He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 76 Dagu: Damn, besides Ultra cubs, is there anyone who can enter the river of time and trace

Chapter 76 Dagu: Damn, besides Ultra cubs, is there anyone who can enter the river of time and go back in time?

World Chat Group.

Seeing the background of the picture change instantly, everyone in the group reacted suddenly after being stunned for a while.

Isn't this change similar to when they went to other worlds? ?

[The richest man in the world]: Damn it!This... could this person have traveled from one world to another? ?

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Hiss, that’s impossible. Isn’t he just an ordinary person?How is it possible to travel across the world!

[Apprentice Death]: It can’t really be time travel, right?The last time I went to You Also Think of Dance World, I felt almost the same way!
[Little Breaking Ball]: What a joke!The person in this picture is just an ordinary person, how could he be so awesome!This is definitely not traveling through the world. At most, it is just like boiling big bones into soup and traveling to another universe.

[Do you also want to dance?]: That should be the case. After all, there is not necessarily only one universe in a world. Just like the Otsutsuki clan, they came from other universes.

During the discussion among the group members, the gold medal list continued to appear.

After learning that he had traveled through time, Cai Yueang was very excited and wandered around in this world.

Then, I met a few gangsters who came forward to find trouble.

Seeing this, almost everyone thought that the next step would be Cai Yueang's show-off session.

How could it be possible for a few gangsters to find a being who could travel across the world?



With a face full of horror and suspicion, Cai Yueang was stabbed by the gangster without any resistance.

He just fell to the ground and died of excessive blood loss.

At this moment, it was as if time had frozen.

Everyone opened their mouths wide, unable to believe what was happening in front of their eyes.

A person who could travel across the world was stabbed to death with a knife in such a simple way? ! !

are you kidding me? ?
Before they could figure out what was going on.

The next second, the entire screen turned black.

When the picture reappeared, Cai Yueang, who was pale and frightened and clutching his abdomen, appeared in the picture again.

At the same time, a familiar voice came.

["Brother, do you want to buy an apple?"]

this moment.

Their expressions were just like that of Cai Yueang in the picture, with their pupils trembling.

The strong men in each world all opened their eyes in disbelief and stared at the screen.

The people in the entire world from scratch felt as if they were struck by lightning, with numbness all over their bodies.

I don't know how many people were completely frozen in place because they were too shocked.

Remram and the others were even more surprised and speechless.

Yes, what is shown in the picture is a phenomenon that even a three-year-old child can understand.

Time...back! ! !

Fairy Tail World.

Seeing this, Natsu and the other magicians in the entire guild were all dumbfounded and looked to the sky in deathly silence.

The man in the picture, after being killed.

He...actually returned to the time before his death! ?Starting over! ! !

When they came back to their senses, their eyes were trembling and they looked at each other in disbelief.

Turning back time is completely beyond what magic can do!
It is a realm that only God can reach! !

The man in the picture actually has this kind of power? ?
Everyone knows very well what a person will become if he has the ability to go back in time.

As long as this person is willing, everyone will have no secrets in front of him.

He can even treat the whole world as an amusement park, tinkering and transforming it as he pleases.


The man in this picture, no matter how you look at it, is just an ordinary person.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been stabbed to death with just a knife.

All magicians are extremely confused. Why does an ordinary person have such an ability?

Not only the world of Fairy Tail, but all the powerful people in the world were equally horrified.

This is turning back time!

The ability to control time has reached the realm of gods no matter how you look at it.

But the man in the picture was easily killed with a knife.

And judging from the pain and ferocious expression before death, he was just an ordinary person!

Suddenly, a terrible suspicion emerged.

Is it possible that in the world in the picture, even ordinary people can master god-like abilities? ?

World Chat Group.

[Little Breaking Ball]: Damn it! ?Go back in time! !How could he, an ordinary person, be able to do such a thing? ? ?
[Big Bones Turned into Soup]: Hiss... When I transform into a small Ultraman form, I can only enter the long river of time and cannot go upstream to change time and space. How on earth did he, an ordinary human being, do that... …

[I Can’t Fly]: Going back in time... Could it be that this guy, like Dialga, has mastered the law of time and can go back in time?But I didn't feel similar power from him. No matter how you look at it, he is just an ordinary weakling.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: It's really strange... The time travel and time travel just now were very abrupt.Could it be possible...this is not his ability, but someone is secretly controlling everything! ?

