He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 85 The Ultra Cub shines and merges with Tiga Cerro! ! !

Chapter 85 Ultra Cub Shines Tiga Cerro - Fusion! ! !
Dagu and Zero looked at the dazzling red light flashing on the Ultra cub's chest.

And the ear-piercing 'ding-dong, ding-dong' sound.

He was completely stunned, his face turned pale with fright.

What the hell! ?
This situation could not be more familiar to them.

"This...how long have you been old and you have no energy???" Zero was dumbfounded. At the same time, he wanted to slap himself in the face. Is his mouth poisonous? He just said he was going to win, and the next second he screamed. Ding ding dong.

"But... maybe it's because he's still... young and hasn't grown up yet..."

Dagu knew the specific situation. After all, the Ultra cubs were 'golden items' drawn from the high-level prize pool, and they were all flawed.

It's still in a baby state, not fully grown.

"I hope it can be resolved quickly." Sero was a little worried.


Their fears came true.

As Ultra Cub and Zaki engage in a fierce battle.

The red light on the Ultra cub's chest flashed faster and faster.

The balance between light and dark begins to break.

In the universe, which was originally evenly matched and divided into black and white, the light realm was gradually eroded and suppressed by the dark realm.

bang bang! !
There was another deafening bang.

The Ultra cub once again collided fiercely with Zaki in space.


The momentum of the two people surged together like an angry tide, causing a terrifying impact that shook the space, and countless planet dust was completely destroyed.

The conflict between light and darkness continues in the universe. Neither Zaki nor the Ultra cubs are willing to give in, and both use their full strength.

However, it is clearly visible.

The Ultra cub is beyond its capabilities.

His brows were furrowed, and the features on his chubby face were squeezed together due to excessive exertion.

It was obviously very difficult.

As time goes by, the energy and domain of the light side become less and less, smaller and smaller.

Ding dong…ding dong…ding dong…ding dong…

The harsh sound became louder and faster, echoing throughout the world.

The Ultra cub still resisted stubbornly.

However, some things cannot be changed with perseverance and persistence.

Light and darkness, once either side is lost.

Then there will be a terrifying counterattack from the other side.


The balance was completely broken, and the Ultra cub couldn't resist it. In another confrontation of energy beams, it was blown away by the energy beam.

Don’t show mercy when you gain power…

Zaki took one step forward and turned into a black meteor, rushing in front of the Ultra cub, and his fist fell on the latter like a violent storm.

Boom boom boom boom boom! ! !
Each of his punches was comparable to the force and impact of a planet exploding.

Rumbling sounds erupted in the universe one after another.

At this moment, the Ultra cub was like a little sandbag, enduring countless attacks from Dark Zaki, but was unable to fight back at all.

boom! ! !
Zaki launched another full-force bombardment, and the dark power that tore apart the galaxy hit the Ultra cub's body without reservation.

Under the extremely terrifying impact, the Ultra cub seemed to turn into a small meteorite, piercing the universe like a bright meteor.

Boom boom boom! ! !
In the constant collisions and conflicts, the wreckage of countless planets was destroyed.

Only then did the Ultra cub's body take off the impact, and suddenly landed on the surface of a gray planet, creating a crater that covered almost half of the planet, and the entire planet was almost split into two.

In the crater, the Ultra cub had a gray face. He just managed to get up. Before he could stand firm, Zaki's figure had already appeared behind him.

Without any time to react, Zaki raised his foot and stepped down hard with the leg whip wrapped in dark power.

Only a 'thud' sound was heard.

The body of the Ultra cub was trampled directly through the ground.

Bang bang bang! !
But this is not the end...

The next time was one-sided.

The Ultra cub's body was treated like a human sandbag, and it didn't even have a chance to land.

He was beaten and flew everywhere in the universe.


Seeing this tragic situation, Dagu and Sero's hearts sank to the bottom, and they were helpless.

The Ultra cub, who was once evenly matched with Zaki, is now like a rag doll and is being eaten by mermaids.

Under the continuous attacks, the Ultra cub's body was completely unable to fight back and was floating in the universe.

At this moment, Dark Zaki's fists were filled with black-red energy, and the surrounding space made an overwhelming sound of shattering due to the unprecedented terrifying gravity torrent.

Gravity Zaki!

Boom! ! !

