He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 86 Qualification to be promoted to God!The resurrected Kingdom of Light!

Chapter 86 Qualification to be promoted to God!The resurrected Kingdom of Light!

boom! !

Zheng! ! !
Noga's eyes turned from gray to bright, and a dazzling light burst out from his pupils.

Om-! ! !
The terrifying light energy particle rays cut through the space in an instant, hit Zhaji's body, and splashed with large sparks.

The next moment, it was like a repeat of the previous battle.

Before Zhaji could recover from the impact, Noga had already teleported in front of Zhaji and kicked out a leg whip with all his strength.

Bang! ! !

Continuous explosions sounded, and kicks containing countless explosive light energy knocked Zaki's body out of shape, and his whole waist was bent like a shrimp and flew out.

After crashing into countless planetary debris, as if he couldn't bear the shame, Zaki let out an unprecedented terrifying roar.


His body tried his best to stop suddenly in mid-air, and terrifying darkness erupted all over his body again, and a pair of red-black devil wings also appeared behind him.

"Light...I'm going to swallow you!!"

Black meteors streaked across the space, and countless dark blades continued to emerge from the space.

The meteorites and debris floating in the space were split into two halves the moment they touched the sharp blade, turning into pure dark particles.


Boom! ! !

The wings of Noga waved, and the huge wings like gods were like God coming to the world, bringing light to the life of the world.

Endless light particles turned into floating cannons, constantly colliding with dark particles in the void.

Meteors of light and darkness bombarded each other, blowing away everything around them with powerful force.

This time, Dagu and Zero truly experienced what it was like when the Ultra cubs fought with the Dark Giant.

Boom boom boom!

The aftermath of the fierce collision of energy destroyed many planetary debris, completely turning them into dust.

The difference between witnessing the changes brought about by one's own battle on the universe and watching from the sidelines is really huge!
Dagu subconsciously opened the chat group and started frantically taking photos and screenshots.

As for fighting...

He and Sero had absolutely no control over this body.

All of them are Ultra cubs doing the fighting.

Chat group of all worlds. …

After photos of various planetary debris and energy collisions appeared in the group, all the group members immediately gathered around to watch.

[I can’t fly]: Damn it! ?Are these the remains of a battle?The planet is shattered! ! !

[The richest man in the world]: This is star-shattering combat power!Is this all your doing?

[Ghost Slaying Expert]: Wow... Mr. "Big Bone Soup" is actually so powerful!
Listening to everyone's compliments, Da Gu, although a little arrogant, still explained.

[Big Bones Boiled into Soup]: Actually, this was not accomplished by my own power, but by the first ray of light in the universe, the new form that merged with me and Zero.

[The richest man in the world]:? ?Fusion, that thing called a giant in your world, can it still be combined?
[I think you are a dragon]: Fusion?Digimon from our world can also evolve together.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: The first ray of light in the universe is your golden item, hiss... Doesn't that mean that you can also do this in the future! ?

[Do you also want to dance?]: Not only that, I remember the first ray of light in the universe, which can also take him into the long river of time and reverse the flow of time.

[Death Agent]: Looking at it this way, even among all the worlds, the world of Big Bone is the most awesome!
[Big bones made into soup]: Stop bragging, I'm embarrassed, let's not talk about it for now, I want to learn the fighting methods of Ultra cubs.


back to the battlefield.

After the smoke and dust caused by the violent explosion dissipated, a bright figure grabbed the black humanoid's head with one hand and punched it on the head.

The situation at this time has completely shifted to Noga's side.

The Ultra cub was beaten up as a sandbag before, but now, he wants to pay it back a hundredfold!
dong dong dong dong! ! !

Millions, tens, millions, billions of continuous attacks that were more terrifying than the solar storm. At the extreme speed, Noga's fist seemed to turn into a white hole, collapsing the space.