[Apprentice Death God]: If you say so, it is indeed possible!Maybe there is really a god behind this person giving him strength?It's like a group leader and a chat group!

[Little Breaking Ball]: Impossible, absolutely impossible!It’s just a small world, how could there be someone more terrifying than the group leader!

【Do you want to dance too? 】:really!Kurosaki Ichigo, you are on a narrow road!
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Seconded! !
[Apprentice Death]:..., I...I withdraw...


A world from scratch.

Earl's residence.

Roswaal looked at Na Yueang, who was controlled by his magic power. While his pupils shrank, he felt a burst of ecstasy in his heart!
That's it!

The person who has the ability to change the world according to the "Gospel" is the Na Yue Ang in front of you! '

The triggering conditions require death to trigger!

In the future, if there is a deviation in the plan, you can directly kill Cai Yueang to change the time!

But on the surface, Roswaal still looked like he was facing a formidable enemy.

In an instant, terrifying magical power surged out.

He showed his true strength hidden under the appearance of a laughing clown, and a sense of oppression filled the entire mansion.

The terrifying magic power caused the sky to change, and the thick dark clouds thundered with lightning.

Emilia's expression changed: "Wait Roswaal, don't hurt Ang!"

Buzz buzz~!

In less than a few seconds, Roswaal released several confinement magics, restraining Natsuki so that he could not move.

His voice was cold: "I understand Miss Amelia, I just want to understand."

"What is the purpose of this man in front of you deliberately touching you? Is he harmful to you?"

"If he has bad intentions..."

Parker flew out with a relaxed expression: "I will kill this guy who dares to do evil things to my daughter without you taking action, Roswaal."

"Oh no, I can't kill him, so I'll imprison him! I won't be allowed to appear in front of Emilia for the rest of my life!"

After hearing their words, Natsuki lowered her head silently, not knowing how to speak.

He couldn't just say directly in front of so many people that he was just greedy for her body when he first met Emilia, right? ? ?
In the sky, the picture of the gold medal list continued to play.

In the unbelievably shocking eyes of everyone, they witnessed Cai Yueang's successive deaths and resurrections again and again...

After being killed painfully in various ways.Natsuki Angcai finally saved Emilia as he wished, changing her and his own destiny.

At the same time, people in all worlds were finally convinced.

The person named Cai Yueang in the picture is just an ordinary human being. Apart from returning after death, he does not have any extraordinary power!
After confirming this, they became even more confused.

Since death return is not Cai Yueang's original ability, then who gave it to him?

After their curiosity was aroused, people couldn't wait to continue watching and know the inside story.

on the screen.

After rescuing Emilia, Natsuki was invited to Earl Roswaal's mansion.

He thought he could spend a safe time here.

But... death still followed him closely.

He died of extreme weakness, was killed by Rem, was killed by Ram...

Cai Yueang, who was imprisoned in the magic circle, saw this, his eyes widened.

He finally knew how he died last night!
Someone put a curse on him and Rem, causing them both to weaken and die in their sleep!

Cai Yueang subconsciously shouted, somewhat disbelievingly: "So last night, no, the person who killed me tonight was Rem?"

Roswaal narrowed his eyes and said, "It turns out that you have already gone back in time..."

Under the silent gaze of everyone.

On the screen of the gold medal list,

Natsuki Ang discovered that the enemy came from outside. In order to save Ram and Rem, he kept going back and dying.

Finally, the prisoner was found during the last retracement, and with the help of everyone in the mansion, he successfully survived.

And in this reincarnation, Rem, who had experienced life and death together, developed a love for him.

And with Cai Yueang's comfort, she successfully untied the knot in her heart and confessed to him.

As soon as this scene appeared, several people in the mansion looked at Rem and Cai Yueang in surprise.

The answer to the first question was revealed at this moment. The person Rem likes is really Natsuki Ang! !

Rem didn't know what to do. She originally hated the witch's aura, but after seeing the scene on the gold list.

The grudge against Cai Yueang in his heart also subsided a lot unconsciously.

The scene is not over yet.

