He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 92 Divine Envoy Dagu! !Sero: It’s obviously a combination of three people, why are there onl

Chapter 92 Divine Envoy—Da Gu! !Sero: It’s obviously a combination of three people, why are there only two words?

Everything that happens in various parallel universes.

Annan knew about it half a day ago.

The cause of all these changes was none other than Dark Zaki.

It is Zaki's will and energy that remain in the dark energy particles.

In other words...sadness!
Light and darkness have always been interdependent, one ebbing and the other ebbing.

Light energy particles and dark energy particles are also interdependent and opposed to each other.

It is impossible for one party to completely eliminate the other, and it is impossible for the universe to be completely dominated by the power of only one party.

But...because Dark Zaki had previously spread the purest dark energy particles it possessed throughout the universe and hyperspace.

In addition, the plasma spark tower of the Kingdom of Light is extinguished, the energy of light is weakened, and the Kingdom of Light is destroyed.

During the battle between Dark Zaki and the Ultra Cub, it completely crushed the 'First Light in the Universe' and beat him up.

The chain reaction caused by this caused the dark energy particles in the entire universe to completely break away from the norm, lose the suppression of light energy, and become extremely active.

After the fierce battle, Ultra Cub, Zero, and Tiga successfully merged into Noga, successfully defeated Zaki, and beat him back to his cub form.

Dark Zaki was also absorbed by the Ultra Cub.

But the dark energy emanating from Dark Zaki has been purified to a small extent.

But more of them are scattered everywhere and integrated into various universes.

The dark energy possessed by Dark Zaki is the most "original darkness".

Since its birth, it has not been blended or diluted with any power of light.

Just like Ultra cubs, they come from the original, the most primitive darkness.


The dark energy that spilled into hyperspace before Zaki died.

These dark energies desperately wanted to find a host, and then... began to pour into the universe that believed in 'darkness' and hated light.

The most important thing is that the dark particles emitted by Zaki still have the remnants of its defeat.

And when people on the dark side absorb these dark particles, they will be affected by Zaki's remaining resentment.

If a creature that absorbs the dark energy of residual thoughts will have its mind disturbed, it will be dominated by Zaki's dying residual thoughts.

It has only one purpose, and that is to defeat the Ultra cubs and regain their bodies.



Neither Dagu nor the Kingdom of Light knew about the undercurrents in the universe.

In the Kingdom of Light, there is peace and tranquility.

To celebrate the revival of the Kingdom of Light.

The Kingdom of Light held a grand banquet.

The banquet was held around the plasma spark tower.

The banquet venue is like a circular array, with the Spark Tower as the center and continuously arranged outwards.

Because the Ultra clan basically does not need to eat, the so-called banquets are basically chatting or various entertainment activities.

And bathe in the warm light of the Spark Tower, adjusting your body to the best condition.

A group of senior officials from the Kingdom of Light, as well as Gusero and others stood in the center of the banquet.

However, it is completely opposite to other lively atmosphere.

The atmosphere at Dagu's table was a bit strange.


Just now, Zero informed the core executives of the Kingdom of Light, including the King of Ultra, about what happened.

Use the universe as a battlefield and destroy the stars at your fingertips.

The power that destroyed the planet was just the aftermath of the battle to them.

Such terrifying combat power was unimaginable for warriors like them who had gone through countless battles.

No wonder, when the dark giant invaded.

All the Ultra Warriors from the Kingdom of Light attacked together, but none of them were any match for each other, and they didn't even touch the corners of their clothes.

This kind of fighting power made them stunned.

This can already be said to be a god, right?

The King of Ultra took a deep breath and asked: "Then... that Ultra... cub? What is its origin?"

Zero opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

At this time, Dagu's voice came over.

"The first ray of light in the universe." "As for the dark giant, it is the first ray of darkness in the universe, the other side of light."

After the Ultra cub returned to his mind.

Dagu also knew a lot of information secretly, and knew that the dark giant was the first ray of light in the universe.

The King of Ultra murmured: "The first ray of light... is the beginning of light... the source of light..."

"For our Ultra clan, these existences are the origin of our clan and the gods of our clan."

The King of Ultra expressed reverence and piety: "Such existences are already the domain of gods, and only the world itself can breed them."

"No." Sero was stunned, pointed at Da Gu and said, "He gave birth to it."

King of Ultra: "..."

As Zero's father, Severn said seriously: "The first ray of light is the origin of light and the existence of our faith. Zero cannot be blasphemed."

Sero: "Really, it just jumped out of Dagu. I thought it was his son."

"Quick, quick, quick, Dagu, you say live."

"Don't listen to Sero's nonsense, he is not my son..."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but what they said next made them stunned.

Dagu said bravely: "But...it did come out of my body...it has always lived in my body."

King of Ultra: "????"

Father of Otto: "???"

Taylor: "???"


Mobius: "????"

Sophie: "???"

After a long pause, everyone finally regained their composure and looked at Dagu with extremely strange eyes.

The first ray of light in the universe, the source of all light.

Are you living in this human body?

After they looked at each other, they seemed to have made some decision. They put their right hands on their hearts and bowed their heads slightly towards Da Gu.

"God messenger!"

Dagu looked confused: "???"

Sero raised his head: "Right, I said I didn't lie to you."

He seemed to be excited as he remembered something.

"By the way, Dad, I was the one who fought the Dark Giant at that time. I merged with Dagu and the Ultra cubs and became a brand new Ultra warrior - Noga!"

The Ultra King and others were shocked, with envy flashing in their eyes, as they actually merged with the 'Primal Light'.

This is a great opportunity.

For Sero, it has immeasurable benefits.

"and many more…"

Zero suddenly tilted his head: "Me, Ultra Cub, Big Gudiga... why is the combination of these three people called 'Noga'?"

"Noga's Ga should be Dagu's Diga, Noga's No, who is it?"

"No, it's obviously a combination of three people, why does the name only have two characters??"

"Could it be that the word 'nuo' represents me and the Ultra cub?"

Zero seemed to have caught something: "I know! The word 'nuo' represents me and the Ultra cub!!"

"You can't do that, Dagu. Although the Ultra cub chose you, it prefers me. The word 'Nuo' is the fusion of me and him."

The Ultra King and others: "..."

Doesn’t this mean you are an outsider? ?

It's obviously a combination of three people, but it doesn't even have your name.

During the banquet.

Dagu took the time to join the chat group.

As soon as we entered, we found that the atmosphere was very solemn.

It seems... something big happened? !



(End of this chapter)

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