb the Quincy's power.

But if Hei Qi is in such a completely integrated state now, he will not only be able to plunder the power of the Quincy, but also the power of the Hollow and the God of Death!
Thinking of this, Yhwach couldn't help but want to look up to the sky and smile.

The plan really can't keep up with the change!
Now you don't have to wait for yourself to fully recover your strength. As long as you capture Kurosaki Ichigo's spiritual pressure, you will have invincible power!
next moment.

The spiritual pressure in Yhwach's body produces strange fluctuations, and he wants to use the power of "usurpation" to seize the power of Kurosaki Ichigo.

At the same time, Kurosaki Ichigo also felt the change in the Quincy's power within his body.

In this world, there is only one person who can interfere with the power of the Quincy.

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at the shadow and raised Zangetsu coldly: "Originally I didn't want to pay attention to you today, but since you want to attack me, I will deal with you too!"

Then, in the doubtful eyes of the gods of death.

Ichigo Kurosaki mobilized the Quincy's power to control the spirit within his body, and while aiming at the shadow space, he also mixed the power of the Hollow to restrain the Quincy.


An ordinary slash.

The golden and white spiritual pressure suddenly shot out in an instant, hitting the shadows everywhere in the entire venue.

Boom! ! !

Just one hit.

The spirit space that was created from the shadows after countless Quincy efforts was instantly shattered in the face of absolute power.

The next second, all the Quincy and buildings in the shadow space appeared in Soul Society.

Yhwach's figure and throne also fell from the shadows in front of Kurosaki Ichigo, the captain and others.

In an instant, Captain Yamamoto's eyes widened and he stared at the person in front of him: "Yhwach!? You are hiding here!"

The appearance of Yhwach made their faces turn pale.

It turns out that the Quincy and Yhwach have been hiding under their noses all this time, hiding in the shadows of Soul Society!
Fear, fear, and various complex emotions appeared in their hearts, and their clothes were soaked with cold sweat.

No wonder, on the screen of the gold medal list, Yhwach appeared so easily inside the soul-shielding film, and he knew the situation in Soul Society very well.

It turns out that they have been observing in the shadows for thousands of years!

Yhwach looked at his palm, feeling even more unbelievable at this time.

Even though he is the source of all Quincy power, he cannot recover the Quincy power in Ichigo Kurosaki.

Not only that, his power was even counter-controlled by him, out of instinctive fear!

It seems that Kurosaki Ichigo... is the real King of Quincy!
...Soul Society...

Kurosaki Ichigo's abyss-like sea of ​​spiritual pressure was like a bright sun suppressing the sky above Soul Society.

The God of Death and the Quincy were once the two mortal enemies.

At this time, under the pressure of this spiritual pressure, they raised their heads in great shock, thinking that they had seen the end of the world, and were in constant panic.

His eyes were dazed... Is this really the power this world should have?

The power of one person makes both the Shinigami and Quincy feel a deep sense of powerlessness. No matter how many people there are, it is useless. Under the absolute crushing power, all the Shinigami and Quincies attack together, which means that the other party can use more. Just two knives.

Kurosaki Ichigo stood in the sky, pushing his hands back from his temples as if applying hairspray, looking down at the entire Soul Society.

I have to say that Aizen's way of showing off is really cool, and he secretly learned it while watching "Death".

Then, his eyes swept to everyone below, and finally stopped on Yhwach.

"Do you still have any objections to me now?"

Yhwach opened his mouth...

boom! ! !
In an instant, a golden sword energy slashed down.

Yhwach, who was almost in front of him before he reacted, fully activated the power of the static blood suit and blocked the sword energy with both arms.

boom! ! !
However, it was of no use. His arm was chopped with blood, and his whole body was blasted into a deep pit nearly [-] meters underground.

The body was almost cut off at the waist, with only a bit of skin and flesh attached.

But for him, such injuries can be recovered.


Yhwach spit out a large mouthful of blood, and Kurosaki Ichigo was seriously injured with just one blow.

If the sword energy just now had been stronger, he would have died again.

Lying in the deep pit, Yhwach now felt that his internal organs had been shattered, and he coughed up blood whenever he spoke, feeling very aggrieved.

Asshole! ! !
I want to say that I have no opinion! !I never have any opinions! !Isn’t it these gods of death who have objections? !
He regretted extremely in his heart, why did he want to take back the opponent's Quincy power because of his stupidity! !
Seeing the tragic situation of Yhwach, all the Quincy became silent. They knew very well how powerful their 'King' was, but as a result, the other party couldn't even catch a single blow.

