He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 88: The shocked group members face the laws and divine power of the big world!

Chapter 88: The shocked group members face the laws and divine power of the world!
[Little Broken Ball]: Hahahahaha, let you go to the Middle East to show off, and you will be caught.

[Little Broken Ball]: Don't worry, generally speaking, the characteristics of the Child of Luck are that something will happen wherever he goes, and he will definitely gain something when he jumps off a cliff, and he is an invincible Xiao Qiang.

[Little Broken Ball]: Now that you are injured, following the process of Son of Destiny, it should be time to reap the rewards.

Hearing the words of the little broken ball, Tony Stark's heart calmed down a little.

After all, it is the will of the planet, and its words carry weight.


As the plot develops, it turns out just like what "Little Broken Ball" said.

On screen…

Tony Stark saw himself, with the help of another scientist, 'Ethan', building a small Ark reactor and inserting it into his chest to extend his life.

【Little Breaking Ball】:! ! ! ?Wait... your Ark reactor, nuclear fusion? ? ?You made a nuclear fusion reactor so small? ?
Coming from the world of technology, he knew how amazing and difficult this technology was to achieve.

The current level of their 'Wandering Earth' world is in the early stages of nuclear fusion, and they can controllably manipulate nuclear atoms.

The planetary thrusters that carry the earth wandering are essentially 'nuclear fusion reactors'.

However, the richest man in the picture is too scary. He does not have many sophisticated instruments, so he is building a nuclear fusion reactor with his own hands. And... can a nuclear fusion reactor be so small? ?

[The richest man in the world]: It’s not nuclear fusion, it should be said to be a product based on nuclear fusion.

He seemed to have touched upon Tony Stark's area of ​​expertise as he spoke with eloquence.

[The richest man in the world]: The person in the picture probably used 1.6 grams of palladium to build a small Ark reactor, with an energy output of 30 billion joules per second. I guess there are some stray bullet fragments left behind. In my body, I need to use this Ark reactor to generate magnetic attraction to prevent stray bullet fragments from advancing towards my heart valve.

[Little Breaking Ball]: Damn it! !Awesome, has your world reached this level of research? Our world is still in the preliminary development stage of nuclear fusion.

[The richest man in the world]: Yes, I have almost completed the research on this thing. My factory has already used a large Ark reactor, and I am currently studying how to scale it into a pocket-sized one.

[Little Breaking Ball]:? ? ? ?Did you study it? ? ?

[The richest man in the world]: It should be said that it was an unfinished product envisioned by my father, which was perfected by my hands.

[Little Breaking Ball]: Awesome... awesome! !

[Apprentice Death]: Damn, that’s awesome. Our world is still a normal world. Spaceships don’t exist. Humans can’t leave the solar system. It only took the past ten years to land on the moon.

Only these three people in the group can understand...

As for Marco and others, they are all looking at nuclear fusion, nuclear fission...it's all about it.

[The richest man in the world]: Okay, okay, keep reading.

Returning attention to world history videos.

Tony Stark saw his future self in the picture and temporarily solved the problem of life safety.

In order to escape, he started making mechas with his bare hands.

Soon, he produced a mecha named 'Mark 1'.

Control the mecha and eliminate the terrorists who kidnapped you.

It was a pity for him that the scientist who helped him, 'Ethan', died in the chaos.

The screen continues to play.

He saw himself in the picture, was rescued by local troops, and then returned to Stark Industries.

He immediately announced that he would give up the development of war weapons.


The plot advances effectively.

When I saw a person in the picture taking away his Ark Reactor.

And some inside stories were revealed.

[The richest man in the world]: What the fuck? ?Dry! ! 'Obi' is actually the mastermind behind this? ? ?
[Apprentice Death]: Who is this person?

[The richest man in the world]: My father’s friend and one of the founders of Stark Industries.

[I am a phoenix and a birdman]: Fuck him to death!There are three types of people I hate the most in my life! People like 'Tikki', traitors, and bastards!

