He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 77 The promotion of the small breaking ball, Tony Stark: I found a hammer!

Chapter 77: The Advancement of Small Breaking Ball, Tony Stark: I found a hammer!
The screen on the winning list disappears.

The writing appears.

[End of today’s questions]

The gold medal lists in each world gradually dimmed after this line of writing appeared.


Before the gold medal list for answering questions dimmed, there was still no one who answered the question correctly because of 'The World Starting from Scratch'.

Everyone was drained of luck again.

The people at the bottom are almost completely extinct.


In the Wanjie chat group...

[I Can’t Fly]: Is it over like this?No, no one answered the question correctly, why don't we ask a few more questions?

[Little Breaking Ball]: I guess I harvested too many leeks at once, for fear of triggering the world’s own stress mechanism.

[Do you also want to dance?]: Unfortunately, the origin of the world does not exist in that world. If this continues, sooner or later we will become the world we went to before.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Alas, there is no other way. There is no one in this world, so how can I answer the question correctly?

[The richest man in the world]:? ? ?Wait... I found a blind spot, the world you've been to before? '

[Do you want to dance too?]: If you have zero points, don’t ask too many questions, it won’t be good for you.

【The richest man in the world】: (╯°□°)╯︵┻━┻
[Apprentice Shinigami]: Ahem, let’s not talk about these things anymore, those worlds have nothing to do with us anyway!Anyone else in the group who has points can come and draw some prizes to cheer up the fun? @小broken ball@I am a phoenix, not a birdman@Uchiha Madara
[The richest man in the world]: That’s right!Even if you don’t tell the secret, you still have to draw the points!The three of you have gained [-] points inexplicably. Is this going to happen?
[Little Breaking Ball]: Draw a hammer!You bad old man is so bad, you just think we don’t have any points, right?You, who has zero points, go and have fun!
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: It is definitely better to keep the points for emergencies.But it is a pity that I have reached the limit of power that the world can accommodate, otherwise I can continue to use points to improve my strength.

[Uchiha Madara]: That's right, and the luck in the group has been really bad recently, so it's really not suitable for a lottery.It's better to store it first and smoke it when needed.

[Little Broken Ball]: Ah!Wait, after hearing what you said, I remembered that points can also improve your strength!Because I’m not human, I almost forgot about it!

【Big bones boiled into soup】: Huh?Can the will of the world also increase strength?I can't imagine that kind of scene at all, it would be very interesting!
[Little Broken Ball]: I took a look immediately and found that I can indeed improve my strength. Haha, everyone, I’m going to improve myself!
[I'm a phoenix, not a birdman]: Wait, I'm curious about how you improve your strength. Wait for me, I'll go over to watch right away.


Pirate world.

Marco's figure emerged from the world passage,
Of course, the Blue Star soldiers responsible for guarding the portal already knew about Marco.

Not surprised by his sudden appearance, he even saluted him.

Marco nodded. He stepped on his feet and soared into the sky. He passed through the atmosphere at a speed that broke the sound barrier and arrived in space where he could overlook the entire Blue Star.

With the strength and ability he possesses now, he can survive in the extreme environment of space even without air.

The next moment, the sound of a small breaking ball sounded in his mind.

"Then I'll start to get promoted."

After the words fell, Xiao Poqiu clicked on the panel for exchanging points for strength.


The moment he clicked the redemption button, an unprecedented feeling emerged from Xiao Poqiu's body.

In Marco's horrified eyes, a mysterious and huge halo of light enveloped the entire sky of Blue Star.

The majestic and endless aura of terror permeates the universe.

At its center, a transparent mass the size of a fist floats.

And this is the essence of the will of the little broken ball planet.

The entire solar system's cosmic space seems to be resonating with it, constantly trembling in the void.

It was also the first time for Marco to see the true form of the broken ball.

Previously, when it moved in other worlds, it directly used its mental power to create a temporary body similar to its own.

At the same time as the little broken ball was promoted, the humans on the Blue Star all sensed something and subconsciously raised their heads and looked at the sky.

As the aperture continued to rotate, the little broken ball closed its eyes and carefully felt the seemingly endless energy pouring into its body.

The terrifying energy continuously gathered by the giant light wheel cannot even be completely contained, forming a dazzling light that pierces the dark universe.

At this moment, even the countless bright stars dimmed.

Little Broken Ball could clearly feel that, under the infusion of this power, his own energy and personality began to increase at an impossible and terrifying speed.

