He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 70 The second creator god of the Ultra world? !Annan: Oh, just create a hammer, you stinky b

Chapter 70 The second creator god of the Ultra world? !Annan: Oh, just create a hammer, you stinky brother!

Ultra world...

The vast world wrapped in boundless world barriers is like a huge sphere.

Inside it, there are countless small spheres that do not overlap or intersect with each other.

These small balls are parallel universes...

Countless parallel universes fill the world.

During these countless trillions of years, Annan created many parallel universes,

He remembers that the last time he created a parallel universe was tens of billions of years ago.

The parallel universe of the Ultra World has never changed in quantity and has maintained its current situation.

but now……

The Ultra Universe, which had not changed for tens of billions of years, was actually evolving on its own at this time, giving birth to a brand new parallel universe.

In the hyperspace beyond countless parallel universes.

Here, there is only the endless air of chaos, and apart from that, there are no concepts or things.

Even time and space, the most basic units in the universe, do not exist here.

Even the concept of dimensions does not exist in this space. It is a real place of chaos.

If we want to give this non-existent hyperspace a name, then only the concept of 'zero dimension' can accurately describe its existence.

But at this moment, in this space where only 'zero dimension' exists.

Countless chaotic energies quietly underwent some astonishing changes.

The energy of chaos is the foundation that constitutes hyperspace and carries countless universes. It can also be said to be hyperspace itself.

At this time, if a living body comes to the hyperspace, it will be able to observe a scene that cannot be described in words.

Countless parallel universes, their relative positions have been fixed for tens of billions of years.

At this moment, something quietly changed!
The energy of chaos, which was originally constant, seemed to be attracted by a force of attraction and began to gather in a certain direction.

Just for a split second.

The immeasurable energy of chaos gathers in one point at an incalculable speed and continuously compresses it.

The endless compressed energy of chaos reaches a certain critical point.

hum! ! !
The nature of the chaotic energy has completely changed, and it has become an extremely compact point with immeasurable mass in the vast hyperspace. '

The moment the 'point' was born, the entire hyperspace trembled slightly, and the energy of chaos seemed to resonate with it. More and faster, it gathered at the point and merged with it.

It just sits quietly in hyperspace, constantly absorbing the energy of chaos, increasing its mass and density to the limit.

This is one-dimensional space!
In silence, a small point in one-dimensional space was added and compressed by countless chaotic energies.

From one, it turned into two, and two turned into three...Three 'dots' turned into countless!
At this moment, countless 'points' combined in the chaotic hyperspace to form a 'line' that existed independently across the hyperspace!
A brand new one-dimensional universe is born at this moment!
In an instant, the chaotic energy of the entire hyperspace was trembling due to its birth.

The moment the one-dimensional world appeared, all universes in the Ultra World felt the existence of this new universe.

The barriers of countless universes are trembling, as if they are celebrating in resonance with it.

In the universe of the Kingdom of Light...

The light of the plasma spark tower became brighter and brighter, and the energy of light was more intense than before, and it was released without hesitation.

Above the shadow of the flames of the Spark Tower, one can also vaguely glimpse a one-dimensional universe composed of countless compact dots.

The Ultramans in the Kingdom of Light looked at each other in confusion at this moment, wondering why the Spark Tower was more active than usual today.

The kingdom planet of the Kingdom of Light...

The King of Ultra also sensed a feeling that could not be described in words, and he sensed it secretly.

His eyes widened in surprise.

"This is... a brand new universe born in hyperspace!?"

In another universe of order, Dracion, as the justice enforcer of the universe, was also awakened by this change.

"Is this... the birth of a new universe? We haven't seen it for tens of billions of years..."

"But it seems...this is not the creation power of that adult?"

While all universes are feeling something, the one-dimensional universe in hyperspace continues to grow and change.

'Line' and 'Line' began to combine, and huge energy was constantly rubbing and colliding among them.

Countless chaotic energies have also undergone many indescribable changes due to the alienation of the one-dimensional universe.

Lines and spaces are constantly expanding, bending and deforming.

Then, countless lines were combined together to form a huge circle of chaos.

At the same time as the "circle" appeared, the chaotic energy surrounding it was now fixed and no longer fluttering.

More chaotic energy adheres to the 'circle', becoming the nutrients for its continuous growth.

The moment when the matter and power contained in the two-dimensional universe reaches its extreme.

The Big Bang! ! ! !

The material that Yuan had accumulated to the limit exploded at this moment.

The extremely violent chaotic brilliance born from the explosion covered other universes.

Countless planes were also born from this moment, and together with the incalculable infinite matter, they merged in an instant, and the two-dimensional world was once again upgraded from the two-dimensional world!
A new three-dimensional universe appears, standing quietly in hyperspace.

Unlike other universes, there is no existence in this newly born universe. Compared with other universes, its size is only about half.

On the other side…

The parallel universe where Tiga lives.

In Blue Star's victory team base.

In Dagu's mind, a burst of babbling baby talk suddenly came.

The Ultra cub in his body, as the first ray of light for Annan to create the entire Ultra world, felt the birth of the universe at this time and opened his eyes.


Dagu felt that his spiritual consciousness had separated from his body again, and with the power of Ultraman Jr., he crossed the barrier of the universe and came to hyperspace.

Then he saw that in the chaotic hyperspace, a sphere that was very similar to other universes was being generated in the hyperspace.

This scene suddenly flashed an idea in his mind.

Could it be that... a brand new universe is being born! ?
Witnessing this scene, he felt that his soul was sublimated.

It will be of great benefit to yourself.

Just when he was about to take a good look, his eyes suddenly blurred.