In the video...

Obi stole the Ark Reactor and created a new armor.

In order to take revenge and stop Obi, Tony Stark uses a brand new suit to fight against him.

After a fierce battle, he used the energy of the Ark Reactor to defeat his opponent with difficulty.

In the subsequent press conference, facing the news media, Tony Stark also said:
——I am Iron Man!
The screen slowly dimmed, and the first historical video ended.

[Little Breaking Ball]: It turns out that this is how Iron Man got his name.

[Apprentice Death]: So, Iron Man refers to the mechanical armor made by the richest man. After the richest man puts it on, he transforms into a superhero?

[Do you want to dance too?]: However, this fighting power and scene are completely different from the world I imagined. It seems... a little too weak?

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Isn’t this the first part? It’s still early. You won’t know if you continue to watch it.

[The richest man in the world]: Indeed, what’s the rush?I belong to the world, and I will definitely take off!

All the members nodded secretly.

It makes sense.


I have watched the entire "Iron Man 1, 2, and 3".

The stories of Iron Man 2 and Iron Man 3 are very different.

There are always new enemies appearing.

Enemies appear, update your mech, and defeat them.

It makes everyone a little confused and...Is this what happens in their hearts?That's it?That's the mentality.

"The richest man in the world" is a person from the world, and the combat power shown in these three historical videos is too small.

It's all a collision of technology, and it doesn't show the world's top combat power.

There is no existence that can break stars.

The only thing that makes people a little confused is that in the second and third parts, an inconspicuous hammer appears, and... the battle of New York.

[The richest man in the world]: Hiss... isn't this hammer the one I sold to the chat group? !
[I Can’t Fly]: Damn it, you got [-] points by selling this hammer? ?
[The world’s richest man]: That’s right.

[I Can’t Fly]: A hammer is as valuable as the slab of Arceus.

[Little Broken Ball]: Does this have anything to do with the battle between New York and New York?

[I Can’t Fly]: Before a hammer was the same as Arceus’ slate, it seemed... the real strong men and power systems in this world were in the historical videos of "Avengers 1, 2, and 3".

[Do you want to dance too?]: Avengers... This name is really strange. Who does the richest man want to take revenge on?

[I Can’t Fly]: The target of his revenge might be a strong person at the Broken Star level, and then here, the "richest man" became a strong person.

With speculation and doubt.

A group of people started watching "Avengers 1"

As the new world history video begins to play, the veils hidden within it are finally unveiled.

It turns out that the meaning of the so-called Avengers is not revenge in the true sense.

It is a powerful alliance formed by superheroes to fight against the evil god Loki and alien life forms.

As the plot develops step by step.

Everyone's eyes widened, and sure enough...here, they saw the true style of the world.

The planet of the gods, Asgard, is home to a group of gods, led by God King Odin! !

Thor, the God of Thunder, has extraordinary strength and speed, and can fight for long periods of time without feeling tired.He can freely enter the deep sea and space without carrying any equipment.It has superhuman strength, speed, endurance and defense, can withstand huge explosions, impacts, ultra-high temperatures of 9000 degrees Fahrenheit and low temperatures below absolute zero, and can resist magic.

The evil god Loki, alien life, and the huge ship that can span the starry sky.

There is even a cosmic cube that can open channels in the universe and transmit energy and life!
Everyone's hair stood up.

god! !

So many gods!

Is this the vast world?There are also all kinds of technologies that make the technological world of Xiao Poqiu astonishing.

[Do you want to dance too?]: It turns out that this is the battle between New York and New York. That hammer is Thor's hammer, the exclusive weapon of Thor!
[I Can't Fly]: You can become the "richest man" by selling Thor's hammer as a mortal.

[Apprentice Shinigami]: It's just that the ability of this Cosmic Rubik's Cube looks a bit familiar...

[The richest man in the world]: It feels very similar to my... space gem?wrong!It feels like it is my space gem.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Hiss!It is indeed a golden prize!It's so powerful, it can actually cause turmoil in the entire universe and open up any space without limit!

