He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 78: The villains gather together, and Dark Zaki Gatanjie Dimojie joins! !

Chapter 78: The villains gather together, and Dark Zaki Gatanjie Dimojie joins! !
Among all things, there are things that are mutually opposite and interdependent.

Where there is light, there will be darkness.

There is the first ray of light in the universe, and there is the first darkness in the universe.

In the Ultra world, in a very special universe.

In this universe, all objects are only black.

The center of the universe is an area completely shrouded in darkness.

Even the word 'black' cannot be used to describe its existence.

It is extremely deep and heavier than a black hole. No matter what exists, it cannot escape its capture.

This deep, bottomless darkness is like radiation, dyeing countless stars and lives in the entire universe with unfathomable black light.

The entire universe was plunged into boundless darkness, as if it had become an unprecedentedly huge black hole.

If you put your vision into hyperspace, you can see that the universe is completely dark, and the stars in it cannot be seen at all.

The next moment, at the source of darkness.

An agitating sound like a living thing came from it, but the feeling it brought was completely different from normal life.

Every time it vibrates, the darkness of the entire universe trembles.

At the same time, this agitating sound also made all living beings feel extremely frightened.

It seems that in this endless darkness, a pair of terrifying eyes are staring at the back of your neck, ready to devour you at any time.

I don't know how much time passed, but the vibration became more intense and faster.

The 'darkness' at the source began to twist and deform at this time.

In the dark smoke that spread across the entire universe, black and purple lightning flashed across instantly.

Boom! ! !

Accompanied by the roar of the source of darkness that almost exploded half of the universe.

In the endless aura of darkness, a huge humanoid creature stepped on the dark road, slowly revealing its incomparable body.

It has a black armor-like skin, black-red eyes, and a red crystal on the chest that beats like a heart.

The darkness of the entire world boiled with its appearance, scrambling to submerge into the giant's body.

If Dagu saw it here, he would definitely find that the black giant in front of him was very similar to his Ultra cub.

It is simply what an Ultra cub will look like when it grows up.

The next second, the dark giant stepped forward and roared like a beast.

The entire universe was shaken.


The terrifying roar echoed in the universe,
The terrifying sound waves shook the universe along with the dark power. The entire universe was crumbling, and cracks spread out in the barriers of the universe, as if they would break at any time.

But at this moment, it stopped roaring, and its scarlet eyes looked firmly at a place outside the universe.

It's like feeling something.

A whisper like an ancient god came from his mouth: "...Light! Absorb light! Become one!!!"


Kingdom of Light Universe, Kingdom of Light.

At the same time when the Dark Giant appeared, the Plasma Spark Tower sensed something.

The sparks on the top of the tower are like unstable voltage, bright and dark.

The energy in the entire Kingdom of Light has also been affected by this.

The Kingdom of Light, which had always been daylight for hundreds of millions of years, suddenly became dimmed for a short time.

Ultra's father, Mebius and others rushed to the Spark Tower immediately, trying to find out the reason.

However, they did not detect any interference from outside.

"What the hell is going on here..."

Father Ultra sighed. In recent times, the plasma spark tower has undergone more changes than in the previous hundreds of thousands of years.

At this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded from behind them.

"The Plasma Spark Tower is a symbol of light for the Ultra clan."

"What can make it react like this is probably some kind of extreme dark power that inadvertently interferes with the operation of the Spark Tower."

"The brighter the plasma spark tower is, the more stable the world is."

The King of Ultra slowly walked over, his expression extremely serious: "I'm afraid the world will be unstable."

the other side,
On the blue star of the Tiga universe.

Dagu, who was checking information in the base, suddenly heard a babbling sound in his mind.

Deep in the sea of ​​consciousness, the Ultra cub suddenly opened its eyes for some unknown reason.

But this time it feels completely different from the past. Its expression and eyes this time are extremely sharp, as if it is facing an incoming enemy.