After returning to normal, what appeared in front of him was the victory team base that Dagu was very familiar with.

After coming back to his senses, Dagu felt a little regretful.

hateful!You are almost able to see the birth process of the universe!

In this new universe, apart from the shell of the cosmic barrier, there is no matter or life.

The universe was empty, extremely deserted, and dead silent.

But then, at the center of the universe, where the first point is.An egg of chaos that cannot be observed or touched is floating quietly in the universe.

Suddenly, inside the Egg of Chaos, a pair of black and white eyes suddenly opened.

The next moment, the Chaos Egg shattered silently.

A half-light, half-dark existence walked out of it, and then the fragments of the Chaos Egg were absorbed into the body.

This being that was half dark and half light looked at the empty space in front of him and understood what kind of existence he was.

It slowly opened its mouth and made a sound that humans could not understand.

"My name...is Karafar"

"This universe only appeared because of my birth."

"I am the original existence of this universe and the God who created this universe!"

After learning about his origin, Kalafar instantly understood.

As the being who created this universe, what should I do next?

That is, perfect this universe and let this universe exist forever.

First thing he has to do...

Kalafar raised his palm, and dust appeared in his palm: "I said, there must be stars!"

The moment the words fell, all the matter contained in the universe was automatically combined and generated under Kalafar's will.

The next moment, stars of different shapes and sizes appeared, filling every corner of the universe.

It was obvious that the universe was no longer empty, but looking at the universe of stars in front of him, Kalafar felt a little dissatisfied.

He stretched out his finger, and everything in front of him was extremely dark. Even if he created everything, he couldn't observe things in the universe.

In addition to the stars, he needed something that illuminated the entire universe.

"I said, let there be light!"

Swish-! ! !
In an instant, the originally dark universe was shrouded in dazzling light.

Every corner and every star in the universe is illuminated by this white light that cannot be seen directly.

The light filled every inch of the universe, but Kalafar felt something was not right, as if something was missing.

He frowned: "Besides light, is there anything else that must exist in the universe..."

Boom boom boom! ! !
While Kalafar was thinking, the walls of this new universe began to tremble.

As the vibrations continued to intensify, cracks occurred in the originally hard cosmic barrier, and the cracks spread.

If it cannot be stopped, it will continue to spread.

Then this new universe will be like a bubble in the sun, shattering with a snap and disappearing completely.

To solve the problem, you must find out what is missing from the universe.

"What is missing?"

Just when Kalafar was thinking hard.

At this moment, the time in the universe stopped flowing, and the cracks in the entire universe barrier also stopped.

Time pauses! ?
In an instant, Kalafar's eyes widened, and his body was so stiff that he could not move due to extreme tension.

He only felt that an indescribable terrifying gaze was looking at the universe through the cosmic barrier.

The next second, in the boundless starry sky, a vague and majestic figure directly crossed the barrier of the universe.

As if you are in your own back garden, you can leisurely walk into this universe.

At the moment of its appearance, the brilliance of the entire universe created by Kalafar seemed to be crawling at the feet of this man, and its light dimmed in front of this figure.

The sun, moon, ice and fire, thunder, light and wind, countless laws lingered around him, making it suffocating.

Countless chains of order gods pave an unprecedented road for them to step on.

He just walked towards Kalafar, and he seemed to be facing a great terror and chaos, his body was nailed to the air, and he was too terrified to move.

Although he was just born, no matter how you say it, he is the creator of the universe.

But at this moment, when Kalafar faced this existence, he couldn't feel any disobedience. He couldn't even look directly at it. He could only lower his head and welcome his arrival.

Even the universe he created seemed to be cheering for joy, as if the existence in front of him was the...real master who created this universe.

Taking one step forward, Annan stood in front of Kalafar.

After looking at his appearance carefully, Annan found it very interesting.

No wonder, I suddenly felt that someone had created a new parallel universe.

It turns out that Kalafar, the creator god who originally created the Ultra Universe, was born.

However, just like Noah, he lost the possibility of appearing after he appeared.

Until now, my power has become stronger due to the addition of subordinate worlds, and the Ultra world is slowly upgrading towards the central and supreme world.

Coupled with the influx of auras from other small worlds, an existence was born.

Now Kalafar is a creature created by his own power.

Annan looked around the universe and said calmly: "In this universe, there are no laws yet, and the foundation is not stable. It may shatter at any time and return to chaos."

As soon as he finished speaking, a large amount of law aura emerged from the countless laws surrounding him.

The fire that burns everything, the thunder that shatters the world, the flood that immerses the universe...

Various grand laws and phenomena follow the breath and permeate the entire universe.

In an instant, these auras differentiated by laws began to generate brand-new power of laws under the influence of this universe.

"And the universe should not be an extreme existence... Where there is light, there must also be darkness."

The words fall, and the words follow the law...

In a universe that was so incandescent that every corner of the world was covered with light, darkness appeared for the first time.

The entire universe turned into a black curtain, dotted with countless stars, dazzlingly bright.

Kalafar looked at the completely different universe in front of him and fell into a daze.

Compared with the previous world that only had light, the current world is obviously shrouded in darkness, but it seems more vibrant and contains infinite possibilities.

He could even feel that there were only stars and a dead white universe.

After it turned into darkness, there were faint signs of life.

Compared with before, the universe now is perfect!

At the same time, the information fed back to him by the already perfect universe also let him know the identity of the great existence in front of him!

Suddenly, Karafar took a few steps back in fear and knelt down on one knee.

"Father...Father God!"

Just then...

Three pages of the gold medal list on Annan flew out of his own accord and floated in the universe.

(End of this chapter)

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