Although they all knew that Stark had obtained the Space Stone, everyone except Groudon and Kurosaki Ichigo saw the power of the Space Stone for the first time.

Now, through the evil god Loki controlling the 'Space Stone' in the picture, they know how awesome this 'golden item' is! !

[Little Broken Ball]: The richest man is really lucky to have gotten such a terrible thing. Even the perfect Golden Crow cannot match the power of being able to control space at will! [I can’t fly]: There is no way, who calls space and time one of the highest-level laws?
[I Can't Fly]: However, logically speaking, the 'golden items' drawn from the high-end lottery pool are all defective items, right?Your 'space gem' is obviously not a defective product, right?
[Little Broken Ball]: Yes, what's going on?

This doubt did not last long,

As I watched Avengers 2, it became clear.

Avengers 2, titled - Age of Ultron.

The source of the crisis this time is the enemy created by Tony Stark's own worries-Ultron.

However, the Avengers' enemy this time, Ultron, actually possesses a thing called the Mind Stone.

The mind gem's ability to control consciousness and release psychic power made everyone gasp.

Manipulate consciousness, change memory, and release psychic energy.

Able to arbitrarily manipulate other people's consciousness, tamper with other people's memories, and manipulate other people's minds at will.

Even God is not immune.

This is absolutely terrifying! !

[Apprentice Death God]: It's so terrifying, so terrifying. You can silently manipulate memories, control your mind, and control the entire world to become your slave. It's all very easy.

【Do You Want to Dance Too】: The Mind Stone is named similarly to the Space Stone.

[Little Breaking Ball]: The Mind Stone and the Space Stone should be a set.

[I Can't Fly]: No wonder the space gems were pulled out. If the complete 'golden item' was pulled out, it should be all the gems. I just don't know how many gems there are in total. There must be more than two.

Without hesitation, everyone eagerly clicked on Avengers 3.

In Avengers 3.

The veil of the world of "the richest man in the world" has been completely lifted.

There are different and strange races in the universe, as well as the strange technologies and abilities they possess.

It was eye-opening and exciting for everyone.

[Little Broken Ball]: The world is so wide!There are so many alien races and life forms. You know, in my world, not a single alien has been discovered so far!
But in addition to the colorful alien life forms, the villains of this world history made them look solemn.

The overlord who dominates the universe - Thanos!
He is an existence that has destroyed countless lives in the universe. He has an extremely large army and extremely powerful strength.

He even has a power gem in his hand!
In order to achieve his goal, Thanos killed Loki and seized the space gem in the Cosmic Cube.

And everyone soon learned that when the universe of this vast world was born, a total of six different infinity stones appeared.

Space, reality, power, soul, mind, time.

Thanos' purpose in obtaining the Infinity Gauntlet and the six Infinity Stones was to wipe out half of the population in order to maintain peace and stability in the universe.

[I Can’t Fly]: There are actually five more of the same level as the Space Gems!

[I Can’t Fly]: Time, mind, soul, power, reality, these forces are the basic laws that build the world! !
[Apprentice Death]: In other words...these infinite gems are the embodiment of God's authority! ! !

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: After collecting all six, wouldn't it be equivalent to literally being able to control everything in the universe and become a true god?
Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but feel terrified.

Although six gems may seem like a small number, they almost cover most of the power in the universe.

Especially the two gems of reality and time and space. As long as you have them, it is not a dream to tamper with the past and future, travel through the universe, and modify the laws of physics!
Is this kind of power really within the control of mere humans?

[Do you want to dance too?]: Next, the heroes of the Avengers will stop Thanos and grab the Infinity Gauntlet, right?
Just as they expected, the power of infinite gems is too powerful!
Modify reality, change time, control the mind, travel through space...

When many terrifying powers exist in Thanos at the same time, he has almost become an undefeatable monster, or in other words - a god! ! !

The heroes of the Avengers were defeated one by one by Thanos.

