He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 93 Big Shit: I will dare next time! !The big world that invades Annan's subordinate wor

Chapter 93 Big Shit: I will dare next time! !The vast world that invades Annan's subordinate world!

In the Wanjie chat group…

Changed from the cheerful atmosphere of the past, there is a bit of seriousness between the lines.

Dagu was slightly taken aback.

I've only been away for half a day, what's going on.

He climbed some stairs.

I learned what happened. The source was that the "ghost-slaying expert" discovered that the heads of the "Gu-body Saint Boys" were slowly turning into black and white.

Is the avatar of "Holy Boy with Gu Body" turning black? ?

Dagu quickly glanced at the group member list.

I found that the other person's avatar was slowly changing from color to black and white.


A black and white avatar means the death of a group member.

The gradual transition from color to black and white indicates that one is on the verge of death.

【Big bones boiled into soup】: What's going on?Why did her profile picture gradually turn into black and white?

[Apprentice Death]: We don’t know either.

[Little Broken Ball]: "Gu Body Holy Child" has not appeared since the last time I bought World History. I thought she was diving to peek at the screen.

Actually, it's not just Little Breaking Ball who thinks so.

This is what everyone in the group thinks after watching "Under One Man" World History.

They already know the personality of this troubled girl.

Chen Duo basically has no emotions of his own and is not good at sociability. His whole life is as pure as a blank sheet of paper.

Except for the day in the chat group and after purchasing World History, she rarely bubbled in the group.

Everyone took it for granted and thought she was just diving and peeking at the screen.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Is it possible that the timeline of the world of "Gu Body Saint Child" has already arrived at the company where she defected and was hunted down by 'temporary workers' from various regions? !Has the time come for her to choose her own death?

[The richest man in the world]: No, it’s impossible. According to what she said last time, she is still receiving treatment in the bunker. How long has it been?

[I Can’t Fly]: That means there is something wrong with the world she lives in!

all of a sudden…

A prompt pops up on the chat interface.

[Group mission released: Group member "Gu Shen Saint Boy" is dying, and there are world invaders in this world, please kill the world invaders]

[Task reward: 1 points]

[Limited number of people: 2 people]


[Do you want to dance too?]: Sure enough, it’s a world invader.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Then hurry up and choose a candidate, go there early, and save the "Gu Body Saint Boy" by the way.

[Ghost Slaying Expert]: The world under one person is a world among thousands, woo woo woo, it has no chance with me.

[Little Breaking Ball]: Yes, don’t forget, this is a Middle Thousand World. Judging from past missions, the strong men of the Great Thousand World, such as Groudon, can directly crush them if they go there.

[Little Broken Ball]: The world under one person is the Middle Thousand World, which is more dangerous than the previous Small Thousand World.

[Little Breaking Ball]: The best thing is to have a strong man from the world or someone with a golden item to take over the task.

[Little Broken Ball]: Sigh... I really want to go there, but I still can't leave now, so I can only leave it to you to deal with it.

[Big bones made into soup]: Sorry, although I also want to help, I am still in the Kingdom of Light, and I am afraid that I will not be able to find an excuse to leave.

[The richest man in the world]: Hey, they both don’t have time, so they have to let me go now, right?
[I can’t fly]: Ahem, there’s still me!

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: You have both been there, otherwise count me in for this mission. I have already mastered the "Intermediate Law of Fire" that I drew before.And since defeating the World Invaders, I have sold everything that should be sold in my world, and I haven’t earned any points for a long time.

[Do you want to dance too?]: I can do that too!I need points too!
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: t(-_- t), are you sure?This is the Middle Thousand World, and I dare to propose it only after I have fully mastered the intermediate rules. You don’t have a single golden item, are you sure you want to go?
Uchiha Madara was immediately speechless.

[Little Broken Ball]: "I am a phoenix, not a birdman" has determined a seat. Among the world and the people who have golden items, "big bones make soup" and I can't go, so the only one left is 'I can't Fly', 'The richest man in the world'... You two decide, whoever goes.

[I can’t fly]: I’m going!

[The richest man in the world]: I’m going!

[I can’t fly]: I must have gone.

[The richest man in the world]: I want to go too, it should be me. You have been on so many missions!

[I can’t fly]: I’m better than you!If you don’t accept it, fight next time!
[The richest man in the world]: Damn it, if I collect all the infinite gems, I will not be weaker than you.

[I can’t fly]: Haha.

The two refused to give in to each other, just when others were about to persuade them.

