Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 95 I will never like it!Mmm, it smells so good!

Chapter 95 I will never like it!Mmm, it smells so good!

"How is it? Do you still like it?"

"I invented this after a long time of research!"

Li Yunxiao showed off.

"Who would like this kind of thing!!!" Jiangchen's voice suddenly rose to a higher level.

Moreover, what kind of invention is this kind of thing?

Although I don’t know what those small balls with strings are for, you can tell what they are by looking at the big strips!
Thinking about it, if they can be put together, they will definitely not be good things!

"Don't be so decisive! Maybe you'll like it." Li Yunxiao scratched his head.

Picking up a bead from it, "This one is different from the ordinary ones."

After that, the demonstration started.

Li Yunxiao placed the bead in Jiangchen's palm, and the sudden numbness made him retract his hand as if on conditioned reflex.

It was like being electrocuted.

"Is this?" Jiang Chen was stunned.

Seeing this, Li Yunxiao smiled proudly, "You feel it? This is the internal power of Jiuyou Xuanyin Thunder Technique, which can simulate the same effect."

"I saw that you liked it a lot, so I specially made a few for you."

Jiangchen: "!!!"

What do you mean when you like that? !

She doesn't like it!no way!

Jiangchen was originally reluctant to leave because the young man was about to leave and disappeared, wishing he could slap him to death.

But it's more shame than real anger.

"Take them all away!" Jiang Chen gritted his teeth.

His hands moved even faster, and he was about to drop the box when he lifted it.

Li Yunxiao quickly took it carefully. This was a piece of work carved by him, so nothing could happen to it!

He curled his lips and complained: "You really don't know the goods, this is a priceless treasure."

He wasn't exaggerating, he was telling the truth.

Although this kind of item was not too rare in ancient times, it could not resist his meticulous craftsmanship.

None of these objects were directly forged. The insides were all hollowed out and inlaid with fine jade and polished into a unified shape.

Impeccable in every way.

What's more, it also has the function of discharging electricity. Based on this alone, his works have already dominated the sex toy market in the Tang Dynasty.

As for the principle.

It was Li Yunxiao who used the special material given by Jiangchen to store internal force and partially conduct electricity, and turned the weak internal force of Jiuyou Xuanyin's thunder method into a solution and injected it into the hollow object, thereby continuously generating electricity.

After his unremitting practice, he finally knew how to maintain the electric touch within the range that the human body can bear, which is basically the same effect as when he casts lightning.

The only drawback is that it can't be turned off, and the internal energy inside won't be injected for long.

But it doesn't matter, he has seen Jiang Chen racking his brains these days studying the fusion of Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Art and Wu Lei Tianxin Jue.

Then he directly passed on the formula of Jiuyou Xuanyin Thunder Technique to her.

The thing synthesized by Golden Finger can be said to be the best combination. It is definitely better than what Jiangchen himself spent time and effort to create, and there is no risk.

He is not stingy when it comes to his women.

Besides, even the Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Art was given to me by Jiangchen in the first place, and I have asked him to do so many things, so there must be some reward.

It doesn't matter even if its strength may become stronger as a result.

He doesn't have the masculinity of feudal society and thinks that men must be stronger than women.

Doesn’t he enjoy the days when a rich woman is taking care of him?
It can be said that he has taken too many detours in his life because of his rich wife, and he has become very familiar with it.

Anyway, Jiang Chen promised that he would never give this skill to anyone, so she can practice it however she wants.

This way, you can have a self-sufficient charging item after you leave.

After listening to Li Yunxiao's general introduction to the product, Jiangchen's eyelids jumped.According to the principle, this thing is even more powerful when used to make weapons!
As long as it is detonated by realizing the stored internal force and adding gunpowder, it will probably be more powerful than the things that Welder tinkered with all day long.

But she never expected that this boy would use her precious materials to do such a thing!

It's really hateful!
Feeling Jiang Chen's contempt for his little invention, Li Yunxiao poured out all these things.

"What are you going to do?!" Jiang Chen was shocked and almost jumped up from his chair.

Li Yunxiao picked it up casually and said with a smile, "Of course, true knowledge comes from practice."

At this moment, in Jiang Chen's eyes, the young man's flawless and handsome face looked like a demon.

Even as a late-stage Great Celestial Being, she was completely panicked, "Don't come over!!!"

That night, for some reason, there were always fish jumping up and flapping their tails on the lake outside Xuandu Wu.

The next day, Jiangchen put away all the props carefully with a red face, and finally sent away this evil enemy.

Li Yunxiao first went to the Huanyinfang stronghold closest to here, packed up another small prop, and ordered someone to deliver it to Fanyintian on the grounds that the mission was confidential.

She is also his own woman, so of course he will not favor one over the other.

If the materials weren't so rare, Li Yunxiao would have wanted to mass-produce them.

I believe you will be able to make a lot of money.

He remembered that he saw a buddy on the video platform in his previous life. He graduated and specialized in sexy lingerie design. He made hundreds of millions and was a role model.

Finally, Li Yunxiao embarked on the road to Miao territory.

It wasn't an important task, so I didn't ride a horse, but just went sightseeing.

When you encounter a place you don’t want to stay, a few Qinggong exercises won’t make you any slower.

But in troubled times, no matter how beautiful the mountains and rivers are, they can't conceal the ways of the world.

Along the way, Li Yunxiao encountered too many deceivers.

If he doesn't want to take his own life, he will teach him a lesson.

He doesn't care whether he is forced by life or not, and will kill all those who are seeking wealth and killing them in his own way.

As the gold medal killer of Huanyinfang, Li Yunxiao cannot be a virgin.

Today's world cannot be turned around by random acts of kindness.

He can't save them one by one. He won't do such a thankless job.

It's better to send them to a new life. If they are reincarnated into a wealthy family, it will be better than the suffering in this life.

After experiencing an extremely unreasonable thing like time travel, Li Yunxiao felt that the so-called reincarnation might be true.

In troubled times, he just wants to be alone and protect the people he cares about.

The rest is not important.

"Store, are there any rooms available?"

When it got dark, Li Yunxiao found an inn in the city to rest.

The probability of such illegal stores in the city is much smaller than those in the wilderness, but it is not impossible.

But after review and judgment, I felt there was nothing wrong with it.

"There are regular rooms and upper-class rooms! What do the two guests want?" the waiter asked as he looked at Li Yunxiao and the corpse behind him.

"Come for a nice one."

He came here to have fun, not to suffer, so he was chosen naturally.

"Okay, you two guests, please come inside! It's the third room from the right when you go upstairs!"

Li Yunxiao nodded, took the number plate and walked up.

However, he just left with his front foot.

A little girl jumped into the Houji Inn.

She had black hair tied into two hanging pigtails, and she was carrying a full cloth bag that was almost as big as hers.

(End of this chapter)

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