He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 75: The world is shocked, the first person who can travel directly appears! !

Chapter 75: The world is shocked, the first person who can travel directly appears! !
World Chat Group.

In the group chat meeting, the handwriting on the winning list of answers is being displayed.

A group of people joined the group meeting. Except for the "Gu Body Saint Boy" who didn't know what he was doing, even the new group member "I think you are a dragon" also joined the group meeting.

[I think you are a dragon]: Gold list for answering questions?Is this the gold medal list you have been talking about?In my world, this thing doesn't seem to exist, but the chat group can actually buy "World History". I tried selling Digimon, but I can't sell points. Is it possible that I have to go to the real world?Selling points with things from this world?How do you determine if it is a problem about your own world?

[The richest man in the world]: 23333333, good brother!I finally have someone to keep me company, and I’ve tried everything, but none of them sell me points! !
[The richest man in the world]: As for how to determine whether it is a problem in your own world, just ask around and see if anyone has been selected as a respondent. I asked, and no one in my world was selected as a respondent. No. Problems with my world.

[I think you are a dragon]: That shouldn’t be the case. Neither Agumon nor Rollermon around me was chosen as the answerer.

[Ghost Slaying Expert]: Phew, I also asked the people around me, this time it’s not my world, what about you?
[I Can’t Fly]: None of you were selected. It seems that the person selected for the gold medal list this time is in the world outside the group. Let’s mourn for him...

Indeed, without knowing the history of the world.

There is no possibility of getting the question right.


Starting the world from scratch…

After the answer gold list appeared, all intelligent beings in the world, including the witch and her relatives, were selected as answerers.

Emilia looked at the faint golden light that enveloped herself, Cai Yueang and others, and felt a little panicked.

"Hey, eh...were we chosen?"

"Even Parker was chosen..."

Roswaal's face darkened slightly, and he tried to break away from the golden light on his body.

But no matter what methods he used, he couldn't shake it even a bit.

"Since we are selected as the answerers, doesn't that mean..."

Cai Yueang carefully looked at Rem, who was frowning in front of him.

"It's not about the same name, but really about Rem?"

In the somewhat silent atmosphere, Roswaal laughed: "I didn't expect that little Rem already has someone she likes."

"I wonder who the lucky guy is? It can't be me, right? Haha, it's impossible."

Roswaal's teasing made Rem, who was still expressionless, speak coldly.

"Rem will never fall in love with anyone."


Roswaal raised his eyebrows playfully and looked at the face of Natsuki, who was a little confused.

"But now, there is another boy named Ang in the mansion. Isn't it him that little Rem likes?"

"Sorry, Lord Roswaal, I think this is absolutely impossible to happen."

Rem looked at Cai Yue'ang expressionlessly, his light blue eyes as calm as lake water, but if you observe carefully, you can feel the murderous intent deep in his eyes.

The man in front of me really exudes the abominable aura of a witch.

In order to find out his purpose, he was left alive for only a few days.

Of course, Cai Yueang didn't know that the little girl in front of him was already ready to beat him to death. Oh no, it should be said that she had already beaten him to death once.

At this time, he touched his chin: "Rem said she would never fall in love with anyone..."

"Maybe the answer to this question is no one?"

Thinking of this, Cai Yueang couldn't wait to roll up his sleeves and wanted to write down the answer.

Even if he received some kind of punishment for filling in the wrong answer, he could still rely on his 'death return' ability to do it again!
But, at the moment when he was about to write down the answer.

dong dong! ! !

The violent beating of his heart made the blood all over his body seem to freeze with ice.

An unprecedented sense of fear and crisis spread from the beating of the heart to the entire body.

will die! ! !

He had a strong feeling! !
If you answer wrongly, the luck that was extracted will most likely not be restored as time goes back!
He may even die! !

When he came back to his senses, he found that his arm had been lowered at some point.

Cai Yueang's back was completely soaked in cold sweat at this time, and his whole body looked like he had just been fished out of the water.

He immediately raised his head and stared at the gold medal list in the sky.