Dagu felt confused, how could this little Ultraman suddenly assume such a posture?
Could it be that you are angry when you wake up?


The victorious team's piercing sirens sounded.

Lina's urgent voice came: "A huge energy body was discovered!!"

"Wait! It has exceeded the upper limit of the detector!? The maximum energy value cannot be detected!"

Ye Rui was also sweating profusely and said: "The place where the huge energy appears... is the Luluye ruins in the Pacific Ocean!!!"


Hearing this, Hui Jian stood up with a shocked expression.

Huge energy appears in Luluye ruins? ?

An unknown premonition emerged in her mind.


On the other side, Annan naturally felt the emergence of dark power.

And unlike before, the dark energy this time was extremely huge.

Annan also became interested in this, and in a flash, he knew the ins and outs of everything.

"I see, he is the opposite of Noah, Dark Zaki."

Light and darkness are one, opposing and dependent on each other.

Just like everything has two sides, what is born from the ultimate light is naturally the ultimate darkness.

This is how the world works.

Because Dagu received a ray of light from the universe and turned him into an Ultra cub.

Ever since, the existence corresponding to the Ultra Cub, the first ray of light in the creation of the world, and the first ray of darkness in the universe - Zaki was also born.

Moreover, this time with the arrival of Zaki, the entire Blue Star has also been greatly affected.

As Zaki continues to approach, the extreme darkness it possesses makes the dark energy on the Blue Star become more active than ever before.

Boom! ! !
The countless dark energy contained in Luluye, the ultra-ancient ruins on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, began to surge at this moment.

All marine life in the entire sea area fled here in fear.

Because at the bottom of the deep sea, a pair of terrifying giant eyes opened.

The creatures that had not yet had time to escape were directly transformed into nutrients of darkness the moment it opened its eyes.

all of a sudden.

A terrifying and evil dark aura appeared in the air, dyeing the entire Pacific Ocean in pitch black.

It is none other than the ruler of darkness - Gatanjie!
The culprit who destroyed the super-ancient civilization 3000 million years ago! !Boom! ! !

Accompanied by a scream that could make humans unconscious, Luluye's ruins shattered into pieces under the influence of dark power, exploding into countless rubbles.

On its huge body, a huge black spiral shell was filled with black holes, and countless ferocious tentacles and giant pincers appeared again on the Blue Star 3000 million years ago.

Gatanje is born again!

The TPC, which had already noticed the abnormality, captured Gatanje's body through a satellite camera.

Its alien body was indescribably evil, making everyone who saw the satellite footage shiver, as if they were facing an abyss.

Countless black mist spread, not only wrapping Gatanjie's body, but also destroying all nearby communication equipment.

At this moment, Gatanjie raised his head, his eyes staring at the center of the picture as if he had seen the human beings in the satellite picture.

At this moment, everyone in the victory team also saw this scene, and an unprecedented fear emerged in their hearts.

At this moment, Gatanjie seemed to be looking at them. The moment they saw these eyes, everyone seemed to be pulled into an endless abyss, and their souls were frozen.

Dagu sensed something was wrong and took the initiative to release a trace of light energy.

Everyone was brought back to reality.

Everyone seemed to be fished out of the water, soaked all over.

After witnessing Gatanjie's existence, Dagu also shrank his pupils and had goosebumps all over his body.

powerful!Very strong!
This monster is completely different from the ones he encountered before!

The next second, the alarm sounded one after another.

"Huge energy reactions are coming from many places! I will send the picture to you now!"

Ye Rui finished speaking,

Dagu was stunned when he saw the pictures from various places displayed on the screen.

One of the places on the screen is the pyramid where he got the light of Tiga!

In the picture, a dazzling and powerful golden energy shot out from the top of the pyramid.

It rose into the sky and flew away in a certain direction.

At the same time, there were several huge waves of energy rising into the sky around the Luluye ruins.

