Chapter 97 Why don’t you look like my brother?

What's the situation?

The mist has been removed, shouldn't there be assassins?
Li Yunxiao turned his head left and right, but there was no sign of anyone else lurking.

Then he looked down at Sister A, who was lying on the ground.

The blood jar is the same as in the anime, and it also holds a tube that looks like a smoke tube.

Surprised in my heart.

Could it be that Sister is the one who wants to do evil things?
The reason why we directly concluded that the person coming was Ajie and not Yinggou was because how could a normal person perform the operation that Mi Yan did?That's too cool.

However, I have never had any contact with Sister A?

How could she be targeted?

It is also said in the anime that Ajie also has this hobby, right?

Li Yunxiao was very confused.

However, it is not advisable to stay in the smoke here for a long time.

Without much hesitation, he dragged the person back to the room.

He had to figure out Sister A's purpose first, so as not to make any outrageous moves.

After all, if you can be a thief for a thousand days, how can you guard against a thief for a thousand days?
First, open the windows to ventilate and disperse the smoke density in the house.

Then he put Sister on a chair. Li Yunxiao was worried that she would explode, so he sealed her acupuncture points first. He then rummaged through the room and found a rope, which tied her to the chair.

After giving the guarding instructions to Zhipuppet and Xiaobai, Li Yunxiao took a nap.

No matter how good the fragrance was just now, he still inhaled a little bit, and it must have had some influence.


Three hours later, Sister A murmured, her mind spinning.

My body was even more stiff and uncomfortable.

What's the situation?

Didn't she book a soft bed room?Why is this still happening?

But the next moment, Sister A realized that she wanted revenge.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and the perspective was extremely unfamiliar.

He wanted to move, but found that he was tied tightly to the chair.

She struggled with all her strength, but found that although the rope was not very thick, the method of tying it was very particular, and she could not use any strength at all.

At this time, Sister A was completely panicked and shouted at the top of her lungs: "Help! Someone has kidnapped the child!"

The high-pitched voice directly woke Li Yunxiao up.

After midnight, the weak drug in his body had long since dissipated.

"Stop screaming! I, the victim, haven't said anything yet!" Li Yunxiao complained.

As soon as she saw the young man's figure, my sister became even more excited.

"You! Xiao Lan, who shaved his forehead! I'm going to shave my forehead on you too!"

Li Yunxiao couldn't figure it out at all, but Xiaohong knew that sister raised mosquitoes.

What the hell is Xiao Lan?

Could it be that he was also a mosquito and was accidentally killed by himself?

Then what a disaster for him!
After all, who would notice this?
I was about to explain, but my sister's reaction was even more surprising.

"Huh? Don't you look like my brother?!"

Sister A opened her mouth wide and stared.

Hou Qing came to her a while ago and said that he had learned a song called "Mitian" Biji Aimu and wanted to compete with her in terms of spelling. She didn't want to compete, so the other party "deliberately" trampled Xiaolan and her compatriots to death. It was simply What a heinous crime!
That's why she decided to kill her relatives out of justice!
It's just that the boy ran too fast and didn't know where he was going, so she had to try her luck to find him along the way!

Yesterday I happened to catch a glimpse of this man from a distance in the city. He was dressed in white and smelled of death, so I thought he was it.

Because of this, she will follow him all the way for revenge!
Originally, she thought the black hair was just a poor disguise.

But after taking a closer look at the appearance of the person in front of me, I was shocked to realize that it was not the case.

This man is much prettier than her brother!And there is no iconic 666 on the eyebrows.

After hearing Sister A's words, Li Yunxiao also reacted.The other party mistook him for Hou Qing.

Is it similar?
Li Yunxiao was a little confused, he must be much more handsome, right?
And the makeup is not as showy as white hair and tattooed eyebrows.

Thinking of what Sister A said before about killing Xiaolan, Li Yunxiao understood that he was taking the blame for Hou Qing.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

No wonder, the blood jars outside are probably specially designed to deal with Hou Qing's Qixuelu, right?

Sure enough, Shi Zusan is full of stars, and Ju is a pile of shit.

We can't let two or more of them get together.

Otherwise, all kinds of messy things will happen!
Could it be that Jiangchen had foreseen this and took the lead in breaking away from the Xuanming Sect and letting everyone separate?

Li Yunxiao rolled his eyes and said speechlessly: "I don't know you, how could he be your brother?"

"That's right! If that's the case, then just let me go!" Sister A smiled with a flattering look on her face.

"Not yet."

Li Yunxiao refused categorically.


"You made me unable to sleep well in the middle of the night, so you have to give me some compensation, right?" Li Yunxiao said lightly.

What he was afraid of was Shizu Yinggou, not a tease like Sister A.

Wouldn't it make him look cowardly to give in directly?
"What compensation do you want?"

"Think to yourself, if it's too bad, I won't let you go, and I will even package it up for you and sell it in a brothel. The madam will definitely like a girl with a good foundation like you."

Li Yunxiao made a threatening expression with a sinister expression.

As expected, Sister A was tricked, so she quickly closed her eyes and kicked her short legs.

He screamed like a slaughtering pig, "No, no, no! You're rich! Don't sell your money!"

Thinking of Sister A's generosity in the anime, Li Yunxiao thought, "Okay, let's take a look. How many are there?"

"The luggage is next door. Please let me go and I'll get it for you." Sister volunteered and was very positive.

But how could this little calculation be hidden from Li Yunxiao?

Ignoring the fawning look on his face, he stood up and walked outside.

Seeing this, Ajie began to crawl up unwillingly again, trying to take the opportunity to escape.

But she hasn't made any progress yet.The corpse puppet that had always been standing by the wall strode forward directly, its eyes faintly exposed under the visor.

Sister was so frightened that she suddenly said hello awkwardly, "Hi"

When Li Yunxiao came in carrying his sister's heavy package, he saw this Mu, and immediately understood that he wanted to abandon the car to save the handsome man and escape.

However, he had already given the order to the corpse puppet in advance, so it was impossible to run away.

"How did you make this dead man move?" Sister asked proactively.

"Can you tell this is a dead person?"

My sister shrank her neck with disgust on her face, "I can't tell, but it smells like death!"

Smells like death?

Li Yunxiao was stunned.

Obviously after Jiangchen's special treatment, there is no smell at all!
No matter whether he was lurking in front of Emperor Hades or Yuan Tiangang, he was not noticed at the beginning!
However, when I thought about it, I could understand that Sister A could find Hou Qing by smell.

My sister’s nose is sharper than that of a dog, and it’s impossible to judge by common sense.

"Are you talking about corpse control? Of course I learned it."

"With whom?"

"Zombie Ancestor Hou Qing." Li Yunxiao didn't hide anything, and there was no need to hide it.

He had to thoroughly explain the similarities between himself and Hou Qing, so that his sister wouldn't have another seizure later and think of him as her wronged brother and figure out how to kill him.

You must know that under this personality, Ajie's memory is very confused, and she is prone to unexpected situations.

(End of this chapter)

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