This is the sublimation of life level!
At this moment, the little broken ball, which is the will of the planet, begins its own evolution!

Boom boom boom! ! !
In less than a few seconds, the entire Blue Star began to vibrate extremely violently.

But this is not a precursor to destruction, on the contrary, it is the beginning of new life!
In the sea, countless marine life cheered for joy, and blue whales appeared on the surface of the sea, spewing water columns into the sky.

People were shocked to find that the land beneath their feet had begun to expand in ways that were inconsistent with common sense!

Just like the territorial expansion in the game, the surface area of ​​the entire Blue Star began to expand visibly to the naked eye.

The size of Blue Star expanded by nearly one-fifth in just a few seconds!

"Look at it!"

Some people are even surprised to find that in large cities with reinforced concrete, many plants that have been extinct for decades and hundreds of years have emerged!

The existing trees and shrubs began to grow crazily.

At the same time, some warriors keenly felt that the aura in their bodies was constantly surging.

The concentration of extraordinary particles in the air is also constantly increasing.

Some cultivators broke through on the spot and became warriors, and some who were originally warriors became stronger and promoted to a stronger realm.

The heads of governments of various countries were also informed of this unusual situation.

"This is the will of the planet, getting stronger!?"

Only the will of the planet can have such a great impact and change on Blue Star.

Everyone is extremely excited.

After all, the will of the planet is equivalent to the existence of the mother of all humans, Blue Star. Naturally, the stronger, the better.

In space, Marco, who saw the most vivid things, used the camera function of the chat group to focus on the blue star, not wanting to miss any changes.

In the process of change, Marco felt that the pressure brought by the small broken ball on him was getting stronger and heavier.

"This is the promotion process of the planet's will..."

He took a deep breath and looked extremely shocked. This upgrade not only increased his power, but also the planet itself was changing!

Marco could even feel that the energy particle level around the entire blue star was constantly increasing along with the small breaking ball.

In the sun, a small three-legged golden crow flapped its wings, as if cheering for joy, happy for the little broken ball.

The light shining on the solar system also becomes more intense at this moment.

In this extremely comfortable promotion process, Xiao Poqiu even forgot about the passage of time.

After an unknown amount of time, it slowly opened its eyes.

Promotion - Done!
In an instant, there was a click.

The halo shattered, and the resounding sound spread throughout the solar system. The fragments that broke out turned into countless light particles and fell into the soul light balls of Blue Star and Little Broken Ball.

Human beings all over the world cheered and accepted this gift from the will of the planet.

From then on, the extraordinary particles in the entire solar system became extremely active and intense.

The road for people on Blue Star to become warriors will become easier in the future.

In space, at the moment when the little breaking ball ended its promotion, an extremely terrifying sense of oppression came towards Marco.

Has the promotion been completed? ?
Marco gasped, the pressure brought by the small broken ball on him was like facing an entire universe!
He subconsciously activated his knowledge and knowledge, wanting to explore the current status of the little broken ball.For a moment, Marco's eyes widened.

The solar system on this side is actually tainted with the aura of small broken balls.

Not only that, outside the solar system, his Sense and Color Haki felt countless crises and was giving frantic warnings.

It seemed to tell him that there was no safe place in this universe.

Hiss... It seems that the power of the little breaking ball has completely surpassed him!

At this moment, Little Breaking Ball is carefully feeling its own changes.

It was originally only the size of a fist, but now it is nearly the size of a basketball.

Once upon a time, the only planet he controlled was Blue Star.

Blue Star is equivalent to its brain, allowing it to have consciousness but no other functions.

Before it became a world subordinate to the group leader, it did not even have the ability to connect to human consciousness and communicate.

It could do nothing but watch, almost like a vegetable.

Today, the small breaking ball is promoted.

The scope it controls is no longer limited to Blue Star.

Directly expanded to the entire solar system, including all planets in all galaxies adjacent to the solar system.

Under the control of its will, these planets are like derivatives of his limbs, and they are extremely smooth to use.

Little Broken Ball even felt that if he wanted to fiddle with the position of the planet at will.

For example, it is not impossible to change the positions of the earth and the sun.

And before, it could only place its will in the Blue Star.

If Blue Star is destroyed, it will die as well.

But now, its range of existence has directly expanded to the space of the entire solar system.

As long as the universe of the solar system exists, it will be immortal!
all of a sudden.

