Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 100: It’s not about bullying, it’s about saving lives!

Chapter 100: It’s not about bullying, it’s about saving lives!

Seeing Li Yunxiao's handsome kung fu, the fat man's eyes suddenly lit up.

He quickly said, "You, you, you and I, I will fight one game! Win, win, win, I will let you go, go!"

His voice was stammering, which seemed to suit his appearance perfectly.

Seeing that he was a fool, Li Yunxiao had no interest in arguing with him, so he took his sister to stay away from right and wrong.

Unexpectedly, this little fat man was quite persistent and refused to give up. He ran all the way towards the two of them.

The stocky figure made the ground tremble.

Sister, who had just calmed down, was a little confused again, "Is there an earthquake?"

Li Yunxiao was not in a good mood due to the other party's attitude.

Are you really bullying yourself?
Turn around and face him with a palm.

The surging palm force collided, and the air wave instantly swept away everything around her, so Sister A was not affected at all by the weight of her backpack.

Feeling the power transmitted, Li Yunxiao was slightly surprised. This kid has so much strength.

He was obviously only in the realm of Zhongtian, but he was slightly suppressed in terms of strength.

If Li Yunxiao hadn't thought that anyone who dared to stir up trouble would definitely have some strength, so he used his internal strength, he might be in trouble now.

However, the other party still had the physical strength to stand more, and with his body type, one could tell at a glance that he was the same type as Li Cunxiao, but he was fairer, fatter, and had better skin.

But after all, the gap in strength in terms of realm is absolute.

Li Yunxiao just used a little more internal energy and sent the little fat man flying.

And he didn't get used to it, teleporting directly and grabbing the opponent's ankle before he landed.

When the internal force was poured into his arm, he used it as a mallet and began to swing it towards the ground.

I've been bullied to the point of being bullied, how can I bear this?

Li Yunxiao's main character is a man who can bend and stretch. If he can't be beaten, it's never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. If he can't be beaten, King Thunder will strike hard.

Soon, a big hole was made on the ground, and every blow was accompanied by the little fat man's screams.

He was shouting some dialects that were incomprehensible.

It sounded quite aggressive at first and didn't feel like a good thing to say.

Later, the other party's tone obviously softened, and he was also crying.

The maid was so frightened that she turned pale and collapsed on the ground.

Li Yunxiao admitted that he was not a cruel person, so after throwing him a dozen more times, he graciously let him go.

The little fat man endured the beating very well. Apart from his bloody head and miserable appearance, there was nothing serious.

Of course, this is also related to Li Yunxiao holding back his strength.

He didn't want to be too arrogant when he came to an unfamiliar territory rashly.

Sister rushed to her side, raised her head and said excitedly with starry eyes: "I can't believe you are so powerful!"

"It's okay, it depends on who you compare with." Li Yunxiao answered perfunctorily.

At least it is completely incomparable to the one with the same body and soul as you.

Even when he rescued people, he was afraid that Sister A would be hurt and Yinggou would provoke her.

In the anime, Tomoe, who had always been invincible, kicked his sister, which led to his winning streak being interrupted and his death miserable.

So he is not bullying the weak, but saving lives.

"You asked me to fight this yourself. You can't blame me. Are you convinced?" Li Yunxiao walked forward with a slight smile, squatted down, and patiently paid attention to the psychological and eating conditions of the injured.

The little fat man's body trembled, and he said some words that were difficult to understand with great excitement.

With a quick glance, the maid next to him who was also frightened could only bite the bullet and timidly translated: "Young master, the young master said that he knew he was wrong, and begged the hero to let him go."

Li Yunxiao was about to respond, but Ajie stepped into the middle arrogantly and said very arrogantly: "It's okay to let you go, but you have to give me some benefits! You just threw away the amount, and the amount hasn't been calculated yet. !” He’s been called Young Master, so he must have something good on his hands!
This flamboyant attitude perfectly explains what it means to be a fox pretending to be a tiger.

Good guy.

Li Yunxiao glanced at it and was a little surprised that he had predicted his operation.

So he didn't interfere, and stood up like this. His whole body used his inner strength to exude low pressure.

After being beaten wildly and violently just now, the little fat man also knew that there was a huge gap in strength between himself and the person in front of him, and he didn't dare to be arrogant at all.

After groping around on his body, he finally handed over a silver plaque sadly, which looked like it should be an apology.

Sister took it and bumped it in her hand, "It's quite valuable, but it's just like a piece of silver! It's too little!"

There is still a lot of gold in her bag, how can she look down on just silver?

The little fat man scratched his head in embarrassment, but he could only take off the big silver jewelry from his neck and handed it over.

Li Yunxiao's eyelids jumped.

This boy looks young, but he has a mid-heaven level of cultivation. He also has a maid to serve him. I think his family will be quite powerful in the Miao territory.

Even if the added value of this token is not considered, the exquisite workmanship alone is definitely worth dozens of taels of silver.

It's not bad as an apology. After all, it's not an endless conflict.

I didn’t expect my sister to be so greedy!

Seeing that he still didn't want to give up, Li Yunxiao, a person who was accustomed to extortion, couldn't stand it anymore and decided to become a good person.

He pulled her forcefully and left quickly, hearing her sister's shouts all the way.

Those who didn't know better thought that Li Yunxiao was kidnapping and exploiting children (pointing to carrying luggage), and many people looked at him with contempt.

He looks so cute, but he actually does this kind of thing!

If not for the fact that Li Yunxiao looked like he was very skilled in martial arts and was not easy to mess with, someone would have jumped out long ago.

It wasn't until he was in a remote grove, and there were no more sights that made people sit on pins and needles, that he let go.

"Why are you pulling your forehead? You didn't look at your forehead and you're asking for compensation!" Sister A was very dissatisfied as she rubbed her sore wrist.

Li Yunxiao pointed at the silver medal that was held in the "girl's" arms, with a corner exposed, and the silver chain around her neck with exaggerated proportions.

"You want compensation? What is this?"

"How is this enough? Well, we have to eat fine wine every day!" Sister A muttered.

Li Yunxiao raised his eyebrows lightly and said, "Then do you know how much a table costs?"

These days, under Sister's strong request, what they eat is the standard of a banquet for red and white affairs.

Li Yunxiao took all the money from her, and there was no waste.

My sister is very good at eating. It seems that one person can eat as much as three or four of him.

"How much?!" Sister A was also curious.

She basically didn't share many memories with Ying Gou, so her knowledge in many aspects was blank.

It's like she only knows that gold is worth more than silver and knows the two figures of silver, but she doesn't know how much is needed in terms of expenditure.

Li Yunxiao made a five sign with one hand and clenched his fist with the other.

"50 taels of gold?"

Sister was not surprised at all, because she always gave these to her when eating.

However, Li Yunxiao said calmly, "Silver, even in an ordinary high-end restaurant, a table cannot exceed 50 taels of silver."

"The two pieces of apology combined are enough for you to have the most luxurious banquets."

Sister: "!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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