The same is true for the God of Death, no one dares to move.

In the previous gold medal list, they all knew how powerful Yhwach was, and no one except the captain was his opponent.

But now, in front of this human being, he can't even hold back a knife.

In their hearts, they had completely lost their will to resist, and they cursed the trash in Room 46 crazily in their hearts.

If they weren't trying to capture Rukia, how could such a monster come to Soul Society!How could it become the current situation!

at the same time.

Kurosaki Ichigo, floating in the sky, looked thoughtfully at the people below.

In the Naruto world at that time, he watched Madara Uchiha sell the fruit of the sacred tree to the chat group and received a full 5 points.

He admitted that he was envious!

But in retrospect, in the world of Death, there are also existences similar to the Divine Tree.

He is the source of all power and the creator of the three realms - the Spiritual King!
However, when the Three Realms were established, the Spirit King was cut into pieces by the four former nobles and imprisoned in the Spirit King Palace to maintain the stability of the Three Realms.

The remaining bodies are scattered in the three realms.

Even the raw material of the jade that Aizen made, which allowed him to possess the immortal god, was just a piece of the Soul King's fingertip.

If he restored the Death Soul King and sold it to the chat group, wouldn't he be able to make a lot of money?

The existence of the Spirit King itself is much more advanced than the mere fruit of the Divine Tree.

Moreover, it can also end the imprisonment of the Soul King by the God of Death.

At that time, we can directly use the body of the great evil man Youhabach to replace the Spirit King to maintain the Three Realms.

Yhwach, the culprit who caused his mother's death, just paid interest.

Kurosaki Ichigo did not act immediately.

It’s better not to rush yet and wait until we get back to ask everyone in the group for their opinions.

"Whether it's a Quincy or a Shinigami, if you dare to start a fight, I don't mind dealing with both of you."

Whether it is the God of Death or the Quincy, they play a major role in the resurrection of the Soul King and must be left behind.

Kurosaki Ichigo tore out the passage through the world and was about to leave Soul Society...

He suddenly remembered that he still had a treasure that he had not taken away!
Kurosaki Ichigo turned his head and said: "Aizen, give me your Hongyoku."


Aizen was happily eating melon down there, thinking about his next plan.

After hearing his and Beng Yu's names, the pupils of his eyes shrank instantly and he raised his head in disbelief.


How did Kurosaki Ichigo know that he had Honyu on him! ?
After hearing this, the other captains all looked at Aizen.

Bengyama... didn't the plan to break the boundary between the Shinigami and the Hollow end long ago because of Urahara Kisuke's defection?
Why does Aizen still have Honyu on his body? ?

Under Kurosaki Ichigo's unquestionable gaze, Aizen gritted his teeth and took it out with difficulty.

After sensing that this was the genuine article, he nodded with satisfaction, and then took out the other Bengyu from Lucia's body.

"Don't worry. If I dare to hurt you, tell me and I'll kill them all."

After explaining Rukia, Kurosaki Ichigo left Soul Society.

Only the Quincy and the Shinigami were left staring at each other.

Both sides are enemies of life and death, and they will fight each other when they meet...

But now, let alone fighting, they don't even dare to show their weapons.

And, as the fuse of everything, Lucia's brain was also sluggish, and her CPU was burned out.

Is this really Ichigo?


In the Wanjie chat group…

[Apprentice Death]: Wuhu!It’s so cool today!With the power of one person, he suppressed both the Death God and the Quincy!
[Apprentice Death]: Hahaha!This is the feeling of being truly invincible in the world!
[I can’t fly]: But it’s over so quickly. Did you get any treasures to exchange points for?
[Apprentice Death]: Take the Bengyu.

[The richest man in the world]: Bengyu is just made of the Soul King’s fingernails and skin scrapings, right? You can already suppress a whole world, so you just take this thing? ?

[Apprentice Shinigami]: Yes, everyone, I want to resurrect the Soul King, and then sell the Soul King to the chat group in exchange for points like "Do you also want to dance?" What should I do?Help me with my advice.

【Do you want to dance too】:! ! !

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]:! ! ! ! ! ?

Just when the group was chatting heatedly, giving various ideas to Ichigo Kurosaki on how to resurrect the Spirit King in exchange for group points...

Ultra Universe, Blue Star.

Annan, who was watching the animation, suddenly noticed a strange feeling.


He frowned, this is... the new Ultra World parallel universe?
what happened?He didn't create a new parallel universe at all.

Could it be that... someone else created a new parallel universe in the Ultra Universe?


(End of this chapter)

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