He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 71 Seizing the authority of the Lord God Space!The possibility of counterattacking the world

Chapter 71 Seizing the authority of the Lord God Space!The possibility of counterattacking the world of the Lord God!
Annan felt something changed in the gold list booklet.

Take it out with a thought.

The three-page booklet with the gold answer sheet was floating in mid-air, moving automatically without wind. The only three pages of the book were constantly turning back and forth, and a mysterious golden light filled the air.

The system's mechanical voice also sounded in Annan's mind.

"Ding, the passage to the unknown world has been opened."

Annan frowned.

Has the world of China Unicom been opened up?

Every page of the answer sheet in each world is a gateway used by the Lord God Space to release world invaders.

After previously seizing the three-page answer sheets and combining them into this booklet, I felt the atmosphere of another world.

Now the passage has been opened and we can pass through.


Annan stared at the booklet with the gold medal list, turning it silently in the air.

He saw three different numbers appearing in the lower middle of the three-page answer list.


He suddenly realized that this was the case. No wonder these three pages of gold lists were glued together to form a booklet.

It turns out that they are consecutive page numbers, which are part of the whole body of the answer sheet, so they are attracted to each other and connected.


Of these three pages, one page is from the Ultra Universe, and the other two pages are from the Naruto World and the Pirate World.

The gold medallists in these three worlds all appeared in their respective worlds at the same time.

So maybe there are more than just these three pages, and the gold lists of other group member worlds may also be consecutive pages.

The world that can be felt by these three pages of gold medal lists should be the world where the gold medal list with number 39 or 35 is located.

As soon as the thought occurred, a ray of Annan's thoughts escaped and entered the booklet with the golden list of answers.

The moment he entered it, the entire booklet began to tremble violently.

The joint between the three pages showed faint signs of collapse.

Seeing this, Annan immediately retracted this thought, and the booklet with the gold medal list also stopped trembling.

Sure enough... this world passage was not opened by the system after all.

Instead, the channel left over from the question-answering list itself was forcibly reopened for use.

In addition, the world on the other side of the passage has basically been exhausted and drained of its world origin due to the actions of the world invaders.

The rest should be just some finishing touches.

Judging from the strength of this passage, the world on the opposite side should be at the level of the Small Thousand Worlds.

A small thousand world with almost zero world origin, its current state is not much better than the universe just created by Kalafar.

The Small Thousand World opposite may not even be able to accommodate the lives of the Middle Thousand World and the Great Thousand World.

Because they all carry the rules and imprints from the Middle Thousand World and the Great Thousand World.

Not to mention him, the creation god who has surpassed the world level.

Once you enter it, the only consequence is the destruction of the world.

Now, only the existences of the Small Thousand World of the same level can barely enter it without causing collapse.

However, Annan needs a gold medal in answering questions in 'that world'.

The answer gold list and the main god space are one.

He had a very strong premonition about this.

As long as the pages of the golden answer list are collected to a certain extent, you can seize the authority of the main god space.

Collecting pages can directly anchor the vast world where the 'Lord God Space' is based on power and passage.

At that time, you can directly explore the roots of the "Lord God Space".

"Can only people from the Little Thousand Worlds enter?"

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the corner of Annan's mouth.

Before, he could only stare.

And now...

The life of Xiaoqian World... He has no shortage of such existence now.

In an instant, countless thoughts and plans flashed through his mind.

Afterwards, Annan turned his eyes to Karafar, who was still kneeling on one knee.

Feeling the supreme gaze from Father God, Kalafar lowered his head in even more fear, not daring to raise his head.


The birth of Kalafar was an unexpected gain for Annan.

After all, in the original Ultra Chronicles, he was just an abandoned setting and did not exist in the original history of the past and future.

I just didn't expect that after I created the Ultra World at the level of the Great Thousand Worlds, it would actually lead to its birth.

Annan, who had already made a plan, spoke slowly at this time.

"Krafar, as the being who created this universe, you should know that it takes tens of billions of years or even longer for a universe to naturally birth life from scratch."

"But now, I can give you a choice."

Hearing these words, Kalafar raised his head slightly in a daze.

Annan continued: "Now I need a universe that serves as a transit point for countless worlds to carry visitors from other worlds. The emergence of your universe just meets this condition."

"If you are willing to agree, then you can become an existence in the Ultra Universe, independent of other parallel universes. You will be the only god in this universe."

"From now on, it's up to you to control everything in this cosmic transit station."

The moment the words fell, countless huge information flows suddenly appeared in Kalafar's mind.

After the digestion was completed, Kalafar's breath suddenly became heavy and chaotic.

Transfer station of all realms! ! ?Subordinate world? !
He is messy. As a creature born in the world, he is born with a lot of information.

God the Father can actually do such unimaginable things as linking to other worlds!
And from what it sounds like, there seems to be another world!
The most important thing is that I am a newly born god...

Father God actually entrusted himself with such an important matter!

A universe that hosts visitors from all over the world and manages them all by itself.

"Thank you, Father God!!! I will do my best to fulfill your instructions to the best of my ability!"

Kalafar, who was kneeling on the ground, lowered his head more respectfully, almost touching his feet.

With the power of Father God, he can create a parallel universe that is countless times more beneficial than this universe in a single thought.

But God the Father chose himself and his universe. This is a great blessing!

And according to the information from Father God in my mind, this ten thousand world transfer station can not only connect with Father God’s subordinate worlds, but can even use it to understand the laws from the subordinate worlds!

This is a great opportunity for him to understand the origins and laws of other worlds! ! !

That's right...

