He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 84 Using the universe as the battlefield, the battle between the top creatures in the Ultra

Chapter 84 Using the universe as the battlefield, the battle between the top creatures in the Ultra world!Dark Zaki VS Ultra Cub!

The terrifying power poured into Zaki's body, and the scene in front of him suddenly distorted.

He felt as if he was hit by the entire universe, and was blasted into hyperspace without any resistance.

Because of the terrifying and inexplicable power, his body was drawn into a torrent that exceeded the speed of light, and everything in his surroundings seemed to turn into a blurry stream of light.

He couldn't control his actions at all and could only let his body roll and fly in hyperspace.

At this terrifying speed.

Even time becomes blurry.

I don't know how long it took, Zaki just felt like he was running into an unknown barrier of the universe.

Bang bang bang! !
His body was like a kite with its string broken, constantly smashing meteorites in the universe into pieces.

Finally, after countless collisions.

Zaki felt that the terrifying power that fell on him was finally exhausted.

Control of the body has returned again.

His fists clenched violently and his body slowly stopped.

He was breathing heavily, feeling lucky to survive the disaster.

There was an explosion of pain all over his body.

The terrifying blow just now almost shattered its body.

Today's body is like a sieve, with dark energy leaking out everywhere.

The panic in Zaki's heart could no longer be described in words, and his whole body was trembling.

Who was responsible for that blow?There is such a thing in this world! ?

Just one blow exceeded his imagination of the upper limit of his strength.

Such terrifying power caused Zaki to fall deeply into fear.

Facing such an enemy, he couldn't muster the courage to resist.

If the being who swung that blow catches up, he can only wait desperately for death.

He stared out into the universe with some anxiety.

After a while...

Zaki, who didn't feel the powerful force approaching, breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

It seems that the other party does not intend to kill him.

He twisted his neck and observed this strange universe.

Looking around, the universe is completely silent, without any life, it can be said to be a deserted land.


You can have a good rest in this universe.


Kingdom of Light…

Sero is still silent in great grief.

He couldn't believe that in the Kingdom of Light... countless powerful Ultra warriors were all frozen.

The plasma spark towers went out, and there was no way to wake them up.

At the same time, he was also very puzzled.

The frozen Ultra Warriors were lifelike, and the entire Kingdom of Light was not destroyed on a large scale.

Apparently, the fight was over quickly.

He wondered, how did the other party destroy the plasma spark tower?
The Kingdom of Light is guarded by the Ultra King and countless powerful Ultra warriors.

Is it possible that the opponent's strength can already crush the entire Kingdom of Light combined?

The moment this thought appeared, it was extinguished.

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

He thought about the dark energy that caused the plasma spark tower to change before.

Could it be that like Beria, a powerful Ultra warrior in the Kingdom of Light was eroded by this dark energy?
Dagu watched from the sidelines...

He opened his mouth, not knowing how to comfort him.

You can't say sorry, can you?


Dagu found that the Ultra cub deep in the sea of ​​his consciousness seemed to have discovered something, muttering baby-like babbles in his mouth.

The next moment, the scene in front of him faded.

Everything in front of him began to become illusory, and his eyes passed through countless spaces.

Staring into hyperspace...

In the boundless space, a universe shrouded in darkness exudes an aura similar to that of the Kingdom of Time.

He knew that this should be the vision shared with him by the Ultra cubs.

"Is the culprit here?"


The picture on the retina disappeared, and Dagu looked at Sero: "We found the mastermind behind this."

Sero raised his head suddenly: "Tell me the location, Dagu...you go first..."

The enemy's methods are still unknown, and he doesn't want an outsider to take risks with him.

Before he could finish speaking, Dagu took the lead and said, "We are friends, let's go together."

Zero nodded deeply.

"Then go!"

The two of them entered hyperspace again, turning into streams of light and flying rapidly.


Arriving at the outermost edge of hyperspace.

There aren’t too many bubbles of parallel universes in front of us.

Only one universe stretches here, compared to the bubble-like scale of parallel universes.

The universe in front of us is only as big as a grain of rice.

——An extremely young universe, which has not yet given birth to civilization and life.