What is the origin of this thing! ?

Natsuki Ang originally thought that the death return he possessed had no limit and was an extremely powerful ability.

But I didn't expect... Even the return of death can't stop this gold medal list! !
If Annan knew what he was doing, he would definitely approve of it.

Cai Yueang is considered a special child of destiny. He is obviously a child of destiny, but entering the world from scratch, as a character from another parallel world, he has very little luck.

It’s because I have too little luck that everything goes wrong, and I get stabbed to death just by walking around the street...

The way of death can be made into "Na Yue Ang's One Hundred Ways to Die".

Once he answers a question incorrectly, the luck drawn from the gold medal list will be much more than if no one answered the question correctly.

It's very possible that he just hung up.


Minutes passed by...

The countdown is over and no one can answer the question correctly.

In an instant, the golden answer list was filled with golden light, and the question writing also disappeared.

[No selected person answered the question correctly]

[Next, a ray of luck will be drawn from all the selected ones]

The handwriting appeared in people's surprised eyes.

They discovered that a white ball of light emerged from their foreheads and flew toward the gold medal list in the sky.

As the white ball left, a sense of emptiness also appeared in their hearts.

It's like losing something extremely important.

At this moment, the same was true for several people in the Roswaal Mansion.

Emilia watched the white ball leave with a sense of loss. At this moment, Parker on her shoulder narrowed his eyes and his voice became serious.

"There are situations where many people's breath of life suddenly disappears."

"The breath of life disappears!?"

Roswad narrowed his eyes: "Indeed, a lot of life is disappearing."

I saw Parker's expression solemn, raising his little paw and pointing to the sky.

"I'm afraid, the reason lies in the ball of light just now, which is the luck mentioned by the gold medallist."

"This ball of light leaves our bodies at the same time as the breath of life disappears."

After hearing these words, the faces of several people present turned pale.

After failing to answer the question correctly, the luck that was taken away from them by the gold medal list turned out to be such an important thing! ?
They finally realized that this question-answering list was not a game that could be treated casually.

But it will really be a life-threatening crisis!

Wanjie chat group…

[The richest man in the world]: It’s another world that failed to answer the question correctly. By the way, @Do you want to dance too? What happened when your world answered the question wrongly?
[Apprentice Death]: I care about it too, please tell us!

[Do you want to dance too?]: ...After being deprived of their luck, most of the people at the bottom died suddenly almost instantly. How many people died.

Everyone's expressions changed when they saw Uchiha Madara's words.The result of being deprived of luck is that people die instantly! ?
It's so scary!
As the prototype of one world's will, Xiao Poqiu has a deeper understanding of the way of destiny.

It's in popular science.

[Little Broken Ball]: I’m afraid you don’t have much idea about the existence of luck. In fact, the luck that everyone has is generally constant.The son of luck in our words is the person who is loved by the world, has the most luck, and is most likely to succeed.

[Little Broken Ball]: But in the world, there is only one child of luck. Most ordinary people are born with only a few strands of luck, and people with only one strand of luck are the bottom of the world. Originally, Life is extremely difficult.

[Little Broken Ball]: Now that the final ray of luck has been deprived of you by the gold medal list, these people at the bottom will become rootless ducks. They will lose the blessing of the world and die suddenly just like what you also thought of Wu said. !
After reading Little Broken Ball's explanation, a group of people were filled with fear.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Not only is the origin of the world, but luck is such an important thing to us... I really want to thank the group owner and the chat group for letting us know the history of the world.

[Do you want to dance too?]: Alas, when I joined the chat group, I was still half alive and half dead. I didn’t even know the chat group existed, so I was a step slow.

[The richest man in the world]: It’s over, it’s over!What should I do!I don’t have any points to exchange for world history, so I can’t answer the question at all! ! !


Starting the world from scratch…

After absorbing the luck, the answering gold list shined again, and the second round of answering questions started seamlessly.

