He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 87 The world history of the first big world!

Chapter 87 The first world history of the world!

at this time,

In the Wanjie chat group…

All the members were eagerly waiting for "Big Bones to Become Soup" to announce the results of the battle.

The few pictures uploaded by Da Gu just now aroused their curiosity.

A battle between the top experts in the world! !

Broken Star's combat power uses the universe as its battlefield.

All this made them feel itchy, and they really wanted to see the grand scene.

Even if it’s just to send a few more photos.


After waiting for a long time, "Da Gu Bo Cheng Tang" did not appear.

I got a little bored waiting.

[The richest man in the world]: Damn it, why hasn’t "Da Gu Bo Cheng Tang" appeared yet? It’s a bit boring.

[Apprentice Death]: Indeed.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: It’s a pity that it’s not fun, I don’t know what I’m doing with the gold medal list, and I haven’t had any visions yet.

[Little Breaking Ball]: @「The richest man in the world」, you are also from the whole world. You have points. Where is your world history? ?

[The richest man in the world]: Oh, yes! !I was so excited about drawing a 'golden item' before, and there was a group of tasks suddenly coming up, so I forgot about this.

[Apprentice Death]: Then hurry up. It just so happens that your world, the richest man, is also a vast world. Then you can compare it with Big Bone’s vast world.

[Do you also want to dance?]: Indeed, there are differences in the small worlds. What kind of differences will there be between the big worlds?
[Little Broken Ball]: Do it faster, do it faster! ! !
All the members were very excited and very curious about what the historical video of the world would show.

[The richest man in the world]: However, my previous thousand points were only redeemed for half of the historical video. I don’t know where the historical development will end.

[I can’t fly]:? ? ?Is it such an exaggeration? One thousand points were only redeemed for half!I haven’t redeemed the history video of my world yet. I just finished the group task. I can redeem it after watching yours.

[Apprentice Shinigami]: Hiss, the difference between the Great Thousand World and the Small Thousand World is immediately apparent. Generally, the Small Thousand World only costs 1000, and many more only have [-] or [-]. Your Great Thousand World all starts with [-]. ?

[Little Broken Ball]: I remember that the group leader once said that in the world of the richest man, there are many strong people at the Broken Star level.Watching his world history, wouldn't it be possible to immerse yourself in the power of Shattered Star?
[Apprentice Death]: That’s right!We don’t need to wait for Da Gu to come back and describe or see photos for us. Wouldn’t it be better to directly experience the power of a Broken Star level powerhouse directly and personally?
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: That’s it!

Having said this, everyone immediately forgot about Dagu's affairs and excitedly clicked on the group file.

However, no new files were uploaded in the group file.

[I can’t fly]: What’s going on? I haven’t seen any new videos in the group file?Have you uploaded it yet?

[Little Breaking Ball]: Quick!Do it quickly! ! !
[The richest man in the world]: Don’t worry, I’ll upload the file now.


After seeing the new group file, everyone was a little surprised.

[Ghost Slaying Expert]: Should I say that it is worthy of the world?Even the file formats are different.

With excitement and curiosity about the world, everyone first clicked on the historical videos of "Iron Man 1, 2, and 3" in the order they were uploaded.

In an instant, they entered the viewing space of the chat group. No matter how long they watched, the outside world only passed for a second.

Then, the history of the world of Iron Man 1 begins to play.

The first thing to come,
It is a blond man who appears in the picture and the introduction of the picture.

Tony Stark, a talented physicist who graduated from an institution of higher learning.

After his father's death, he inherited his father's business and became the president of the weapons empire Stark Industries.

After that, Tony Stark, wearing a black suit, took a plane and came to the country that purchased Stark Industrial weapons.

He is going to demonstrate the power of the weapon here and do a weapon demonstration.

When Ichigo and Groudon saw this, their expressions were stunned.

[Apprentice Death]: The richest man? ? ?Isn’t this slutty man and voice in the picture the richest man in the world? !

He had just gone on a mission with the richest man, so it was naturally impossible to forget his appearance.

His appearance appeared in the opening scene. Could it be that this guy, the richest man, is actually the son of luck? ?

According to their past experience of watching world history, the characters who appeared at the beginning of world history are most likely the children of destiny in this world.

For example, Luffy, Kurosaki Ichigo and Uzumaki Naruto.

【Do you want to dance too】: The richest man?Is this man in the picture the richest man? ? ?And he appeared on the screen for the first time, with so many shots... could it be said that he is the son of luck in this world! ?

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Damn it, another child of luck!
[Little Breaking Ball]: The richest man in Stark Industries turns out to be an arms seller. No wonder he is so rich.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: But, is this the big world... It looks similar to the world of Little Breaking Ball and Trainee Death. It is also an urban world with high-rise buildings. There really are star-shattering powerhouses here. ?

[Little Breaking Ball]: Moreover, the name of this world history document is Iron Man.Could it be said that your power system in the world is mecha warriors?Driving a mecha across the universe, the mecha draws out its laser weapon, and splits the planet apart with a sword? !
[The richest man in the world]: If you ask me, who should I ask?You'll find out if you keep reading, I'm still confused.

Although he said this, Tony Stark was already feeling happy and happy in his heart.

Unexpectedly, I was the lucky child of the world!

No wonder he is so rich and handsome, and he even won the 'golden item' with one shot.

Invincible! ! !

Who else! ! ?
If you are a child of luck, you will also come into contact with the power system of this world in the future.

Iron Man...Iron Man...

He pondered these two words in his mind.

Is it really the power system of the mechanical ascension route?
He had a premonition that he would gain his own extraordinary power in "Iron Man".

"Let me wait and see what kind of strong person I will become in the future!"

next second...

He was dumbfounded.

In the picture, he had just participated in a weapons demonstration and was hit by a stray bullet from a terrorist and was seriously injured.

When he woke up, he had been kidnapped by terrorists and was covered in injuries.

The purpose of terrorists is to enable themselves to create more powerful weapons of war.

Looking at the picture…

He was seriously injured all over his body, his chest was almost punctured, and he was hanging on the machine for his life.

Tony Stark was confused: "I'm going to fucking die????"

"What the hell? Where's the promised son of destiny?"

[The richest man in the world]: I...am I really the son of luck? ? ? ? ?Not cannon fodder?



ps: Many handsome guys have commented that they want more plot in Ultra World, and the author here also knows it.

Mainly this is foreshadowing, and there is nothing you can do about it. After all, the protagonist is already invincible. In the Ultra world, you can't bully others as a creator god, right?

However, the Ultra World will not be a small transparency. There will be many plots in the Ultra World. According to the outline, the second volume is coming to an end, which means that the early stage is over.

The third volume is the collision between the Ultra world and other worlds.

It’s almost time. These [-] words should wrap up the second volume, and then the plot of the third volume.

ps: At the end of the volume, I will complete the follow-up outline today. There is only one chapter and I will make it up tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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