Chapter 96: Get up and see Sister A!
The girl raised her nose and sniffed twice.

He muttered inexplicably: "It smells like death, it seems () this is it!"

However, there was another smell that caught her attention more.

The dark red eyes rolled around, and then locked directly on the big elbow on the guest table on the first floor.

He swallowed unpromisingly.

He walked quickly to the stage and said in a strange voice: "What kind of rooms do you have here?"

When the waiter heard this, he thought he was here for business, but when he looked up, he saw that she was a cute-looking girl who was only a few years old. She asked, "Where are your adults?"

"Just one!"

"You little brat, I don't have the money to go over there." The waiter at the shop was disappointed and waved his hand.

He didn't want to waste time getting stuck with children.

However, the girl didn't seem to hear it.

Then he said carelessly: "Give me a room with a soft bed! Plus a table of fine banquets! You must have () big elbows!"

"I told you, little brat, to stay away!" The waiter was very impatient and yelled.

The hand originally placed on the table was also intended to be raised to ask the person away.

But as soon as he left some gaps, he was slapped by the girl and pressed down hard.

The waiter wanted to yell, but when he saw the golden and heavy thing pressed on the back of his hand, his mind went blank.

The girl plucked her ears twice, stood on tiptoe on the stool, and her face was full of beauty, with a kind of beauty that was about to come out.

"You! What did you just say?"

The waiter's jaw was so shocked that it almost dislocated, but he had to use his other hand to hold it back.

He stammered: "No, I didn't say anything."

His gaze could not bear to shift from the gold.

"Little sister, no! Living ancestors! You have a lot! Just treat me like a fart!" The waiter in the shop fully demonstrated his ability to bend and stretch, showing a flattering smile.

He doesn’t hesitate to admit someone who is weak, and he is worthy of a profession where he often interacts with others.

The girl had no interest in taking it as a fart, but repeated forcefully, "A soft bed room and a fine banquet with big elbows!"

"It must be arranged! There must be an elbow! Just wait a moment, ancestor! Your room is in the fourth room on the right on the second floor!"

The waiter nodded in agreement, and at the same time put the gold into his arms at lightning speed. At the same time, he looked left and right and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that he was not noticed.

The innkeeper of their inn doesn't care much. As long as he is careful enough, he might be able to hide the gold and make a fortune!

"Would you like me to help you carry your luggage?"

"Watch the steps ahead!"

"If you need anything, you must tell me!"

The waiter in the shop was so attentive that he really seemed to regard the girl as an ancestor.

That piece of gold was enough to buy half of their inn.

The little girl didn't know which family she was rich in, and she had no concept of money at all.

He pretended to be stupid even if the other party didn't mention the change, but the service must be in place, otherwise his conscience would be completely troubled.

In the room, Li Yunxiao vaguely heard the sound next door and knew that someone was staying.

But he didn't care about this kind of thing that he was accustomed to.

How could there be so many things?
Sitting cross-legged on the bed, he continued to practice to pass the time.

After being promoted to the Great Heavenly Position, although the upper limit of attributes he could obtain at one time has not changed, the speed of his self-cultivation has increased a lot.

Even if he doesn't use Golden Finger, if he keeps going like this, he can eventually become a powerful person who surrenders to the position of God in the Sky.

As long as you don't die, you'll be done for a lifetime.Who made him become a great emperor at a too young age!

The 16-year-old has a great position. Among the characters in the entire world of bad guys, except for Yelu Zhiwu, who is the absolute top talent in Mobei's combat power, this achievement should be unmatched by anyone.

This is not because Li Yunxiao is being modest, but because that naturally silly girl with no shoes and dirty feet is just too fierce!
You know, the strength positioning of Sanqianyuan is a big one. Even if it is not in the later stage, it must be in the early to mid-term.

Unexpectedly, he couldn't even survive a single move in Yelv Zhiwu's hands.

According to the performance in the anime, it can be said that he is at the peak of the Great Heaven, or even the God Xiao.

Moreover, her father is Yelu Abaoji from the second film, and she and Li Xingyun are sworn brothers. It can be seen that Yelu Zhiwu is almost ten years younger than Li Xingyun.

Even so, the opponent was able to completely torture Li Xingyun, who had practiced the new version of the Nine Nether Xuantian Divine Art. Even when he was obsessed, he was still awesome enough.

At least Li Yunxiao was convinced.

And you must know that his cultivation base is basically based on the invincible golden finger, while Yelu Zhiwu was trained by himself.

It is simply no ordinary hanging.

I feel like in this regard, even Yuan Tiangang can do it, right?

After all, the reason why Gangzi is awesome is because he can live. It seems that martial arts talent has not been mentioned with much emphasis. For more than 300 years, as long as a person with excellent martial arts qualifications can reach the level of a normal person, even a peerless genius cannot achieve achievements.

And strictly speaking, the opponent is not a warrior at all, but a warlock!
A physically invincible warlock, well, there's nothing wrong with that.

But even though there are many strong people in this world, Li Yunxiao still believes that one day he can be the best in the world.

But when there is no more wool left to pluck out, you will have to walk your own way forward, right?

Li Yunxiao practiced seriously, and time slipped by unknowingly.

At night, he fell into a deep sleep with the fatigue of the day.

I do not know how long it has been.

The door of room No. [-] next door was quietly opened, and a sneaky short figure tiptoed to Li Yunxiao's door.

Through the faint light in the corridor, you can see the little girl in the daytime. She has a small jar with a seal attached to it in one hand and a small tube-like thing in the other.

He dipped his index finger on his tongue twice and wiped it on the window. Then he penetrated the thin tube through the window paper and blew in a lot of smoke powder.

Then he muttered, "This is a drug I bought with a lot of money. One tube of it can knock down twenty cows. I don't believe you can still escape!"

"I asked you to kill Edi Xiaolan! I will make you pay with your life!"

I thought that I would soon use this treasure to kill my enemy.

The little girl took two breaths of joy.

Directly push all the smoke left in the tube down your throat.

In less than three seconds, before her brain could react, the person fell down.


The jar that fell on the ground was broken into pieces, and it was a little black in the dark color, but it could still be seen that it was blood.

The crisp sound of broken ceramics made Li Yunxiao wake up in an instant, and he was a little confused.

Holding the light in hand, he walked outside.

When he was approaching the door, Li Yunxiao smelled something not quite right. He quickly held his breath, his heart full of vigilance.

Years of experience had conditioned him to do so, and he was not affected much at all.

He hung the oil lamp next to the door, summoned his inner strength, and suddenly opened the door.

He was about to teach the blind thief a lesson, but when he saw it, he saw a little girl sleeping on the ground in front of him.

After seeing his appearance clearly, Li Yunxiao was stunned.

Get up.

I actually saw Ying Gou (sister)! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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