The non-stop attacks allowed countless amounts of light energy to continuously gather, making his power faster and stronger!
Boom boom boom! ! !
In this extremely terrifying attack, the dark power on Zaki's body continued to escape. His whole body seemed to have been hammered flat, and large areas of dark aura fell off from the space.

Zaki is like a sieve. Every time he punches, dark energy will overflow from his body, and then he will be swallowed up by the light.

The dark realm of the entire universe is also constantly shrinking and is occupied by the power of light.

In the end, the power of light completely spreads to the entire universe.

The realm of light completely swallowed up the realm of darkness, and the entire universe was enveloped in light, and no dark power existed anymore.

However, Dagu was also surprised to find out.

Dark Zaki was beaten like a sandbag by the fist of light.Punch once, and a little dark energy leaks out. Punch once, and the body becomes smaller.

After being beaten violently, Zaki no longer had any dark energy leaking out.

In Dagu's stunned eyes, the once terrifying dark giant had disappeared.

Instead, there was a small Ultra cub that was very similar to the Ultra cub.

The difference is that the Ultra cub that Zaki transformed into is completely black and has no wings on its back.

The next moment, three rays of light shone from Noga's energy core.

The combined state of the three people was also released and returned to their original postures.

The Ultra cub came to Zaki floating in the air and aimed its energy core at it.

Suddenly, little Zaki turned into a black light and entered its energy core.

The moment I absorbed Zaki-chan...

The patterns on the Ultra cub's body shone with black light, and some changes began to occur.

A black line appeared on the silver armor that extended to the whole body, and the golden pupils glowed with red light.

At this time, the feeling of the Ultra cub to Zero and Dagu has completely changed!


He seemed inviolable, like a superior god, making people unable to feel any disobedience and only wanting to surrender.

He is completely different from his childish appearance before.

Kalafar watched from the outside and nodded slightly: "It seems that I may have one more comrade in the future."

Darkness and light merge with each other and become one, and they have obtained the qualification to be promoted to god.

And Calafar - equal god!
After Kalafar left.

Zero bowed his head to the Ultra cub sincerely: "Please, please save the Kingdom of Light!"

The Ultra cub nodded and made a babbling sound.

A ray of light emerged from him and enveloped Sero and Dagu.

In the blink of an eye, when the two opened their eyes, they discovered with confusion that they had returned to the Kingdom of Light.

The Kingdom of Light in front of us is still frozen for thousands of miles, and is filled with deathly silence and coldness.

The plasma spark tower has been extinguished, and the Ultra clan has lost the energy and environment they need to survive. Under the extremely low temperature, they have fallen into a sleep that will never wake up.

They could only be awakened by lighting up the Spark Tower again, but the fire in the Spark Tower had long been extinguished.

Under Zero's eager eyes, the Ultra cub flew to the center of the plasma spark tower and stretched out its hand towards the former fire spot.

The plasma sparks burned again, and the entire plasma spark tower was covered in soft light.

In an instant, the warm light dispelled the darkness shrouding the sky.

Little particles of light are scattered on every inch of land coming from the Kingdom of Light.

The ice and snow melted, turning into warm water flowing on the ground.

The light of the past revived again, and the remaining darkness was completely dispelled.

Each Ultra Warrior also regained consciousness with the supplement of light power.

After doing all this, the Ultra cub yawned and turned into a chaotic light and returned to Da Gu's mind.

Dagu could feel that the Ultra cub was sleeping soundly deep in the sea of ​​his consciousness. He was exhausted.

Under the illumination of the light, the King of Ultra, the Father of Ultra, and others also woke up one after another, looking around with confusion.



In the battle between light and darkness, light won the victory.

When the plasma spark tower of the Kingdom of Light also lights up again...

In the Wanjie chat group…

There was also unexpected movement.



ps: I finished writing the climax plot immediately, no chapters, no need to wait for tomorrow to post again, two updates of 7000 words, please vote, there haven’t been two updates for a long time, this month it’s all 4000 words and one chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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