This universe exudes the same dark atmosphere as in the Kingdom of Light.

The mastermind behind this is here!
There are not too many words.

Zero and Dagu broke into the cosmic barrier.

The moment they entered it, an extremely strong dark power rushed towards them, making the two of them feel uncomfortable.

The whole universe is very small,

Small enough to be slightly larger than the entire Milky Way.

At this moment, Zero suddenly stopped and looked in one direction.

In the black hole in the far distance, a huge black human figure stood inside with open arms, absorbing the energy from the black hole.

As if aware of something,

The black figure turned his head suddenly, and looked at Zero and Dagu with his scarlet eyes.

The moment he saw them, Dagu and Sero felt suffocated, and all the photon blood in their bodies seemed to be flowing backwards and freezing.

An unspeakable sense of terror oppressed them, making them almost breathless.

The black human figure slowly stepped out of the black hole. The dark aura emanating from his body was extremely terrifying, like a bottomless abyss, trying to swallow up all hope and light in the world.

Feel the dark power and oppression of this dark giant.

Zero's pupils were trembling. This dark giant was not only millions of times more powerful than Beria? !

Now you know how the Kingdom of Light was destroyed. It was true that he crushed the entire Kingdom of Light with one person.

How can it be!

Why does such horror exist in the world?It is simply the source of all darkness.

Dark Zaki looked at the two of them, raised his steps slightly, and then took one step down.


The figure instantly disappeared from the spot.

"Get away!! Cero yelled.

But... it was already too late, the words were still in their throats, and the two of them felt like a light on their backs, and a feeling of coldness.

Boom! !
Huge force struck from behind, and the two of them were blown away like tattered sandbags.

The two bodies smashed into a series of meteorites in space, and finally hit a piece of meteorite land.

The two climbed out of the pit with difficulty.

Dagu looked at Dark Zaki in shock.

One blow...one blow left the two of them almost unable to fight anymore.

What kind of monster is this?

Ah, yes, I am in the Great Thousand World. Could it be that this is the top creature in the Great Thousand World?

Suspicion flashed in Dark Zaki's eyes, and he finally stared at Dagu, his voice echoing in the universe.

"Light...light is on you!!!"

In an instant, Zaki's figure disappeared.


One of Zaki's signature abilities.

He suddenly appeared in front of Dagu.

The overwhelming dark power and extremely powerful oppression made Dagu, who was unable to move, completely lose his resistance, and the indicator light on his chest began to flash red.

Just as Zaki stretched out his hand to grab Dagu.

In the nick of time.

A strong golden light burst out from the gem shining between Diga's eyebrows.

In an instant, the radiant power, like the opening of heaven and earth, pierced the darkness, illuminating this dead dark universe as brilliantly as day.

The endless light is too dazzling to look directly at,

Just for a moment,
The dark power imprisoned in Dagu and Sero was also dispersed by the energy of light.

The two people's flashing red lights turned back to blue with the addition of light energy.

In the bright light, a chubby arm as smooth as a lotus root was revealed, and his small fist accurately hit Zaki's face.

boom! !

A terrifying power that was completely different from this funny little arm burst out from it.

The light, brighter and hotter than a gamma ray burst, pushed Zaki's body and knocked him away.

The light group landed...

Then withdraw and be restrained.

The specific situation in the light was revealed.

A chubby little kid appeared in front of Dagu.

He was stunned. Did the Ultra cub come out of his sea of ​​consciousness?

Compared with last time, the Ultra cub has grown to a certain extent, but it still has the same chubby appearance, just like a human child, and looks really cute.

His whole body radiated strong light, lighting up the dark universe, guiding the light like a beacon.

After Zaki stabilized his body, he stared at the Ultra cub with greedy and eager eyes.

He knew that the little dot in front of him was the light he was looking for.

The first ray of light of creation!
Zero also looked at the sudden appearance of the Ultra cub with wide eyes.

"This, this is!"

Facing the powerful coercion and aura emanating from the Ultra cub, he felt like his breathing was stagnant, as if he was in the midst of thousands of plasma spark towers.

It was from this little body that a powerful force burst out and knocked Zaki away with one punch.