The terrifying super-gravity light condensed the ultimate dark energy, accompanied by the terrifying gravity pressure, aimed at the Ultra cub, and was released from Zaki's fists.

The black-red light distorted time and space, hitting the Ultra cub's body hard with a terrifying force that could not be escaped, splashing large amounts of sparks, and continuously impacting his body to the other side of the distant galaxy.

Bang bang bang! !

The space passed by the dark light of super gravity was constantly crushed and broken, and the Ultra cub's body was in dilapidated condition because it had withstood most of the force.

In the huge crater of the meteorite belt, the Ultra cub could hardly get up, but it still supported the ground with one hand and pointed its chubby finger at Zaki.


He bared his teeth and faced Zaki in the darkness, making bursts of unidentified babbling sounds.

Although Zero couldn't understand it, as someone who had spent some time with Ultra cubs, Da Gu vaguely seemed to be able to understand the meaning of the conversation.

And there is also some unclear articulation.

"Damn it, you ugly gangsters, taking advantage of the power of others, do you dare to wait for me to grow up?"

He seems... to be scolding Dark Zaki?

Dagu was completely helpless, and the Ultra cub actually started to curse. I'm afraid he had really reached his limit.

Zaki can also understand the words of the Ultra cubs.

It doesn't matter.

His eyes sparkled with excitement, he was about to absorb the light and become a brand new posture.

He took one step forward, came to the Ultra cub, and walked towards him step by step.

The Ultra cub was extremely worried.

His energy was almost gone.

It's over. Is he really going to be absorbed by the first ray of darkness in creation?

If the first ray of darkness and light gather on Zaki at the same time, who knows what unimaginable things will happen...

Sigh... If I could grow up quickly and become a complete body, I wouldn't be in the current situation at all.

Zaki stretched out his black-smelling hand and grabbed the Ultra cub's chest.

"Light...absorb light...you are my thing..."

Boom! ! !

Just when Zaki was about to succeed, two different powerful rays of light hit him at the same time.

The strong impact caused Zaki's body to stagger. He subconsciously turned around and looked at the two people who interrupted his good deeds with great anger.

It's Zero and Dagu!

In mid-air, Zero and Dagu launched their strongest moves together, but they could only interrupt Zaki's movements and could not cause any actual damage.They could only shout to the Ultra cubs: "Run now!"

As long as the Ultra cubs can survive, there is still hope for them!
But at this moment, the Ultra cub suddenly thought of something and looked at the two of them with bright eyes.

Before Zaki could launch his attack, the Ultra cub released its final power, and its whole body was wrapped in bright light, like a newborn sun.

But at this moment, the light surrounding the Ultra cub was more brilliant and brighter than the sun, lighting up the universe.

At this moment, the powerful force he burst out knocked Zaki's body far away.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Ultra cub rushed towards where Dagu and Zero were.

Just when Dagu and Zero thought that the Ultra cub was going to escape with them.

They suddenly discovered that their bodies were shining with the same light as the Ultra cubs.

Before they could recover, their bodies flew uncontrollably in the direction of the Ultra cub.

At this moment, the three people turned into three groups of light like the sun.


Under Zhaji's shocked eyes.

The three light groups merge with each other.

Powerful and terrifying light energy continues to surge in the space, causing the space to distort and vibrate.

The moment the three rays of light met, they made a loud sound that vibrated the entire universe, and converged at one point.

It seemed as if eternal powerful energy burst out from that point, instantly illuminating the darkness-shrouded universe like the dawn of dawn.

The entire universe is shaking and distorting.

Finally, the three rays of light completely merged!
It turned into a huge ball of light.


The light ball fell to the ground, its brilliance restrained.

A figure slowly walked out of the light.

The muscular body, which is mainly made of silver and supplemented by blue and purple, is wrapped in a silver exoskeleton like armor, making it calm and majestic.

In the center of the body is a huge blue indicator light, which is as bright as an exploding star. You can faintly see the stars of the universe constantly flowing in it.

Its face is exactly what Noah will look like when the Ultra cub reaches adulthood, but it also has some elements of Tiga and Zero mixed into it, making it look even more handsome.

The wings of Noah on the back are no longer as weak as chicken wings, but have fully grown, like huge wings that can cover the sky and the earth.