[The richest man in the world]: Woohoo, Groudon, the great God of the Earth, just do it. Have mercy on me, a little brother who only got [-] points in total!A mere [-] points is nothing more than a gap between your teeth.

[The richest man in the world]: Please give this opportunity to my useless little brother!
Groudon has a hot temper, and he always eats soft things rather than hard things.

Seeing Tony Stark's flattery, it was a little embarrassed. This was the first time someone had flattered itself like this.

[I can’t fly]: Okay... then I’ll leave it to you...

Tony Stark quickly signed up for the group mission and occupied the second mission slot.

[The richest man in the world]: @「I CAN’T FLY」I lied to you, slightly, the boast I just made to you was against your will!For capitalists, a small loss is nothing in order to earn points.

[I can’t fly]: ┴┴︵╰(‵□′)╯︵┴┴Don’t go on a mission with me next time, or you’ll be doomed!

[The richest man in the world]: ヽ(`⌒) Dare you next time!

Pirate world.

In just these few days, the cultural and technological level of the entire pirate world has gradually moved towards the industrial era.

The face of the entire world seemed to have undergone countless changes overnight.

Traditional three-mast ships have all been eliminated by mechanically powered ships.

As for where the oil comes from?

Youyou fruit can handle everything.

Even civilians in peripheral areas have various signal stations.

Through television satellites and various devices, we can understand what the world has become today.

The small island villages that were originally backward and peaceful have also undergone earth-shaking changes with the progress of the times.

The whole world becomes more colorful.

At this time, in the holy land of Mariejoia, it is also the world management center of the Federation.

In the topmost room of the central high-rise building, Marco stood up from the sofa excitedly.

After such a long time, he was finally going to earn points again.

It just so happens that I can also test the power of the Law of Fire!

The next moment, his figure disappeared from the spot.


The world under one person…

No warning.

From space, two figures appeared and landed on the grass.

The two smiled at each other.


"The richest man, oh no, Tony Stark."

The two looked up.

The full moon hangs high in the sky, pouring out its pure white light.

The current time in this world is in the dark night.

And they were in a forest.

The two of them squinted their eyes. The smoke in the air had not yet dissipated. The forest was in a mess, with broken trees and flying debris everywhere.

Clearly there was a battle going on here.

"Continue searching! There is another guy who ran away. He is Chen Duo, a temporary worker in South China!"

In the darkness of the night and the gunpowder smoke that filled the air, many people dressed in black were constantly shuttling back and forth through the forest.

"It seems they are searching for Chen Duo. Chen Duo has not been captured by them yet. Who are these people? The men of the world invaders?"

"Don't worry about it for now. Find Chen Duo first. Generally speaking, the place where we appear in this world should be around Chen Duo."

"Look at me."

Marco's eyes narrowed, and he saw that the domineering aura spread around him with himself as the center.

Suddenly...he was slightly startled, seeing that his domineering energy was suppressed. In the past, a single thought could spread far.

But now, using it with all its strength, it can only cover one kilometer of the surrounding area.

Is this...is this the difference in rank?

Because he is from Xiaoqian World, the Haki system and Devil Fruit system he uses are also products of Xiaoqian World.

Sure enough, compared with the Middle Thousand World, the Small Thousand World like the Pirate World was far different from the beginning.

The power system born in the Small Thousand World belongs to the Small Thousand World and is inherently much lower than the Middle Thousand World and the Great Thousand World.

Not only that, if Marco uses the ability from the pirate world.

For example, the destructive power that Haki and fruit abilities can cause in this world are extremely limited.

When dad's earthquake fruit comes, it might not be able to crack the space.

However, the only thing Marco felt lucky about was.

In addition to the power system of the Pirate World that he possesses, he also obtained the Intermediate Flame Law through a lottery.

Good thing…

One kilometer is enough for seeing, hearing, and color perception.

"found it!"

"Her breath is very weak, let's go!"

Before Marco could get up, Stark grabbed his shoulder and said, "Why are you walking? Point to the location."

"900 meters ahead, there is a huge banyan tree in the mountain col."

"Copy that." Stark snapped his fingers.

Marco felt his eyes dazzled and came to a huge banyan tree.

Marco looked at the space gem in Stark's hand with some envy. Damn, I'm so envious. It's a golden object.

The two of them looked at the huge banyan tree in front of them. It had the waist size of seven people hugging each other, and its branches stretched high towards the sky.

Thick roots hung down from the branches, covering part of the giant tree in front of them in shadow.