Red, black, purple.

All energies converge in one direction.

The place where energy gathers is the battlefield of super ancient ruins!
boom! ! !
As all the energy gathered together, the countless giant bodies hidden on the battlefield among the super-ancient ruins were dyed pitch black by the dark power.

In an instant, from the broken giant body and the entire battlefield, countless dark forces turned into thousands of energy flows and merged with other energies.

In an instant, the situation changed.

Dark clouds shrouded the sky, and the thick clouds and dark energy merged together, turning the entire world into darkness and completely blocking the sun's light from the blue star.

Countless darkness squirmed on the battlefield ruins, and gradually gathered together to form a monster even larger and more terrifying than Gatangee - Dimogee!
At the moment of its appearance, the balance of light and darkness of the entire Blue Star was completely broken.

Click! ! !

Wind, rain, thunder and lightning, unprecedented extreme weather, appear all over the world.

All electrical appliances and lights around the world have lost their function at this moment.

Blue Star was completely plunged into boundless darkness, without a trace of light.

Seeing all this, almost all humans fell into despair and fear.

This was simply the scene of the end of the world, plunging the entire world into huge chaos.

Even the victory team's base, after Dimojie appeared, all the power supplies tripped instantly, and now it can only rely on backup power supply for support.

But even if he only saw it once, Dagu was deeply shocked by Dimojie's terrifying power.

This... what the hell is going on here?

Why do such terrifying monsters appear, and there are two of them!

Even though he was tens of thousands of miles away, he could still feel that pressure in the Victory Team base.

Even the Overlord of the Universe, Beria, can't give in to this terrifying feeling!

When fighting Beria, although he put in a lot of effort, the main battle was still left to Zero.

However, Dagu didn’t know.

The original Gatangee and Dimogee were not so powerful. The reason for this was that the appearance of Zaki led to the increase in dark energy.

Their strength will far exceed that of the past.


country of light.

The Detection Bureau responsible for supervising various universes suddenly discovered that a large amount of dark energy appeared in a certain universe.

Its level has reached a level that is enough to affect the entire galaxy and even the universe!
When Ultra's father found out, he immediately thought of the unusual flashing of the plasma spark tower just now.

Maybe the appearance of this dark energy has something to do with the strange movement just now.

"This...this universe? The universe where Dagu lives?"

Zero looked at the coordinates of the universe pointed by the detector and was a little confused.

He volunteered and said: "Let me go. The universe where dark energy appears this time is the same place where I met Dagu before."

Ultra's father immediately made a decision and decided on Zero as the candidate.

After all, Zero had the experience of traveling to other universes, and Beria was also defeated by him.
His strength is also second to none in the Kingdom of Light, and there is no better candidate than him.

Just like last time, the entire Kingdom of Light once again gathered enough energy to travel through the universe and sent Zero to the universe where Da Gu resided.


Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

Marvel World.

In a loess desert, this place should not have any people gathering, but many people appeared.

Their targets are all a huge hammer coming from outside to create a huge crater in the loess.

This giant hammer was very strange. It didn't look very heavy, but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't pull it out.

One of them even drove a pickup truck and tried to pull away the hammer, but still failed.

So gradually, this strange giant hammer became a popular 'test of strength' attraction.

If you can pull out a hammer, you are recognized as the world's strongest man.

The sound of helicopter propellers echoed.

Tony Stark stepped off the helicopter and looked at the hammer in the big pit, which was a bit unremarkable.

I also looked at the many shops built around it because of the hammer.

"Isn't this a gimmick product created by some merchant?"

As a capitalist, Tony Stark is very familiar with this kind of operation.

But here you go, give it a try.

He sighed secretly in his heart and no longer had any hope.

Damn it!
When can I get points? ! !
Walk over to the hammer and hold it gently with your hands.

Tony Stark's body froze for an instant, and his pupils widened.

What the hell! ?


(End of this chapter)

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