Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 98: Reject juvenile aesthetics!Unless you add money!

Chapter 98: Reject juvenile aesthetics!Unless you add money!

"Didn't you say you don't know me? How come you still know Brother E?" Sister A asked, feeling that she had been deceived.

Li Yunxiao also had something to say, "I don't know you, and I didn't say I didn't know Hou Qing Shizu."

"Then you look like Hou Qing's apprentice?"


"Didn't you say you learned the corpse control technique from him?"

Li Yunxiao shrugged, "It's just an exchange. I also taught him some things he wanted to learn."

He looked up and down, then pretended to be disdainful and said, "And you little brat, you just put a name on yourself that you heard from nowhere."

"You are as tall as Zhu Yougui, how can you be the sister of the Corpse Ancestor? It's a joke!"

When Sister heard this, her little face bulged like a frog, "You! You are so angry! You are the corpse ancestor Ying Gou!"

Li Yunxiao didn't take it seriously at all. Yinggou was Yinggou, and Ajie was Ajie. They had the same body and two souls, strictly speaking they were two people.

As soon as I saw her, she was pretending to be powerful because of some shared memories.

I opened the package directly in person and started rummaging through it.

But what was inside made him frown.

There must be more than 20 sealed small blood jars at least.

Are you sure this is your sister?What grudge do you have with Hou Qing?
Fortunately, his Crying Blood Record had no weaknesses, otherwise he would have had to avoid it.

Fortunately, the other party didn't succeed last night.

Even if he wasn't afraid of this thing, he didn't want to be splashed with blood.

Even if that thing is bloody, it would be okay.

The rest of the bag was even more messy, including suonas, bricks, smoke, and everything else.

Good guy, what do you want to do?

These old things are not too heavy, which means they have some cultivation.

If I were a child, I would feel crushed to death.

Precisely and elegantly, under Sister's staring gaze, Li Yunxiao picked up a large gold ingot from the gap with his fingertips.

With such a peak in your hand, you have to have dozens of taels no matter what. If you exchange it for silver, it would be several hundred taels, which is no longer a small amount.

"These will be considered as my mental damages, okay?" Li Yunxiao said casually.

In terms of compensation, he really just wanted to get some money and get over it.

As for the martial arts, Li Yunxiao was not very interested.

After all, people have problems with cultivation, and he doesn't dare to try.

And even if it was money, he didn't ask for much.

A piece of gold may be unattainable for ordinary people in this life, but for Ying Gou, who is the corpse ancestor, it can only be said to be a drop in the bucket.

Of course, he didn't dare to ask for too much.

If someone really makes someone anxious and activates the fierce master Ge Ying's hook, he will be in trouble.

"Here you go! Here you go! Untie me!" Seeing that Li Yunxiao only took one piece, Sister A felt happy and shouted without hesitation.

She still has a lot of this stuff at the bottom of her package, so there’s no shortage of it at all!

She, sister, is as rich as money!
Li Yunxiao did keep his promise and did not embarrass his sister.

Step forward, untie the acupoints that seal the internal energy, and then loosen the restraints.

However, when she got closer, Sister A seemed to suddenly sense something. She directly brought her face up and smelled his chest.

His movements were like those of a crazy man.


Li Yunxiao was shocked and jumped away reflexively.

His expression is even more complicated and strange. How can you take advantage of him?

Outsiders don't know, how can he still be unclear?

Even though he is not tall, he seems to be a few rounds older than him due to his age.He is probably second only to his corpse ancestor Fupo Jiangchen.

Li Yunxiao considers himself not a single-minded good man, but he also doesn’t reject anyone who comes!

With a loli body shape, he is not that wicked.

Reject juvenile aesthetics and start with him.

And no matter how you say they are 'good sisters' holding hands with Jiangchen, he still has a bottom line, okay?

Unless you have to pay more!
Anyway, just a few dozen taels of gold won't do.

However, Sister A didn't have any special reaction. She sniffed it carefully again, and after going through it in her mind, she was shocked and said, "How come you smell like that old woman on your body?"

"Old woman?" Li Yunxiao responded tentatively with a strange face, "You mean, surrender?"

"That's right! It's her!"

Good guy.

Li Yunxiao couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

What nose is this?
After traveling for so many days, he has already taken a shower several times!I even changed my clothes, but I can still smell it?
He didn't know Yinggou's soul, but sister's soul was definitely the reincarnation of Roaring Sky Dog, right?

Kind of outrageous.

"Me?" Li Yunxiao tilted his head slightly and said straightforwardly, "I am her man. You can also understand it as my husband."

"Strictly speaking, you have to call me brother-in-law."

Although the generals have said not to publicize it, the four great corpse ancestors are considered their own family in a sense, so there is no need to be taboo.

"Hahahaha!" Sister A burst out laughing, kicked up her legs, and tried her best to ridicule, "That old woman actually started looking for a man, and even gave the old cow some tender grass! It's so funny! I thought I would. She will be alone all her life!"

Li Yunxiao listened to all the words quietly, smiled and said softly: "Next time we meet, I will convey the truth truthfully."

As soon as the words fell, the smile on Sister's face froze. Thinking of the scheming old woman's methods, she couldn't help but shudder, and said stiffly: "Is it okay if you don't say anything? Jin Jin will let you pick another one."

Li Yunxiao did not respond, but directly helped him untie the rope.

"you can go now."

"Uh, don't leave!" Ajie shook her head like a rattle?
Li Yunxiao frowned, "What? Do you want to fight back?"

He has always taken advantage of others, how could there be any reason for others to take advantage of him? !
"Well, I have to follow you to find the old woman!" Sister A immediately explained.

That old woman is the most thoughtful, she must know where that boy Hou Qing usually stays!

"But I still have something to do and I don't plan to go back to the surrender. It's useless for you to follow me."

Li Yunxiao explained and declined politely.

To be honest, he didn't want the other party to follow.

It's not that I'm afraid that my sister will do something wrong, but I'm worried that Yinggou's personality will come out.

In terms of true combat power, this person is the strongest among the four great zombie ancestors.

In terms of temperament, it is even more heavyweight!
To put it in a popular way, the title "The Endless Sea of ​​Hell" means that it is a sea of ​​people killed, and as far as the eye can see, the heads can be seen as far as the eye can see.

This shows how bloodthirsty and cruel he is?

If you put this thing next to you, it will be an irregular super bomb, which may blow up your opponent or yourself.

Li Yunxiao is now in the early stages of becoming a great emperor and has just reached the threshold of being a powerful person in the world.

According to the fact that Jiang Chen is in the late stage of the Great Celestial Rank, almost perfect, and the other party is still above it, his cultivation level is definitely in the realm of God Xiao.

Beating yourself must not be as easy as beating your son.

He didn't want to cause more trouble.

But when you encounter some people or things, they are like dog-skin plasters that cannot be shaken off.

"No problem, you will go back eventually! Just keep walking with you!" Sister A jumped off the chair and twisted her waist, which was numb after sitting all night.

There is a saying that is good!
A good meal is not afraid of being late!

The same goes for revenge!As long as she takes revenge on Little Blue Drops like never before in this life!
Xiaolan will definitely understand her difficulties!

(End of this chapter)

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