They are simply not Thanos' opponents who have collected several Infinity Stones! !


Thanos got his wish and collected the six Infinity Stones. During the final battle, he snapped his fingers and used the power of the Space Stone to escape.

At the same time, his Infinity Gauntlet seemed to be destroyed, becoming charred black.

Seeing this, everyone's originally shocked expressions turned into stunned expressions, and they looked at each other in confusion.

[The richest man in the world]: What happened? After collecting six gems, he just snapped his fingers and ran away?

[I Can’t Fly]: Something’s wrong. The snap of his fingers just now probably used the power of all six Infinity Stones. You see, the Infinity Gauntlet on his hand is broken.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: But, there hasn’t been any change in the screen?

in the next second...

Under everyone's shocked gaze, nearly half of the heroes of the Avengers turned into black smoke and completely disappeared from the world.

Not only that, the entire Blue Star and half of the human beings in the entire universe have also disappeared from this world.

"I...I don't want to die."

In the end, Spider-Man also died in Tony Stark's arms and disappeared into smoke.

As the picture gradually dimmed, everyone gradually opened their mouths, and their expressions became extremely dull and confused.

Avengers, lost...

Half of the population of the universe was wiped out in the blink of an eye.

[I Can’t Fly]: This is the power of six infinite gems...

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Damn it! !Half the people disappeared in an instant? ? ?This is so fucking terrifying!

They all felt a thrill that could wipe out half of all life in an instant.

There is no doubt that this is a powerful force that can create everything and destroy everything!

[Apprentice Death]: Damn it! !Richest man, please redeem the second half, I want to see the subsequent world history! !

[The World’s Richest Man]: I’m still in the dark about the other Avengers companions. The second half of the plot should be about the remaining members of the Avengers, and the story after Thanos snaps his fingers. Bar.

[The richest man in the world]: But... I can't imagine how the Avengers can come back. Thanos has six infinity stones!
As someone who possesses the Power Stone, he knows how terrifying the Infinity Stones are.

[Do you want to dance too?]: Then you can redeem it! !You have points now. You just completed the mission and you have [-] points.

[The richest man in the world]: Gungun, don’t change it yet, I’ll keep it first. What if I can enter the soul with one shot and release another ‘golden item’?

As a qualified capitalist, he is also one of the largest capitalists in the world.

Naturally knowing how to optimize and use small things to make big things happen is what they are best at.

The last time I went to the Death World to participate in a group mission, I got [-] points, which was just enough for a high-level prize pool draw.

What if I succeed again with a small gain and draw another golden item?

Blood earned!
I don’t feel bad if I don’t take it out.

If you buy the second half of World History, you won’t have enough points to draw the premium prize pool.

Tony Stark quarreled with a bunch of idiots in the group.

The idea is to exit the chat group.

Stand in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass of Stark Tower and overlook the bustling city.

Looking at the space gem in his hand.

He learned that there were six Infinity Stones in total, and based on the history of the world, he knew their locations and how to obtain them.

His eyes narrowed: "Is it possible to get these things in advance?"


The space gem still exists in this world, but I don’t know if Loki has succeeded.

Because this space gem of mine was taken from the group and does not belong to this world.

So there is still a space gem in this world.

Shaking his head, these matters need to be considered in the long term.

in mind...

The spider boy who died in his arms appeared inexplicably.

"How about going to see this kid first? This kid will have a deep bond with me in the future."

When Spider-boy Peter Parker died, the grief in his eyes was clear. Obviously, his future self had a deep relationship with this kid.

I was just about to use the power of the Space Stone to go to Spider-Boy's house.

Om~! ! !

Suddenly, the night sky burst into brilliant golden light.

The golden list of answer questions spreads out between heaven and earth.

Tony Stark's expression changed slightly.

Is it possible that the next question on the gold medal list is about the world you live in! ?


ps: 5000 words, and there will be another [-] words soon. It has been written. I will revise it carefully and carefully correct the parts I am not satisfied with.

(End of this chapter)

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