He is in the Kingdom of Light and has just become Noah, the Creator God!

Chapter 94 The group leader’s exclusive red envelope! !Something is wrong with the Kingdom of Light.

Chapter 94 The group leader’s exclusive red envelope! !Something is wrong with the Kingdom of Light. Endless dark creatures besiege the Kingdom of Light.
Wanjie chat group...

Marco and Stark have learned about the current basic situation of "Under One Man" from "Gu Body Saint Boy" Chen Duo.

And informed many friends in the group.

Everyone is digesting the content.

According to the two men.

In the world under one person where Chen Duo lives, there is a world of aliens hidden in the darkness of human society.

At this moment, the storm is rising, setting off a huge wave that no one can stop, sweeping the entire world.

The legendary strongman Zhang Huaiyi came back from the dead, and he also possessed extremely terrifying strength.

How scary would you say it is?
Zhang Zhiwei, the old master of the Tianshi Mansion, was extremely furious after learning that his junior brother had come back from the dead. He thought that the Xiangxi Corpse Exorcists had disturbed his junior brother's sleep, so he went down the mountain to check it himself.
But no one expected that after the old Celestial Master met with Zhang Huaiyi, the old Celestial Master was seriously injured by him!

Although I don’t know the specific process, this result is unbelievable to all strangers.

You know, Lao Tianshi is known as the best among the "one best and two heroes" in the country!
In the entire alien world, there is a ceiling of combat power.

But now, he was defeated by Zhang Huaiyi, who was resurrected from the dead and was also his junior brother! ! !
This caused an uproar in the alien world.


When Zhang Huaiyi appeared again, his new identity was actually the leader of Quanxing!
All the strangers in the All-Sex Organization also began to practice an unknown technique provided by Zhang Huaiyi.

Although I don't know what the specific function is, when the omnipotent aliens practice, their strength will be extremely horrifyingly improved.

I don't know pain, I am brave and not afraid of death, and I can also absorb the energy of other people to strengthen my body.


The eight magical skills have been collected by 'Zhang Huaiyi'.

Not only that, Quan Xing, led by Zhang Huaiyi, even has the tendency to unify the alien world.

They went into full-scale war with Nadutong Company.

Full-sex aliens have always acted without a bottom line. Not only in the alien world, but also in the world of ordinary people, they have also caused huge casualties.

More than half of the ten guys died inexplicably, and... Quan Xing was the one who did it.

Because of the gold medal for answering questions and Quan Xing's upright use of his powers during this period, ordinary people also knew about the existence of the alien world.

The entire alien world and the world of ordinary people are in panic all day long.

Strangers from Tianshi Mansion and Wudang Sect formed an 'alliance'.

Zhang Huaiyi's grandson Zhang Chulan personally stood up and refuted the rumors.

"The current head of Quanxing, Zhang Huaiyi, is definitely not the grandfather I know! He is a fake!"

The Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion also issued an emergency announcement after this.

The real Zhang Huaiyi has died long ago. The Zhang Huaiyi who is now acting outside is possessed by an evil spirit and has occupied the crane's nest.

The warlocks and aliens from all over the world entered the interior location to make inquiries, hoping to know the true identity of 'Zhang Huaiyi'.

But the result was that the interior location, which claimed to be able to divine everything in the world and learn the truth, exploded! ! !

In the chat group…

After finally digesting this huge amount of information.

[Apprentice Death God]: There is such a complicated situation behind the incident where the Gu-body holy boy was about to die... So, all eight magical skills have been collected by Zhang Huaiyi?

[The ancients boiled into soup]: This 'Zhang Huaiyi' who came back from the dead is definitely an invader of the world.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Probably so.

[Do you want to dance too?]: He has collected all the eight magical skills in the world under one person.

If there is anything else that is most eye-catching in the world under one person besides the existence of various abilities.

There is no doubt that it is the eight magical skills that can take over the creation of heaven and earth and are extremely mysterious.

[I Can’t Fly]: So it seems that the world invader who caused this situation is the grandfather of Zhang Chulan, the son of fate who chose to possess Zhang Huaiyi’s body?

[Apprentice Death God]: The resurrection of the dead, if nothing unexpected happens, should be similar to the situation when he possessed the Soul King.

[The richest man in the world]: It’s not a big problem. I can take care of the invaders from thousands of worlds!
[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: There is nothing wrong with the body of the Gu-body Holy Boy. We will find Zhang Huaiyi later and blow him up!
————The respected and great group leader “Light of All Things” sent a red envelope————At this moment, an eye-catching reminder appeared.

It was actually a red envelope sent by the group owner himself! ! ?

Subconsciously, all the group members immediately wanted to grab the red envelope.

The group leader hasn’t sent out red envelopes for a long time.

The product produced by the group owner must be of high quality.

However, after they opened it one by one.

Somewhat dumbfounded.

It turned out to be an exclusive red envelope belonging to Marco, and they couldn't even see what was in the red envelope.

Only 'Marco' can claim it.

[Light of All Things]: Marco, when you encounter the world invader, don’t kill him, seriously injure him, and then use what I give you.

[Light of All Things]: Do a small experiment.

[I am a phoenix, not a birdman]: Got it!The mission must be completed!

The world under one person…

Tony Stark and Marco consciousness exit the group chat.

Stark immediately came over: "Birdman, what did the group leader send you?"

"Hey, guess what!"

"Damn it! What's so secret about this? And why didn't the group leader leave it to me? I'm obviously here too!"

Marco squinted his eyes: "I am the subordinate world of the group leader! Do you understand if you are the direct descendant or the direct descendant?"

Stark: ...

Stark was speechless for a while.

hateful!One day, his world will also become the subordinate world of the group leader!
"Let's go, Chen Duo has recovered. Go directly to fight the world invaders and complete the mission as soon as possible."


Ultra World,

The kingdom of light universe.

The banquet was still going on, and Dagu's thoughts also withdrew from the chat group of all realms.

Because of Chen Duo's rescue, he finally felt relieved.


Suddenly, an uncomfortable noise seemed to come from all directions in the world, making countless Ultraman look at it.

all of a sudden...

Just like when Zaki invaded, the plasma spark tower in front of the Ultra Warriors once again flickered on and off like a lightbulb with unstable voltage.

The temperature of the entire Kingdom of Light also dropped a bit as a result.

"what happened!!"

The father of Ultra who reacted immediately frowned: "Hikali! Did something happen to the Spark Tower again!?"

"I don't know, the instrument shows everything is normal!"

Scientist Hikali shook his head repeatedly: "I'll check it carefully."

"Then... what is that!?"


Some Ultra warriors seemed to have discovered something and looked at the sky in horror.


(End of this chapter)

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