[The second question has a time limit of 60 minutes]

[Those who answer incorrectly will be randomly selected to have something they own]

[If no one among the selected people answers the question correctly, then...extract a ray of luck from all the people who answered the question]

[Question: Which human being will become the white whale that kills the three monsters and is the main force in solving the big rabbit]

The emergence of the second question caused an uproar in the whole world.

White whale and rabbit! ?

Aren't these two of the three great monsters?
That terrifying existence that everyone calls a disaster, and that the kingdom cannot defeat even with all its might, will actually be solved! ?
Is there really anyone in this world who can do this?
Seeing the problem, Parker was in disbelief: "There is someone who can solve these two disasters? And it's a human being??"

Roswaal's eyes also changed. The White Whale and the Big Rabbit...were they solved?


Could it be... Sword Master Reinhardt? !

His eyes were focused on Parker, who looked harmless, and then he shook his head.

He's talking about a human being, not Parker.


Meanwhile, in the prison of the kingdom.

In order to prevent more people from being sucked to death, the kingdom's upper echelons decided to use death row prisoners to answer the question.

However, both Reinhardt and the other most likely candidates are wrong.

Except for the death row prisoners who died suddenly one after another and fell in prison.

They couldn't get any useful information.

Finally, the kingdom was completely helpless and could only wait for the passage of time.

As time completely returns to zero, new writing appears in the sky.

[No selected person answered the question correctly]

[Since no one answered correctly for two consecutive rounds, the answer for this round will be announced]

[Announce the correct answer: Cai Yueang]

[Next, a ray of luck will be drawn from all the selected ones]

Roswaal Mansion...

Look at the handwriting on the answer sheet.

The entire mansion of Emilia, Roswaal, Rem, and Ram was so silent that you could hear a needle drop.

Even though Roswaal had lived for countless lifetimes, his pupils were wide open and his mouth was slightly open due to his Qi-nurturing skills.

Not to mention Emilia and the others.

This impact is too great. It is no less than an illiterate person who has developed nuclear fusion.

No...it's scarier than this.

Those are two of the three major monsters!

How could Cai Yueang, an ordinary person who knew nothing and had no magic power, deal with such a monster! ?
That’s not the joke!
Hum~boom! ! !
Thunder flickered in the sky.

The handwriting on the answer gold list shattered and turned into a dark curtain covering the entire gold list.

Pictures began to appear above.


On screen…

Behind the bright lights of the convenience store is a brightly lit city, with flashing neon lights and bustling streets.

At the same time, a young man with a spiky head, a fierce look, and an orange sportswear walked out of the convenience store carrying a bag.

Rem and others recognized it at a glance. This was Cai Yueang.


What confused them was, where was he? ?
It’s strange, the magic lamp costs a lot of money, but in the picture the magic lamp seems to be free of charge and can be seen everywhere.

What’s even more terrifying is, what is that thing that can run on four wheels and have bright eyes?
Why have you never seen this thing before?

Wanjie chat group…

【Big bones made into soup】: It seems that this time, it is the modern world?
[Apprentice Shinigami]: They should be like us, existing in the modern world, some kind of existence with mysterious power, right?

Just when they suspected this.

In the picture, Natsuki stepped forward in one step.

next second...

The steel city, shrouded in neon lights and night, instantly disappeared from the screen.

What was replaced in the picture was a bright day, a simple street that was completely different from the previous city.

Cai Yueang stood confused on an unfamiliar street. In front of him, a rough middle-aged man was shouting at him with an apple.

"Brother, do you want to buy an apple?"


Roswaal House.

The moment the scene changed, everyone's expressions were frozen.

Their strange gazes all fell on Cai Yueang.

Everyone is not stupid!
Not to mention Roswaal, an old monster who keeps taking away his own offspring and has lived for countless lives.

The terrifying magic power on his body was splashing, the air was distorting, and he stared at Cai Yueang.

"You come from another world!?"



ps: Damn, the chapter name is the first person who can travel through the world. I didn't pay attention to write the world directly... In the Literature Department, the author can't change the chapter title...

(End of this chapter)

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