His aura is even greater than that of Zaki now and the original Ultra cub.

Just like the rising sun, it is full of vitality and has infinite possibilities.

But now Noga's expression has become extremely calm, but the explosive power contained in his body is like overwhelming the entire universe and stars, with a sense of presence that no one can ignore.

He just stood in the air, and seemingly endless light energy spread outwards, suppressing the escaped dark power back around Zaki.

The dazzling light emanating from the whole body also echoes with the broken planet, and the little stars light up again in this universe, once again suppressing the power of the dark realm.


Feeling the power of light that was several times stronger, the Dark Root instinctively retreated, feeling an unprecedented sense of threat, oppression and fear.

In the body of the new Ultra Warrior, the consciousnesses of the Ultra Cub and the Great Gusero were in the same room. Except for the Ultra Cub, both of them were in a state of confusion.

"Eh!? What's happening?"

Dagu looked at his conscious body and had no idea what was happening to him.

"This should be the combined ability of the Ultra warriors. The Ultra cubs created this body with the help of our two lights."

Zero is relatively calm. After all, he has heard many times about the combination of the Warriors of Light and defeating the enemy from his father Severn and Mebius.

Ultra cubs are so powerful, it's not surprising at all to have such abilities.

"Yeah ah!"

The Ultra cub in the center of the two people started babbling.

Although there is still a language barrier, because their consciousness and body have been fused together, they can also understand the meaning of the Ultra cub's words.

"The name of our three warriors is Noga. Starting now, it's time to fight back!"

But at this time, they didn't know.

Outside this dead universe, an uninvited guest quietly arrived and stopped at the edge of the universe, his eyes closely following the two fighting.

"I see. I asked who was fighting, and it turned out to be them."

That's right, the person who came was none other than Karafar.

He is now standing at the edge of the universe, extremely eye-catching.

But the strange thing is that neither Dark Zaki nor the three merged people noticed his existence.

He observed the battle with great interest: "With Father God not sleeping, these two guys actually engaged in such a big battle. It's really interesting."

At one glance, Kalafar could see the essence of these two people's existence.

One is the first ray of light in the universe.

The other one is the first ray of darkness in the universe.

The forces of light and darkness exist and are opposed to each other.

It is natural for one party to want to devour the other.

But Kalafar didn't expect that the first ray of light in the universe would actually pull two Ultra warriors to merge.

What made him even more concerned was that one of the humans who merged with the first ray of light actually had the aura of God the Father.

Even if it was very weak, it was still noticed by Kalafar.

"Is it related to Father God? If you can't defeat him next time, I can save your life."

Then he shook his head again, it was unlikely that he could not beat him.


Ultra Universe, Blue Star.

Annan, who was fine, was also paying attention to the battle between Zaki and the Ultra cubs, and raised his eyebrows.

This desolate small universe was specially selected by him.

The purpose is to prevent them from fighting in the normal universe, affecting other lives and causing disaster.

And he didn't want to care about the outcome of this battle.

Because both light and darkness are conceived by him and are the principles behind the operation of the world.

As a creator god, Annan would not interfere too much unless their existence affected the balance of the world.

Moreover, in order to ensure a fair fight.

The slap he used to expel Zaki deliberately weakened Zaki's power to a certain extent.

In the countless universes throughout the Ultra world, countless lives are lost every day.

Even Da Gu, the son of Blue Star’s destiny.

If he was not a member of the Wanjie chat group, even if he was killed by a monster, he would not pay too much attention to him.

Originally, Annan thought that this showdown between light and darkness would end with the defeat of the Ultra cub.

But unexpectedly, at the critical moment, it actually defeated Zaki and merged with Gusero to become a brand new Ultra Warrior.

This unfolding is really interesting.

Logically speaking, special beings like Zaki and the Ultra cubs should not be able to merge with others.

At most, Zaki and the Ultra cubs merge (devour) each other, and the winner is promoted to a higher level of existence.

But coincidentally, the Ultra cub at this time has not yet fully grown into a natural and complete body.

In addition, the existence of the Ultra cub was drawn by Dagu from the prize pool of the chat group, and it has attributes that are naturally compatible with him.

Therefore, the Ultra cub first used Dagu to transform into Shining Tiga and then merged with it.

Then with the help of Tiga's body, he merged with Zero.


(End of this chapter)

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