Chapter 99: I was tricked by my sister!

It was as if Ajie was determined to rely on him.

No matter how Li Yunxiao tried to persuade him, he was indifferent. In the end, he had to give up and let such a living treasure follow him.

"Excuse me, how do you know that old woman?"

"Did she chase you, or did you chase her?"

"When will you start?"

Sister is like an extremely energetic husky, chattering around, asking questions about this and that.

I was especially curious about what happened between him and Jiang Chen.

Li Yunxiao was left speechless.

"Would you like something to eat?" He didn't want to answer anything, so he changed the subject.

This trick really worked.

Sister nodded crazily, "I want it! And I want to eat a big elbow!"

She hasn't had enough of the fine banquet yesterday!

"Elbow, I think you look like an elbow." Li Yunxiao muttered, but still went down to order.

After having enough wine and food, Li Yunxiao checked out the two people's rooms and continued to set off according to the original plan.

But with one more person, the elegance that I originally wanted to enjoy while traveling around the mountains and rivers was completely ruined.

When passing by the surrounding markets, the already noisy sister transformed into a whirlwind spinning top and wandered around in various small shops.

If she sees something she likes, she buys it, and then she has to ask Li Yunxiao to pay for it.

They call it a beautiful name, but they are all real relatives anyway, and they paid for it themselves, so who is spending it?

Li Yunxiao was very helpless.

The co-authors made a pretty good plan and used their previous mental loss expenses as traveling expenses for their companions.

You can spend half of it no matter what.

If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have pestered her, just let her go and let her go.

In the end, not only did I not make much money, but I also had to worry about wiping my butt behind my sister like an old lady.

He is considered a minor parent, so he must suffer from his parents first.

What's more, this is no ordinary child.

If someone gets into trouble, he is the living king of hell, the ancestor.

"There are big rocks there! Let's go and have a look." Spotting another lively place, the elder sister directly took the boy's hand and hurried to the place with the most people.

Li Yunxiao sighed helplessly.

It's a blessing, not a disaster, it's a disaster that can't be avoided.

Let's do this once it's laid out.

Even if one day Sister really has a seizure and returns to her charming personality, just like she said, we are all one family.

She probably wouldn't take action against him. No matter how murderous Yinggou was, she was not a completely irrational lunatic.

Maybe if there is an emergency situation that is difficult to deal with even with his strength, he can use her as a life-saving trump card to push him out.

At this point, Li Yunxiao could only comfort himself like this.

After more than ten days of pulling and torture, the two finally arrived at the border of Miao territory.

The landscape here is truly indescribably beautiful.

It's just that compared to the people in the Central Plains who are living in poverty, here there is a sense of fragmentation where the years have been peaceful.

The local customs here are also unique, but I feel that people are a little bit xenophobic.

For this reason, Li Yunxiao spent a lot of money to buy two sets of exquisite Miao costumes.

The sea is wide and the fish is leaping. Now he doesn't need to dress like a girl at all. He picked something that looks the most eye-catching and handsome. It is somewhat similar to Youchuan's, but more flashy.

But he is still there, no matter how hard he tries, he is still very good-looking.

My sister's change of clothes is not bad, she really looks like a little Miao baby.If you ignore the oversized cloth bag on your body.

In this way, even if you open your mouth, you will know that you are a foreigner, but at least you will not receive any strange looks when walking normally.

Without any scruples, Ajie started to let herself go.

Everything here is new to her.

There are wild products that have never been seen before, silver jewelry with strange shapes, and even Gu insects for sale.

If they weren't all the most basic Gu insects, they would be considered little tricks and of little use, and even Li Yunxiao would want to buy some.

Ajie was prancing and running rampant on the street, and her big backpack made many passers-by avoid her.

Finally, without paying attention, she bumped into someone while sprinting.

The rebound force made my sister fall onto her butt.

Fortunately, because the sealed blood deteriorated a few days ago, Li Yunxiao asked him to throw away all those small jars, otherwise they would all fall out.

"Ouch. It hurts like hell!"

Sister Wrinkled her face, stood up and rubbed her butt.

"It's so awesome! Who wouldn't dare to dare!"

Sister A cursed and raised her head.

But looking at the haze in front of her, like a figure blocking a wall, her voice stopped.

He grinned and said, "Ha, it all seems like a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding."

After saying that, she turned around and was about to run away, but before she could take two steps, Ajie felt her body light up and her feet lifted off the ground.

"Hmph! You have offended the young master and still want to leave?"

A questioning female voice also sounded.

Li Yunxiao, who had sharp ears and eyesight, heard the sound and realized something was wrong, so he quickly stepped forward.

Sure enough, I saw a tall young fat man carrying my sister and her big luggage with one hand, accompanied by a beautiful maid, who looked a little unkind.

Li Yunxiao's heart tightened, and he quickly smiled kindly and said: "My girl acted recklessly and accidentally disturbed you two. I'm really sorry."

With a perfect appearance and a perfect smile, the lethality is definitely not even the slightest bit.

The maid who was still scolding her suddenly started squirming after seeing Li Yunxiao's face clearly, and said as quietly as a mosquito, "No, it's okay."

He lowered his head, but a pair of beautiful eyes were shining, and his gaze was tightly focused.

These two.
Li Yunxiao felt a little familiar, as if the two of them had appeared in the plot, but he couldn't remember their specific identities.

Although he has watched all the anime and likes it very much, after all, he doesn't care about some insignificant parts.

Li Yunxiao did not take advantage of his great position to be arrogant, but politely saluted and said: "My sister is young, so don't be surprised. If necessary, I can thank you and apologize."

Anyway, he didn't care, the money was spent on his sister's money.

It doesn't matter if the other lion opens his mouth. If he has no money, he will just find a reason to kick her away.

However, compared to the maid, this 'little' fat man who doesn't look too smart is a little less friendly.

He directly threw Sister A far away.


My sister was screaming crazily in the air, clawing at random with her hands and feet.

Li Yunxiao was really startled and jumped up to catch the man.

The elder sister was still in shock. She used her hands and feet to wrap around the boy's thigh like an octopus. She saw that her nose and tears were about to come out, and she wanted to press her face up.

In the end, it took a lot of effort from Li Yunxiao to get it open.

The sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling attracted many people passing by, and their melon-eating nature made them all flock around.

Li Yunxiao frowned and said coldly: "Brother, you have gone too far."

This guy doesn't think that he is giving up by calming down, so he wants to slap his nose on his face, right?
He was clearly worried about the other person's life.

(End of this chapter)

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