After bypassing the roots, the two discovered that the roots buried in the ground had broken out of the ground and were bulging and intertwined because the banyan tree was so huge.

If you look closely, you will find that in the center of the raised tree roots, a small secret cave has been formed, and it continues to extend underground.

In the domineering perception, Chen Duo's petite body was lying at the bottom of the cave.

Marco and Stark got in one after the other.

Not long after walking, with the help of the faint moonlight, Stark also found a woman lying at the bottom of the cave, breathing weakly.

It is none other than Chen Duo, the saint boy with Gu body!

The breath is still there, but life is like a candle that is about to go out. It will disappear when the wind blows.

Seeing this, he quickly took out a tube of reagent from his pocket.

[Life Liquid], a white item drawn from the lottery pool.

Injuries can be healed.

Soon, Chen Duo's body was wrapped in green light, exuding a rich aura of vegetation.

The surrounding flowers and plants are growing wildly, and even the huge banyan tree hugged by the seven people is growing taller.

About half a minute...

Chen Duo slowly opened his eyes, and then there was a sharp cold light in his eyes.

In an instant, green poisonous gas filled the air from her body, and there were countless poisonous Gu insects in the air that could not be seen with the naked eye.

"Fuck! What are you doing!!!"

Stark jumped greatly and quickly used the power of the space gem to hide himself in the space mezzanine.

If you are touched by this poison, big trouble will happen!
I am just an ordinary person now. What if I get hit and die?
Stark was startled and trembled. Even if he had the space gem, he was still just a mortal body.

Marco's whole body was immediately covered with a light protective shield of flames, burning away all the poisonous gas close to his body.

"Me, me, I am the richest man in the world! Don't you recognize me?"

"And he, who is also a group member, "I am a phoenix, not a birdman"! "

Hearing this, Chen Duo's vigilant eyes became confused.

I seem to have heard these two names somewhere.

and many more…

Group friends?

Her eyes widened slightly, Ten Thousand Realms Chat Group? ? ?

But, these people should be in another world...

Why are they appearing in front of him now?
Seeing Chen Duo put away his abilities, Stark also breathed a sigh of relief.

It's fine through the screen, but if you meet these Gu insects in person, it would be really frightening.

The two told Chen Duo what happened.

Then he asked: "Chen Duo, what happened in your world? Where are the world invaders?"

When the two of them inquired about the specific situation of one person...

Wandering around the earth world…

The little broken ball is in the solar system, consolidating the level of strength that he has improved after his promotion.

Shortly after Stark and Marco went out on their mission, the solar system and part of the universe in the galaxies bordering the solar system were completely controlled by him, just like his own body.

Broken Ball sighed.

"It's such a pity. If the group mission had come later, I would have been able to complete the consolidation, and the [-] points this time would be mine."

A small missed opportunity can only miss [-] points.

Just when he wanted to return to Blue Star.

Suddenly, Little Broken Ball's consciousness suddenly moved.

In the universe that he completely controls.

A strange feeling attracted Little Broken Ball's attention.

The next moment, the little broken ball came to the place where the abnormal movement occurred.

His brows furrowed.

It looked unremarkable to the naked eye and seemed normal on the surface, but to his perception, something was wrong.

The consciousness slowly turns into nothingness, inhabiting this world, and becoming one with this world.

The laws and order that make up this world emerged in its eyes.

It saw that the law and order were damaged, or that there was a small crack.


This is the legal order that forms the world’s barriers. Why are there cracks?
If the world is compared to an egg, these laws and orders form an airtight eggshell, which is the world barrier.

But now, why are there cracks in the eggshell world barrier! ?

all of a sudden…

Ka Ka Ka! !

The little broken ball stared wide-eyed, the crack was actually getting bigger.


There is also an influx of breath.

This unfamiliar aura is the culprit that makes it feel abnormal. This aura does not belong to this world, nor does it belong to the world where the group leader lives.

With a thought, he gathered the aura pouring in from the cracks and sensed it.

"This, how is this possible!!?"

Energy particles from the world! ?

Ka Ka Ka ~!

Small noises kept coming, and Little Broken Ball's expression changed drastically, and an unknown premonition emerged in his heart.

On the other side of the crack is a vast world.

Something is attacking this crack! ! ! ?

To invade your own world! ! !



ps: Don’t worry, there won’t be many scenes in The World Under One Person, and it won’t be as detailed as before on how to defeat the invaders... It’s too much at the end of the volume.

(End of this chapter)

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