After a turbulent week, Cai Yueang came to the royal capital and encountered one of the three major disasters, the white whale.

It can swallow everything, and those who are eaten by it will be forgotten from this world forever.

In order to protect the lives of Emilia, Ram and others, Ang experienced extremely painful death and reincarnation again and again.

This extremely tragic scene of reincarnation made Cai Yueang himself unable to help but close his eyes and couldn't bear to look directly at it.

People in all the worlds felt their scalps go numb for a while. Cai Yue'ang's mind was too terrifying!
Even with the comfort of companions, an ordinary person who has experienced so much torture and death cannot tell others about his abilities.

If it had been anyone else, he would have gone crazy!

But fortunately, through reincarnations again and again, Cai Yueang finally found a way to protect everyone.

After getting help from reinforcements, he used himself as bait to attract the white whale's body and kill it completely.

The moment the beluga died, the scene changed.

In order to find Roswaal and rescue Rem, Natsuki embarked on a journey again and came to a place called the Holy Land.

Here, Natsuki Ang experienced death again and again, and learned many shocking facts and truths from it.

The young and powerful Count Roswaal in their eyes was actually the disciple of the lust witch Echidna 400 years ago!

In order to resurrect his master, he used any means to seize his own offspring to achieve eternal life!
And secretly used Emilia and Natsuki Ang to complete his purpose of resurrecting the teacher.

When Roswaal's identity was revealed, people in the entire world from scratch were horrified.

Living for 400 years for only one purpose... This guy has gone crazy!

In the mansion, Cai Yueang and others looked at the silent Roswaal with the same disbelief in their hearts.

He actually knew that he had the ability to return after death, and his gesture just now was all just a show!

But then, an even more shocking fact appeared on the screen.

Through the witch's tea party, Natsuki Ang meets all the seven witches.

Among them, the jealous witch Satira is known as the most evil and powerful one.

It turned out to be the culprit who transferred him to this world and gave him the ability to return after death! !
At this moment, the truth came out.

The Jealous Witch summoned Na Yueang to this world for her own wish.

But why was Cai Yueang chosen, and why was he allowed to return after death? Everything is still hidden in darkness.

in the screen.

After bidding farewell to the witches, Natsuki Ang firmly determined to save all his companions.

He untied the knot in Beatrice's heart and used the same tactics as last time to attract the monsters with himself.

Finally, Beatrice's magic was used to exile Big Rabbit, one of the three major monsters, into a different dimension.

The screen ends here.

At this moment, Amelia had already burst into tears.

The tears on her face made her vision towards Cai Yueang blurred.

It turns out... the reason why she has been able to reach this point is because Youang has shouldered everything for her behind her back.

In order to save himself, he, an ordinary person, endured so many painful experiences that he shouldn't have to endure...


World Chat Group.

[I Can’t Fly]: Sure enough, behind Cai Yueang, there is another high-ranking existence, the witch Satila, who provides him with abilities. Even traveling to this world is her method.

[The richest man in the world]: Hiss...that's so awesome. This means and power are at least at the level of Zhongqian World?
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Indeed, a world that can travel through time and space is no different. Even the Small Thousand Worlds are at the top level!
[Do you want to dance too?]: Indeed, these witches have very weird abilities. They are worthy of being the top existences in the world. They are not easy to mess with!

While the group members and people from all over the world were discussing the picture of the gold medal list.

The world under one person,
The moonlight is pale...

Tombstones stand on the ground.

In the pitch-black night, suddenly, a gust of wind blew by.

The tomb with the three characters "Zhang Huaiyi" engraved on it suddenly started to move.

The soil was shaking slightly.

Boom! !

A pale arm emerged from the grave and clung to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, along with a rustling sound, a skinny figure crawled out of the ground and stood up stiffly.

"Seizing the body was successful."

A gloomy voice sounded from the night.

Feeling the terrifying power contained in this body, the figure murmured to himself.

"It seems that the owner of this body is unusual. Even though he has been dead for so long, he still has such powerful abilities."

"Let me see if this mission is going to be easy,"

After a few seconds of silence, the figure spoke again: "The main mission is to kill the descendants of the Eight Wonders and collect the Eight Wonders."

"Branch line... kill Tianshi Mansion, Zhang Zhiwei."



(End of this chapter)

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