An extremely comfortable feeling spread throughout its entire body.

But in the next moment, this feeling also stopped abruptly.

There was a look of regret and yearning on Little Broken Ball's face.

The promotion has completely ended. If you want to become stronger, you must continue to collect points.

And there is also a bold conjecture in Xiao Poqiu's heart.

After its promotion, the scope it can control expanded to the entire solar system.

If it continues to grow stronger, will it one day be able to control everything in the entire universe?
Just then, Little Broken Ball discovered.

From the bodies of the Blue Star humans, transparent threads emerge from their bodies and continue to extend.

Finally, it connected to myself.

Is this also one of the abilities after promotion?

Without thinking, Little Broken Ball naturally understood that the thread connecting it was exactly what every human being's luck turned into.

The thicker the line, the better the person's luck.

The thinner it is, the less luck the person has and the easier it is to disconnect from the small broken ball.

Among them, most of the stronger lines are warriors...

The strongest one comes from Liu Peiqiang, who is the son of luck in this world.


At the same time, Marco finished taking the photo and flew to the side of the small breaking ball.

"It seems that you have gained a lot this time, and you are all laughing."

Hearing these words, Little Broken Ball shook his head.

"That's true, but it's a pity that my points are still not enough. If I can directly raise it to the limit, I can directly control the changes in the entire universe and mobilize the power of the entire world."

"Only then can I be called the true will of the world."

"What I have control of now is nothing more than the solar system."

Marco rolled his eyes: "Aren't you satisfied with this? I'm almost jealous to death!"

"You are the will of the world. After promotion, you are stronger than me now, and you can continue to improve! Damn it, the gap between the individuals of Xiaoqian World and the will of the world itself is actually so big."

After saying that, Marco uploaded all the dozens of pictures he had just taken to the group.

After the photo was uploaded, the group suddenly became lively again.

[I can’t fly]: Let me go, isn’t this battle too big?Is this the difference between the will of the planet and us?

[Apprentice Shinigami]: Hiss...this is many times more exaggerated than when I first improved my strength!It's so annoying that people are so different from each other. Oh no, the little broken ball is not a person, so that's okay.

[Big bones boiled into soup]: That’s it?It's still nothing compared to the scene when I first received a ray of light from the universe...

[Little Broken Ball]: (Benefit) That thing of yours is at the level of the Great Thousand Worlds. How can my Small Thousand Worlds compare? !

[The richest man in the world]: Ah!So envious! ! !Points, my points!When can you come to me!
[I think you are a dragon]: Are points really that good?Seeing what you all say, I also want to get some points to use.

[The richest man in the world]: Damn it, don’t look for points yet!Recently I have been asking my staff to look for things that can be exchanged for points. I have already looked for hundreds of them, but to no avail. How can I let you, a newcomer, get the lead? ! !
[The richest man in the world]: No more, they sent news again, saying that they found something, and I have to go and have a look.

[I can’t fly]: Tsk, tsk, tsk, it’s miserable, it’s so miserable. We are obviously from the same world, but we ended up in such a miserable state, otherwise... "richest man", why don’t you quit the group?

[The richest man in the world]:? ? ? ?When I typed the question mark, have you ever thought that it’s not me who has the problem, but you?


Marvel World,

Stark Building.

Tony Stark let out a long sigh after exiting the chat group.

For so long, he has had the treasure of the Ten Thousand Worlds Chat Group, but he has no points and cannot open it at all.

Now, he can only place his hope on the discovery of his men.

Hopefully it’s vibranium this time!
Ever since the group leader reminded Tony Stark about his father, he had rummaged through his father's belongings.

And successfully learned about an extremely powerful rare metal-vibranium!
Originally, this was a good start for him.

But in the following days, he continued to send personnel to search for the existence of Su Zhenjin all over the world.

As a result, it was all in vain.

The so-called vibranium, not even a trace of residue has been discovered.

If the group leader hadn't said it himself, his world would be a vast world.

In addition, the chat group also indicates that the level of the world he is in is Daqian World.

Otherwise, he would have already begun to suspect that there really is a being who can destroy stars with one hand in his world?
The so-called vibranium isn't just dad's delusion, is it?

After sighing again, Tony Stark clicked on the messages and photos sent by his men.

Looking at the photo, Tony Stark finally showed a serious look on his face.

"A hammer falling from the sky..."


(End of this chapter)

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