Although it was a bit unbelievable, Zero even felt that the little guy in front of him was the real source of the Ultra clan and the origin of light!
Zero opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

But in the end, when he looked at Dagu, he could only hold back one sentence: "Is this your... your... son?
Dagu: ?

At this time, the Ultra cub had a serious expression on its little face, its features were slightly squeezed together, its hands were crossed on its chest, and then they suddenly opened outwards.

Unprecedented energy burst out, and the light field spread toward the darkness. Wherever it passed, the darkness retreated.

Zaki was unfazed.


An inhuman growl came.

A terrifying dark realm centered on him and spread towards the entire universe, blasting towards the light realm of the Ultra cubs.


The entire universe is divided into two halves.

Half of it is extremely incandescent, like eternal daylight.

Half of it is cold and dark, like eternal night.

Darkness and light are at war with each other.

boom! !

Two completely opposite forces collided directly in the center of the universe.Stirring up countless lightning bolts scurrying around the universe.

The momentum of both sides surged out fiercely like an overwhelming torrent, and the cosmic swords collided fiercely.

Loud rumbling sounds came one after another, and every collision was like countless nuclear bombs exploding at the same time, and hot air waves swept across the entire universe.

The power of the two of them was so terrifying that the surrounding meteorites and planets could not withstand such a fierce force collision, and instantly turned into ruins and debris in the universe.

If it were the Ultra World in the original work, this combat power would be a bit exaggerated.

However, the Ultra Universe is a vast world created by Annan.

This display of combat effectiveness is nothing short of normal.

The first ray of light in the universe, the first ray of darkness in the universe, the battle within it, its power has already increased countless times!
The top creature in the world.

He originally grasped the stars and the moon, and used the sky of the universe as his battlefield.

Fortunately, the confrontation between the momentums came and went quickly.

The next second it faded away like a tide, and everything returned to calm, as if everything was a dream.

Only the planet dust scattered in the universe is silently telling what happened just now.

Sero and Dagu, who witnessed the confrontation between the two, had dull faces at this time, completely unable to understand what was happening in front of them.

They have never seen a showdown of this level. The entire galaxy and the entire universe are their battlefield.



It was as if they had agreed at the same time.

Zaki and the Ultra cubs disappeared at the same time.

next second!
boom! !

The crackling sound of fist collision came from the distance of the galaxy, and at the same time, a huge shock ripple was set off.

Dagu and Sero could not capture their movements with their naked eyes.

for the rest of the time,

The two only felt that in the entire small universe, beside their ears, there were countless terrifying collisions and loud sounds, like the sounds of fists and feet clashing, coming from all directions in the space.

Although Sero and Dagu couldn't see anything clearly, the roaring sounds coming from the surroundings showed that.

The Dark Giant and the Ultra Cub are engaged in an unprecedented ultimate battle!

Bang bang bang bang! ! !
Continuous collisions echoed in the universe, Zaki and the Ultra cub were going back and forth, punching each other hard.

There were countless collisions like stellar explosions, and the two figures intersected in the dark universe like black and white comets.

Just a brief contact produced a collision force that was enough to collapse the entire galaxy, and the space was distorted and deformed.

The aftermath of the battle made the already underdeveloped universe even more overwhelmed.

Sero and Dagu were stunned...

"So strong...too strong."

Dagu thought that the 'golden item' he pulled out, 'The First Light of Creation', would be awesome, but he didn't expect it to be so awesome.

This is the top strength in the world.

The universe is just a battlefield, and the planet can be shattered with one punch.

In such a terrifying duel, they had no room to intervene, and they had to be careful not to be affected by the aftermath.


Boom! !

There was another violent collision, and the figures of Zaki and the Ultra cubs suddenly appeared,

Colliding together on top of a planet.

The aftermath of a force more terrifying than a nuclear bomb explosion instantly turned the planet into countless powders, forming a huge vortex around them.

Seeing this, Zero clenched his fists tightly.

"We can win! Darkness can never defeat the power of light!"

next second...

Ding dong ding dong ding dong!

A clear voice echoed in the universe.

The indicator light on the Ultra cub's chest flashed red.


(End of this chapter)

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