Annan decided to use local materials to turn this universe into a transit point for communication with countless worlds.

Although now the world of pirates and the world of Little Breaking Ball has been connected to each other.

Human beings in the two worlds can also use channels to communicate in various cultural and economic systems.

There are only a few subordinate worlds now, so it's not that big of a deal.

But as his subordinate worlds become more numerous in the future, the matter of world passages will become very troublesome.For example, the current pirate channel only opens one channel to the wandering earth world.

If you connect the Naruto World, there are two, and if you include the Small Breaking Ball World, there are three.

It doesn't seem like a lot, but if in the future, his subordinate world increases to tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, or even millions or tens of millions.

If the Pirate World wants to communicate with these worlds, it must open the same number of different channels!

And this is just a pirate world. If other worlds also want to communicate with other worlds and open up world channels...

Calculated in this way, the number of channels that need to be opened will directly increase geometrically!
It’s too troublesome and inefficient! !

It is better to directly build this universe into a transit station, specifically responsible for linking other subordinate worlds.

In this case, you only need to create a passage to this universe every time you get the subordinate world.

If there is a certain world and you want to communicate with other worlds, you can go directly to the transfer station and go to other worlds through the transfer station.

He can also be the hands-off shopkeeper and let Kalafar manage it.


The current universe alone is not very suitable for use as a transfer station.

After looking around, Annan nodded: "Then, let me transform this universe a little bit."

With a thought, terrifying laws burst out, and the aura filled the entire universe.

Boom boom boom! ! !
From nothing.

In an instant, countless dust and soil appeared out of the sky and the universe, gathering together under his will.

Extremely spectacular...

A few seconds later, an endless continent was formed, stretching across the center of the universe.

Beside him, the stars that were originally scattered all over the universe were spread out in the sky of the boundless continent in a certain pattern, dotting the continent.

As a result, the universe that was originally dominated by planetary continents became a continental world with a round sky and a square place.

In the center of the boundless continent, which is also the center of the universe, there is a giant tower that reaches the sky, with no end in sight.

The appearance of the tower is engraved with mysterious lines, exuding an extraordinary aura.


Pirate World…

After experiencing the impact of technology wandering the earth, in less than a week, various unprecedented technological creations appeared in the world.

On the sea, there are wooden ships originally used by most people.

Now almost half of them have been replaced by extremely modern warships, integrating attack and defense, and even small submarines can be used.

In the sky, you can often see the giant steel bird they talk about flying.

At first, people will be surprised and watch excitedly.

But it didn't take long for them to get used to the existence of these steel behemoths.

There are even many ordinary people who, with government funding, have obtained small ships for navigation and communication.

Some modern high-rise buildings have become commonplace in various prosperous areas.

Everything is going in a good direction.

Although there were also some stubborn old antiques during the period, or those who wanted to use high technology to cause trouble.

But under the joint action of the Whitebeard Pirates and the navy, they were easily wiped out.

More importantly, under the stimulation of wandering the earth world.

The New World Government—or the World Federation—was also established.

This is the Federal Council composed of the powerful men of the Four Emperors and the Navy Headquarters.

Among them, the Whitebeard Pirates have the right to veto all decisions!

Naturally, others have no objection to this.

It was precisely because of the Whitebeard Pirates that their world was able to communicate with another world and this huge change occurred.

The most important thing is that the world has such a peaceful situation because of the invincible strength of Marco and others.

Even ordinary people without fruit abilities and domineering power can live in this world with peace of mind.

On the Moby Dick...

Luffy, the son of destiny in the original world, was looking at Marco with bright eyes and an extremely excited expression.

"That's amazing! Really Marco, can you really take me to another world next time!?"

"Is the world under our feet really round? Have you even gone to places beyond the sky!?"

"And there's more...!"

A series of questions came out of his mouth, and Marco could only nod his head.

"Really, how could I lie to you!"

The world is already peaceful and there is no need for pirates to exist anymore.

People can take their own ships at any time and go on an adventure wherever they go.

Even the great waterways and complex weather that were once extremely terrifying have now lost their mystery with the help of the small broken world.

Marco looked towards the distance on the sea with some sigh. This kind of world is his ideal world.

At this moment, a voice sounded in Marco's mind, and his expression suddenly became stunned.

Group leader, do you want to summon yourself?


Wandering around the earth world...

The small broken ball is on the blue star, watching the actions and changes of human beings in the entire world from the perspective of the world's will.

Since communicating with the pirate world, the heads of government of various countries have made several times more efforts than before to promote the practice of martial arts.

At this time, Blue Star has entered the era of great martial arts practiced by all people.

Moreover, with the help of various materials transported from the pirate world, the world-level food crisis was solved instantly.

Even the warriors began to eat recipes specially transported from the pirate world.

Various pieces of Neptune meat and dishes made from countless magical animals and plants are of great benefit to them.

After eating it, not only did their Qi and blood flow smoothly, but their bones became stronger.

Because of the excessive nutrition, some warriors even found that their bodies began to develop secondary growth.

Nowadays, men and women with a height of more than 1.8 meters or even two meters can be seen everywhere on the streets.

There is no doubt that they must be warriors who ate animals from the pirate world.

Moreover, with the government's encouragement of martial arts practice, they only need to spend a small amount of money to enjoy several such training meals.

In just one week, warriors throughout Blue Star were springing up like mushrooms after a rain.

Looking at these changes, Little Broken Ball nodded happily.

There are so many benefits brought about by exchanges between the two worlds!

At this moment, Xiao Poqiu suddenly froze.

Group leader, summon? !



(End of this chapter)

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