Chapter 95 The meeting between Annan and Dagu! !
The crowd looked up.

In the sky of the Kingdom of Light where it is always daytime.

There are actually countless dark and strange fogs, surrounding the periphery of the Kingdom of Light planet like a star ring.


Everyone's pupils widened, what kind of black mist was this!
This is clearly an illusion caused by countless different black monsters squeezing together like toothpaste! !

The most terrifying thing is all the Ultra warriors, including the Ultra King.

Until the black mist formed by the gathering of monsters arrived, no one could discover that such a terrifying number of monsters had arrived outside the atmosphere of the Kingdom of Light.

At this time, various questions continued to arise in everyone's minds.

Why are there so many monsters?

Why couldn't even the Ultra King sense their presence and approach?

Why didn't they see the existence of the monsters with their naked eyes until the monster army arrived in the Kingdom of Light? ?
Ultraman Taro's whole body was so tense that it seemed as if light would shine out at any moment.

Suddenly, his expression changed as he looked at the monster.

"Wait a minute...these monsters look so familiar..."

Mebius on the side also widened his pupils and lost his voice: "These monsters in the sky were all existences that were killed by us. Why are they resurrected?! Shouldn't they be in the monster cemetery?"

Mebius's words once again made the Ultra warriors at the scene feel unbelievable.

Buried in the monster cemetery are the corpses and souls of monsters.

All the dead monsters were actually resurrected! ?
Boom boom boom! ! !
There are terrifying footsteps echoing in the universe.

A figure came from behind this thick black cloud composed of monsters.

All the monsters took the initiative to open a gap to make way for him, lowering their heads as if to welcome the king's arrival.

Soon, an extremely huge monster with a body like a dinosaur appeared in front of everyone with a power that made people feel frightened.

With its appearance, the already dim sky of the entire Kingdom of Light now became completely dark, with countless dark lightnings streaking across the sky.

"Hyperjedon!!!?" Mebius's voice was trembling.

The Ultra Warriors of the Kingdom of Light, as the defenders of the order of the universe, often deal with the Jetons and Jetton monsters.

He also knows a lot about the space dinosaur Zeton monster.

There has always been a legend among the Jeton people that the ultimate form of the Jeton monster is called 'Hyper Jetton'.

The existence known as - 'The God of Destruction of the Universe'!

The Jayton monster in front of us is Hypa Jayton! ! !

Hyperjackton actually exists! !

Feeling the terrifying pressure on the opponent's body, which was as deep as the ocean, Membius's body was trembling.

"Hyperjeton, is... the mastermind behind it?"

But what no one expected was that this was not the end!

Buzz! ! !
Another figure entered the Kingdom of Light universe from outside the barrier of the universe.


The plasma spark tower flickered more violently.

Uninvited guests this time.

The appearance is highly similar to that of the Ultra clan.

The only difference is that what they contain is bottomless dark energy.

This dark race, the Ultra Clan, has long been heard from cosmic people in other universes, but they only thought it was the rumored Dark Clan.

Amperra star! ! !
This isn't over yet...

In the following time, terrifying dark creatures and monsters continued to fly in from outside the universe.

Destruction Summons Body, Space Sphia, Void Monster Gliza, Demonic Orochi...

All the groups surrounded the Kingdom of Light.

The dark energy was so rich that it turned into a black mist and enveloped all the dark creatures, making it difficult to see their specific faces.

All that can be seen is the black mist surrounding the Kingdom of Light like a star ring, with pairs of strange scarlet eyes flashing.

As the only kingdom of light in the universe where light exists, the center of all light is the Plasma Spark Tower.

A being that was once able to illuminate the entire universe.

The light at this time was compressed to the extent that it could only illuminate the territory of the Kingdom of Light.

And it flickered on and off, very unstable.

The King of Ultra and other senior officials of the Kingdom of Light.

My scalp is numb and my hands and feet are cold.

What happened?
Why are there so many dark demons coming! ?

Dagu and Sero were also dumbfounded, and their pupils shrank.

Did he steal the monster's home? ?

Why are there so many monsters blocking the door? ?

This quantity cannot be measured by common sense. In a sense, it is more terrifying than when facing Zaki!
Even if Zero is not afraid of death, he can no longer hold back the fear deep in his heart. "Da Gu, hurry up... call the Ultra cub!"

In this situation, unless the Ultra cubs take action personally, or they merge to become Noga.

Otherwise, the day of destruction of the Kingdom of Light will really be today!

"I, I, I... I'll try!"


on the blue star.

Realizing what was happening, Annan raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "Oh? It seems like it's about to start."

His eyes narrowed slightly, his vision passed through the universe and beyond the hyperspace, and the scene in the Kingdom of Time appeared in his mind.

However, before Annan could take out the melon seeds and coke, his brows furrowed.

Carafar looks for himself.

And the tone sounded a bit serious, as if something big had happened.

Step out.

The figure came to the transit universe.

In addition to Kalafar, Little Breaking Ball is also here.

Kalafar bowed his head and said, "Father God."

Little Broken Ball: "Lord Leader!"

After Annan appeared, Little Broken Ball immediately lowered his head, and his diffuse consciousness converged into his body.

There was no way, when the group leader arrived, he felt a life and death crisis coming.

Xiao Poqiu understood instantly. If he were at his current Xiaoqian World level, he could look directly at the group leader who came in his true form.

His head and body would immediately explode on the spot due to the terrifying information and power that he could not understand or contain.

Before Kalafar could take the initiative to speak, Annan glanced at the small broken ball.

In one thought, I knew what was going on.

"Let's go."

After the words fell, Xiao Deqiu felt his eyes blurred.

The next second, he and Kalafar came to the world of Wandering Earth.

And their current location is right in front of the crack in the world's barrier.

Annan stared at the crack, his calm eyes seemed to have passed through the crack, staring at the other end of the crack.

This crack is the crack in the world he discovered when he conquered the wandering earth world before.

At the beginning, there was obviously no Wandering Earth World where the Quiz List existed, and the world line would shift.

It is precisely because of the vast world of "Three-Body" behind the cracks and the war between its singer civilization and other technological civilizations.

As a result, an artificial intelligence accidentally came to the wandering earth world and replaced the existence of moss.

Originally, he left this crack because he planned to one day be able to retrogradely deduce the coordinates of the Trisolaran World and go to the Trisolaran World.

But I didn't expect that I hadn't taken action yet.

The civilization on the other side of the Trisolaran World has detected the cracks in this world.

It seems that they are still preparing to penetrate the world passage?

Thinking about it, this also seems normal.

After all, for the world.

They never imagined that there was a world outside this world.

Even if it were myself, if it weren’t for the existence of the special law of the Ten Thousand Realms Chat Group,

He will always think that there is no other world except the Ultra world.

For an extremely high-tech world like Trisolaris, discovering the world outside this world will inevitably be extremely exciting.

The achievement of this discovery is no less than that of Columbus's discovery of the New World.

It seems that it won't be long before the Ultra World and the Trisolaran World are going to have an unprecedented collision of worlds.

I'm afraid... it will start a war between the two worlds!
It's a pity that the good show can't be seen.

With some regret, Annan ordered: "Kalafar, go to the Kingdom of Light and show your face to stop them."

The Ultras and those monsters in the Kingdom of Light are the high-end combat power of the Ultra world.

Don't let the infighting consume you.

Although I can resurrect myself with just a thought, it is too troublesome.

"Forget it, I'll go there myself."

"It's time to meet Da Gu."



(End of this chapter)

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